Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 359: Positivity

A group of female disciples filed in, drew out their swords and surrounded the four wicked people, and a beautiful girl with a beautiful figure walked in slowly.

Duan Yanqing saw these women dressed in Emei sect costumes, frowned and said, "The girl is the head of the Emei sect Zhou?"

"It's this seat, I've seen Mr. Duan." Zhou Zhiruo's voice was cold, not sad or happy, making people unable to hear her emotions.

"Wow, there are so many women all at once, I Yun can't bear it." Looking at Zhou Zhiruo's face, Yun Zhonghe smiled presumptuously.

Zhou Zhiruo's face sank, and Ye Erniang hurriedly reminded: "Fourth, be careful!"

But after all, it was still late. Zhou Zhiruo was like a ghost, and suddenly rushed to Yunzhonghe and reached out to grab it. The five fingers are as white as jade, and a weird crystal color emerges, which is really the famous Jiuyin white bone claw.

Under the great horror of Yunzhonghe, he hurriedly carried out his light work to hide. Although he avoided the vital point of his throat, Zhou Zhiruo's shoulder was still caught.

Zhou Zhiruo was about to completely abolish his arm, but Yan Qing had already reacted at this time, raising the iron rod and poking it towards her vest.

Kicked Yunzhonghe with a kick, slendered his waist with the force of the counter-shock, and moved three feet out of thin air. Duan Yanqing was secretly crying. Just now, in order to save the crane in the cloud, he used the strategy of encircling Wei and saving Zhao. Because he was afraid of Zhou Zhiruo's quick physical skills, he didn't spare any effort in this stabbing. However, Zhou Zhiruo moved aside forcibly, causing his stabbing. Facing the crane in the cloud.

Yun Zhonghe had just escaped from Zhou Zhiruo's men. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he found the boss's iron rod stabbed in his chest, almost frightened.

Duan Yanqing wondered if he wanted to win the throne, and naturally he needed a helper. Although Yunzhonghe died, he was not a pity, but he was a rare confidant. It was a pity to kill.

Duan Yanqing moved the iron rod a few inches away between the sparks, and plunged it into the floor next to it, sparks splashing everywhere. Zhou Zhiruo had already taken the opportunity to attack, and the offensive and defensive situation changed immediately. Duan Yanqing was already inconvenient to move, so he had to focus on the crutches inserted on the floor and dealt with it with one hand and one cane.

Seeing the dangerous situation of the boss, Ye Erniang and Nanhai Crocodile quickly rushed up with their weapons. Zhou Zhiruo unfastened the long whip and swiped it in front of the two of them with a brush. The Nanhai Crocodile used his crocodile mouth to cut a file. Ma, the whole person was counter-shocked and rolled to the ground. Ye Erniang's two swords were knocked into the air, and he couldn't stop retreating. The situation was a little better than that of the South China Sea Crocodile God.

The two of them were quickly surrounded by the Emei faction disciples who had reacted. They were caught in a melee and couldn't help anymore.

Duan Yanqing got a chance to breathe, and was about to take the other iron crutch back. He didn't know that Zhou Zhiruo's long whip didn't stop, and it entangled the iron crutch on the ground along the way.

Only feeling a strange force coming, Duan Yanqing shook his whole body, unable to maintain his balance anymore, and rolled to the ground in embarrassment. As soon as she was about to get up, Zhou Zhiruo grabbed her throat and saw the power of her nine-yin white claws. Duan Yanqing secretly cried out, "My life is over!"

I don't know the voice of the crane in the cloud came not far away: "Stop!"

Zhou Zhiruo restrained Duan Yanqing, as long as she spit out her hands, she could end this peerless murderer. When she heard the voice of Yunzhonghe, she was not anxious, and turned her head to see what he had to say.

When he touched her eyes, Yunzhonghe felt a chill in his heart, put the rotten silver crane claws on Song Qingshu's neck, and quickly said: "If you dare to hurt our boss, I will kill the little white face named Song."

"If you want to kill, kill, what does it matter to me?" Zhou Zhi said strangely.

Instead, Yun Zhonghe was taken aback by her attitude. He quickly reacted and said in anger, "Zhou Master despise our IQ too much. Who in the world doesn't know that Song Qingshu is your husband?"

"Really?" Zhou Zhiruo stared at Bing Xue'er in Song Qingshu's arms, her eyes cold, "Have you not seen him holding other women in his arms? How could such a lucky man be my husband."

Song Qingshu smiled wryly: "I haven't seen you for a few months. I didn't expect that your martial arts have improved a lot."

Bing Xue'er's pretty face flushed red, and she only felt wronged and embarrassed. The two obviously had nothing to do, but now it made Xiao San caught by Zheng Gong, she wished there was a seam on the floor to get in.

Yun Zhonghe was also startled, and subconsciously retorted: "Isn't it normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines?"

Song Qingshu smiled gratifiedly: "Yunzhonghe, after so long, you finally said something human."

"To shut up!"

Zhou Zhiruo and Yunzhonghe said in unison.

Yun Zhonghe smiled: "It seems that the head of Zhou still cares about the husband. In that case, how about the deal we made, I let your husband, you let our boss, and then parted ways, and today's matter is revealed?"

"Song Qingshu, this man has always wanted to kill, but unfortunately his martial arts is too high, every time he fails. This time he ran into him in the gutter and turned over. If you want to kill him, kill him. But you can't kill him personally. Sword enemies, afterwards, this seat will let you survive but not die."

The cold wind blew in outside the door, Zhou Zhiruo's skirt moved lightly, her delicate body seemed to be shaken, but at this time the life and death of the people in the room were all controlled by her thoughts, and she only felt chills in her heart. No one dared to think of her as a delicate little girl.

Yun Zhonghe's complexion suddenly collapsed, and he felt that it would not be okay to let it go, and it would not be okay to let it go. He couldn't help but looked at Song Qingshu with a sad face, "Brother, what kind of wife are you?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, before speaking, Bing Xueer spoke first: "Miss Zhou, this is your fault, uncle... Song Qingshu is also your husband no matter what, what can't be solved between husband and wife? Enmity, make you want to kill him?"

"Head of Zhou, is there any misunderstanding in it?" Min Rou had a very good impression of Song Qingshu, and she only felt that he was gentle and moist. She really couldn't figure out why Zhou Zhiruo was so unfeeling.

"Yes, pretty sister, Uncle Song is a good person." Miao Ruolan also said softly.

Zhou Zhiruo's face was uncertain, she couldn't say that it was because of that incident. In the eyes of outsiders, they were originally husbands and wives, and it's normal to be a husband and wife...

"Unexpectedly, you are quite attractive, so all women will speak for you." Zhou Zhiruo sneered looking at Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu responded with a smile: "I am a man who pleases women, but it's a pity that you alone don't seem to feel my charm."

Hearing his shameless words, Min Rou's face turned red all of a sudden, and Bing Xueer secretly cried. Miao Ruolan giggled and said, "Ashamed, uncle is really shameless."

"Yunzhonghe, as long as you kill the woman in Song Qingshu's arms, I can consider letting you live a life." Zhou Zhiruo pondered for a moment and suddenly said.


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