Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 288: The mysterious third gift

As a high-level general under Hongli, Li Shiyao naturally knows Hongli's plans. Hongli saw that Kangxi's power became more and more consolidated, and the throne became more and more stable. He knew that if he didn't act, he might only be a prince of peace for a lifetime.

The previous plan was to unite Wu Sangui with his sons and daughters, and then the two armies merged into one, from Shanhaiguan all the way to Yanjing. As long as Yanjing was breached, other vast areas controlled by the imperial court would naturally spread.

It's a pity that the last time Fukangan went to Shanhaiguan, which led to the mysterious deaths of Wei Xiaobao and Princess Jianning. Although Hongli and Wu Sangui suspected that there was a conspiracy of Kangxi, the suspicion had already arisen, and the relationship had completely fallen to the freezing point.

Recently, Mongolia took the initiative to cease the war and peace talks, and under the instigation of Xinfujin, Hongli decided to completely conquer Shenlong Island, combined with Xinfujin's Shandong Jinsheying, and completely obtained the control of the Bohai Sea, and then landed from Tianjin Tanggu by water, and attacked Yanjing.

Many knowledgeable people under Hongli pointed out that the truce was just Mongolia's plan to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. If it rushes to war with Kangxi, it will only be reaped by Mongolia.

However, Hongli was determined. He was confident that the northern defense line he was running could block Mongolia for a period of time. Then the Shandong Jinshe Camp attracted Kangxi’s attention. When Kangxi sent troops to counter the rebellion and the capital was empty, he would go straight to Huanglong by sea. The battle was decided quickly, but he didn't want to explain these thoughts carefully to his men.

All these plans need to control the Shenlong Island navy as a prerequisite, so Hongli clearly used the banner of revenge for Fu Kang'an, hoping to hide Kangxi from it.

Seeing Li Shiyao's face uncertain, Song Qingshu said with a smile: "Master Li is working under Prince Bao, and Yuanzhi's father is working under Kangxi. It stands to reason that no matter who wins or loses in the end, the glory of the Li family can be guaranteed, but in case Mongolia finally ends. Is the only winner?"

Song Qingshu's words just hit Li Shiyao's heart. This has always been Li Shiyao's concern, so he is also a firm anti-war wing in the Hongli camp.

"Kangxi has been paying attention to the movements of Prince Bao, so I was sent to see what happened. Shenlong Island is an important piece to maintain the balance between the two sides. If Shenlong Island is occupied by Prince Bao, Kangxi will certainly not sit idly by, and the battle will surely happen. "Song Qingshu added.

"But the army has been out, so we can't return without success." Li Shiyao said in a deep voice.

"Didn't Prince Bao claim to avenge the murderer for Fu Kang'an? Then I send the new leader of Shenlong Island, Su Quan, to Shengjing. Doesn't he have a step down?" Song Qingshu said.

Li Shiyao thought that this would be the best of both worlds. Moreover, the Lord's control of the leader of Shenlong Island is equivalent to indirect control of Shenlong Sect, and he will not blame me...

"Okay, as long as Nephew Song Xian surrenders Su Quan, I will do the work of the other two armies, and will not move for the time being. After you have met Prince Bao in Shengjing, the prince will decide whether to fight or make peace."

"Thank you Lord Li." Song Qingshu said overjoyed.

On the second day, Li Shiyao, Zhaohui, and Hailancha gathered together. After discussion, they decided to allocate three warships from the navy, and then select high-powered martial artists from their respective troops. They were called escorts. They were actually surveillance. , Accompanied Song Qingshu and Su Quan to the direction of Shengjing.

"Madam, the sheep will soon be in the mouth, are you afraid?" Looking out the window, there were soldiers standing densely on the deck, and Song Qingshu asked Su Quan with a smile.

"Anyway, I have already handed over my life to you, you can take care of it yourself." In fact, Su Quan is still full of fear for this journey. The feeling of powerlessness that he can't control his own destiny at all and can only let others handle it is very unreasonable. it is good. If it were not for the trust in Song Qingshu, she would never take such a risk.

"I'm not afraid that I will lie to you, turn around and sell you?" When the two were close together, Song Qingshu could smell Su Quan's body like a blue musk.

"Are you willing?" Su Quan's eyes were full of smiles.

"I'm really reluctant," Song Qingshu pulled up a bunch of Su Quan's hair and sniffed, "But no matter how beautiful a woman is, it can't match the future of a man."

Su Quan stared at him in a daze, as if distinguishing between the true and the false, but soon his eyes turned into a crescent: "If I can help you get a good future, I am willing to do so."

Seeing the charming woman in front of him, Song Qingshu was startled, rather regretful, feeling that he seemed to be playing with fire, if he was really moved by her, it would be too dangerous.

"Shengjing and his party are really unpredictable..." Song Qingshu sighed, "If the heroes join together today and compete in the Central Plains, the Shenlong Sect is destined to become a vassal of one force in the future. No man can refuse the charm of his wife, thinking about it. Madam is destined to be admitted to the house by a certain Fang Xiong, and I feel a little unwilling."

Su Quan didn't think so far. She was even more worried about Sheng Jing and his party's own fate. Although Song Qingshu was strong in martial arts, but in Hongli's base camp, she might not be able to protect herself. But after hearing Song Qingshu's words, he was shocked to realize that this man seemed to have different ambitions from ordinary martial arts people.

Su Quan's eyes lit up, and a strange look broke out: "If the son is interested, he can regard Shenlong Island as his home at any time."

"Everyone in the family listens to the madam's orders, how dare I treat it as a family..." Song Qingshu seemed to smile, but the expression on his face was difficult to understand.

Su Quan is a smart woman. She naturally knew what he was worried about. She hesitated, as if she had made the final decision: "There are three treasures on Shenlong Island. I wonder if the son is clear about it?"

"Oh? Why don't I know, which three treasures?" Song Qingshu sat up straight and became interested.

"The first item is Leopard Tire Yijin Pills, Shenlong Cult can ensure the absolute loyalty of the subordinates through it." Su Quan pursed his mouth and smiled.

"Drug control is not a long-term solution, but the effect is immediate in the short term, and it is indeed a treasure." Song Qingshu has always been very curious about the principle of Leopard Tire Yijin Pills. Most of the purpose of this trip is to come for it, and he is thinking about it. How to get the recipe.

Su Quan smiled very charmingly: "Do you want to hear how poison and antidote are made?"

"You tell me so easily?" Song Qingshu was taken aback, thinking that Su Quan would use it as his own amulet.

"People used this formula to deal with Hongli when they were prepared to make a last resort, but they suddenly changed their minds just now." Su Quan looked at Song Qingshu, her eyes were soft and charming, and said, "Do you want to listen."

"Of course," Song Qingshu didn't know how to respond to her for a while, "Madam, this gift is too expensive..."

"Is this expensive?" Su Quan's mouth curled up with a nice arc, and he reached out his hand and hooked his fingers to Song Qingshu. "Come here with my ears, there are all people from Hongli outside, I don't want to take advantage of that ghost lord. ."

Song Qingshu turned to the side, feeling Su Quan's soft lips exhaling like blue in his ears, and the slightly disorganized sniff, only feeling a swell in his heart.

"Have you remembered the son?" Su Quan didn't expect that his voice would be so sweet when he opened his mouth.

"Madame’s gift, how dare I forget it." Song Qingshu felt that his body was a little hot and unbearable. He knew that if he continued this ambiguous game, he would be completely taken over by Su Quan. Just about to get up, Su Quan reached out and snatched it into his arms. , Her arm was hugged tightly.

"I'm not a tiger, what are you hiding? The second treasure hasn't been heard yet." Seeing Song Qingshu's slightly embarrassed appearance, Su Quan was extremely proud of him. He used all kinds of charm tricks on him before, and all of them came back. This time she He completely gave up those complicated methods, and instead took advantage of the natural charm of a woman, which really made the other party a little bit uncontrollable.

Feeling the plump and full touch from his arm, Song Qingshu rarely blushed, "The second treasure must be more precious."

"That's natural, it's related to a big treasure outside the Manchu Clearance Pass. Few people in the world know this secret." A triumphant expression appeared on Su Quan's face.

"Forty-two chapters?" Song Qingshu asked subconsciously.

Su Quan was startled, suddenly remembered all kinds of Shengjing, and grabbed him angrily: "I almost forgot. Last time in Shengjing city, your fake 42-chapter sutra can pit me miserably. Up."

"Aren't we the enemy at that time." Song Qingshu twisted his waist and dodged while trying to catch Su Quan's evil hands. "What about the third treasure?"

The Hao wrist was held firmly by Song Qingshu, and feeling the heat from the other's big hand, Su Quan fell into silence: "The last treasure is in my heart. It is much more valuable than the previous two. I am still hesitant to send it. Give you."

"Since it's so embarrassing, forget it." Song Qingshu looked down and saw that the skin under Su Quan's collar was unobstructed, and he didn't know when a rose-like blush appeared on it.

Su Quan seemed to have made a great determination. He slowly raised his head and stared at his beautiful eyes. His long eyelashes trembled slightly, his eyes were clear and crystal clear, and there was a mysterious light in his ears. One sentence said: "The third treasure is me."

Having reached this point, Su Quan was very worried about being ruthlessly rejected by Song Qingshu, and would not give him a chance to answer. The delicate and ruddy lips were printed on, and he gently licked his earlobe.

Although there was already some kind of speculation in my heart, I was still a little surprised when the event came. Song Qingshu asked in a deep voice, "Isn't it about getting your heart first?"

"Sheng Jing and his party, the future is unpredictable, I am worried that I will not be able to keep my body." Su Quan's gentle lips gradually moved down, and his whole body was like a beautiful snake, lying halfway in Song Qingshu's arms.

Song Qingshu opened his mouth, as if he still wanted to say something, but Su Quan had already held his hand and guided him to slide into his collar.

"It seems to be broad daylight now."

"What does that matter?"

"The soldiers outside will hear it."

"Are you worried that if Hongli knows that you have taken my lead, it will be detrimental to you?"

"How could I be afraid of him!"

"Shhh! Stop talking."


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