Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 280: In desperation

Chapter 280 is in a desperate situation

Su Quan knew that Ling Snake Cave was a forbidden area on Shenlong Island. There were many institutions and dangers in it. Although Song Qingshu's martial arts was high, it was not impossible to accidentally fall into it.

There are always torches burning in the cave, so I can’t see it. Su Quan walked forward cautiously. She only entered the Spirit Snake Cave a few times, but Hong Antong usually led the way. After all, it’s safe to choose the route. He and Ouyang Feng obviously ran into some side roads.

There has always been a rumor in the Shenlong Sect that people who have entered the Spirit Snake Cave have died for nine years. There was nothing on the road outside before, and the danger must have risen exponentially when walking on such a secret trail.

Su Quan hesitated for a while, and realized that if something happened to Song Qingshu, and he didn't have his asylum, he wouldn't end up doing much better...

At this moment, the sound of fighting came from a distance. Listening to the battle, it seemed that two super masters were fighting each other. Su Quan was worried that Song Qingshu might be missing, and hurriedly followed.

"Ouyang Feng, are you crazy? There are organs everywhere here, and if we continue to fight, we will probably die together."

Hearing Song Qingshu's voice, Su Quan just turned around a corner, only to feel that his eyes suddenly opened up.

In an empty hall, Song Qingshu's figure was tossing up and down, while avoiding hidden weapons shot from all directions, while also having to deal with Ouyang Feng's fists and feet, the situation was very dangerous.

Su Quan took a closer look. Those hidden weapons were shot from four walls, including iron briers, steel needles, hard crossbows, and pitch-black poison.

"Hahaha!" Ouyang Feng's long laughter shook the hall, "Everyone who wants to grab the Jiuyin Scriptures with me must die!"

"Who is going to grab the Jiuyin Scriptures with you!" Song Qingshu was shocked and angry, and the two chased the men in black all the way, but in a blink of an eye the men in black disappeared. After they reached the hall, they saw the end of the hall. There is a golden treasure box on the stone platform with four big characters engraved on it. Although the distance is far, they can still see clearly with the skill of the two. Those four words are the "Nine Yin Scriptures".

Ouyang Feng went mad as soon as he saw these words, and suddenly attacked Song Qingshu. Fortunately, Song Qingshu had been prepared for a long time, so that he would not die in confusion.

After Song Qingshu thought about it, he realized that he might have been caught in a tricky trick. Everyone knows that Ouyang Feng's practice of the Jiuyin Scriptures led to mental confusion. The black hand behind the scenes definitely wanted to use the Nine Yin Scriptures to get rid of himself with Ouyang Feng's hand.

Because Ouyang Feng was already a lunatic, he couldn't listen to the truth at all. It was a very simple strategy, but instead it became an unsolvable one.

Song Qingshu also noticed Su Quan. Seeing that she wanted to come to help, he quickly stopped and said, "Don't come here, there are agencies everywhere."

Following his reputation, Ouyang Feng saw a charming and charming young woman standing not far away. A terrifying image appeared in the depths of his mind. He suddenly hugged his head and shouted in pain: "Huang Rong, Guo Jing, I don't want to see you. , I don’t want to see you." Chapter 280 is in desperate situation

Song Qingshu was taken aback, and realized that he was using the eighteen palms of Jianglong, together with Su Quan on the side, caused Ouyang Feng to mistake the two for Guo Jing and Huang Rong and his wife, which evoked the demons of the past.

Song Qingshu didn't want to take advantage of the danger, and one flew to Su Quan's side, and said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, you appear, otherwise you will keep fighting with this lunatic, and you will die if you are not careful."

"Nine Yin Scriptures, Nine Yin Scriptures, I am not afraid of them with the Nine Yin Scriptures." Ouyang Feng muttered to himself, looking crazy, his eyes fixed on the box in the distance.

"Beware of fraud!" As soon as Song Qingshu spoke, Ouyang Feng rushed over like an arrow from the string.

There was a long and narrow passage between the place where the two of them were fighting just now and the box, and there were dense black holes on the wall, and some strange noises were heard from time to time, which made the scalp numb.

Before coming to the passage, Ouyang Feng smiled disdainfully: "When I played with the poisonous snake, you were still wearing open pants."

After speaking, he swaggered in and stepped in, feeling the aura of human beings. Sure enough, dense snakes emerged from the black hole. Ouyang Feng didn't care, and there was a strange syllable in his throat. These snakes retreated obediently like pets. The two people behind were dumbfounded.

"Good brother, let's get out of here soon." Su Quan felt uncomfortable staying here, and hurriedly pulled Song Qingshu's arm and said.

"Wait first, I want to see what conspiracies and tricks they have prepared." Song Qingshu knew that the box would never contain "Nine Yin Scripture", but Ouyang Feng had been reminded before, but the other party didn't care.

"Hahahaha, I finally got the "Nine Yin Scriptures"..." Ouyang Feng just got the box, laughing wildly, and couldn't wait to open it. Suddenly the golden light flashed, and Ouyang Feng's laughter stopped abruptly.

Song Qingshu took a closer look, and it turned out that it was a colorful poisonous snake biting Ouyang Feng's hand in one bite.

With a roar, Ouyang Feng squeezed the poisonous snake by seven inches, and killed the poisonous snake in his palm. However, this poisonous snake is extremely powerful, and Ouyang Feng's lips have turned black after such a while. In fact, if Ouyang Feng's sanity is normal, this kind of small organ can't hurt him at all. After the helpless madness, his guarding heart will be greatly reduced, and this is the way.

But after all, Ouyang Feng is Western Poison, the ancestor of poison, although he is unconscious, but his instinct is still there. He tapped several acupuncture points on his body to protect his heart, and then he turned over and stood upside down on the stone platform with one hand. , Put on a weird posture, and began to work silently to force the poison.

"Colorful Dragon..." Seeing the brightly colored poisonous snake on the ground, Su Quan's lips trembled and his face paled, "Ouyang Feng is over!"

It turns out that there are thousands of poisonous snakes on Shenlong Island, but the king of poison is the colorful dragon in the religion. One of the cruelest punishments of the Shenlong Cult is that of ten thousand snakes, and the other is this colorful dragon.

The punished person was poisoned by the colorful dragon, and after the poisoning, the flesh and blood chapter 280 is in desperate situation

Pieces will fall, but they can continue to be angry, so the entire Shenlong Sect is almost changed by smelling the colorful dragons.

Song Qingshu couldn't bear the fall of a grandmaster like this, but he had never studied poisons, and he couldn't help if he wanted to help. He had to place his hopes on Ouyang Fengxidu's name and hope he could save himself.

"This thing is weird everywhere, let's go out first." Song Qingshu has a bad premonition in his heart. This colorful dragon is obviously aimed at Ouyang Feng. It doesn't make sense to let him go. Could it be that they are so convinced Can Ouyang Feng kill himself?

Watching carefully all the way, until he came to the entrance of the cave and looked at the closed big stone gate, Song Qingshu smiled bitterly and said, "It's a good spirit, not a bad spirit."

Su Quan hurriedly checked around, and finally his voice was crying: "It has been locked from the outside. The big stone gate of the Lingshe Cave is worth tens of thousands of kilograms. Because of the difficulty of moving, the two doors have never been moved for so many years. I haven't shut it down."

"It's the same as the Broken Dragon Stone in the Tomb of the Living Dead." Song Qingshu slandered, standing in front of the stone gate, and said to Su Quan, "You stand back a little, I'm afraid I might hurt you."

Seeing that Su Quan was already hiding, Song Qingshu slowly managed to use the biggest move of Jianglong’s Eighteen Palms. The power of the Dao palms together, the power is like overwhelming mountains, but he still did not relax, another move Kang Long regrets, it is he imitated Xiao Feng's three-folded waves of Jianglong, the power of three palms superimposed, no one in the martial arts can Positive resistance.

There was only a loud bang, the whole cave seemed to sway, sand and gravel dust fell from the surrounding walls, but the big stone gate did not move at all.

Song Qingshu was shocked by the counter-shock force from Shimen, and his hands were so numb that he might not be able to make a second palm in a short time.

Su Quan's face was ashamed, and he shook his head and said, "It's impossible for this stone gate to break from the inside. It's all because of my carelessness just now. Why didn't I prepare for this trick before I came in."

Song Qingshu carefully checked the junction between the stone gate and the wall on the side, and murmured, "That's not necessarily."

"Do you have a way?" Su Quan's eyes lit up.

"I have a vague idea, but I still need Ouyang Feng's help. I hope he hasn't been poisoned to death." Song Qingshu smiled bitterly. If Ouyang Feng was really poisoned and died, then he would really be trapped here. At that time, the only hope is to see if Fang Yi can find this place and open Shimen from the outside, but since the other party has set up such a big trap, naturally he will not let Fang Yi approach here.

Because of the shock just now, many torches in the cave had fallen to the ground, and the surrounding environment immediately dimmed. Su Quan was worried that he might accidentally touch some mechanism, so he hurried to Song Qingshu's side.

Feeling that Su Quan's body was trembling slightly, Song Qingshu thought in his heart: Life and death is the most ugly thing for a person. If he had not died once, I am afraid that he would not be so indifferent now when he is in a desperate situation. Su Chapter 280 is in a desperate situation

Although Quan is always prestigious in Shenlong, he is only a girl in her early twenties. Thinking of this, Song Qingshu let the other party take his arm.

With one move Qinglong sucked water, Song Qingshu sucked a torch on the ground into his hand and stretched it out to illuminate the road. With Su Quan in his other hand, he looked for Ouyang Feng.

Perhaps because he was too worried, Su Quan did not notice that his chest was pressed against Song Qingshu's elbow. Feeling the soft touch, Song Qingshu smiled bitterly. He didn't want to take advantage of Su Quan like this, but knew that if he reminded her, he might be embarrassed, so he had to be happy and entangled. This sweet episode eased his heart. The last trace of anxiety.

When the two came to the hall just now, Ouyang Feng was still standing upside down on the stone platform in that weird posture. Song Qingshu was willing to help him, so he planned to go over and talk about it.

Hearing his thoughts, Su Quan said that he should follow along with him: "Don't forget, I am the wife of the **** of the Dragon Sect, and I will have a way to deal with the snake in the passage later."

Song Qingshu thought about it, so he decided to take her with him. First waved his palm to hit the surrounding walls, and felt his palm wind, and all the remaining hidden weapons shot out.

"I don't believe that you can automatically refill ammunition." Song Qingshu dismissed it with a smile. He had contacted some ancient tomb materials in his previous life and knew that this kind of mechanism was a one-time use, even if someone refilled it, it would not be possible in a short time. If these organs exist in ancient tombs that are hundreds of thousands of years old, then it wouldn't be a big deal. Hundreds of years have been enough to corrode the springs of these organs.

Before protecting Su Quan and coming to the narrow tunnel full of snakes, Song Qingshu turned around and asked, "Do you also understand Ouyang Feng's method of controlling snakes?"

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