Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 328: plaything

Why do I need to go to bed when changing the dressing?

Song Qingshu didn't ask this question stupidly, and after deliberately tricking Zhao Min, he smiled and nodded in agreement: "Ms. Lao."

Zhao Min on the bed was praying for Song Qingshu to find a reason to refuse, but he didn't know that he had agreed so bluntly that he was almost **** off.

But now is not the time to be angry. If Mrs. Tang sees herself on the bed of Song Qingshu, it will be impossible to cleanse herself by jumping into the Yellow River. Looking around, Zhao Min found helplessly that there was nowhere to hide. Feeling that the two outsiders had reached the bed, Zhao Min gritted his teeth and got into the bed.

Opening the curtains, and seeing the messy quilt, Mrs. Tang finally relieved her heart. It turned out that Song Qingshu hadn't come to open the door after waiting for so long before, and she couldn't help but feel suspicious. Seeing Song Qingshu's quilt messy, it was obvious that as he said, he just got up from the bed and was delayed because of his clothes.

"Really, I won't eat you, why do you dress so tightly?" Madam Tang smiled silently in her heart.

Song Qingshu glanced away, and he guessed that Zhao Min was hiding in the bed beside him, smiling slightly without breaking.

"The son endures a little pain, and my concubine helps you change the dressing." Madam Tang took off her shoes, and she knelt down on the bed, and said softly.

"Madam, let me do it. Although I dare not scrape the bones and heal my wounds like Guan Gong, I can bear this pain." Song Qingshu thought of meeting Yang Miaozhen for the first time and was shot in the body by her. It was not a good start. .

Madam Tang gave a hum, and gently took off his coat for him.

The body that was gradually exposed to the air felt a bit of coolness, and Song Qingshu's brows jumped: This woman didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and changing the medicine made it so ambiguous. For a while, she appeared to be smoky and flattering, and for a while, she appeared steadfast and sturdy, not knowing which side of her was the real one.

"My son, your skin is as smooth as your companion." The fingertips gently slid across his shoulders, and Mrs. Tang was surprised.

Song Qingshu's internal strength has now reached the stage, and the debris in the body is gradually discharged under the marrow and bones. The skin is indeed much better than ordinary people, but as a man, it is still difficult for him to accept this way of praise.

Hearing Mrs. Tang mentioning herself, not knowing whether it was for protest or what, she stretched out a small hand under the quilt and quietly squeezed Song Qingshu.

"Oh," Mrs. Tang exclaimed, looking at Song Qingshu's back, her pretty face quickly turned red, and she bit her lower lip and said faintly, "I thought Song Gongzi was really a clever monk, no I think you are so bad, son..."

It turned out that Zhao Min was hiding in the bed and could not see clearly, so he could only judge the position of the two people based on the direction of the voice. How did you know that Madam Tang happened to change the position when changing Song Qingshu's dressing, but Zhao Min caught Madam Tang. The hips went up. Madame Tang didn't know that there was another person on the bed, and she subconsciously thought that Song Qingshu had quietly taken advantage of her.

The situation of a radius of several meters is under the perception of Song Qing's book Qi machine, how can Zhao Min's small movements be hidden from him. Seeing Mrs. Tang looking at herself lightly and angrily, Song Qingshu gave a wry smile, only to default to this scapegoat.

"Even an eminent monk who really sits on his shoulders, encountering such a madam as a majestic beauty, I am afraid that he will be moved by the idea of ​​vulgarity." Song Qingshu smiled stiffly, and stretched his hand under the bed to retaliate. Squeezed Zhao Min and grabbed it.

"Ah~" A low voice came from the bed. Fortunately, Mrs. Tang's attention was on Song Qingshu, and Zhao Min didn't reveal it.

I don't know what I touched just now, thinking that all parts of her body are so soft and soft, Song Qingshu calmly withdrew the evil hand.

"What is the biggest worry for the son now?" Madam Tang adjusted her mood and continued to change the medicine for him, while quietly asking.

"My biggest worries?" Song Qingshu was taken aback. There were a lot of worries, but most of them couldn't tell the woman in front of them. What's more, there was a princess Shaomin staring at the side, "Song has too many worries, most of them are in the world. Some mundane things, I’m afraid it will smear Madam’s ears."

"The son joked, he is as handsome as the son, a young hero of martial arts, what else can stump you in the world?" Madam Tang passed through his ribs, earnestly tying the last knot for him.

Zhao Min quietly peeked out of the bed, and silently lip-synched to Song Qingshu: "Business..."

Song Qingshu smiled, stretched out his foot and pressed Zhao Min's head back.

"Bah baah baah!" Zhao Min regurgitated in the bed, angrily in his heart, "This bastard, one day I will torture you well."

"There are a lot of troubles underneath," Mrs. Tang's cheek was very close to her chest, and Song Qingshu couldn't help but a faint ripple in her heart, and she quickly reached out to support her back so as not to fall, "For example, what worries me now is , I still don’t know Madam’s name for so long."

After changing the medicine, Mrs. Tang was not in a hurry, she just lay quietly in Song Qingshu’s arms and looked at him quietly: “According to the custom of your Han people, you can only tell a woman’s name except for her parents’ knowledge. The future husband."

Stared at by those long and charming peach blossom eyes, Song Qingshu's heart jumped and said lightly: "But Madam is a Jurchen, not a Han. As far as I know, you Jurchens don't have this rule, don't you?"

"I'm really scared of you. My concubine's name is Tang Kuo Ding, isn't it hard to hear?" Madam Tang looked at Song Qingshu anxiously, for fear that he would show disgust.

"I think it's pretty good," Song Qingshu said with a smile, "It's much better than the name Minmin, which is the name of Princess Shaomin, the most beautiful Mongolian beauty." Zhao Min was so angry that he kicked through the quilt as soon as the voice fell. He had two feet in protest. Madam Tang was lying halfway in Song Qingshu's arms, her sight was blocked by his body, so naturally she couldn't see all of this.

"Really?" Mrs. Tang exclaimed in surprise, "I'm still worried that you, as a Han, don't like my name."

Song Qingshu was startled, and said: "Even the Kaifeng guards are respectful to his wife, presumably his wife is noble in the Jin Dynasty court, so why care about my opinion as a Han Chinese."

Not knowing what she was thinking of, Mrs. Tang suddenly sighed faintly: "It's just a glamorous appearance. Who knows the misery of concubine's body and mind."

"If Madam doesn't dislike it, Song can be a loyal listener." Song Qingshu did not understand why Madam Tang suddenly fluctuated in mood, but he clearly missed today's opportunity.

"I...can...can I trust you?" Madam Tang's eyes flashed as she stared at Song Qingshu intently.

Song Qingshu was shocked, and quickly stretched out his hand to swear: "If Mrs. Song told Song today, if Song told others, he would teach Song to fight..."

"Hey!" Madam Tang hurriedly stretched out her finger to press on his lips, "My son, don't make such a poisonous oath, the concubine naturally believes in you."

Song Qingshu originally thought that Zhao Min had heard it from the sidelines, and it was not considered that he had violated his oath, so it did not matter no matter how poisonous the oath was. However, seeing Mrs. Tang's trust, he suddenly felt a deep sense of guilt in his heart.

"You know why Kaifeng City Shou is so polite to his concubine?" Madam Tang didn't notice his abnormality. Instead, she fell into contemplation, her voice very ethereal.

"Is it because of the relationship between the lady and the queen?" Song Qingshu asked tentatively, thinking of what she had just said.

"What can I have to do with the queen?" Madam Tang sneered, then fell into silence.

Zhao Min waited anxiously, and kept kicking Song Qingshu on the back through the quilt to signal him to continue asking, but Song Qingshu was unmoved and didn't want to disturb Mrs. Tang at this time.

Fortunately, Mrs. Tang didn't let Zhao Min wait long, and continued: "It's okay and not exact. To be precise, we all slept with the same man."

Although Madam Tang’s voice was calm, Song Qingshu was bluffed, and he hesitated to ask: "Madam was caught by the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin..." His first reaction was to let the queen and Madam Tang’s husband go to bed. The identity of Jiedushi, wanting to have skin close to the queen, is far from qualified.

"No." Mrs. Tang shook her head gently, but a heavy bomb exploded in the hearts of Song Qingshu and Zhao Min. She shook her head, doesn't it mean that the Queen of the Kingdom of Jin actually gave the current emperor a top Tianda Green Cap.

"There is such a man who is not only distinguished and powerful, but also has a good reputation in everyone's mind. Coupled with his handsome appearance, he is actually the most happy man in the hearts of many women. Until one day, his wife Inviting me to be a guest at the house, I didn’t have any precautions, so I went like that. I didn’t know that I was unconscious soon after the dinner. When I woke up, this man was lying on my body doing animal things..." As she talked, Mrs. Tang was already crying, and even Zhao Min on the side was taken aback.

Song Qingshu said in a deep voice, "Who is this man?"

Madam Tang shook her head faintly: "He threatened the safety of my entire family, so I won't reveal his name."

Song Qingshu frowned. Just about to say something, Mrs. Tang had already continued: "Afterwards, I intend to expose his true colors. Unfortunately, by chance, I discovered that even the queen was involved with him."

"I said before that the current saint is weak in character, and the power of Chaozhong is in the hands of the queen. Even she is that person's lover, and I finally despair. Coupled with his threat of family safety, I can't help but become Lost his plaything."

"Does your husband know about this?" Song Qingshu suddenly asked in a deep voice.

"There is no impermeable wall in the world, and even Kaifeng city guards are flattering me. Do you think my husband knows?" Madam Tang showed a trace of misery on her face.

"Is he just being bullied by you?" Song Qingshu said angrily.


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