Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 380: Like a little dragon girl sitting on pins and needles

Bing Xueer blushed and shook her head: "Little Junior Sister Wugong is strong, how can you hide her from her? You can bear it for two days. After the other day, the younger Junior Sister leaves, what you want, I will leave it to you..."

When Song Qingshu heard it, he felt even more uncontrollable. After two days, he entered Xia Qingqing's site. When the two women scolded each other, the three monks had no water to drink, let alone take advantage.

Bing Xueer took advantage of his thoughts, she smiled, and she escaped from his clutches, worried that he would catch up, and hurriedly ran to her arm around the dragon girl, talking and laughing into her room.

Seeing Bing Xueer making a grimace to herself when she closed the door, Song Qingshu became furious.

After returning to the room, Song Qingshu sat on the bed cross-legged. After running Zhen Qi for a few weeks, he felt like a cat scratching at the thought of two beautiful women next door.

I couldn't sit still anymore, I got off the bed and thought about it. When my hand touched the door of the room, I realized that Bing Xue'er was unwilling to make a decision, so she couldn't help but put her hand down, pacing anxiously back and forth in the room.

In the room on the other side, Bing Xue'er absently chatted with Xiao Long Nv. Xiao Long Nv was a cold temper. After Bing Xue'er didn't talk much, the two soon fell into cold, so the two girls decided to go to bed early.

Bing Xueer originally invited Xiao Long Nv to sleep in the same bed with herself, and she could talk for a while, but Xiao Long Nv shook her head slightly with a cold voice: "Master Sister, I have liked sleeping alone since I was a child."

As soon as the voice fell, the little dragon girl slammed a white silk lock belt into the walls on both sides with her inner strength, her body was as light as a swallow, and she lay down leisurely.

Bing Xueer's eyes lit up, and sincerely admired: "Little Junior Sister, your mind is pure and flawless, so you can walk on the ground on such a thin rope."

Xiaolong Nvbao smiled slightly, and then slowly closed her eyes.

After Bing Xueer got into the bed, her eyes drifted to the wall not far away, and her heart was tied to Song Qingshu next door. The contradiction in her heart is abnormal. On the one hand, she wants to go to sleep as soon as Xiaolongnu, but now she has so many thoughts that she can't sleep at all.

On the other hand, she moved the idea of ​​sneaking over to find Song Qingshu, but she quickly rejected it. First, she was worried about disturbing the little dragon girl. Second, her daughter's house ran to him in the middle of the night. It was too bold... …

When Bing Xueer was suffering from gains and losses, he suddenly heard a soft noise from the window. When he turned his head in amazement, only a dark figure turned in from the window.

The little dragon girl was obviously shocked too, she was about to get up to make a move, but the black shadow was so fast as lightning, she immediately bullied her side and quickly sealed her whole body.

The little dragon girl only felt dark in front of her eyes, and she fell softly from the rope. Seeing that a pretty face had to come into close contact with the hard ground, the black image had long been expected, and she hugged her gently. Put it gently on the ground.

At this moment Bing Xueer had already reacted, and she drew out the golden bell belt and was about to hit the opponent, but the shadow suddenly raised her head and said, "It's me!"

Looking through the moonlight, it was not Song Qingshu or someone.

Bing Xueer was immediately ashamed and angry: "What are you running over in the middle of the night?"

"If you don't want to come out, I will come here." Song Qingshu smiled triumphantly.

Bing Xueer's face flushed, she glanced at the little dragon **** the ground, and said coyly, "But the little sister is still here."

Song Qingshu clicked several acupuncture points on Xiaolongnu's body, "Don't worry, I clicked her big acupuncture points, she won't know what happened."

Bing Xueer's face was even redder, and she said glutinously, "But how can I explain to her when I get up tomorrow?"

"She hasn't been deeply involved in the world, you can just find an excuse to fool her." Song Qingshu got into the bed all of a sudden, took a deep breath, and showed an intoxicated expression: "It's so fragrant!"

Ever since he got his body that time, Bing Xue'er felt that she had become more and more sensitive. Now that she was approached by him and smelled the breath on his body, her body suddenly softened.

Feeling Song Qingshu was hurriedly untying her clothes, Bing Xueer's heart was shaken and she bit her lips and said greasyly: "Uncle, I seem to be broken by you."

Seeing the beautiful body of mutton jade in front of him, Song Qingshu couldn't bear it, and leaned forward hurriedly. I don’t know that Bing Xue’er suddenly side her head, looking at the little dragon **** the ground not far away, and said worriedly: “You put her on the ground and restrained her skill. I’m afraid it will be cold if you sleep overnight. The internal strength of the Tomb Sect is extremely feminine, and once infected with cold poison, it is difficult to get rid of it."

Song Qingshu looked innocent: "What should I do, there is such a big place in the room, I can't let her sleep in bed."

"Why don't we leave the bed to him, let's go next door?" Bing Xueer lowered her head and said.

"Why is it so troublesome?" Song Qingshu didn't want to change places at this time, stretched out his hand and sucked in the dragon skills, and then sucked the little dragon girl over.

Holding the little dragon **** the bed, watching her peerless face when she was asleep, Song Qingshu couldn't help swallowing her saliva. To cover up, he slapped haha: "Little Junior Sister is really light."

Bing Xueer gave him an angry glance: "You obviously want to say that she is very beautiful, right? Tell me honestly, did you put her next to me, did you have any bad thoughts?"

"Heaven and earth conscience, I just don't want her cold toxin to enter the body, as for any bad thoughts, even if there is, it is just a kind of harmless fun..." Song Qingshu leaned over and said a few words in Bing Xue'er's ear.

"Uncle, you are so perverted, my God, how could I think you are a gentleman before." Bing Xueer looked at him with a grotesque expression, but didn't say anything against it, thinking that the junior sister didn't know all this anyway. Instead, she had a... strange feeling next to her.

Seeing that Bing Xue'er wasn't really angry, Song Qingshu was still polite, and her whole body was pressed up at once. The two of them had been fighting for a long time, and soon they were like glue and entangled together sweetly.

Bing Xueer held Song Qingshu's hand, her eyes were filled with mist like water: "Only look at her, not touch her."

Song Qingshu retracted his hand awkwardly: "Accident, accident."


The white and snowy skin of the little dragon **** the side had been stained with a charming blush. It turned out that she had learned the method of relieving acupuncture points in the Jiuyin Scripture in the ancient tomb, although it was immediately controlled by Song Qingshu. , But the weak Zhen Qi quietly tried to relieve the acupoints.

When Song Qingshu put her on the bed, she actually had a touch of consciousness. She was a little worried about the dark shadow, but found that it was Song Qingshu and the master sister was beside her, so the little dragon girl quickly relaxed.

Her temperament was inherently weak, although Song Qingshu tapped her whole body acupuncture, but she broke through the acupuncture path bit by bit, actually slowly allowing her to recover.

However, she was even more embarrassed after she was sober. Although she did not open her eyes, she could feel that her brother-in-law and senior sister seemed to be doing something shameful...


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