Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 329: Helpless princess

"Otherwise, what can he do?" Madam Tang smiled sadly, "He has his own family to consider. If it is pierced, it will not be good for anyone. Pretending not to know, at least he can keep everything in front of him."

"He is not a thing." Song Qingshu said angrily.

"Hehe, it's really not a thing. After a while, he hid on the front line and rarely went home. I am afraid he thinks that seeing me at home will hurt his fragile self-esteem." Mrs. Tang's tone was full of resentment. .

Song Qingshu frowned, and said: "Maybe he is trying to lay his head, for revenge in the future."

Mrs. Tang was taken aback, but she shook her head quickly: "Even if he is really brave enough, it is only for the dignity of his man, not for me. When I was most helpless, he chose to leave in silence, which I will forget for the rest of my life. Can’t get that feeling."

Song Qingshu was silent, and didn't know how to comfort her for a while.

"Actually, although he was irritated by his cowardice and incompetence before, he still understands his helplessness until today..." Madam Tang said coldly.

"What happened today?" Song Qingshu asked curiously.

"The son thinks who found the people who robbed me today?" Madame Tang closed her eyes, and two drops of tears slowly slipped down.


Since Mrs. Tang is the secret lover of that big man, there must be no one in Jin Guozhi who offends her so indifferently. Before listening to Yang Miaozhen’s tone, it was clear that someone hired them to rob Mrs. Tang, and then sum up what Mrs. Tang said, the murderer. It's already obvious.

Song Qingshu hesitated for a while, and said: "It may not be him, maybe it is the wife of that big man. Seeing that my husband is obsessed with...I am so jealous of you, I want to send someone to get rid of you and win back her husband's favor."

"The son is kind-hearted and has always helped him to speak nice things." Madam Tang opened her eyes and stretched out her hand to gently stroke Song Qingshu's cheek.

Song Qingshu drew back without leaving a trace, and said, "I'm just talking about things."

"I hope so too," Madam Tang's eyes flashed blankly. "Unfortunately, the son forgot. At the beginning, I was promoted by... his wife. When she was her age, she considered all benefits. , How can I be jealous with a shameless woman like me."

"Madam can tell me who that man is. Song is not talented. He thinks that martial arts is still so-so, I will kill him to avenge you." Song Qingshu can't see a woman's tears the most, not to mention that in the near future, he will inevitably become an enemy of the Kingdom of Jin. It’s also good to get rid of a big man in advance.

Hearing Song Qingshu's words, Madam Tang's eyes were filled with surprise, staring at Song Qingshu blankly: "We meet in plain water, why are you so good to me?"

Zhao Min in the bed also kicked him angrily to show his dissatisfaction.

"You can't let the lady lose confidence in all the men in the world." Song Qingshu replied lightly.

Madame Tang seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer, staring at Song Qingshu in a daze, "Can you give me a hug?"

Song Qingshu hesitated, but after all he reached out and hugged Madam Tang.

Madam Tang saw her face pressed against Song Qingshu's chest, and listened quietly to his heartbeat, her emotions slowly calmed down: "Thank you, but the concubine will not be in danger."

"You don't have to worry about me. With my light work, even if the assassination fails, they won't be able to keep me." Song Qingshu actually regretted making this promise on impulse just now, but in life, there are always so many irrational behaviors. , Otherwise what's the point.

"The young man's martial arts is world-class, so naturally you don't need to worry about your concubine," Mrs. Tang hugged Song Qingshu tightly, "but I've seen it a long time ago. We women on the grassland have a weak concept of chastity, so they should be someone else's secret lover. Well, it’s not a big deal. This will also ensure the safety of the family and the prosperity of her husband. If that person dies, some of his political opponents will always think of using the relationship between me and him to completely eradicate his power group. No backing. No matter it’s the concubine body or the concubine’s relatives, there will be no good end."

Mrs. Tang was born in a Jurchen noble family since she was a child, and she has long been accustomed to blood in the palace, so she can see it so thoroughly.

Song Qing was dumbfounded, he didn't expect this. Only then did I understand my self from modern times.

"Does the son think that his concubine is a bad woman?" Seeing Song Qingshu's silence, Madam Tang raised her head worriedly.

"No, it was Mrs. Song's words that made Song admire, and the madam's courage was admired." Song Qingshu sighed, "Since Madam has already seen everything, why bother telling me about these secrets."

"I don't know either." Madam Tang shook her head blankly and smiled bitterly, "I only wanted to click until it stopped, to arouse the son's pity. I don't know that there is a natural reassuring taste in the son, I don't know. I'll tell you all about it."

"The lady's visit late at night was really bad intentions." Song Qingshu teased.

Madam Tang flushed, and said embarrassedly: "The concubine is just worried that the son will not be able to rest well."

"This reason is also unique," Song Qingshu laughed. "Dare to ask Madam, how can I get a good rest?"

"The son knowingly asked..." Mrs. Tang said greasyly, the elongated ending gradually lowering, and the bed was suddenly full of ambiguous air.

"That's it." Zhao Min in the bed was very angry, secretly regretting it. He knew that when Mrs. Tang came in just now, it would be fine for him to go back to his room, so as not to ruin their good deeds, and to add a sense of sullenness.

"My son, do you know what the concubine is most afraid of?" Madam Tang said quietly.

"This...forgive me for being dull, I really can't guess it." Song Qingshu said with a wry smile.

"The concubine is most afraid of loneliness." Madam Tang sighed for a long time.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu was dumbfounded.

"That person would only see me when he missed my body, and he would come and go as soon as he called me; my husband also despised me and left me. In such a big home, whenever the night is quiet, my concubine feels It’s the cold deep in the bones.” Mrs. Tang said bitterly, “Sometimes I think, those two men have harmed me for a lifetime, why should I wrong myself? Although I can’t take revenge directly, I can use women’s. Ways to retaliate against them."

Song Qingshu's heart jumped as he said dryly in his throat, "How does the madam plan to retaliate against them?"

A blush flashed across Madam Tang's skin, and she did not answer, and the hand that led Song Qingshu into her lap, her red lips slightly opened: "It's just... such revenge."

The mature woman's body is so soft and attractive. Song Qingshu shuddered and wanted to withdraw her hand subconsciously, but she knew that Mrs. Tang firmly held his hand, and her eyes were full of pleading: "Please, don't refuse I."

Hearing Madam Tang's slightly choked voice, Song Qingshu felt soft for a moment, but he hesitated, but after all, he did not withdraw his hand.

"Prince Song, you are hurt and you are not suitable for activities. Let your concubine serve you today." Madam Tang put her lips to his ear, said softly, and then began to kiss from his neck.

"God!" Zhao Min sighed in the bed, "That **** didn't refuse. Did he forget that I was still around."

With Wenxiang Nephrite in his arms, the mature and soft touch, and the fragrance of the other party's body filled his nose, Song Qingshu sighed. If it weren't for what he had to do, he might really be unable to control it today.

"Song Qingshu, you bastard!" Hearing the sweet and greasy snorts from Madam Tang's nose, Zhao Min couldn't help it anymore. He lifted the quilt and planned to rush out. He didn't know that his waist was numb. After the numb point, the whole body was lying softly on the bed.

"Is she?" Madam Tang was shocked when she saw Zhao Min who suddenly jumped out. Before she had time to inquire, she was also spotted by Song Qingshu and fainted.

Seeing that Mrs. Tang was lying next to him, Song Qingshu stared at him maliciously, Zhao Min panicked and said, "You...what do you want to do?"

"The princess suddenly jumped out and caused the affair that he had gotten to blow. Should the princess pay me something." Song Qingshu's eyes were full of smiles.

"Pay for it! After returning to the Ruyang Palace, this princess will definitely give you ten, oh no, a hundred beauties of national beauty." Noting that Song Qingshu's expression was very different from before, Zhao Min said in a flustered manner.

"Speaking of the beauty of the country, who can compare to the princess in the entire prairie?" Song Qingshu said with a wicked smile.

"Who said that Princess Xiangxiang who returned to the Ministry, Pucha Alihu, the first beauty of the prairie in the Kingdom of Jin, and her daughter Wanyan Chongjie, and the Queen of Liao, Xiao Guanyin, the princess Yelu Nanxian... They are famous beauties on the prairie, and this princess promises you that they will be given to you in the future." Zhao Min was flustered and talked about more than a dozen of the most famous beauties on the prairie, begging to get away.

"The princess has a big tone. These women are either from the Golden State or the Liao State, or from the Western Regions. They are either queens or princesses. Neither of their status is under the princess. How can the princess decide them? Fate?" Song Qingshu's tone was full of sarcasm.

"In the future, Mongolia will rule the world. As these women are subjugated slaves, this princess will naturally be able to arrange them." Zhao Min's shortness of breath, her rapidly rising and falling chest showed how nervous she was at the moment.

"Mongolia wants to dominate the world, not 30 years, but 50 years. By then, these so-called beauties will turn into dust. Is the princess deliberately fooling me?" Song Qingshu preliminarily unzipped her clothes.

"Ah!" Zhao Min screamed and said quickly, "I can give Princess Xiangxiang to you first."

"Princess Xiangxiang?" Song Qingshu was taken aback when he heard the words, "She is in your hands?"

Noting Song Qingshu's strange expression, Zhao Min finally recovered a trace of calmness, turning his head aside when he heard the words, and deliberately did not answer.

"It doesn't matter whether she is a princess or a queen, it is a vain thing after all. How can the princess in front of me be so real. The night is long, and I really don’t want to sleep in the next. So, if the princess can immediately take the princesses you just mentioned Queen’s, whoever gets on this bed, I will replace you with her and let you go, how about?” Song Qingshu looked down at Zhao Min who was lying on the bed.


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