Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 371: Zhao Min's joy

"Hey~" Bingxue'er responded sweetly, took the hand of Xiaolongnv and sat aside, chatting excitedly.

"There are so many people here, let's change the place." Song Qingshu reached out through Bing Xueer's armpit and gave her a light support, and then hugged her up.

Although Bing Xueer was not used to being so close to him in the public, she had to blush and let him be covered by a mask. Seeing Xiaolongnv's astonishment, she quickly said: "Little Junior Sister, there are so many bad people here, you and Let's go together."

Although Xiaolongnv is innocent, she is not stupid. She understands that many people in Mongolia have higher martial arts than her. It is not a wise move to be alone. Although Yin Zhiping has not killed yet, Zhao Zhijing, the mastermind, has been punishable, and her anger has disappeared. Mostly.

She grew up in an ancient tomb. When she was very young, her master died. She was accompanied by only one grandmother. The only senior sister Li Mochou was enemies and non-friends with her because she sought the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl. This time she suddenly found out She originally had a gentle master sister, Xiao Long Nu subconsciously regarded her as her maiden family.

"Your Excellency killed someone and wanted to leave. It would be too arrogant," Zhao Min sneered. "What's more, this dragon girl just lost. According to the gambling contract, she should stay by my side and teach swordsmanship."

As if given a hint, the three of Xiaoxiangzi closest to them stopped in front of them. The three of them had been horrified by the swordsmanship of Xiaolongnu, but after seeing the defeat of King Jinlun Fawang, they settled down. They understood that they were only frightened by her magical swordsmanship before. In fact, as long as she targeted defense, she The sword is difficult to cause substantial damage to the three.

Just now, they lost a big face in front of Zhao Min and Hua Zheng, and the three of them urgently need to prove their worth again, otherwise they might not be easy to mix up under the Mongolian tent in the future.

Song Qingshu shocked the audience with the sword just now, but the three of them heard him and Xiaolongnv climbing relatives. They were originally from the same school. They subconsciously thought that Song Qingshu's swordsmanship was the same as that of Xiaolongnv, but it was just fast. , It's just unprepared. The three of them thought they had the experience of fighting against Xiaolong Girl, and they should not have a big problem dealing with Song Qingshu under the cooperation.

Nimo Xing has the most irritable character, and after breaking his legs, he has become even worse. Just now because of the inconvenience of movement, he was shocked by the palms of King Jinlun Fawang and Ouyang Feng and sat on the ground. He felt embarrassed. Among the three, he was the one who needed to restore his image the most, so he roared and waved the iron crutch to Song Qingshu. Hit it.

He learned the lesson of the previous unstable bottom plate, and immediately used the skill of falling a thousand catties. The iron crutch does not ask for tricks, but only strives for strength, trying to force Song Qingshu to fight hard. In his opinion, Song Qingshu wears a mask. But the age should not be over thirty, how much skill can he have?

Seeing that Nemo Xing had clearly broken his legs, but was the first to rush up with his teeth and claws, Song Qingshu couldn't help but laugh. In the original work, the strength of these three people fluctuates from strength to strength. At their peak, they were able to challenge the King of the Golden Wheel in the Mongolian Great Account. Several people can even form a force to suppress Guo Jing. According to the narration, at that time, in addition to the Wujue, Guo Jing and a few others Outside of people, they are enough to ramp up the world.

I didn’t know that Yaoshi Yang was used as a ball and pushed around easily, and Nemo was also killed by Yang Guo with a hosta, and the two remaining people were also shaken by the end of the book by a Kuo Yuan who had internal strength but no martial arts. It's flying all over the sky, and it's clearly called Mongolia Sanjie, but readers ridiculed it as Mongolia Sanqi...

Nimoxing saw that Song Qingshu was suddenly a little strange, and couldn't help but be overjoyed. Tieguai sank and swept it on his lap. He is now inconvenient to move, and Song Qingshu's lightness is too high, and he must break through the opponent's most advantageous place from the beginning.

Seeing that Song Qingshu's legs were about to be swept away, Nimo Xing had not had time to be happy, only felt that his hand sank, and the iron crutch of his right hand had been stepped on the sole of the foot by the opponent.

Nimo Xing hurriedly pulled back, how could he know that the other party stepped on it, it was really Ruyue Town, where could he get any points?

Seeing Nimo Xing's face full of redness, Song Qingshu sighed: "As the saying goes, it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. How free and easy you are to dominate in Tianzhu, why bother to come to the Central Plains for this trip to the muddy waters?"

After saying this, the strength of the soles of feet suddenly disappeared without a trace. Nemo Xing Zhengyun pulled back strongly, his hands were suddenly empty, and the iron crutch hurried back, banging, and hitting his chest hard. If this blow is the enemy's strength, even if it can't resist the martial arts of Nemo, it will resist with internal force. If it hits on its own, it will be impossible to resist, but I feel a sharp pain in my chest, and a mouthful of blood will be sprayed. When he came out, it was dark in front of him, and he fell to the ground with his back to the sky.

Not far away, Zhao Minxiu's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she couldn't help but curl her lips and cursed inwardly.

Although Xiaoxiangzi and Yin Kexi were a little afraid of Song Qingshu's martial arts, they never thought that his true martial arts ability was much higher than their own. Seeing that Nemo was so embarrassed, they thought that he had become extremely unhelpful after breaking his leg. Yin Kexi took a few steps, picked up the iron crutch on the ground, and handed it to Nemo. Nemo Xing took it, supported him on the ground, and wanted to leap far away, but he didn't know that his arm was numb, but under the support he fell.

Xiao Xiangzi always gloats for misfortune. As long as others are unlucky, whether it is a friend or an enemy, he feels happy, thinking: "Tianzhu dwarf is always conceited and dissatisfied with me. Ximen Chuuxue is a good opportunity to become famous and prestigious in front of the princess and princess." He jumped out and shouted: "Xiaoxiangzi is here to learn your sword skills!"

Hearing Xiaoxiangzi's self-registration number, Song Qingshu's face flashed with disgust, thinking how beautiful her concubine Xiaoxiang is. It is a shame that you are similar to her. Therefore, he was no longer merciful when he shot, and kicked a bench with his toes.

When Xiao Xiangzi waved the funeral club, he imagined many possibilities. Later, how Song Qingshu would deal with his own attack, so far away, a dark shadow suddenly magnified in front of his eyes, with a bang, the bench was torn apart, Xiao Xiangzi I was slammed with gold flowers, as if he was drunk, turning around on the spot, seeing that he had lost his combat effectiveness in a short time.

When Yin Kexi was fighting with Xiaolongnv just now, her wrist was stabbed by her. Now the martial arts is greatly reduced. He thinks that fighting alone is definitely not the mysterious opponent in front of him. He has always acted carefully. When Xiaoxiangzi attacked, he waved the golden dragon whip. He drew it over Song Qingshu. Unexpectedly, Xiaoxiangzi was hit halfway, and Yin Kexi wanted to take back the Golden Dragon Whip.

Song Qingshu clamped the whip with his two fingers, saw the jewels on the whip, studded with gems, diamonds, and white jade, and smiled: "This weapon is also precious." As soon as the voice fell, his fingers flicked slightly while holding the whip. Yin Kexi only felt a strange force coming from the soft whip, and the tiger's mouth suddenly cracked.

Ding Ding Dongdong sounded for a while, gold and silver jewelry scattered all over the ground, and a golden dragon soft whip studded with jewelry was shaken into pieces.

Yin Kexi didn't have time to feel distressed. The strange force from the whip just now shook him three or four steps before he could barely stand still. His face was like golden paper, and although the corners of his mouth were still smiling, it was more miserable than joy. Yu, all the internal organs seemed to be turned over in an instant, standing there, neither dared to be lucky nor dared to move half a step, as if stiff.

The dissatisfaction on Zhao Min's face grew stronger and stronger, wondering why Kublai's masters were so unhelpful? On the contrary, the masters of the King Kong Sect, the Daoist Daoist, and the King of the Golden Wheel were shocked. They knew the martial arts of the Xiaoxiangzi three people very clearly. It would not be difficult for them to beat any one of them, but if the opponent is three People join forces, and it is not yet known who will die, not to mention that the three masters lose their combat effectiveness as soon as they meet each other.

On the other side, Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren glanced at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. With their cultivation level, it was natural to see how ordinary Song Qingshu's three tricks were turned into magic just now in the electric light and flint. It seemed easy and simple, but the two of them moved to each other on their own, and they definitely couldn't lift the weight as lightly as he did.

After the delay of the three of them, the master of King Kong and the Taoist Dao Hou had already reacted, blocking Song Qingshu one after another, and King Jinlun Falun also flickered from the side, with a look of gaze.

The two elders Xuan Ming did not move. First, they wanted to protect the two Zhao Min Huazheng. Second, Master had already taken the initiative, so they were naturally inconvenient.

"Oh?" Song Qingshu's eyebrows twitched, "I didn't expect that I would bother a few grandmaster-level figures to work together."

The Daoist and King Kong Sect Master blushed. As they were, they could not say that they would bully the less. It would be a one-on-one fight with Song Qingshu. It is inevitable that they would fall into a bad name for bullying the small, but they could see that Song Qingshu had a deep martial arts It is unpredictable. Although the two are not afraid of one-on-one, they know that one person can never keep him, so they leave their seats tacitly at the same time.

Ouyang Feng on the other side laughed: "I can't bear to use more to bully the lesser. It just happens to have some itchy hands today. If this brother doesn't mind, how about you and me facing the enemy together?"

The expressions of the Mongolian group changed. If someone had been dissatisfied with the name Xitou before, after seeing the power of Ouyang Feng's attack just now, although there was suspected of a sneak attack, his own Jinlun Fa King was indeed injured by him. , There is no fear.

Song Qingshu was amused secretly, thinking that he and Ouyang Feng are really predestined, and even wearing a mask can unite with him, "In that case, it is better to be respectful, but I don't know who Mr. Ouyang will choose as his opponent?" There is a free fighter, Naturally, Song Qingshu would not be so stupid that he would really choose one and two.

Ouyang Feng thought in his heart: The Daoist who has become famous for decades is really unfathomable. There is no need to take a risk. Let Ximen Chuuxue, who also don’t know the depth, deal with it. Observe from the side and take the opportunity to explore the two. On the contrary, it is the master of the King Kong Sect. Although he is also excellent in martial arts, according to the martial arts he has just shown, although he does not say that he can win steadily, at least he will not lose...

Seeing the people from the Kingdom of Jin involved, Zhao Min suddenly had a headache. His own strength, whether against Simon Chuuxue or against the group of people from the Kingdom of Jin, is sure to win, but now the two sides are in an alliance. Up.

Zhao Min quickly calculated that the Daoist and the King Kong Master were two-to-two, and the two sides should not be able to tell the victory or defeat in a short time. There are also masters such as Xuanming and Jinlun Fawang on his side. It was not a big problem to deal with the master of the iron palm on the side of Jin Kingdom, but now Jinlun Fawang is injured, and Xiaolongnv and others should not sit idly by. , The melee may not be able to take advantage of anything.

Zhao Min shook his head, and was about to let the Daoists of Baihei and the "Ximen Blowing Snow" and his party leave. Suddenly he looked up and saw the group of people coming in at the entrance of the inn and the man and woman in the lead. The grasp of victory.


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