Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 381: Dragon Girl in a Dilemma

The reality is cruel, Xiaolongnu can clearly feel that the two people around her change a few positions, but she must have no intention of ending.

Listening to the coquettish and delicate breaths in her ears, Xiaolongnu really didn't want to believe that this was the sound that the cold-character master sister would make during the day.

Quietly in this atmosphere, Xiaolongnu suddenly felt that her body became strange. The internal strength of the Tomb School always pays attention to clearing the heart and lack of desire, and it is difficult to have such a hot body.

The little dragon girl thought she was going to be crazy, she was shocked and quickly mobilized her real energy to adjust her breath, but she didn't know that it had no effect at all. That kind of throbbing from the soul could be suppressed by acquired martial arts.

Because she didn't want the two people around her to know that she had woken up, Xiaolong Nv Yinfang bit her bit, trying to restrain her body from trembling, so that her body became more sensitive instead, and it didn't take long for her to become emotional.

Desire to live in the dark, the body skin was covered with a layer of rouge-like red.

With Song Qingshu's skill at this time, he actually noticed Xiaolongnv when she rushed through the acupuncture points in her body. When she was so embarrassed that she didn't know how to end, she found that Xiaolongnv didn't open her eyes, but was lying there motionless.

Song Qingshu understood Xiaolongnv's thoughts as soon as she thought, and knew that she was scrupulous about Senior Sister's face, and just pretended to continue to be restrained, as if she was unconscious.

After understanding all this, some evil thoughts in Song Qingshu's heart were added, and the whole person became more excited.

Although Bing Xueer is a little strange and brave, she only feels like the other person is extremely obsessed with her body, and a hint of sweetness rises in her heart while she is shy, and her whole body becomes softer and softer, gently embracing the man. Everything, incarnate as a docile rouge horse, let the knight on his body gallop horizontally and horizontally.

Seeing Bing Xue'er's eyes blurred, Song Qingshu subconsciously grasped her catkins, and the hands were really smooth and smooth. After a long time, Song Qingshu was surprised to find that Bing Xue'er's hands were wrapping around his waist. Then whose hand was he holding?

Turning his gaze to Xiaolongnv, she saw that her snow-white cheeks were already covered with mysterious blushes, and her eyelashes trembled. Song Qingshu swallowed, and suddenly couldn't bear to let go. His fingers gradually moved up. It was obvious that Xiaolong's body trembled, and a thin layer of shiver suddenly appeared on the delicate skin.

After all, Song Qingshu didn't dare to be too presumptuous, and understood that this might be the limit that Xiaolongnv could tolerate. If he continued to keep a foothold, it would be difficult to guarantee that the other party would not turn his face and leave. Then everyone would be embarrassed. If you know that Junior Sister has been awake, Bing Xueer I'm afraid I can't hate myself to death.

Holding the silky hands of the little dragon girl, Song Qingshu suddenly felt that the appearance of Bing Xueer and the little dragon girl were a bit misaligned. The woman under him was Bing Xueer for a while, and then she seemed to be replaced by the little dragon girl.

Sleeping in the same bed with two beautiful women, no man in the world can withstand this kind of stimulation. Not long after, Song Qingshu trembled all over, panting heavily with Bingxue'er in his arms.

At that moment, Song Qingshu keenly felt that the little dragon girl also seemed to shake all over, and her breath became extremely chaotic. However, Song Qingshu was feeling sleepy at this time, and he didn't care about so much, so he planned to fall asleep deeply while holding Bingxue'er.

Bing Xue'er picked up the messy hair scattered on her face, and pushed Song Qingshu lazily: "You are not allowed to sleep here."

"I'm so sleepy, I don't want to move anymore," Song Qingshu said blankly. Bing Xueer turned her head and glanced at Little Dragon Girl, and said angrily: "Little Junior Sister is still here, how can I let her sleep with you without knowing it."

Xiaolongnv was a little angry at first, but when she heard Bing Xueer say this, she suddenly felt relieved: "Master sister still loves me heartily, worrying that I will suffer."

Song Qingshu suddenly thought that Xiaolongnu was awake at the moment, and she felt guilty under the ghost in her heart. She glanced at Bing Xueer with some guilt, "Then I will pass."

Bing Xueer was so soft at this moment that she didn't bother to move a finger, and urged softly, "Go, go, go."

Song Qingshu quickly grabbed the clothes on the bed, and ran back to the next door as if to escape, not daring to look at the two women again.

Xiaolongnv was hesitating to find a reason to wake up, but Bing Xueer suddenly snorted. She turned over and put her in her arms, muttering in her mouth: "Little Junior Sister's body is cold, so comfortable. "

Because of the aftermath of the passion and desire, Bing Xueer's body was extremely hot at this time. The little dragon girl was born with a cold body, and she was hugged by her. She immediately felt warm and very comfortable, plus the acupuncture points that had just spent Zhen Qi rushing through her body, and After waking up, she was still in a state of extremely nervousness. At this time, she relaxed. Xiaolongnu felt sleepy, so she hugged her, and fell asleep without knowing it.

The little dragon girl woke up early the next morning, Bing Xueer was freshening up, noticed the movement on the bed, Bing Xueer turned her head back with an unnatural expression: "Little Junior Sister, are you awake?"

Seeing Bing Xueer's face full of radiance because of being fully irrigated, and thinking of the'sin' she suffered last night, Xiao Longnv suddenly felt cramped and deliberately asked: "Sister, the dark shadow last night what's going on?"

Bing Xueer's expression changed, and she explained embarrassingly: "It was Mongolian people who were unwilling to be frustrated, and quietly sent a master over to hold us. Fortunately, Song...Song came over in time and only then killed the enemy."

"Really?" Xiaolongnv said with a smile, but she was slanderous in her heart: It was obviously that he was guarding and stealing, taking advantage of me, and now he has become my savior.

Although Xiaolongnv was a little angry, Song Qingshu "bullying" the senior sister last night, while stroking her own hand, but when she wanted to come, the other party should have been inadvertently.

Since she chose to pretend to sleep last night, she will not puncture everything today, so she nodded pretendingly: "That's a lot of thanks to brother-in-law."

"He is not your brother-in-law." Bing Xueer said hurriedly.

"You obviously..." Recalling the shameful things that happened last night, Xiao Long Nu's face flushed, and she stopped speaking.

Bing Xueer was shocked: Could it be that what she saw?

Fortunately, there was a knock on the door at this time, and Song Qingshu's lazily voice rang: "Two beauties, come out for breakfast."

Bing Xueer said angrily: "Wait a minute, we have to freshen up for a while."

Hearing Song Qingshu's voice, Xiaolongnu's expression flashed unnaturally, and she looked irritated and uncomfortable.

Seeing her frowning slightly, Bing Xue'er stared blankly: "Even frowning is so pretty. Sure enough, I feel pity, no wonder a gentleman like my uncle couldn't help holding her to the bed last night..."

Thinking of those, Bing Xueer's face became hot, and her heart was very upset: Why did he agree to such an absurd request last night?


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