Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 293: Girls with different reactions

Seeing Kangxi's slumped figure, Song Qingshu actually felt a sense of sadness. After all, after getting along for so long, he more or less appreciated some of the other's qualities, but it was a pity that both parties were not destined to be friends.

He took out another prepared mask from his arms and put it on Kangxi's face carefully, and then quickly exchanged the clothes of both sides, and finally after reconfirming that there were no flaws, Song Qingshu shouted for someone to come in.

When Duolong rushed in with the Ouchi guards, he looked at the corpses all over the floor, and then saw Kangxi lying weakly on the bed, cold sweat suddenly appeared: "Weichen is too late for help. dead."

Seeing his former colleagues kneeling on the ground respectfully, Song Qingshu suddenly felt an absurd feeling, and said indifferently: "Song Qingshu has a bad heart and wants to assassinate me. Fortunately, several loyal subordinates desperately escorted me to death. The expert shot him and killed him on the spot. Huh, it was a waste of me that I valued him so much. It turns out that he came to the court to assassinate me one day. I passed on my will and dragged Song Qingshu’s body to the yard and burned it, and then thwarted his bones and ashes. To tell the world, I will dispel the hatred in my heart."

Taking a look at Song Qingshu lying in a pool of blood, Duolong's face was extremely strange, and his heart was slanderous: "With Song Qingshu's martial arts, if you really want to kill you, how many people can stop it?" Recalling that it was so unclear before Aoba Bai Di is dead, how dare Duolong ask more, but it is inevitable that he will feel sad.

"Hey!" Duolong waved his hand quickly and asked the guard to drag the corpse of "Song Qingshu" on the ground. Looking at the long blood stains on the ground, Duolong's face trembled, "The dragon who came back with Song Da...Song Qingshu Teach women, I wonder what the emperor will do?"

"Su Quan?" Song Qingshu fell into silence. He kept all this from everyone, and a little leak would be an irreversible ending. Although Su Quan had a skin close to him, Song Qingshu still couldn't figure out the woman's mind, so naturally he didn't dare Tell her the truth. But you can’t just let it go, or you might decide that your people will cut the grass and root out, “Shenlong Island is still very important to the imperial court. You can personally appease Guru Su. Song Qingshu’s assassination is just a personal act and has nothing to do with her. I’m tired, you Go back first."

"Hey, the slaves will send guards outside. The emperor can rest assured." Duolong slowly backed out, and the moment he closed the door, he couldn't help but look inside. I don't know why, he always felt that there was something inside. Something is wrong, but there is no specific thing to say. Finally shook his head helplessly, blaming him for being too shocked by what happened today.

Soon people in the entire Prince Bao’s Mansion knew what had happened. Su Quan was dizzy and almost couldn’t stand firmly. She could only see Duolong’s mouth opening and closing, but couldn’t hear what he was talking about. Back and forth, I just thought, "He's dead, he's dead, how could he die with such a high level of martial arts?"

"Song...Where is Song Qingshu's corpse? I want to see it." Su Quanyin looked at Duo Long in shock.

A look of embarrassment appeared on Duolong's face: "The emperor's decree is to thwart Song Qingshu, and no one can see him."

"Bone bones and ashes?" Su Quan only felt that the blood in his whole body had solidified at once, and couldn't support it anymore, and fell to the ground.

Duolong hurriedly greeted the maidservant Su Quan to help her up, and looked at her desperate appearance, and sighed: "Master Su, you can see that you have an extraordinary relationship with Lord Song. It’s just that Lord Song committed a heinous crime this time. It’s better for Master Su to get out as soon as possible."

Thinking back to the days when he spent time with Song Qingshu, Duo Long felt unbearable, so he hinted that Su Quan would return to Shenlong Island as soon as possible, lest Kangxi would change his mind. It doesn’t matter whether Su Quan can comprehend it or listen to suggestions. Own business.

In another courtyard of the palace, Xia Qingqing vomited a mouthful of blood, her eyes were dizzy, and she muttered to herself: "I know you must have assassinated Kangxi because of me. It's all my fault, it's all my fault. , Brother Song, I killed you..."

Xia Qingqing lay on the bed and cried and turned into a tearful person. After a while, she suddenly sat up, her face was extremely pale, she slowly drew her sword, smiled sadly, and wiped it off her neck decisively.


Xia Qingqing's palm was numb, and she could no longer hold the sword in her hand, she looked up at the window in amazement, "Who is it!"

When she ran out, how could she still see a figure? Had to return to the room full of doubts. After this interruption, Xia Qingqing finally recovered her senses. She pressed her lips tightly and made up her mind: No, I can't just die like this. Brother Song, walk slowly on Huangquan Road, don't drink Meng Po soup first, and come to accompany you as soon as I kill Kangxi.

Song Qingshu, who was hiding in the yard, couldn't help but wiped his cold sweat. Fortunately, he took a look at it secretly, otherwise, wouldn't it lead to lifelong regret? However, Song Qingshu did not expect that Xia Qingqing would die for herself. Thinking of Yuan Chengzhi's death, her first reaction was revenge, but she was shocked and a little bit of joy rose in her heart.

In the next few days, in order to avoid being seen by the people around him, Song Qingshu continued to learn about the memorials with the excuse of healing his wounds.

Unexpectedly, after reading only a few copies, Song Qingshu was dizzy by the obscure ancient prose, and threw the memorial out with anger.

"What is the emperor worried about?" A sweet female voice sounded.

Song Qingshu looked up and saw Ma Chunhua stooping to pick up the memorial. She couldn't help but be surprised: "Who let you in?"

"I deliberately stewed a bowl of sweet-scented osmanthus lotus seed soup for the emperor..." Seeing Kangxi looking at herself with a cold face, Ma Chunhua felt cold, and finally understood that the other party had never cared about herself, and said lonely, "Since the emperor doesn't Like it, I retire first."

After speaking, he backed out with tears in his eyes.

Seeing Ma Chunhua's heart ashamed when she left, Song Qingshu sighed. Ma Chunhua was very close to Kangxi. If she faced each other day and night, she would inevitably not be able to see the flaws. She could have killed a hundred people, but Song Qingshu after all Not such a cruel and cold-blooded person, had to drive Ma Chunhua far away.

"Duolong!" Song Qingshu cried in a deep voice.

"The minion is here!" Doron ran in in a panic and knelt on the ground.

"You let Girl Ma come in?" Song Qingshu asked coldly.

"The minion deserves to die. The minion thinks that the emperor is in a bad mood recently, and Miss Ma may..."

Before he finished speaking, Song Qingshu interrupted, "No one is allowed to enter without my instructions in the future."

"Hey!" Duolong regretted it. As a person close to Kangxi, he knew more or less about the ambiguous relationship between Ma Chunhua and Kangxi. What's more, he knew that after returning to Beijing, Kangxi would designate Ma Chunhua as Concubine Hui. This time She was let in by her own opinion, also to sell the future imperial concubine, and forge a good relationship, how could she know that flattery hit the horse's leg.

"Has the generals that Prince Bao sent out on Shenlong Island come back?" Song Qingshu asked.

"The Emperor Qizheng, Li Shiyao, Hailancha, and Zhaohui heard that Hongli was dead, and that his family members were in Shengjing and received the letter of surrender. Although they hesitated, they all surrendered in the end. Now they are waiting in Shengjing. The emperor's hair is coming down."

"Where are Agui and Fu Heng?" Song Qingshu had long been willing to take Kangxi as his replacement. All the information was clear. Hongli had five generals with military power, and Li Shiyao and others were sent to conquer Shenlong Island. Gui and Fu Heng have a higher status, staying on the northern border, always guarding against Mongolia's movements.

"Master Suo is going to surrender them, Master Yi Suo's talents must be fine." Duolong replied.

Thinking of the exquisite Suo Etu, Song Qingshu smiled knowingly, he could not do this kind of thing better.

"How is Prince Kang Jieshu's progress?" After several days, Song Qingshu also slowly figured out Kangxi's arrangement.

"Through Prince Kang's unremitting efforts, we have completely mastered Shengjing. Most of Hongli's remaining forces have been cleansed, and occasionally a few fish that slipped through the net can no longer make a big wave." During this period, Duolong has cooperated with Prince Kang many times. , Naturally knows it all.

"Hongli has been operating Shengjing for decades. How could his power be eradicated so easily. I can't stay in Shengjing forever, so let's let Prince Kang stay in Shengjing to frighten the young people, and Suo Etu will come back. Later, he was responsible for handling the government affairs of Shengjing."

Song Qingshu had just usurped Kangxi’s identity. Naturally, he didn’t want Manchu to fall apart immediately. At the same time, he was worried about being seen by people familiar with Kangxi. Therefore, he deliberately moved Kangxi’s confidantes like Prince Kang and Suoetu away from him. As the chief of the Ouchi guards, the sudden adjustment was too abrupt, so I had to take care of it slowly.

After successively receiving and appeasing Li Shiyao and other military lieutenants, Song Qingshu was finally relieved. However, as the situation in Shengjing gradually stabilized, the day when Song Qingshu returned to Beijing was getting closer.

I think there are more people familiar with Kangxi in the capital than in Shengjing, and it is easier to reveal flaws, but the ministers urged them one after another. Song Qingshu knew that this was not a way to drag it down, so he had to leave Prince Kang and Suoetu to organize the situation in the north. I took Duolong and the others and drove back to Beijing. Of course, Ma Chunhua and Xia Qingqing were also in the team back to Beijing. As for Su Quan, he found a reason to return to Shenlong Island. Song Qingshu also pushed the boat along the water and signaled Duo Long to let her go. .

Xia Qingqing naturally wanted to bring her, but it was a pity that Kangxi had previously announced that she would be named Concubine Hui. As the so-called Jun has no jokes, Song Qingshu is not easy to change her words.

During this period of time, Song Qingshu failed to assassinate Kangxi, and news of his frustration spread all over the country.

On Wudang Mountain, Zhang Sanfeng looked at Song Yuanqiao and sighed: "The boy, Qingshu, thought he was going astray. Coupled with the fact that his martial arts were getting higher and higher, he had even moved out of the mountain to clear the door for the teacher. How do you know that he is aspiring Gao Jie, don't hesitate to go into the mud. Although he failed in the end, it was enough to be a hero. I really missed my teacher."

In Mount Emei, Zhou Zhiruo locked herself in the room, and the white python whip method poured out frantically, sweeping the contents of the room to pieces.

In the Five Poison Sect of Yunnan, Zhong Ling and Qu Feiyan cried and turned into tears. Dongfang Muxue stood with her hand in her hand and looked in the direction of Yanjing, her face as cold as ice.


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