Flower Stealing Master

: 312 Mongolia's First Beauty

Ah Da and Ah Er were shocked and angry. Although they and Ah San were not brothers, they had been slaves of the Ruyang Palace for many years. On the contrary, their relationship was deeper than ordinary brothers. When Ah San died in Xuancheng's hands, his eyes immediately became red. If you rush over to take revenge.

Ah Dafang Dongbai is famous for his fast swords. Although he has only one hand now, his sword skills are not reduced at all. First he stabs Xuan Cheng in front of him. Xuan Cheng's face was expressionless, his left hand turned his claw into a finger, and he poked at the tip of the sword.

Ah Da was taken aback, thinking that even if you practiced the vajra finger vigorously, there is no reason to go against the sharp sword. Therefore, although Xuan Cheng's **** are as white as jade, there is a faint layer of crystal color flowing, but he doesn't care too much. , With a grinning grin, lifted his whole body skills, thinking that he could cut off half of Xuan Cheng's palm with this sword.

The tip of the sword touched the tip of the finger, and the imaginary flesh and blood did not appear. Ah Da felt a strong force coming from the sword and could no longer move forward. Ah Da frowned and sent the sword forward unhurriedly, and the sword body quickly bends with an exaggerated arc.

Xuan Cheng yelled and pushed his fingertips forward. The sword seemed to be papery, broken inch and inch, and Ah Da was shocked, but after all he was a first-class master. He hurriedly took the opportunity to step back and looked at the bare hilt in his hand. Suddenly thought of a legendary school of Shaolin Temple, he couldn't help but say, "One Finger Zen!"

One-finger Zen of Shaolin Temple is an extremely advanced martial art. It is difficult for ordinary monks to get a glimpse of the way without decades of cultivation. Since the creation of Shaolin Temple, there are only a handful of people who have practiced this stunt. Legend has it that after training, the fingers are all invincible, taking human acupuncture points in the air, without any disadvantage, the power is still above the Dali section of a Yang finger, only because there are too few trained people, the reputation on the rivers and lakes is not as prominent as a Yang finger.

All this happened between the lightning and flint, Ah Er had already transported the Donkey Kong palm and blasted Xuan Cheng's right chest. A Er, A San and Gang are both masters of the Western Regions Diamond Sect. In the past, Zhao Min used tricks to make Gang Xiang count against Zhang Sanfeng. With Zhang Sanfeng’s good fortune, he was hit in the palm of Gang Xiang’s Prajna King Kong. They were also severely injured and almost injured. The Wudang faction was destroyed by Zhao Min and his entourage who came later.

Ah Er practiced the external power of the Vajra Gate to the peak, and then from the outside to the inside, he realized the superior internal power that the Vajra Gate does not have. The internal strength of the whole body is the best of the whole Vajra Gate. He does not believe in the power of Xuancheng. He was even more powerful than Zhang Sanfeng, thinking that Xuan Cheng was inevitable at this time, and he could only fight hard. With his profound internal strength, it would be impossible to suffer.

Xuan Cheng had just pushed back from Ah Da, and it was too late to dodge at this time, so he had to raise his palm to meet him, which was the palm of the hand that Song Qingshu had just used.

The palms intersect, and there is no reckless internal force as imagined. Ah Er only feels that his ten-strength palm power is like a clay cow into the sea, as if he has been transformed into nothingness. Before he can be horrified, he feels the mountains and the sea from Xuancheng's palm. Ah Er yelled, awkwardly staggered backwards, every step on the floor, the bluestone slabs were shattered, and when he finally stopped, he couldn't help but kneel down. On the ground, with a wow, spit out a big mouthful of blood.

"First turn the opponent's palm into nothingness, and then take the opportunity to use the strength to drive straight in, the Prajna palm is really mysterious." Song Qingshu on the side was stunned, thinking that his eighteen palms of Jianglong would try their best to avoid head-on confrontation with the opponent. The Vajra palm, which is more than fierce and lacking in softness, also wants to fight against the Prajna palm, which is really overwhelming.

"Mr. Deer, Mr. Crane, go and help them." Zhao Min just watched Xuan Cheng's fight with Song Qingshu, and it seemed nothing more than that. He didn't expect his subordinates to fight him. After a face-to-face encounter, he would be so miserably defeated, and he was crying.

Seeing Xuan Cheng raised his hands and feet, the two old men shook God Arrow Baxiong, killed Ah San, retreated Ah Da, and severely injured Ah Er. They couldn't help but feel a little bit shy. However, when the master spoke, the two looked at each other and had no choice but to greet him.

After learning from the lessons learned from the past, the two elders Xuanming naturally did not dare to hold up as before. They wanted to use the palm of the **** Xuanming to quickly defeat each other, and they drew out their unique weapons, and everything is safe.

The two of them were the top masters in the world, and the brothers had been very good at combining attacks for decades. In this way, Xuan Cheng couldn't help the two for a while.

The three quickly fought into a ball. The wind was like a knife within a radius of a few meters. Xuan Cheng was bare-handed, but he was not afraid. Instead, the expressions of the two elders Xuan Ming gradually became dignified, and his figure became a little obscure.

"Please also ask the national teacher to come to help." Zhao Min saw that Xuanming and Elder gradually fell into a disadvantage. Although it was you and me between the moves, she knew in her heart that the two were just struggling to support it, so she hurriedly looked at Jinlun for help. The king.

"Princess, this..." King Jinlun said hesitantly. His dignified Mongolian national teacher, if he teamed up with others to fight the enemy, even if he won, he would lose face. What's more, with Xuan Cheng's skill, fighting alone, Jinlun Fa King was really unsure in his heart, so he was caught in a dilemma.

According to Jinlun Fa King’s original idea, although the two elders Xuanming can't match Xuancheng, Xuancheng would have to pay a certain price if he wants to win against the two elders. Then he will play again and face the injured Xuancheng, and he will be sure of winning. Increase, in this way, I won the first person of Shaolin Temple in two hundred years in a single fight, and spread it out, and my reputation in the world will be unprecedented. By the way, I can also faintly suppress Nalanda Temple Basiba, He Le Not for.

"Guo Shi, I know you respect your identity, but our mission is very important. If there is any accident, I am afraid that it will not be easy to explain to the profligate." Hua Zheng also persuaded her, she only regarded it as the King of the Golden Wheel, scornful of fame. How can I know that he has so many calculations in his mind.

Even Princess Huazheng spoke. The King of the Golden Wheel could no longer escape, so he nodded, stood up and said to Xuancheng who was fighting in the field: "Lao Na is the King of the Golden Wheel of the Mongolian national teacher. I will come here for a while today. Be careful." As soon as the voice fell, three wheels flew out of his hand and swiftly rotated towards Xuancheng.

Although King Jinlun Fa is good at calculating others, after all, as a master of a faction, he naturally refuses to sneak attacks when he fights more and less, so he warns before he moves.

"Guo Teacher, I'll leave it to you here." Hearing the whistling flywheel, the two elders Xuan Ming forcefully retreated Xuan Cheng temporarily, and immediately jumped out of the ring of war.

Seeing the two cross the river and demolish the bridge, King Jinlun couldn't help but curse his mother, but he had to send the arrow on the string, so he had a sullen face, holding two wheels, and cooperating with the three rounds of flying in the sky, he continued to attack.

The five wheels of gold, silver, copper, iron and lead are different in weight and size. The golden wheel of the Fa King will be thrown at the same time. When the wheel comes out, the wheels will be suddenly crooked. The five wheels are spinning like flying. Xuan Cheng has never seen such a weird weapon. The wheels attacking from all angles were forced into a rush, a little embarrassed.

"The scene of the five rounds flying together is quite similar to my free swordsmanship." Song Qingshu looked at it for a while, but because of being outside, he vaguely felt the trajectory of the five rounds of flight.

Li Jianshu is a set of swordsmanship researched by Song Qingshu before. With the Qi Yujian, it can control the wooden sword to appear and disappear within three feet of the whole body, attack the enemy in all directions, and later cooperate with the dragon with eighteen palms. Poison Ouyang Feng was also forced into embarrassment.

But later, because Ouyang Feng woke up and realized the weakness in his character, Song Qingshu suddenly became clear. After successfully completing the plan he had been planning, the whole martial arts realm also had a qualitative improvement. Nowadays, he tends to reduce the complexity to simplicity. A wooden sword is enough.

"The national teacher really deserves to be the number one master of Mongolia. One-on-one, he actually has the upper hand." Seeing the situation in the field, Hua Zheng said happily.

Zhao Min has never lacked top masters, so although her martial arts is not very clever, her knowledge is far from Huazheng's. She saw that King Jinlun beat Xuan Cheng by surprise, and now she has the upper hand, but Xuan Xuan Cheng is like a flat boat in a sea of ​​anger. Although it looks thrilling, it can be turned into a breeze every time.

King Jinlun could not turn his advantage into a winning position as soon as possible. After Xuan Cheng got used to it, he might not be optimistic.

"Mr. Deer, Mr. Crane, you go to help the national teacher." Zhao Min is a pragmatist. She doesn't care about martial arts rules. She follows the principle of killing you on the Mongolian grasslands when you are sick. Together with King Jinlun Fa, Xuan Cheng may not be able to escape and ascend to heaven.

"Princess Empress, the national teacher has the upper hand, we are now blending in, don't we not put the national teacher in our eyes?" Luzhangke gave a dry laugh, they naturally understood the abacus made by the Golden Wheel Fa King just now, and now Feng Shui takes turns Turns, it's their turn to watch the fire from the other side.

Zhao Min's face was cold, and he was about to use the identity of the princess to give them orders. At this time, there had been changes in the field.

After dozens of rounds of fighting, Xuan Cheng had already understood the power of the five flywheels, a confident smile appeared on his face, and he no longer avoided. Taking a deep breath, the red and yellow monk's robe swelled up again.

Bang bang bang!

Accompanied by a few loud noises, the flywheel hit Xuancheng's body and was bounced away. The King of the Golden Wheel was shocked and quickly gathered the scattered flywheel in his hands. The five rounds were united in front of him to guard against the mystery. Cheng the next attack.

Xuan Cheng stretched out his hand and sucked the stick inserted on the wall into his hand, and said to the King of the Golden Wheel the Buddha's horn: "As the Mongolian teacher, the poor monk naturally dare not ask him to confront the enemy with his bare hands. The magic wand method teaches the Fa King’s tantric magic."

"The master's martial arts is so high that it is rare in his life. Lao Na was going to use it to deal with Guo Jing's Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, but I hope the master will appraise it." Out of the legal entity of the dragon elephant.

"According to legend, every level of skill teaches a tantric stunt that has doubled the previous level. I don't know which level the Fa King has practiced?" Xuan Cheng looked serious as expected.

"I'm not talented, I only practiced to the tenth level." Jinlun Fawang was humble on the surface, but he couldn't hide his lust.

Seeing everyone at the inn put their attention on the two of them, Song Qingshu's heart moved and looked towards Zhao Min. He saw Yurong fainted with red clouds under the sunlight, the skin on the back of the neck was crystal clear and snowy, the figure was graceful and graceful, and his waist. Slender and soft, if there is no bones, can't help but secretly admire: "Sure enough to be the first beauty in Mongolia, such an opportunity is rare in a lifetime, and it is easy to kidnap her at this time..."


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