Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 370: Brother-in-law and sister-in-law

Seeing Xiaolongnv sitting in her arms as if she was stupid, Song Qingshu became uncomfortable. Although he enjoyed the feeling of holding the little dragon girl like this, the eyes of everyone in the lobby were full of sight, not to mention that there was Bing Xueer sitting next to him, his nerves were not so big.

Feeling Song Qingshu's hand on her slender waist, she just woke up like a dream, and quickly stood up, her face bursting with an unprecedented faint blush.

Under Bing Xueer’s weird gaze, Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly, and quickly replied Ouyang Feng’s words to divert everyone’s attention: "I have always admired Bei Qiaofeng’s heroic spirit. If you want to come to him, he should be disdainful of being like me. It’s right to hide your head and show your tail."

Looking at the mask on his face, everyone in the lobby gave a faint chuckle, and they were full of affection for his self-deprecating temper, except for the Mongolian group of course.

"With your martial arts, you must be a man of great background in the arena, why didn't you dare to show your true face?" Zhao Min always likes to control the overall situation, and she is naturally deeply jealous of such a master of inexplicable origin.

"Because I am so handsome, in order to prevent you, a young girl like you, from falling in love with me when I see my appearance, I have to wear a mask." With a mask to cover up, Song Qingshu seemed to have done something wrong. Children who don't need to be afraid of punishment have returned to the unbridled lightness of the past.

Bing Xueer showed a dumbfounded look, of course she was wearing a mask, and others could not see her expression clearly. The little dragon girl next to her also looked at him in surprise, an expression that had never seen such a brazen person.

Everyone in the lobby could hear that he was molesting Zhao Min, anyway, it was not too troublesome to watch the show, and the hall suddenly burst into laughter and whistles flew all over the sky.

Zhao Min's face was cold, and he said coldly, "Mr. Deer and Mr. Crane, please palm your mouth for me."

Lu Zhangke and Crane Biweng served by Zhao Min for a long time. They knew her temper very well. They were already ready to take action. Hearing her order, the two of them attacked Song Qingshu without hesitation.

The two elders Xuan Ming each stretched out a palm, one enveloped Song Qingshu's chest, one attacked his lower abdomen dantian, and the other hand slammed his face.

The two cooperated closely. The enemy wanted to parry the palms of the attacking body, and they would inevitably have to slap on the face. If they stretched out their hands to block the hands of the attacking faces, the dantian would be destroyed in the slightest, and the life would be lost on the spot.

Don't say it's an ordinary master, even if the top master is caught off guard, they will be embarrassed by their tricks.

"Dragon girl, borrow your sword for a use."

The little dragon girl just heard the sound in her ears, she felt that her hands were empty and she couldn't help being shocked. A master swordsman didn't even know how his sword was taken away. It was incredible.

The two elders Xuan Ming suddenly felt that there was a brilliant sword light in front of them, and they quickly changed their skills and took out their weapons from their arms.

After a dragon chant, the second old man walked backwards in embarrassment, looking at the crane pen and deer head stick in his hands, with a lingering expression.

"Miss Dragon, do you want to kill Zhao Zhijing?" Song Qingshu turned to look at Xiaolongnv and asked after he forced the two elders Xuanming back.

The Little Dragon Girl nodded subconsciously before turning her head.

"If you want to kill Zhao Zhijing, you don't have to bet with that princess." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, his figure disappeared in place, everyone blinked, and he stood there again, as if he hadn't moved from beginning to end. , The only difference is that there is a red blood bead hanging on the tip of the sword in his hand.

"Gluck~" A strange voice sounded in the lobby. Everyone turned their heads and saw Zhao Zhijing, who was hiding behind the Mongolian warrior, clutching his throat with a look of disbelief, and slowly fell down.

There was an uproar in the room, especially the Mongolian group, who stood up one after another. Even the Jingang sect master and the Daoist Taoist who had been silent were also shocked. Song Qingshu’s sword is so fast, if he is unprepared, it is estimated. Blood will be splashed on the spot.

After seeing Zhao Zhijing, Zhao Min soon had a plan to control Quanzhen Sect in his heart, but with Zhao Zhijing's death, all of this disappeared, and he couldn't help but look at Song Qingshu in shock and anger: "Who are you?"

Song Qingshu received the tip of the sword in front of him and let out a sigh of relief. The blood beads immediately dispersed, and said in a strange sad tone: "You can call me Ximen Chuuxue."

Every boy in the previous life had dreamed that one day he would be able to flutter in white clothes like Simon blowing snow, with a long sword invincible in the world. When Song Qingshu discovered that he could vaguely reach this state, he sadly found that he would never return. Go to the wonderful world before.

"Ximen Chuuxue?" Zhao Min was taken aback. The powerful intelligence network of the Ruyang Palace had never heard of this man. He was worried about what kind of martial arts elder he was. More puzzled.

Song Qingshu chose to kill Zhao Zhijing and let Yin Zhiping go because he felt that Yin Zhiping was the so-called "Dragon Knight" in the Western wizarding world. In the world of "Three-Body", he could also be called the "Little Dragon Girl". Wallbreaker"...No matter what, his life and death should be decided by Xiaolong Girl herself.

Of course, Song Qingshu did not know that this world has not actually happened this peerless tragedy...

As for Zhao Zhijing's scum, Song Qingshu has never looked down upon it, so he helped Xiaolongnu take care of it.

"Dragon girl, your sword." Song Qingshu held the sword, and carefully handed it to the little dragon girl. Seeing her peerless face, her heart was filled with pity. How stingy is God, why can't she tolerate something too perfect in the world.

"Well," was stunned by the elegance of the sword he had just now, Xiao Longnv took it over at a loss, "Thank you."

"It's all a family, it should be." Song Qingshu smiled faintly.

"A family?" Xiaolongnv was slightly angry. Although this person has high martial arts, why did she speak upside down?

"Introduce you," Song Qingshu pulled Bing Xueer over, "My wife is also a descendant of the Tomb School. Considering her entry age, you and Li Mochou should both call her senior sister. As for me, You can call my brother-in-law...Ouch!"

Seeing Song Qingshu said in front of everyone that he was his wife, Bing Xueer couldn't wait to sew in one by one. Fortunately, there was a mask blocking her, so she could only comfort herself. Anyway, others could not recognize herself. He was still talking nonsense and was not angry. Squeezed him **** the waist.

"Master sister?" Xiaolongnv looked puzzled, she had never heard of other descendants from Master.

Bing Xue'er smiled slightly and flicked her sleeves on the table. All the chopsticks in the bamboo tube jumped out. Bing Xue'er stretched out her snow-white hands, flapping them up and down, and dozens of chopsticks seemed to be fixed by an invisible hand. In mid-air, none of them fell to the ground.

"Heavenly nets!" Xiaolongnv looked surprised, without the slightest doubt in her heart, she yelled softly, "Master Sister~"


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