Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 358: Dying words

Bing Xueer had been paying attention to guarding against someone being unfavorable to Song Qingshu, and she shook the whip, and shot down Ye Erniang's hidden weapon halfway through the whip. It turned out to be a silver baby bracelet.

However, after this distraction, Bing Xue'er's door opened wide, and she was immediately driven to the left and right by the four evil men. Duan Yanqing looked at a gap and pointed a sun on Bing Xue'er's shoulder.

Bing Xueer screamed, and hurriedly retreated to Song Qingshu's side, only feeling half of her body numb, she could no longer stand still, and fell into Song Qingshu's arms.

The whip technique Bing Xueer showed just now was exquisite and brilliant. Ye Erniang was worried about any accidents, and hurriedly pursued the victory, sealing Bing Xue'er's whole body at once.

"Ye Erniang, do you want to know where your snatched son is now?" Song Qingshu quickly whispered while she was near.

A strange color flashed in Ye Erniang's eyes, but she didn't show it. She took a deep look at him, and then stepped aside.

"Bonbunbunbun~" Crane in the cloud looked at the two fallen together with flying brows, "Little lady, today I'm really beautiful and blessed by the crane in the cloud."

Seeing Bing Xueer naturally fall into Song Qingshu's arms, a flash of light flashed in Yun Zhonghe's eyes, "Take care of you, brat."

He almost died under Song Qingshu several times, and was forced to swear a poisonous oath. Yun Zhonghe hated him deeply. Now that he caught the opportunity, he was naturally rude.

Boom! The swords intersected, and a burst of flames splattered.

Yun Zhonghe looked at Ye Erniang in surprise: "Second Sister, why are you stopping me to kill him? It's not that you have a crush on this little white face, but I haven't heard that you like male sex."

Ye Erniang's face flushed, and she cursed: "Fuck your mother, I just think what to do with him, the boss hasn't spoken yet, what are you worried about."

Old Yue San said with added enthusiasm and jealousy on the side: "Yes, fourth child, don't even pay attention to the boss, you don't want to be the boss by yourself."

The two had never dealt with each other. Yun Zhonghe gave him a fierce look and quickly explained to Duan Yanqing: "Boss, I never meant that. I hope the boss will show you how to deal with this person."

Duan Yanqing nodded slightly, and put his crutches in front of Song Qing's writing: "Master Song, you probably didn't expect you to fall into such a field."

Song Qingshu sighed faintly: "I thought I might die by Tie Muzhen or Zhang Wuji's hands, but I didn't expect to be planted in Xiao Xiao's hands today."

Duan Yanqing's face turned blue for a while, and he said coldly: "I think you and I are old in the past. Before you die, you can have any unfulfilled wishes. Let me listen to you. When I am happy, I might agree to you. "After that, I glanced at Bing Xue'er.

Duan Yanqing's meaning is obvious. If Song Qingshu lets him put Bingxue'er on a horse, he admires Song Qingshu as a hero, and will not let the cloud crane insult his woman.

"Boss, this woman..." Yun Zhonghe was shocked and called out quickly.

"Shut up!" Duan Yanqing's eyes flashed brightly, and the crane in the cloud suddenly fell silent.

Song Qingshu smiled, there was no fear on his face: "If Mr. Duan listens to me first, maybe he doesn't want to kill me."

Duan Yanqing didn't take it seriously: "You can just listen to it, but you can't escape death today if you let your tongue be like a tongue."

"That's not necessarily true," Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and read a sentence, like a poem but not a poem, but not a poem, but Duan Yanqing's face changed drastically. "

Everyone in the room heard the clouds and mists, and only Duan Yanqing could understand. There was a trace of tenderness in his eyes and a trace of remembrance. He suddenly turned fiercely, staring at Song Qingshu and asked: "Do you know where she is?"

"I not only know the whereabouts of Empress Guanyin, but also that she later gave birth to a son." Song Qingshu said lightly.

Everyone in the room was surprised to hear this, and they couldn't understand what dumb riddle the two were playing, how could Empress Guanyin have a son, and when Song Qingshu was blaspheming the gods.

"Son, son?" Duan Yanqing almost stood unsteadily, his throne was seized, and he lived in the dark silt and lived a life not as good as a dog. As long as the goddess of mercy outside Tianlong Temple was his life. The only bright color in the middle, now that I heard that I might still have a son, I suddenly felt mixed, joyful and at a loss.

"Boss, Boss?" The other three wicked people suddenly stunned when Duan Yanqing was there, and hurriedly shouted.

Duan Yanqing finally woke up and looked at Song Qingshu's eyes: "Where are they?"

Song Qingshu shook his head: "I'm telling you now, didn't I want to kill myself?"

Duan Yanqing understood that Song Qingshu was planning to use this secret to make a deal with himself, his face was suddenly cloudy and sunny, and he was obviously struggling. On the one hand, he wanted to know the whereabouts of the immortal concubine. On the other hand, he was worried about Song Qingshu's martial arts. After offending him, after he recovers, there is no way for him and his party to survive.

Ye Erniang hesitated, and suddenly stepped forward and said, "Boss, we have never had any grudges with this Young Master Song. After he assassinated Kangxi, he is now highly prestigious among martial arts people. Why should we do such an uneconomical deal?"

It turned out that Ye Erniang thought of Song Qingshu's words just now, and understood that he might know the whereabouts of his missing child, and worried that Duan Yanqing would kill him directly, and that he might not find his son for the rest of his life. As for whether Song Qingshu will find trouble with a few people after his recovery, it is not worth mentioning in the face of the power of maternal love.

Of course, none of this could be known to the other three wicked people, so Ye Erniang found another decent reason.

"I said Erniang, it's not like your temperament, is it really as the fourth brother said, do you like this little white face?" The Nanhai Crocodile God has no city in his chest, and he said something carelessly.

"Yeah, boss, if you let this kid go, his martial arts is so high, we might die horribly in the future." Yun Zhonghe heard the spirit of death, and among the four evil men, he offended him. Song Qingshu is the deepest, how dare you let Song Qingshu escape?

Song Qingshu snorted, "Even if Song wants revenge, he will only find your head."

Duan Yanqing hesitated for a long time and finally made a decision, hehe sneered: "Song son, your martial arts is too high, the old man dare not let the tiger return to the mountain for future troubles. As for the goddess of mercy, since I know that what happened back then is not a dream, I naturally have a way to find out. Who is she? Don’t bother you. For the sake of telling me this news before your death, I’ll kill your female companion for your funeral and ensure that he will not be insulted."

"Thank you really." Song Qingshu didn't want to say anything anymore. He looked back at Bing Xue'er and saw that she was looking at herself with the same tenderness, and the two smiled at each other.

Duan Yanqing raised his crutches and put a stick on Song Qingshu's chest: "Do you have any last words, your Excellency?"

"Mr. Laofan Duan brought a message to the Emei school, telling them the head, don't die for me." Song Qingshu said with a smile.

"Bah! Who will die for you?" A scolding immediately came from outside the door.


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