Flower Stealing Master

: Chapter 311: Sheriff in Crisis

"What are these two people playing?" Zhao Min couldn't help but frown, looking at the clouds as well.

"The two nobles did not know that Prajna palm is the deepest palm of Shaolin Temple. Prajna Buddhism emphasizes emptiness. Therefore, Prajna palm power becomes invisible, and there is no sense of form, feeling, thinking, and consciousness. Palm strength is emptiness, and emptiness is nothing. The palm strength, so outsiders do not seem to have much strength, only those facing the enemy can perceive the danger in the palm strength." Jinlun Fa Wang heard the discussion between Hua Zheng and Zhao Min, and quickly murmured.

Hua Zheng was at a loss, and couldn't help but shook his head and said: "The Zen Buddhism of the Central Plains is really obscure and difficult to understand. No wonder Father Khan likes to prefer secret religious meanings."

King Jinlunfa has a good face. The Mongolian Empire is now strong and strong. Various sects have sent envoys to preach to the Mongolian imperial family, including not only Buddhism in the Middle-earth, Quanzhen and other schools, but also Zoroastrianism in the Western Regions, and the religion of God. There is nothing more than Tubo Tantra. Several masters of Tantric Buddhism were regarded as guests by Mongolia, and they were appointed as national teachers. Basiba of Nalanda Temple was revered as emperor teacher. Even the second-generation disciple of Shingon Buddhism, Sang Jie, was also honored. Mr. Ali is very respectful, and it seems that in the near future, making Tantra the state religion of Mongolia is just around the corner.

"What the princess said is that the monks in Middle-earth like to say some obscure things that are in the cloud and mist. You ask him to explain it, but he can't explain it clearly. It is also beautifully called that you have not yet realized it. Then it will naturally understand. It's okay to deceive the ignorant people by such words, and it is really ridiculous to try to fool the great Genghis Khan."

"The national teacher's words are heavy. Because of the obscure teachings of the Zen Buddhism, there are indeed many monks who deceive the world, but there are also some who are truly enlightened." Zhao Min paused and shook his head slightly, "but their teachings are not good enough. The learned monks are often confused, how can ordinary people understand it."

Everyone here is talking about Buddhism, but the two over there are extremely dangerous. Song Qingshu’s eighteen palms of Jianglong are fierce and unparalleled. Fortunately, Xuancheng’s Prajna palms are empty and weak. Every time they face Song Qingshu, they hit a ball of cotton with all their strength. The palm strength is turned into nothingness by the other party without knowing it. After dozens of moves, Song Qingshu felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Great monk, you don't seem to have reached the highest level of the Prajna palm,'empty to the end.'" Song Qingshu remembers that in the original work Xuanci used Prajna palm to fight Qiao Feng's eighteen dragon palms without losing the wind. In the end, Only at this juncture did I realize the true meaning of'empty to the end'.

"Unexpectedly, your Excellency is so knowledgeable, ordinary people know that Prajna palm is not easy, and you still know that the highest state of Prajna palm is'to the end'!" Xuan Cheng's face was different, "but look at your eighteen palms of Jianglong , It seems that I have never reached the peak."

"The great monk really has a torch," Song Qingshu exclaimed, "Since you and I have never practiced the palms to the extreme, it will be difficult to tell the winner if you continue to fight, how about you stop?"

Xuan Cheng was quite moved, but soon he hesitated again: "You are saving the female devil today, which leads to not knowing how many innocent lives will be lost to her in the future. This sin, the poor monk Let me save you a lot."

Xuan Cheng understood that although he had the upper hand for the time being, it would not be easy to beat Song Qingshu in a short time. However, so far he has only used Prajna palm. If he uses the other twelve arts at the same time, the power of the tricks will not only be doubled if they complement each other. Moreover, the more proficient magic wand method has not been used, so Xuancheng is confident that he really fights. It's okay to teach Song Qingshu a lesson.

"Great monk, is it more sinful to kill a few people, or is it more sinful to kill tens of thousands of people?" Song Qingshu said while resisting Xuan Cheng's endless attacks.

Xuan Cheng was taken aback, and quickly said: "Although there is a cloud in the Buddhist school, all beings are equal, everything in the world is illusory, killing one person and killing tens of thousands is indistinguishable. However, the poor monk in the world cannot understand the kind of detachment. Realm. From the perspective of the poor monk, it is natural that the crime of killing thousands of people is more serious."

"That's not enough. Li Mochou only killed a few people, and the evil he did was only a small evil. On the contrary, it was the princess empress over there, who underwent thousands of troops, invaded China and killed us by thousands. Wan’s compatriots, this is the real big evil. If you keep the big evils, but hold on to the small ones, is it because you are scrupulous about the many masters around the princess empress, so you pretend not to see it, and have to bully the lonely. Li Mochou?" Song Qingshu moved Shuanglong out of the water and shook Xuan Cheng away with a palm, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Asshole! How can the poor monks be afraid of them?" Xuan Cheng said angrily, but also put away his skills, without the intention to continue to pounce on.

"This Song Shaoxia is really clever. The two armies are fighting each other by their own ability. There is no right or wrong. What's more, we are going south to discuss peace with the Song court. If we can negotiate a peace, I don't know. How many innocent lives will be saved? How can this merit be comparable to Li Mochou, a cold-blooded female demon who kills innocently."

Zhao Min glanced at the broken Zhu Chai on the pillar, feeling lost in his heart, and there was a trace of hatred in Song Qingshu's eyes.

"I don't know that the princess empress was blood-washed with the six major factions that day, and even the emptiness of the four great monks of Shaolin Temple was also cut off by your men. Is this considered an indiscriminate killing of innocents?"

Song Qingshu was secretly shocked when Zhao Min said that this trip was going south to discuss peace. If Mongolia had a truce with the Southern Song Dynasty, it would have changed its strategy of attacking everywhere. Not surprisingly, Mongolia will definitely attack a country with thunder, but I don’t know whether it will be the Kingdom of Jin or Qing, or the Mingjiao of the Western Regions or Hui. Department etc.

If you are attacking Mingjiao, of course you like to hear about it, but if you attack the Qing country, you have not digested the strength of the Qing country, it is really bad for Mongolia to fight at this time.

Song Qingshu was still thinking there, but Xuan Cheng glared at the Mongolian group: "Are you the demon girl Zhao Min?"

At the time, abbot Xuanci led the monks in the temple to go out and arranged for Kongwen and others to stay in the temple, but Zhao Min used ten incense to loosen his muscles, and all the monks were taken captive to Wan'an Temple, which almost led to the destruction of Shaolin Temple and the master of emptiness. Cutting off the head is really a shame and shame in Shaolin Temple.

Although Xuan Cheng heard them calling Zhao Min the princess empress, he didn't care too much. After all, there were so many princess princesses in Mongolia. It wasn't until Song Qingshu broke that she knew that the beautiful girl in front of her was actually the great enemy of this faction.

"The demon girl suffers to death!" Xuan Cheng opened his anger and slashed towards Zhao Min with a palm.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Shenjian Baxiong had already warned. Seeing Xuan Cheng leaped forward, he struck a bow and shot at him.

Seeing this, Xuan Cheng stopped and didn't avoid it. He took a deep breath, and the monk's robe became extremely turbulent, like an inflated balloon, standing upright on the spot. . The bow and arrow hit him, only to hear the sound of ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong, the bow and arrow hit the monk's robe, like being bounced off by an invisible force, and all fell to his feet.

After a rain of arrows, even Xuan Cheng’s robe was never broken. Song Qingshu’s eyes condensed, and the two elders Jinlun Fa King and Xuan Ming also cried out: "King Kong is not bad!"

Xuan Cheng didn't speak a word, and while Shenjian Baxiong and the others were stunned, he opened his mouth and roared, and the sound waves visible to the naked eye hit everyone.

"Buddhist lion roar! Protect the princess and the princess!" Jin Lun Fa Wang was frightened and angry, and quickly raised the big golden wheel to protect the two women. The two elders, Xuan Ming, A, A, A, and A also spontaneously stood in front of the two women. In front of the women, block most of the sonic power for them.

The rest of Zhao Min's guards were not so lucky, and they covered their ears in pain and fell to the ground wailing. Although Shenjian Baxiong is superior in archery skills, he is not good at internal strength and is not much better than ordinary guards. It didn't take long for him to be shaken with bleeding from his mouth and nose, and he collapsed on the ground, and he didn't know his life or death.

The people guarding Zhao Minhuazheng were not much better. King Jinlun Fazheng looked solemn, and the old man Xuanming trembled slightly. Because he had suffered a serious internal injury just now, he was obviously approaching the limit now, Ah Da Ah Er Ah San trembled all over. , A trace of blood slowly oozes from the corners of his mouth.

Song Qingshu was not directly in front of Xuan Cheng’s attack. With his skill, the lion roar naturally had no effect on him. He could not help but take a chair and sit down in a leisurely manner. With a stroke of Qinglong, he sucked water and sucked a hip flask from the counter. , Pour and drink from the side and watch the play.

After a while, Xuancheng's lion roar finally finished. Zhao Min and Huazheng were protected by many masters, so it was fine. However, most of their men were stumbling, and they had obviously lost their combat effectiveness. The only one who can stand safe and sound is the Golden Wheel of Fa King, the two elders Xuanming and Ada, A, A, A, A, and A, but only a few people, and Ada, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, and A San were injured by Zhang Wuji. Right and left, so he was shocked by the roar of the lion Xuancheng, and had already suffered serious internal injuries.

"I heard that the emptiness of this temple was killed by a master of the Western Regions Shaolin master Dali Jingang. If the poor monk is right, he should be your lord." Xuan Cheng looked at how good his eyes were, and at a glance, he could see that Ah San practiced. It’s the Viking Finger.

"What about Lao Tzu who killed it? That bald donkey's dragon-clawed hand blows so beautifully, it's nothing more than that." Although Ah San knew that he was invincible, he didn't want to lose his momentum.

"Okay, the poor monk will use the dragon's claw hand for a while for your strong vajra finger." Xuan Cheng's expressionless face, as soon as his voice fell, he probed with his left hand, holding a gust of wind with his right hand, and grabbed the big hole on the left shoulder of Asan. .

Ah San once struggled with emptiness. Naturally, he knew that this was the "cloud holding style" of the dragon claw hand. He quickly transported the Dali Vajra finger to Xuancheng's elbow, and he thought his Dali Vajra finger opened the stone. It is a blood hole in a person's body. Xuan Cheng has to withdraw his move if he wants to keep his arm.

Xuan Cheng didn't rush, press down with his right hand, just to intercept Asan's strong vajra finger, Asan felt a sharp pain from his fingertips, as if his fingers were poking on a piece of thousand-year-old mysterious iron, and he could feel it. Those **** broke every inch.

Before Ah San had time to react, Xuan Cheng's left hand, which was a false move, already grabbed his throat. Ah Da and Ah Er were shocked, and rushed over to rescue him. Xuan Cheng smiled slightly and twisted neatly. He broke Ah San's neck.

"Empty, I let him die under your fame stunt, I hope you can look down."


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