Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 2413: Extinction

Jin Bingyun was entrusted by Li Chimei to come to Shuiyue Dazong to see the situation. Before she got close, she saw two figures sneaking out from a distance. Seeing those familiar figures, she couldn't help but startled: "It's them?"

So she followed quietly, worrying about being discovered by the two, she didn't dare to get too close, and used her skill all the way to slow down her breathing, for fear of showing a little movement.

On the other side, Song Qingshu felt the soft body on his side, and couldn't help saying: "The leader is too tight on me, right."

"It's mainly for anger that Fairy Chi Lian." Shan Yuru smiled and loosened his arm naturally.

Song Qingshu thought that I would have more trouble in the future, but when I think about it, I don’t seem to have a good impression with Li Mochou, so I don’t have to worry about it at all: "I still have to thank the leader this time. I'm busy these days. Busy inside and out, I haven't had time to thank you yet."

Shan Yuru glanced at him rather resentfully: "The son is a leader, so it would be too far-fetched."

Song Qingshu smiled, "I will call you a single girl from now on."

Shan Yuru is still dissatisfied. This title is still too virgin, but she pays attention to advance and retreat, avoiding excessive coercion to cause discomfort to the other party, so she did not show anything: "The son does not need to thank you. I'm just assisting him. What's more, the son has a life-saving grace for me, so I naturally want to give back to him."

Song Qingshu was polite with her for a while, and then said, "I am afraid it will bother you to make hang gliders this time." Making hang gliders requires tools, materials and manpower. Naturally, he can't be used by so many people alone nowadays.

"Naturally, it's okay, but I hope the son will teach me how to do it." Shan Yuru is also full of curiosity. What is the magic kite that can let people fly in the sky?

Along the way, Song Qingshu explained to her the general appearance of the hang gliding wing and how to do it. After reaching the magician's palace, he finally explained it. Shan Yuru paused and said, "I'm eager to try it. I have to go back to find the materials and try it."

Song Qingshu was taken aback: "Aren't you going in?"

Shan Yuru shook his head: "Pang Ban and I belong to the same Sacred Sect. Although the cultivation methods are different, they are more or less connected. I enter the magician palace and it is easy to cause Pang Ban to feel.

Should, then it will hurt you, this time I will mainly bring you here. "

Song Qingshu knew that they had deep roots in the Three Sects and Six Sects of the Demon Sect, so he didn't feel embarrassed anymore: "Well, you go back and try to build a gliding wing. If you have any questions, then communicate with me in time. I will go in and investigate. Although he was injured, Princess Alan meticulously helped him heal his injuries during this period. Although he has not recovered, self-protection is fine.

"Be careful yourself." After Shan Yuru's request, he lifted up the light work and disappeared into the dark night.

Song Qingshu only then began to look at the magician palace not far away. The whole of the magician palace was black, and there was a mysterious and strange feeling under the curtain of night.

Seeing a tall tower rising from a distance, it is said that many masters of the Magician Palace will go to the top of the tower to watch the stars and meditate at night to help their cultivation breakthrough or something.

"Don't be so unlucky today that Pang Ban is meditating in it?" Song Qingshu didn't want to set a flag, but it was indeed possible.

However, thinking that Pang Ban was injured, he should be training in retreat now, the probability of appearing in the tower is not high, at most there will be other masters in the Magician Palace.

He quietly climbed over the wall of the Magician Palace. The Magician Palace is notoriously famous, and most people avoid it. Therefore, there are not as many guards as expected, but there should be a lot of bright and secret posts, so he has already sneaked into the skill. The point is full, otherwise I'm afraid it would have been discovered long ago.

Song Qingshu came to the bottom of the tower. There were two gatekeepers at the gate of the tower. The martial arts were not weak, but it was not difficult for him. He walked around behind, and flew up with a little tiptoe.

After checking several floors, Song Qingshu's brows frowned. Every few floors inside the tower, there are masters from the Magician Palace meditating in it. It's all alone. If you want to bring a lot of people here and fly out, don't be alarmed. It's impossible for the people inside, unless you can stop the masters in each tower at the same time, but is it possible?

Song Qingshu observed the surrounding terrain from the top of the tower again, and recorded the regularity of shifts between the bright and dark posts of the Magician Palace, before leaving quietly.

But as soon as he left the Magician's Palace, his figure stopped, and he looked warily at a shadowed corner.

"Your vigilance is too low. You have been followed for so long without knowing it." A tall figure walked out from the shadow corner, his face covered, but the familiar aura still made people know that he was Tongtian


Song Qingshu's gaze fell on another Qianying. It turned out that there was a white shadow standing in front of him. Jin Bingyun was holding his shoulders and restrained his acupuncture points. The long sword in his hand was just half out of the sheath. You can imagine what happened just now.

"Miss Jin, are you so interested in me?" Song Qingshu kept a distance from them and did not step forward. Now that he is injured, it is better to be vigilant when facing the Tongtian Witch.

"The whole people from Lincheng and Lincheng are looking for you. I didn't expect you to come to the Magician's Palace?" Jin Bingyun's cold voice was a little surprised. She just thought that this figure was a little familiar to follow. How could she know that the other party turned out to be Song Qingshu? .

"Is the most dangerous place the safest place?" Song Qingshu didn't want to reveal where he was hiding, so he became suspicious. "But the girl should be more concerned about her situation now?"

Jin Bingyun twisted her body and tried to struggle out, but unfortunately the opponent's hand seemed to be pressing on top of the mountain, and she couldn't break away at all: "Who is your Excellency?"

Even though the other party was a sneak attack, it was too terrifying to let her not even be able to use the sword.

"Go to the underworld and ask the King of Hades." Tongtian Wu grinned, his hand spit out, Jin Bingyun felt a terrible chill, and every cell in his body was telling her of extreme danger, but at this time her acupuncture points were restrained. , There is no resistance at all.

Is this the feeling of checkmate? It seems that I don't care about life as I always thought.

At this time, Jin Bingyun was even thinking about it.

"Wait!" Song Qingshu hurriedly stopped.

Tongtian Witch’s level of cultivation has already controlled his internal strength as he wants. When it comes to the palm of his hand, he doesn’t send it. He sneered at him and said, “Why, don’t you still have to bear it?”

Song Qingshu looked at him curiously: "Sometimes I wonder if you are a man at all, so you kill a beautiful woman like a fairy?"

Hearing him complimenting his beauty, Jin Bingyun's face turned red, thinking that this guy hates me, and every time he sees me, he runs away like a ghost.

Tongtian Wu snorted: "If you don't kill it like this, how can you kill it? You will never learn **** it before you kill it like a thief? If it is really like that, I despise you a little."

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