Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 279: Mysterious Man in Black

"Looking at your eyes dull and crazy in your speech before, I thought you had some witchcraft." The two of them were silent along the way. Yelu Nanxian was here to inquire about the news, so naturally he didn't want to go back directly like this.

"Others laughed at me as crazy, I laughed at others and couldn't see through." Song Qingshu didn't intend to explain, he just laughed and stalled.

"Where is Master Song going to help?" Yelu Nanxian asked directly, too lazy to circle with him.

"Wherever my good sister is, I will help whichever side is." Song Qingshu replied.

"Su Quan?" Yelu Nanxian thoughtfully, "In this way, we are not considered enemies."

"What?" Song Qingshu glanced at her curiously.

Yelu Nanxian smiled faintly: "It's nothing."

"Dare to ask if the girl was ever married?" Song Qingshu couldn't find anything along the way, so he asked freely.

"No," Yelu Nanxian stopped, staring at him calmly, "Why, are you interested?"

"It is estimated that you are out of the position of the wife," Song Qingshu shook his head, "If the girl doesn't mind, you can still be a concubine."

"Girls in the world, nine out of ten will get angry when they hear your words. Unfortunately, I am the one remaining." Yelu Nanxian replied.

"Young girls, laugh when they should laugh, or get angry when they are angry. It's not good for you to be so old-fashioned." Song Qingshu looked contemptuously.

"Maybe I am born more mature than others." Yelu Nanxian didn't care, and smiled lightly.

"What is the relationship between you and the wife of the leader of Shenlong Island?" Yelu Nanxian asked after a while.

"The relationship between men and women," Song Qingshu smiled, "Why, the girl also cares about these mundane things?"

"Just ask." Yelu Nanxian's face was as sinking as water, and he couldn't see the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

Before they knew it, the two of them had already returned to Song Qingshu's residence. Su Quan and Fang Yi had long been eager to see through, and they all showed delighted expressions when they saw him come back.

"You really miss our stallion on the prairie." Yelu Nanxian suddenly said quietly.

"Thank you for the compliment." Song Qingshu replied indifferently.

"Mrs. Hong, the situation on the island is extremely unfavorable for you now, haven't you considered leaving quietly?" Yelu Nanxian finally couldn't help but said when he saw Su Quan.

"Shenlong Island is my home, where can I go even if I leave?" Su Quan was obviously taken aback, but he answered politely.

"This Master Song is a prosperous official. His house in Yanjing City must be big enough, and his wife can go to him to avoid the limelight. I think Master Song will welcome this, isn't it, Master Song?" Yelu Nanxian looked at Song Qingshu. , The expression is a bit subtle.

Although Su Quan received Song Qingshu's experience, he has already recovered, but he still left a mark in his mind. He was very close to Song Qingshu unconsciously. When she heard her words, Su Quan said, "I don't dare to bother my good brother. It’s the best to solve the problem here."

"Since Madam thinks so, then I won't say much." Yelu Nanxian felt that the trip was very rewarding, and said contentedly, "Master Song, I won't bother you to rest, so let's say goodbye." The three of them answered, then turned and floated away.

"Fang Yi, you go out first, I have something to tell Song Qingshu." Seeing Yelu Nanxian leave, Su Quan's face suddenly became cold.

Originally, Fang Yi thought it was time to stand up and become the master, but seeing that Song Qingshu had no objection, she had to say a bit sadly: "Yes!"

When Fang Yi closed the door, Su Quan stared at Song Qingshu: "Smelly boy, have you done anything to me?"

"Sister, as a woman, you don't know if any man has done anything to you?" Song Qingshu said with a laugh.

"I... I didn't mean that," Su Quan said with a choked tone, hesitating for a moment, "Did you never hit me before."

"Do you want to hear the truth or the lie?" Song Qing's book stall spread his hands.

Su Quan's expression was cloudy and sunny, and finally said helplessly: "A lie!"

Song Qingshu smiled and approached her body and slowly stretched out his hand. Su Quan's body trembled, but after all, there was no response. He held her in his arms. Song Qingshu gently said: "My good sister, no matter what, I will Stand behind you and support you."

Su Quan's face changed and changed. In a short period of time, she had actually considered a lot. Su Quan was no longer a little girl full of fantasies about love. The things she considered were very practical. She knew that her life was hanging by a thread, and her only hope was in Song Qingshu. Since Song Qingshu was unwilling to dismantle, she was also happy to play a corresponding role. Leaning on the other's arms, Su Quan had a sense of dependence for the first time, and said in a daze, "Good brother, sister is actually naive, don't lie to me. "

"Don't worry, I am not the same as Hong Antong. The husband and wife are the same forest birds. The sentence of flying separately in the face of disaster does not work for me." Song Qingshu moved his head over and slowly moved closer to her lips.

Su Quan shrank back subconsciously, but Song Qingshu's hand was firmly against her. Seeing that it was inevitable, Su Quan sighed silently and slowly closed his eyes.

Seeing the two lips get closer and closer, a heart-piercing shout suddenly came from outside: "Song Master, help!"

The two woke up suddenly, Su Quan pushed him away at once. Song Qingshu had a black line. He had already heard that it was Yu Zhenzi's voice and felt that his footsteps were particularly hurried, so he quickly opened the door to find out.

I saw that Yu Zhenzi had lost the crown on his head, with a disheveled hair, and looked quite embarrassed.

"Master Song, save me!" Seeing him, Yu Zhenzi quickly hid behind him as if he had encountered a savior.

Song Qingshu was about to ask him what was going on. Before he could say anything, he stopped, because he already knew what was going on, only to see a middle-aged man with a dishevelled rushing towards him, it was the Xidu of the daytime martial arts competition. Ouyang Feng.

"Master Song, please help me, Hong Antong sent Ouyang Feng to kill me." Yu Zhenzi said panickedly behind him.

Song Qingshu frowned, and just promised to protect him thoroughly. If he left it at this time, Madam Yu would definitely be dead.

Seeing Song Qingshu, Ouyang Feng was also taken aback, and laughed randomly: "It happened to see you. I have been thinking about it for a few hours, and I have broken your swordsmanship."

Song Qingshu was horrified, but sneered and said, "It's not ashamed to say anything."

"Try it, you know?" Ouyang Feng didn't talk nonsense, and directly attacked with his palm.

Now that it’s impossible for Song Qingshu to stay out of the situation, he had to win. The Yuzhenzi on the side ran away when he saw this. Ouyang Feng’s attention was all on Song Qingshu at this time, so naturally he didn’t care about his slipping away. Although Song Qingshu noticed, But equally helpless.

In the blink of an eye, Song Qingshu and Ouyang Feng had already fought dozens of moves, taking advantage of the gap, Ouyang Feng said angrily, "You can't use swordsmanship, you are not my opponent."

Song Qingshu knew that he was telling the truth, so he had to offer his own unique skill, Li Jianshu, but he deliberately tested the depth of Ouyang Feng, so his moves were almost exactly the same as before.

Ouyang Feng laughed and rolled over on the ground. Although he looked embarrassed, he would avoid the trajectory of Song Qingshu's swordsmanship every time and lost the threat of swordsmanship. Song Qingshu immediately fell into a disadvantage.

"It's a Western poison!" Song Qingshu gave a secret compliment, thinking that in the original work, Ouyang Feng broke through the beggar's method of beating dogs and sticks for hundreds of years. He also took it for granted. Since then, he no longer follows the old rules of swinging his sword. They moved simply every time, like an antelope hanging its horns.

"Huh?" Ouyang Feng cried out in surprise, and the two of them turned their offensive and defensive momentum, but after a few hours of thinking, Ouyang Feng was no longer as embarrassed as when he first encountered Li Jianshu. Although he gradually fell into a disadvantage, he was able to Relying on decades of experience to maintain an undefeated situation.

There was a lot of offensive and defensive movement between the two, and the space needed to move and dodge was greater. Soon the courtyard was no longer suitable for fighting. The two of you came and went to the dense forest together. Su Quan was worried about Song Qingshu’s safety, so he hurriedly followed Fang Yi wanted to keep up, but her martial arts was so bad that she lost the three of them in a short time.

Wherever the two passed, the qi scattered, causing flying sand and rocks, and the trees were all broken. Hearing such a big movement, I don’t know if I was worried about harming the pond fish or what, everyone else on Shenlong Island appeared. Of course, Song Qingshu was fully focused at this time. Trick, I didn't even bother to pay attention to these.

The two have fought hundreds of moves so far. Song Qingshu admires Ouyang Feng’s martial arts skills very much. Every time he feels that the other party is inevitable, but he can always hide in all kinds of weird ways. The counterattack that followed was also very sharp.

Song Qingshu has learned a lot, but the most profound thing is the Jiuyin Scripture. There are many words in it that you know every word, but you don't understand what it means when you put it together. Because of his special talent, although it can be quick to read the Jiuyin Scriptures, there is nothing that involves experience. After fighting against a master of Ouyang Feng's level, Song Qingshu finally understood some of the profound mysteries of the Jiuyin Scripture from practice.

"Good brother, this madman's martial arts is too high, you must think of a way to stop fighting." Su Quan yelled anxiously not far away.

Song Qingshu was immersed in a wonderful realm, and he was willing to stop there. After going crazy, Ouyang Feng was also a martial idiot. It is rare to see a master like Song Qingshu, and naturally he will not give up easily.

"It's you!" Suddenly Ouyang Feng's eyes widened, looking at the woods not far away.

Song Qingshu took a vigilant look over there, only to see a black shadow flashing past, and Ouyang Feng roared and hurriedly chased after him.

Song Qingshu was stunned. He didn't expect that Ouyang Feng would have left himself like this, and followed in curiosity. Su Quan stomped anxiously before he could stop him, and had to follow the footsteps of the two.

"Where to run!" Ouyang Feng's voice was like a thunderbolt. The figure of the man in black who was fleeing in front of him paused, and was immediately overtaken by Ouyang Feng. The two slapped each other, and the man in black groaned clearly. After suffering an internal injury, with the help of counter-shock palm force, it dripped into a grotto.

Ouyang Feng chased after him without even thinking about it. Song Qingshu was scrupulous at first, but since no one on the island threatened him with his martial arts, he also followed.

"Don't go in!" Su Quan hurriedly shouted at the back, but Song Qingshu was so brilliant that he had already disappeared. Looking at the three characters in the dark place, Su Quan secretly cried out, hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and got in too. .

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