Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 327: Queen of the Kingdom

The two people in the room couldn't help but look at each other. Seeing Song Qingshu staring at him, Zhao Min said angrily: "Look what, she's looking for you, not me."

"It's all so late." Song Qingshu frowned, obviously not sure what Mrs. Tang's intentions were.

"They made it clear that they recommended their pillow seats," Zhao Min sneered. "So charming and charming, please don't tell me that you don't like me."

"It's one thing to be emotional, and whether to do that is another thing. This Madame Tang's identity is mysterious. I really don't know what her purpose is." Song Qingshu deliberately lowered her voice and said.

"Whether you move your heart or your body, is there a place in your room for me to hide?" Zhao Min looked around, obviously not wanting Madam Tang to come in and see herself.

"Are you hiding here?" Song Qingshu was taken aback, and suddenly smiled maliciously, and whispered beside her, "You don't have a hobby of voyeurism, right."

Zhao Min was itchy by his breath, and subconsciously shrank back, and said angrily: "I just don't want her to misunderstand our relationship."

"Then I won't let her in." As soon as the voice fell, Song Qingshu raised his head to tell Madam Tang that he was asleep.

"Hey!" Zhao Min covered his mouth anxiously, and quickly whispered, "Didn't you say that Mrs. Tang's identity is mysterious? How could such a good opportunity be missed?"

The fingers on his lips were cold and very comfortable. Song Qingshu glanced at it, but he couldn't bear to speak.

Zhao Min only then woke up, her little hands retracted as if they were being scalded, and her expression was quite unnatural.

"So you want me to sacrifice my hue to get information." Song Qingshu said amusedly.

Zhao Min's face flushed: "How can it be so ugly as you said, please greet her, she should be impatient already."

"But there is nothing to hide in this room, except under the bed. If you want to eat ashes, I will do whatever you want." Song Qingshu shrugged helplessly.

Zhao Min looked around. Indeed, as Song Qingshu said, he couldn't help but said in distress, "Where is that hiding?"

"Hide on the bed, put the curtain down, she can't see it." Song Qingshu pointed to the bed not far away.

Zhao Min said angrily: "Do you want to take advantage of me?"

"How can you stand up to the toss when you are seriously injured? My taste is not that heavy. What's more, I am also injured. Can you be pure in your mind?" Song Qingshu said silently.

Zhao Min was speechless for a while, then looked at the bottom of the bed for a while, then looked at the bed for a while, hesitating.

Song Qingshu smiled, looked outside the door and said loudly: "Zai Xia is already asleep, I wonder if my wife is visiting late at night, what's the matter?"

Hearing his refusal, Zhao Min glared at him fiercely, with warnings in his eyes.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly and said softly: "She came so late, do you think she will just leave like this?"

Sure enough, Mrs. Tang smiled and continued: "The concubine just thought that I could only use clothes to tie the wounds to the son in a hurry, so this time I brought a clean bandage to change the dressing of the son."

For a fair and honest reason, Zhao Min gave a thumbs up admiringly, and hurried to the bed. When Song Qingshu opened the door, she just dropped the bed curtain.

"It's too late to bother Madam to come here in person. I'm really sorry...Don't go." Song Qingshu couldn't help being stunned when he saw Madam Tang's appearance in front of him.

Mrs. Tang apparently had just finished the bath, her face was still blushing from the steaming steam, her graceful figure wrapped in a veil-like dress, her chest shrugged and her waist was thin, and her plump buttocks were full of green. The femininity that a bitter girl lacks most, Song Qingshu, who is used to seeing beautiful women, has to admit that Madam Tang is simply a woman among women.

"Unexpectedly, see-through clothing appeared in this dynasty." Song Qingshu slapped his tongue. Madam Tang's dress was so thin that she could vaguely see her close-fitting underwear.

"Don't you ask me to go in and sit down?" Madam Tang pursed her lips, and a shallow pear vortex appeared on the goose egg's face.

"Madam, please come in." Song Qingshu recovered and hurriedly welcomed Madam Tang in.

"The troubled son, shut the door." Madam Tang went into the room and looked at it for a week without leaving any traces. She was quite satisfied in her heart without seeing Zhao Min's figure, as if she casually reminded Song Qingshu.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu was dumbfounded. He deliberately opened the door just to show that he was upright and aboveboard. He didn't think too much. How could he know that Mrs. Tang would be so proactive.

Noting the expression of Song Qingshu, Mrs. Tang's eyelashes were drooping, and she whispered: "The son knows something. Although you and me are as bright as the sun and the moon, but the concubine and the husband are not in the house, if the servants see us in the same room, It is inevitable that rumors and rumors will spread. If the concubine husband knows about it, the concubine..." After saying that, there was a choking in his tone.

Zhao Min, who was hiding in the bed, cursed secretly. This vixen came to seduce the man in the middle of the night, and said that he was afraid of gossip, which was ridiculous.

Song Qingshu quickly persuaded: "Madam, don't cry, just at Xiaguan."

Looking at the back of Song Qingshu closing the door, Mrs. Tang sighed faintly: "The son must think in his heart that his concubine is a shameless woman."

Song Qingshu chuckled: "Madam is worried, my companion is seriously injured, and his wife can take him in. Song Mou is too grateful, so why would you miss Madam so much."

There was a trace of sadness on Madam Tang's face: "The concubine's face is too charming, and coupled with the fact that she doesn't pay much attention to her behavior on weekdays, rumors will inevitably spread. Lian Hujun also began to suspect that her concubine was unfaithful to him. If it wasn't for the son's life-saving grace for the concubine, the concubine would not let you live in the backyard."

Listening to her sincere words, Song Qingshu was also confused for a while. Could it be that he really misunderstood this woman? Since she carries her chastity guard with her,

But it's really hard to make people misunderstand her gestures, especially at such a late hour, and come to a strange man's room in such a sheer dress. Isn't it what seduce is?

Song Qingshu thought about it, and thought that everyone has a love for beauty. Not all those urban beauties who wore miniskirts in the previous life are all. Madam Tang dressed like this, maybe it's just her own taste and hobbies that are different...

"Zunfu has been fighting all the year round. You live in two places. Misunderstandings are inevitable. The clearer is clear, and the wife needn't be too concerned. Of course, if you can let the husband return to his wife, all these misunderstandings will naturally melt away." Song Qingshu took the opportunity to The topic turned to the Chongyi Army Jiedu Envoy to see if he could detect something.

"Now that the frontline is tight, how could he come back so easily." Madam Tang obviously didn't want to talk more about this issue, and looked lacking in interest.

Song Qingshu's heart moved, thinking why she should be like this, just ask her directly. Anyone who sees Madam Tang’s power that does not match her identity will feel strange, not to mention the intimacy shown by Madam Tang. Pretending to ask accidentally shouldn't arouse her vigilance.

"Madam, there is one thing I don't understand, I don't know whether to ask it." Song Qingshu said lightly, using a woman's feelings to deceive each other, he still couldn't do it after all, so he gave up the method of discussing with Zhao Min.

Hearing Song Qingshu's words, Zhao Min on the bed was shocked, complaining secretly that Song Qingshu was too risky, and quickly pricked up his ears to sound.

"The great kindness of the son, the concubine is not retributable, how can he hide it from the son? Just ask if the son has anything, and the concubine knows everything without saying anything." Madam Tang replied.

"This... Madam is serious," Song Qingshu was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't hide his curiosity. "I'm just wondering why the Kaifeng guard is so respectful to his wife. Is it because of the respectful husband?"

"He?" Despite deliberately concealing it, Song Qingshu still heard the disdain in her tone, "How can he have this ability."

"Then why..." Song Qingshu thought to himself as expected.

But Mrs. Tang's face suddenly blushed, and she was silent for a long time before she said: "Does the son know who is the most powerful person in the Kingdom of Jin?"

"Isn't it your emperor who is the most powerful?" Song Qingshu used to be the leader of the Manchu dynasty, naturally knowing that the current emperor of the Kingdom of Jin is Xizong Wanyanquan.

"The son did not know that after the death of my founding emperor Taizu Agu, his brother Wanyan Wu Qi bought it for Taizong. After the death of Taizong, the throne fell into the hands of Taizu's grandson. Shang Xizong. But because Xizong was young and the government was controlled by several founding heroes, these people are very famous in the hearts of you Han people." Madam Tang explained.

"Oh? I don't know who they are." Song Qingshu secretly sighed that he was careless. Most of his energy was put on the rivers and lakes before, but he ignored the power composition of various countries.

"Jin Wang Wanyan Zonghan, Song Wang Wanyan Zonggan, and Wanyan Zongbi who was called Wushu by the soldiers and civilians of the Southern Song Dynasty." Mrs. Tang said.

"Wanyan Zonghan, Wanyan Zonggan, are the two who attacked the Northern Song Dynasty and caused the shame of Jingkang?" Song Qingshu asked in a deep voice.

Mrs. Tang nodded and continued: "These princes hold heavy arms and have high prestige. They quickly vacated the emperor. Most of the affairs in the court are decided by them. Over time, they have developed a weak character today. "Speaking of this, Mrs. Tang couldn't help but sighed softly.

"Then what?" But they are clearly dead.

"As time passed year by year, the three princes died one after another, but the psychological shadow on the emperor still existed. Coupled with the emperor's weak character and reluctance to take care of things, the power of the Central Government soon fell into the hands of Queen Pei Man." Mrs. Tang replied.

"Pei Man... Is your queen a Han Chinese?" Song Qingshu frowned and asked strangely.

"Of course not," Mrs. Tang shook her head slightly, "The queen is from the Jurchen clan's wife Lu Huobu, Pei Man, who has given herself a Chinese name, called Pei Man."

"So that's the case." Song Qingshu said strangely, "What kind of relationship does Madam and Pei Man have?"

If that kind of relationship is also called a relationship... Thinking of some absurd things, Mrs. Tang's face blushed, and she said vaguely, "It's almost like this."

"My son, let your concubine change your dressing first." Madam Tang obviously didn't want to say more, and quickly changed the subject, "Come on, let's sit on the bed and change the dressing."


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