Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2409: question

Song Qingshu quickly said, "Something happened to Na Ya'a!"

"What?" Hearing what he said, Li Chimei couldn't help being surprised. You must know that Na Ya'a is the important minister in the court, the commander of Xue Xuejun, and is also responsible for Temuzhen's guard work. His status and status are a bit higher than him. .

In addition, on weekdays, there are a few people who don't see and bow their heads to see each other, which is considered to be a lot of friendship. How can he not be surprised when he hears something wrong with Na Ya'a?

While waving his hand to let the people under his hand continue to hunt Guo Jing and others, he asked: "You make it clear, what happened to him?"

Song Qingshu looked embarrassed: "I don't know how to say it, but Khan wants to kill him, I am afraid that his life will not be saved this time." He does not know the specific plan of Hai Lost, but guesses that the time to close the net is almost right now. Catching the thief and the stolen goods, catching-rape and catching the double, is it possible to let the two of them divide their things afterwards?

"Where? Take me there!" Li Chimei didn't talk nonsense, planning to see what happened in person.

Song Qingshu took Li Chimei all the way to the Bayin Inn. Both of them were the best in the world, and they arrived soon. They found that the outside of the inn had already been surrounded by soldiers. Li Chimei recognized that these were all Da Khan's most trusted guard, couldn't help but sigh. Shouldn't Da Khan be healed in the palace at this time? How could he appear here.

"Sweat has orders, no one is allowed to go in!" Li Chimei was about to pass, who knew she was stopped by the guard at the door.

"Bastard! Don't you even know me?" Li Chimei was suddenly angry.

A head of the guard rushed to hear the news, recognized him, and hurriedly dispersed his men: "It turns out to be Mr. Li, and Mr. is certainly not an outsider." Li Chimei is Da Khan’s most trusted master, Ke Qing, who had saved his life in Da Khan back then. Of course, the two are both monarchs and ministers as well as friends. Of course, they cannot be treated as ordinary people.

"What's going on inside?" Li Chimei hurriedly asked.

The leader looked embarrassed: "I can't say this, just go in and see by yourself, sir."

Song Qingshu watched coldly, thinking that it seemed that Na Ya A Pingli was not too bad at his subordinates. This person didn't say anything on the surface, but let Li Chimei enter, just because he meant to ask him to help intercede.

Li Chimei didn't care too much, and ran into it in a hurry, followed by Song Qingshu.

After entering the restaurant, I faintly heard Na Ya'a coming from the backyard

The voice begging for mercy: "Sweat, I was confused for a while, please see me forgiving me this time for my many years of credit!"

Li Chimei was shocked. As one of the four largest households, Na Ya'a, who has always been a profligate friend and favored by a great sweat, would have to cut his position and reduce his fiefdom even if he committed a big thing, how could it be so troublesome? Field? And Na Ya'a begged like this, obviously because he thought there was no way to survive.

Regardless of the lack of manners in front of the temple, he directly performed his light work and rushed to the backyard. What caught your eye was Temujin standing in the field with a pale face, while Na Yaa knelt under his feet and kept kowtow. The floor tiles had already been kowtow The blood stains show how sincere and sincere his plea is.

Li Chimei was about to speak, Temujin made a quick move, and grabbed Na Ya'a's head.

A painful scream sounded, and Na Yaa struggled desperately, but Tie Muzhen's hands were like the claws of a golden eagle, holding his head firmly, where could he break free?

"No, don't~" As Temujin's cronies, Na Ya'a stayed by his side for so long, she didn't know what it meant, and she was horrified for a while.

Temujin didn't respond at all. He directly transported the Heavenly Demon Dafa, Na Ya'a trembled all over, and at first the screams were extremely high, but afterwards the voice became smaller and smaller, and it didn't take long for him to lose his breath.

Song Qingshu's eyes condensed, and the scene in front of him was a bit horrified. Na Ya Aben was also a tall and burly man, but now he was deflated to the naked eye, just like an inflatable-doll was deflated.

Seeing Na Ya'a finally turned into a corpse, Song Qingshu was so knowledgeable and couldn’t help feeling cold on his back. This Tianma Dafa is really the most evil martial arts in the world, such as Beiming Magic Art and Star Absorbing Dafa. The effect of attracting people's internal power, but basically just sucking away your internal power, leaving you with no martial arts, but at least your life is still there. It's a big deal to be an ordinary person.

But this Heavenly Devil-Dharma not only **** out your internal strength, but also **** up your blood!

It's no wonder that when Guo Jing was still in Mongolia, Tiemu really didn't understand martial arts, and after just over ten years, he became a great master! It turned out to be sucked up all the way by this evil skill.

Li Chimei also swallowed. In recent years, he has captured many masters for Temujin to enjoy, but those people are often enemies of the country, or internal chaotic parties, but they are as high-powered as Na Ya'a. Rizhong

The heartbroken has never happened.

It made him feel a sense of sorrow when he was dead. He was about to ask what Na Ya'a had committed. Suddenly a woman rushed out of the house, and there were several eunuchs and palace ladies behind them desperately but failed to hold her back.

"No!" The woman ran to Na Ya'a frantically, and when she saw that he had become a corpse, she screamed, and she fainted.

Li Chimei recognized that the other party was Queen Hulan, thought of the scandal between her and Naya's back then, combined with the location of the inn now, and roughly guessed what was going on, and swallowed it back when she wanted to ask.

But another question arose in his heart, did Na Ya'a have the courage of the bear heart and leopard, even a woman who was sweating dared to move.

At this time, Tie Muzhen stared coldly at Empress Hulan, who had fainted on the ground, with murderous in his eyes, but he didn't give an order for a long time, obviously hesitated in his heart.

After a long time, he waved his hand: "Take her back. From today, you are not allowed to meet anyone without my order. In addition, if something happens to her during this period, you people will be buried together!"

"Yes~" The group of eunuchs and palace ladies were terrified, and hurriedly helped Queen Hulan who had fainted back to the palace.

After finishing all these arrangements, Tie Muzhen turned his head, his eyes fell on Li Chimei Song Qingshu and the two of them, with a trace of displeasure on their faces. Obviously no man wanted to be seen by others in the green scene.

"Who let them in just now?" Temujin asked coldly, and someone had stepped forward to tell him.

Li Chimei was taken aback, and hurriedly wanted to speak for the general. Who knows Temu Jinri ignored him, and said directly: "Blazing against my orders and killing that man, and the few soldiers who were there who did not stop him, Kill them together, let everyone understand who should be responsible for such things in the future!"

"Yes!" The samurai had already gone to execute the execution, and the rest of the people in the field were quiet.

Even Li Chimei feels cold sweat is coming from behind. There is a saying among the Han people that he is like a tiger with a gentleman, and he finally realized it today.

Temujin's eyes moved to Song Qingshu: "I heard that you Jona Ya'a came here last night?"

Seeing everyone looking at him, Song Qingshu couldn't help but greet the female relatives of Hai Lost and the whole family. Didn't this woman say that he didn't involve him, why did she walk him in?

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