Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 289: Earth-shattering

The voice in the cabin gradually couldn't be suppressed, and the soldiers standing guard on the deck couldn't help but stare at each other. The voice of weeping and complaining was so delicate and sultry, and the soldiers had Su Quan's charming appearance in their minds. They swallowed their saliva and cursed secretly while admiring: Good cabbage has been swept away by pigs!

Before landing, the two of them basically never took a step out of the cabin, and greedily explored their bodies. They only suffered from the ordinary soldiers outside the cabin, all with red eyes, as if they were about to eat people.

"The third treasure..." Su Quan paused deliberately, looking up at Song Qingshu, the style flowing in his eyes was extremely charming, his teeth bit his lip and chuckled, "Are you still satisfied?"

"It really is a rare treasure, I just want to play with it all the time." With his arms around Su Quan's smooth and round shoulders, Song Qingshu sighed sincerely.

"Will you take Shenlong Island as your home now?" Su Quan put his face close to Song Qingshu's chest, and playfully drew circles on his skin. "Shenlong teaches disciples to listen to me, but I listen to you. if,"

"You have given me the three most precious treasures of Shenlong Island, and Shenlong Island is naturally my home." Song Qingshu was a little itchy, and quickly grabbed her tumultuous catkins and held them tightly in his hands.

"It would be great if this ship would go on like this forever." Thinking of not long before he would go to Shengjing to face Hongli, Su Quan's expression was mixed with a trace of loneliness.

Knowing what she was worried about, Song Qingshu patted her body lightly, and said with relief: "Don't worry, I will definitely protect you. The big deal is when I will take you far and high, I see who can stop me in Shengjing."

"I know you have great skills, right?" Su Quan rubbed Song Qingshu's chin with the tip of his nose. "But even if you can keep me, you can't keep the entire Shenlong Sect. Are you willing?" What a clever person Bingxue is. Naturally, you can see Song Qingshu's thoughts on Shenlong Sect.

"I have already obtained the most precious treasure of the Shenlong Sect, what is the remaining Shenlong Sect?" Song Qingshu answered sincerely looking at her.

"Although I don't know if you are lying to me, I am really moved by you." Su Quan buried his head in Song Qingshu's arms and listened quietly to the other's heartbeat.

Song Qingshu smiled faintly, noncommittal.

"Giving you such a big dowry for nothing, what kind of name do you plan to give me in the future?" Su Quan suddenly looked up and looked at Song Qingshu with a full smile.

"It depends on how far I can reach in the end." Song Qingshu did not directly answer her words, her eyes became very deep, and she didn't know what was thinking in her heart.

"I hope it's not too bad, otherwise people are worried that they will feel a loss by then." Su Quan said with a pouting mouth.

"What if I can't hang on anymore and have to go back to my hometown to farm incognito?" Song Qingshu looked at her curiously.

"Hey, although the area on Shenlong Island is not big, but it is not short of a few acres of thin fields. In the past, I will give you a place as a male favorite when I come to Shenlong Island, and I will send you a few pieces of land to plant by the way." There was endless smile in Quan's long and charming eyes.

"That's too miserable." Song Qingshu shuddered, thinking of the male pet she mentioned, and even more dumbfounded, "I will let you raise a male pet!" Trembling, begging for mercy again and again.

Although it was charming during the voyage, the ship would eventually dock. When Song Qingshu helped Su Quan disembark, he noticed the fire-breathing gaze of the accompanying soldiers, and felt a little inexplicable. I didn’t expect Fukangan to be so popular, even ordinary soldiers. Su Quan was full of hatred, and it seemed that he had to protect her.

So the hand holding Su Quan was tightened tighter, and no one knew that the target of people's hatred was him.

The depressed and deserted streets along the way are quite different from the situation in Shengjing last time. Feeling the murderous air in the air, Song Qingshu frowned, thinking in his heart: Is it possible that Hongli intends to kill himself in the street?

Secretly squeezing Su Quan's hand to signal her to be more vigilant, Song Qingshu also used his skills and secretly stood guard.

The accompanying soldiers sent someone to the Prince Bao’s Mansion to report, but unfortunately, no news came back. Gradually, the expressions of the surrounding soldiers became subtle. Song Qingshu smiled coldly. Knowing what these people were thinking, they must have thought that Hongli was going to treat themselves. Get started.

"Let's go, go to Prince Bao's Mansion." Putting the tea bowl back on the table, Song Qingshu decided not to wait any longer. The other soldiers did not dare to stop him, but secretly prevented him from running away.

I really want to run, can you stop this group of people? Song Qingshu smiled disdainfully, and didn't care, squeezed Su Quan's hand, and walked firmly to Prince Bao's Mansion.

Looking at the closed door in front of him, Song Qingshu felt a little strange in his heart, and a trace of doubt flashed on the face of the soldier leader who was accompanying him, beckoning his hand to knock on the door.

A soldier was about to knock, but with a light touch, the door opened automatically.

"Is it empty city?"

Song Qing was a master of calligraphy and bold, thinking that he would always face Hongli anyway, but he didn't care about it.

Not long after he left, Song Qingshu pulled Su Quan to his side and stopped. Although there was no one around him, his aura had already noticed that there were many people in ambush behind the pavilions.

"What's the matter? Ah!" The leader was about to ask Song Qingshu why he stopped, but a sharp arrow shot from his chest and penetrated his chest.

The scream of the soldier leader seemed to be an offensive horn, and then a rain of arrows shot over.

"Even his own shot, Hongli is cruel." Seeing the soldiers screaming again and again, Song Qingshu's heart flashed unbearable, but thinking that Hongli didn't care about his subordinates, why should he care for him.

Su Quan was guarded by Song Qingshu, and saw that he was holding a wooden sword, sometimes lightly tapping on the arrow that came, and sometimes lightly swiping it on the arrow. The whole process seemed extremely slow, but it could be in the rain of arrows all over the sky. A peaceful harbor is maintained among them.

Jingle bells, accompanied by the sound of arrows falling on the stone slab, the two of them were quickly filled with arrows.

From the light of his eyes, he observed that the last soldier accompanying him also fell. Although they were enemies and not friends, Song Qingshu still had an uncontrollable trace of anger rising from the bottom of his heart.

He is no longer limited to shooting down arrows, but cleverly changes the direction of the arrows, so that the arrows shot from the front are guided by him to shoot behind him, and the arrows shot from the left are guided to the right by him.

There were screams one after another, and it didn't take long before a familiar voice rang.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot, it's Master Song."

Seeing Duolong rushing over, Song Qingshu was shocked: "Manager Duo, why are you here?"

Duolong was full of spring, he hehe smiled and said: "The emperor, his old man is here, can I not be here?"

"How is it possible?" Song Qingshu's first reaction was that Duolong was telling a joke. You must know that Kangxi and Hongli only maintained their harmony on the surface and wanted to put each other to death in private. How could Kangxi come to Hongli base camp so stupidly ?

"Master Song, let me go to see the emperor, he has missed you very much recently." Duolong made a please gesture.

"Where is Prince Bao?" Song Qingshu felt that his head was not enough, and even guessed that the emperor Duolong said would not be Hongli. Could it be that he was attracted by Hongli.

"Prince Bao is suffering from a bad illness. It's not a holiday. I've been stubborn a few days ago." Although Duolong's words were euphemistic, he could not conceal the gloat in his heart, and a hint of inexplicable meaning flashed in his eyes.

"Hongli is dead?" Song Qingshu naturally didn't believe that Hongli would get sick and die. When Kangxi appeared in Shengjing at such a coincidental time, a terrible guess flashed in his heart, only feeling cold in his hands and feet.

When he came to the main hall of Prince Bao's Mansion and saw the familiar figure, Song Qingshu's last illusion was shattered.

"Qingshu, the trip to Shenlong Island was hard. Is this the new leader Su of Shenlong Island?" Kangxi looked at the two people offstage with a smile on his face.

"People's daughter Su Quan see the emperor." Su Quan also felt baffled, how could Kangxi appear in Hongli's palace.

"The emperor, what is going on?" Song Qingshu couldn't help but wonder anymore, and asked.

"Song Aiqing, congratulations to me, I finally completely mastered the entire Qing Dynasty, hahahaha." Although Kangxi was very deep in the city on weekdays, he still couldn't hide his pride and laughed.

Seeing Song Qingshu's silence, Kangxi smiled and said: "You must be very puzzled now, just ask if you have anything."

"Prince Bao is really dead?" Song Qingshu asked the most critical question.

A sneer appeared on the corners of Kangxi's lips: "Of course it's dead."

"How did he die?" Song Qingshu asked.

"This is not what you should ask..." Kangxi looked at him meaningfully, "Do you really want to hear?".

"Please also ask the emperor to expressly." Song Qingshu said bitterly.

Kangxi was silent for a long time, and finally smiled and said, "Well, Song Aiqing is not an outsider. What's more, if this amazing work of mine is not shared with others, it would be like a night walk in a brocade."

Duolong suddenly trembled, and quickly knelt down and said: "Weichen will leave first." Seeing Kangxi waved his hand, he quickly retreated out and closed the door by the way.

Su Quan was startled, thinking that it might involve a big conspiracy, Duolong, as the chief guard of the Ouchi, didn't dare to listen, and he might cause fire by staying here.

Song Qingshu saw Su Quan's worries and told her to stay here. Although Su Quan was puzzled, she still obediently stayed where she was, just looking at him suspiciously.

The reason why Su Quan was stopped was because Song Qingshu thought of welcoming him to the arrow rain before. Since those people were all under Kangxi, it would be weird not to recognize him, especially since he ran out as soon as he countered Duolong. What a coincidence. Now that Kangxi has cleaned up Hongli and completely grasped the power of the Manchu, his situation is quite delicate.


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