Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 292: King Kill

"Okay!" Song Qingshu didn't hesitate, and handed the map he had prepared to the ancestor Sunflower.

Sunflower Patriarch’s hands were trembling while holding the map. He had already memorized part of the map in the yellow flag. After roughly sweeping it, he knew that this was the real map. After putting it in his arms carefully, he looked at Song Qingshu and said: " Boy, my ancestor is happy today, do you want me to help you?"

Seeing his dry face couldn't help twitching, Song Qingshu understood how excited Sunflower Old Ancestor was at this time. If he speaks himself, he would definitely be willing to help deal with Kangxi, but Song Qingshu still shook his head and refused: "This is me and him. I want to break things up with him alone."

The ancestor Sunflower was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't expect Song Qingshu to be unappreciative, but he just said casually, now that all his thoughts are placed on the dragon veins of Manqing, so he said: "Alright, the ancestors will go." As soon as the voice fell, his figure disappeared like a puff of blue smoke.

"Compared with Sunflower Patriarch, my light work is still a bit worse." Song Qingshu was dazed and couldn't help sighing.

As night fell, Kangxi handled the memorials in the room alone, while thinking in his mind: Now Shengjing has been completely controlled by me, and the families of the generals who went on the expedition are also in my hands, not to mention Hongli is dead, his sons I was also guarded by my own personnel. Everything is a foregone conclusion. Those generals who receive my imperial decree, should not be surprised, they should all succumb... Well, but you can't be careless, you have to guard against Hongli's henchmen to take the opportunity to fight back...

Kangxi thought for a while, only feeling upset, throwing the Zhubi away, and too lazy to review the memorials, suddenly thought of Ma Chunhua, and couldn't help but move. A young girl who was inexperienced in the world has now grown into a charming young woman, especially thinking of the other party's special identity, Kangxi felt that a certain part of the body became hot.

"Little Dengzi, come here, Miss Xuanma."

Even if he even called twice, there was no response from the outside. Kangxi was secretly angry. This **** was not afraid to lose his head. Suddenly his expression changed, looking at the figure in the shadow of the pillar.

"The emperor, you don't need to shout, Xiao Dengzi can't hear it." Song Qingshu walked out step by step.

Kangxi's heart sank, but a gentle smile appeared on his face: "Song Aiqing is looking for me so late, what's the matter?"

Song Qingshu was silent for a long time, and finally gave a chuckle: "Why the emperor is trying to understand and pretend to be confused."

Kangxi's face suddenly became very gloomy: "Do you know that you have committed disrespect by saying this to me."

"I know." Song Qingshu looked at him calmly.

Kangxi only felt that a cold air was rising from behind, and said in a deep voice: "Song Qingshu, if you retreat now, I will not blame you for your past merits."

Hearing Kangxi's words, Song Qingshu smiled: "I have reached this point, do you think I will go back?"

Kangxi had just wiped out Hongli and his self-confidence was reaching an unprecedented peak. An anger surged into his heart, waved his hand, and said coldly: "Kill him."

Following Kangxi's order, four men in black slowly walked out of the darkness, faintly surrounding Song Qingshu in the center.

"Song Aiqing, do you really think I don't have any masters?" Kangxi snorted coldly, "The Qing Dynasty has a vast land and resources, and the power of the court has collected all kinds of peerless martial arts secrets. These few have received the most rigorous training since childhood and practiced the best. No one can get the martial arts of Shaolin Wudang inferior to that of Shaolin Wudang."

Feeling the murderous aura of several people, Song Qingshu frowned. After hearing Kangxi's words, he laughed mercilessly: "I dare not say that the head of Shaolin, the head of Wudang... Ha ha, Zhang Zhenren let them With one hand, there is no pressure at all."

Several people in black were furious when they heard the words, and the head of them motioned to them to stay calm and sarcastically said: "We dare not say what Zhang Zhenren is like. As for your Excellency, in the eyes of our brothers, it is nothing more than a chicken. That's it. Yu Zhenzi, who is known as Shengjing's number one master, was killed by me with one move?"

In his early years, Yu Zhenzi had a tie with the golden snake king Yuan Chengzhi. After turning to Hongli, he swept through Shengjing Invincible. The limelight was no different. As a result, he was easily defeated by Song Qingshu several times, which made the world feel that Song Qingshu is more and more profound. Measurement. However, these people in black easily killed Yu Zhenzi, naturally they didn't think Song Qingshu was so remarkable.

"Oh?" Song Qingshu was startled. Yu Zhenzi was definitely considered a top player in the arena. Coupled with his outstanding skill, it was really incredible that Yu Zhenzi died in their hands like this. "Just like Yu Zhenzi died?"

Seeing a hint of arrogance on the other party's face, Song Qingshu's expression became dignified. I am afraid these people are really a bit tricky.

"Report your name, Song never kills unknown people." Song Qingshu is no longer what it used to be, and soon calmed down, and said lightly.

"When you see King Yama, remember to say to his old man, whoever kills you, Wei Mo too!" As soon as the voice fell, the leader had disappeared.

With a flash of light from the knife, Wei Mo had already returned to the place, with a drop of bright blood hanging on the low-hanging knife tip.

"Your knife is fast." Song Qingshu looked at the wound on his shoulder, his tone seemed quite approving.

The first move clearly prevailed, but Wei Mo couldn't see any joy on his face, and he smiled bitterly: "Your light work is faster."

"What is your trick?" Song Qingshu asked curiously.

"Meteor outside the sky." Wei Mo said in a deep voice. Although he is not well-known, he is a rare martial arts wizard. After he has passed various martial arts secrets, he created a "meteor outside the sky" since he came out of the machine. Since then, he will kill anyone. All it takes is one move, even if it is as strong as Yu Zhenzi, but it is a pity that Song Qingshu hides it in the end.

"Sure enough, it's like a shooting star." Song Qingshu had a wooden sword in his hand while speaking, "Then please comment on my trick."

Wei Mo didn't dare to entrust him anymore, he greeted the others and attacked together.

Song Qingshu raised his sword and waved behind him at random. The desperate eyes of the other three men in black showed a sky full of sword shadows, and they could not stop the sword energy from penetrating through the body after exhausting his life's unique skills.

When Wei Mo saw this, he was eager to split his eyes. He roared and urged twelve points of skill. With grief and indignation, this knife had already broken through the previous limit. Looking at Song Qingshu, the wooden sword was still behind him. Wei Mo was confident that the other party would continue. It is impossible to hide.

Suddenly Wei Mo's expression changed drastically, and he saw that the wooden sword in Song Qingshu's hand was like an antelope hanging with horns, naturally turning to the front. The opponent clearly saw each move, but the slow move came first.

Looking down at the wooden sword on his chest, Wei Mo asked unwillingly, "What is the name of this sword technique?"

"I just realized it recently. I haven't had time to name it..." Seeing Wei Mo's regret, Song Qingshu felt unbearable. Suddenly thinking of a certain comic in the previous life, he said quickly, "Well, it's called Jian Twenty-Three."

"Twenty-three swords? Good swordsmanship, good swordsmanship..." The light in Wei Mo's eyes finally dimmed.

Seeing the four great masters die so easily in the hands of Song Qingshu, Kangxi hurried to the inner hall, yelling: "The ancestor save me, the ancestor save me..." The voice stopped abruptly. I don't know when Song Qingshu. Already standing in front of him, the wooden sword in his hand was just point on his throat.

"Are you expecting Sunflower Ancestor to save you?" Song Qingshu's face showed a trace of regret, "He has already left for Changbai Mountain, looking for your Daqing dragon veins."

"The "Forty-two Chapters"?" Kangxi quickly realized the key, "Wei Xiaobao really killed you."

"I didn't kill Xiaobao. He really died by Princess Jianning." Song Qingshu sighed.

"What's the difference between what Jianning killed and what you killed?" Kangxi sneered. "The elm head of Jianning didn't know that he was used as a gunman before he died."

"It seems that the emperor has long suspected all of this." Song Qingshu put away the wooden sword and exclaimed.

After all, Kangxi is a generation of heroes. After the initial panic, he quickly calmed down, knowing that he is bound to die now, but he is unwilling to show a trace of embarrassment: "Yes, what happened in Shanhaiguan, I knew that there must be something strange when I heard it. Afterwards, I inquired about the situation of the other people in the mission, and after countless deductions behind the scenes, I concluded that you were the only possibility."

"Why didn't the emperor punish me at that time?" Song Qingshu admired Kangxi's calming skills very much now.

"After all, you are a rare talent. I think I can see you through. I wanted to make full use of you and then get rid of you to avenge Wei Xiaobao. I don't know that this is the biggest mistake I have made in this life." Kangxi looked extremely annoyed.

"The emperor doesn't have to regret it, you have actually succeeded. If it hadn't been for someone to say something, I wouldn't have realized that you had insight into all my plans." Song Qingshu said in fear.

"Hehe, it was indeed the first time I saw you, and I knew that you were unwilling to accept others, and one day you would oppose me..." Kangxi smiled bitterly. Even more curious, you killed me at this time. Apart from a pitiful fame, what benefits can you get?"

Song Qingshu was silent for a while, took out a mask as thin as a cicada's wings from his arms and put it on his face, without saying a word, just looking at Kangxi quietly.

"Good, good! Your Excellency's deep planning and careful preparation, I really didn't lose injustice." Looking at the face in front of me that looked exactly like myself, Kangxi's bones were filled with endless cold, and his whole body trembled involuntarily. Until now, he was completely desperate.

"This is the disfigurement technique taught to me by a young maid from Gusu Murong's family. I have always believed that it is much more useful than nine yin and nine yang." Song Qingshu couldn't help but think of Bing Xueer taking herself to Yanziwu for medical treatment. There was a hint of warmth.

"Song Qingshu, I only have one request before I die." There was no trace of blood on Kangxi's face, and he struggled to make his voice less trembling.

"As long as it's not too much, I can promise you." Song Qingshu said heartily as he looked at the man who looked like an enemy and like a friend in front of him.

"Be the emperor for me." Kangxi finally calmed down.

Song Qingshu was taken aback for a moment, and he never thought that Kangxi’s final last words would actually be this. When he was about to inquire, he saw Kangxi picking up a knife on the ground, with an arrogant expression: "Hehe, I am the emperor, who can take my life, except God." There is only me." After saying that, he raised a knife and squatted himself.


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