Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2412: New approach

Song Qingshu smiled slightly and recalled the situation at that time. The master of King Kong and Xuanming were ready to go inside to perform their merits. He looked at the backs of the three of them with worry on the surface, but in fact it was a secret-transmitting warning:

"If you still want the antidote for the Three Corpse Brain Pill, don't talk nonsense later!"

I defeated them several times in the Lingjiu Palace and other places but did not kill them, but worried that they would be backlashed in the future because of the benevolence of women, so they took the Three Corpse Brain God Pill to control them. I didn't expect it to be true at the critical time. Used it.

The King Kong Sect Master suddenly heard his voice, and they couldn't help being so scared. They were a little scared of him before. The other day they saw him fighting against the three great masters with their own eyes, and they were able to leave unharmed. , If there was a little thought to resist before, after that night, the thought of resisting at all would not arise.

Hearing his instructions to enter the secret, although the few people didn't know where he was, they didn't dare to violate it in the slightest, so they opened the soldiers to the back door first, and then only a few of them went in.

When they arrived inside, they stared with Guo Jing and his group. Yang Guo and the others were ready to take action, but they said that there was no one inside, making everyone stunned.

Even after the Mongolian soldiers left, they still had lingering fears, because they didn't understand what they wanted to do, and they planned to leave here before talking. Fortunately, Shan Yuru kept persuading everyone to stay here.

Song Qingshu roughly explained the reason for it before everyone else suddenly realized. Gongsun Lue, who has been with Yang Guo, couldn't help but exclaimed: "Big Brother Song, you are really capable. Even masters like King Kong Sect Master and Xuan Ming will listen to your instructions. ."

Yang Guo was a little nervous on the side. Although he might not really like Gongsun Lue, it was certain that he had a good impression of each other during this period, and all the previous encounters were completely frightened, fearing that the woman next to him would also be snatched away.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and did not respond too much. He also noticed Yang Guo's nervous expression. He couldn't just catch a family of wool.

He quickly changed the subject and asked Shan Yuru: "Why would you be with them?" You must know that Shan Yuru and Fu Yaohong were identifiable, and that they had not been out of the city with them before.

"We also followed in secret. Seeing something happened at the gate of the city, we tried to save ourselves." Shan Yuru replied.

Hong Qigong also said: "I was chased by Mongol Tartars before. If they hadn't shown up and drew a lot of chasing soldiers, we might not have gotten here so smoothly.

"So that's it," Song Qingshu continued with a sigh, "Unfortunately, it will be even more difficult to send you out of the city. The warrant for leaving the city will definitely be investigated, and this road will not work in the future."

Guo Jing and others were also frowning, knowing that it was hard to come up with this method of pretending to be a Hushang before going out of the city.

At this moment, the old naughty boy Zhou Botong's voice suddenly sounded: "Brother Song, aren't you the magic that will lift people into the sky? Last time I was in Jin Country, I saw you flying in the sky with Huang Rong in my arms."

Song Qingshu's eyes lit up. After being in this world for a long time, I have become accustomed to the way of thinking in this world. I forgot that I am a transcender. Science is power. I can make a hang gliding wing and fly out.

I was about to say something, but found that everyone was watching him with extremely strange eyes, and also looked at Guo Jing from time to time.

Song Qingshu recalled Zhou Botong's last sentence. The cold sweat instantly came down, and he explained embarrassingly: "At that time, it was to save the Yellow Clan Lord. Hailing King's people were chasing us, so it is inevitable that we would have some physical contact..."

Guo Jing on the side also spoke: "Yes, Jin Guo was fortunate to be rescued by Brother Song that time, otherwise I would have died in a foreign land. In fact, I used cowhide to make similar hang gliding wings in the West Expedition. However, one can barely reduce the force of one person's fall. Even so, many people were killed at that time. Brother Song is still brilliant, and the hang gliding wing made can carry the weight of two people."

Hearing what he said, everyone was relieved. Only Li Mochou sneered secretly. She didn't know the virtue of this guy? There must be something with Huang Rong.

Song Qingshu also felt extremely uncomfortable, and hurriedly changed the topic: "I can indeed make hang gliding wings and fly out, but there is a problem. It must be at a high place to take off, and the wind must be in the right direction."

"Okay, okay, I've always wanted to learn this stuff but I haven't learned it yet." Zhou Botong kept clapping his hands and said with excitement.

Song Qingshu looked at the window with a look of embarrassment and looked at the night view outside, and said, "But this and Lincheng are located in the Mobei grassland. The terrain is very flat. There is a mountain range to the west, but it is outside the city and it is not useful at all. what."

Shan Yuru interrupted at this moment: "I know that there is a high ground with Lincheng, but it may not be usable."

"Where is it?" Song Qingshu asked, as the saying goes, clever women can't cook without rice, as long as there is a place, no matter how big the difficulty is, they can find a way to solve it.

Shan Yuru hesitated: "The highest terrain in Helin City should be the Magician's Palace. There is also a high tower in the Magician's Palace. According to your description, it should be very suitable for the take-off of that gliding wing."

"Magic Palace?" Now Song Qingshu has some headaches. Pang Ban's lair, sending so many people out under his nose, I'm afraid it's more difficult than climbing to the sky.

It's a pity that I was seriously injured, otherwise I would fly across the sky and lead someone to the sky.

"Take me to take a look at it on the spot, and I'll make a decision at that time." Song Qingshu thought for a long time, and it must be impossible to do it behind closed doors. It is better to investigate and see if there are any loopholes that can be exploited.

"Okay~" Shan Yuru's eyes lit up, and it was natural to want to be with him. What's the meaning of being with this group of people? Except that Yang Guo is quite handsome, the others are too boring.

Song Qingshu got up and said to Guo Jing and others: "Although this place is not big, it is still a shelter at the moment. You will take a rest here."

Guo Jing and others responded, but Zhou Botong was eager to try: "I want to go, I want to go too, I also want to see how to do gliding... hang gliding."

Song Qingshu got a big head for a while, before he had time to say anything, Shan Yuru smiled and said, "Oh, old naughty boy, if you leave, they are hurt and tired. When something happens, who will protect Senior Hong? They." After spending time alone with the son, how could this mentally retarded child be a light bulb.

Zhou Botong scratched his scalp in embarrassment: "That's what I said, in case something happens to the old beggar, I won't be happy afterwards."

Song Qingshu smiled and said, "Old naughty boy, don't worry, I will slowly teach you how to make this hang gliding wing later."

"You are not allowed to lie to me, no, you have to pull the hook." Zhou Botong stretched out his fingers with excitement.

Song Qingshu had no choice but to pull the hook with him. Only then did he get away proudly. Shan Yuru hurriedly pasted him and deliberately took his arm before leaving.

He glanced at Li Mochou provocatively, who made this woman look so annoying every time he looked at her.

Li Mochou's face was cold, and he reached out to touch the Bingpo Silver Needle, but unfortunately it was already used up. When he looked up again, the two had disappeared, and the whole person was almost blown up. He whispered a good pair of dogs and men.

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