Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 369: Fall into the arms

Jinlun Fawang's face turned green when he heard it, but now it is difficult to ride a tiger, he has to stand up to fight, as if to cheer himself up, and said angrily: "This time Yang Guo is not here, I don't believe that you alone can exert the full power of swordsmanship."

Hearing the word Yang Guo, Ouyang Feng's expression on the side moved, but he remained calm and continued to watch the battle.

"Guo'er?" Thinking of Yang Guo, Xiao Longnv felt a touch of sweetness in her heart, and she hated Zhao Zhijing's shamelessness. In addition, she was not good at words and ignored the words of the Golden Wheel Fa King, so she raised her hand and attacked.

The King of the Golden Wheel roared, and the five giant wheels of gold, silver, copper, iron and lead swirled around, forcing the little dragon girl to be unable to get close, and the sound of the five wheels only shook everyone's ears.

"This great monk has such a deep internal strength." Bing Xueer said worriedly.

"His internal strength can indeed be among the peerless masters of the world." Song Qingshu nodded in agreement, thinking in his heart that the current Golden Wheel Fa King Longxiang Po Ruo Gong should not be successful, otherwise he would not rely on these broken bronze irons.

In the inn, the shadow of the wheel is stirring, the sword is in full swing, the King of the Golden Wheel is roaring like thunder, and the little dragon girl wins the snow in white. The two are more than ten feet apart, and they are fighting each other from a distance.

Xiao Xiangzi and others watched the battle between the King and the Dragon Girl. Seeing that although he defended more and less attacked, but he received two or three moves, he also handed out one move. Five rounds were so powerful that Xiao Long Nu could not be close, compared to just three. Defending but not attacking is indeed much higher.

The three of them were admired and jealous, and they all thought, "This monk has to be named the first national division of Mongolia, and it won't be in vain."

As everyone knows, although the King of the Golden Wheel has made a fierce move, he has already complained in his heart. The dragon girl's two-handed sword moves are different, but the cooperation is exquisite. The left-handed sword attacks the front, and the right-handed sword attacks the rear at the same time. He can neither retreat nor advance, and the double swords will attack several places with each sword move, so that he will lose the other. , It is difficult to save. If it hadn't been for the state where his internal and external skills reached the peak, his eyesight and hands were sharp, he was strong and soft, and his martial arts had only a slight difference of half a point, and he would have already scored seventeen or eight swords in an instant.

Although Zhao Min's martial arts is not a master, his eyesight is very clever, and the scene where the two fight is far from the "pointing" she imagined. She has always admired Jinlunfa’s martial arts. Seeing that he is now gradually falling into a disadvantage, Zhao Min couldn't help being shocked: Is this woman's martial arts so high?

Song Qingshu smiled slightly and whispered to Bing Xueer: "Your junior sister is determined to win."

Bing Xueer asked in surprise: "How is it possible that the great monk's martial arts is clearly far higher than that of the younger junior sister. The younger junior younger sister relied on the skill of swordsmanship to beat him by surprise. It shouldn't be difficult for him to win. I just hope that Junior Sister can survive a hundred strokes and thank God."

Song Qingshu's vision is so venomous now. He saw that the defeat of King Pharaoh was complete, so naturally he didn't say anything. Seeing that King Pharaoh was really capable of fighting like the original book, Song Qingshu laughed and said:

"Your junior sister uses two swordsmanships alone. Although the moves are quick, they are not as powerful as the two of them. Her real martial arts are indeed far from the King of the Golden Wheel. It is a pity that King of the Golden Wheels used to be here in the'Jade Girl Suxin Swordsmanship'. I have suffered a lot, and when I saw this sword technique, my heart started to feel timid. In addition, the little dragon girl's move, Ruoxingchi, had a flash of lightning, which played a preemptive effect."

"If the Golden Wheel Fa King confronted the Dragon Girl with the mighty power of the wheel, she would not be able to resist it, but the Golden Wheel Fa King was timid in his heart, and even gave up his own strengths and competed quickly with the Little Dragon Girl. ."

As if to confirm Song Qingshu's judgment, after the fifty or sixty moves were taken, the King was already in danger. He called back to protect the golden wheel and did not dare to throw the enemy. After several more moves, he took the silver wheel back. The five rounds went back together, and they became like only defensive but not offensive, just like Shi Cai Xiaoxiangzi and so on. The five wheels are different in weight, size, color and shape, or they have spikes or inner corners, forming five halos, rolling around him.

Suddenly, she heard the little dragon girl scream: "Hey!" He yelled in a low voice, and dinged several times. The two leaped back and forth, their shots getting faster and faster. It was the masters like Xiao Xiangzi, who did not see clearly what changes had taken place in their screaming.

"What happened just now?" Bing Xue'er asked in surprise.

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "The King of Falun Gong is injured."

After a short while, the little dragon girl's white shirt was splashed with more than a dozen points of blood, like a few peach blossoms painted on the white silk, bright and dazzling. Nimo Xing said with joy: "The Little Demon Girl is injured!"

Then the sword light flashed twice, and the King let out a low growl. Xiao Xiangzi said coldly: "No! The great monk was injured!"

Zhao Min's face was gloomy, and he never thought it would be such a result. Seeing the Daoist Daoist and King Kong Sect Master around him gloating, he understood their thoughts as soon as his thoughts turned.

Each of these masters possesses unique skills and has always been rebellious, so that after taking refuge in Mongolia, no one accepts anyone. Everyone wants to be the most admired person by the upper ranks. The name of the top Mongolian master is quite attractive.

King Jinlunfa was previously named the national teacher of Mongolia, and he faintly possessed the posture of the number one master of Mongolia. The masters who later took refuge in Mongolia, such as the Daoist Taoists and King Kong sect masters, naturally felt uneasy in their hearts. However, everyone is an official in the same dynasty, so it is not easy to have a life-and-death contest. Now that outsiders are acting to kill the King of the Golden Wheel, they naturally can't ask for it.

Zhao Min knew that in this situation, it was impossible to ask the two of them to help each other. Even if they agreed, King Jinlun would not be ashamed.

Suddenly there was an idea, as if casually chatting with Princess Huazheng next to her: "Auntie, you said that if I hold an embroidery needle and you hold a heavy hammer, and we hit each other at the same time, who is hurt more seriously?"

Hua Zheng was confused, and subconsciously replied, "Of course you were injured more severely."

Zhao Min smiled slightly: "Yes, even if my aunt was stabbed by the embroidery needle a few times, it would be harmless. On the contrary, I was hit by a heavy hammer, and I was not dead and seriously injured."

King Jinlun knew that within a short period of time, he would be defeated by the little dragon girl. From now on, I will not say that Mongolia's first master is under the Mongolian tent, and I am afraid that there will be no place to stand on his own, and his heart will be ashamed all of a sudden. Suddenly hearing Zhao Min's crisp voice, with a movement in his heart, he realized that Princess Dao was mentioning himself.

After thinking about it slightly, King Golden Wheel could not help but his eyes lit up, and he suddenly realized: Yes, I have been shrinking, I am afraid of being stabbed to death by the little dragon girl, but I still don’t know her inner strength, even if she is stabbed by her. Two swords, at most, were slightly injured, and the wheels that contained true energy, Xiao Long Nu's delicate body couldn't stand it, so why bother to defend it blindly?

After making up his mind, King Jinlunfa changed his normal state and stopped playing fast with her. In addition to protecting her own vitals, most of the swords of the little dragon girl made him no longer defend, but instead waved five wheels to attack her, seeking to replace her injury.

As a result, it was the turn of the little dragon girl to restrain her hands and feet, many times in order to avoid the attack of the Golden Wheel Fa King, she had to withdraw the long sword that was stabbed out temporarily.

Song Qingshu sighed slightly, Zhao Min was really smart, and his martial arts was not very good, so he could see the problem at a glance, and indirectly reminded King Jinlun of Fa King by chatting, saving him face. Except for the real masters, most of the people in the field thought like Bing Xue'er just now, thinking that King Jinlun was just caught off guard at the beginning, and now he is firmly on his feet and has begun to counterattack. I don't understand that if it weren't for Zhao Min's reminder, the King of the Golden Wheel might have died under the sword of the little dragon girl.

After many dodges, the little dragon girl could not avoid the collision between the long sword and the five rounds after all. After a crisp sound, the left long sword was broken every inch, her delicate body was like thunder, and a trace of blood spilled from the corners of her lips, and she quickly retreated back. .

After suffering several times under the Jade Girl Suxin swordsmanship, the King of the Golden Wheel was murderous, raising his energy to cover the past, and wanted to take the opportunity to kill the little dragon girl in his palm.

Unexpectedly, there was a loud frog croaking in the lobby, and a gray shadow flew like a cannonball. After a long distance, he could perceive the power of destroying the world and the earth. The King of the Golden Wheel was shocked and knew if he would not accept the move. , Even if it can take the life of Xiaolong's female, it will inevitably be killed by the hand of someone.

The King of the Golden Wheel fell into his dantian anger, and quickly transported the dragon elephant Bo Ruogong, and in the blink of an eye he had a dozen palms with the visitor, and a manic wind scattered around the two. Do not say that most of the general martial arts people in the inn, even the masters like Xiaoxiangzi, were blown up and down, Nemo was the worst, his legs were broken, the lower plate was unstable, and he directly sat on the ground. Only a few people inside can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

King Jinlun retreats a few steps madly, only to feel that the blood is churning, and his face is red as if he is about to bleed. He suffers from the dozens of moves he has just fought against the dragon girl, which has lost a lot of internal strength, plus hastily responding to the enemy. , So he suffered a serious internal injury as soon as he played against it.

Ouyang Feng laughed loudly: "Your status as a grand master, to deal with a younger girl, you still need to rely on others to raise things from the side. It's really ridiculous, ridiculous."

It turned out that when Ouyang Feng heard the words of Falun Gong, he knew that Xiaolongnu and Yang Guo were in a romantic relationship. Naturally, he would not look at his prospective daughter-in-law at a loss. When Falun Gong wanted to assassinate a killer, he immediately rescued him.

King Jinlun Falun's face twitched, but it was a pity that he was now suffocated, and he was speechless for a while. Ouyang Feng ignored him, but looked back at Song Qingshu with interest: "Your Excellency, is it Bei Qiaofeng? The capture of the dragon makes him very handsome. what."

Just now when Xiaolongnv's life was hanging by a thread, Song Qingshu also took a shot, grabbed Xiaolongnv with both palms, and then sucked her in the air.

When Xiaolongnu was preparing to deal with the King of the Golden Wheel, she suddenly felt a huge force coming from her side, and her body was involuntarily drawn over. When she was sober, she found herself sitting in the arms of the man who had just spoken out.

Xiao Long Nu was angry in her heart, but when she thought that he was trying to save herself, she didn't know how to deal with it.


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