Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 384: Entrust young girl

Seeing Song Qingshu's ambiguous expression, Miao Renfeng's expression became more and more ugly. Miao Ruolan hurriedly pulled Song Qingshu's sleeves while shaking and said softly, "Big brother, don't you be angry with Daddy, okay?"

Last time in Ping Yizhi's wooden house, Miao Ruolan not only saw Song Qingshu's martial arts, but was also shocked by his calmness in controlling the life and death of men and women in the audience.

Little girls have hero worship plots. Miao Ruolan has always tasked her father to be the most powerful person in the world. Until he was easily defeated by Zhang Wuji, this dream suddenly shattered. Fortunately, Song Qingshu arrived in time, repelled the big bad guy, and suddenly made up for the little girl's hero vacancy.

Miao Ruolan's eyes looking at Song Qingshu were full of reverence. Seeing that the other party had been angry with her father, she couldn't help but beg for nephrite.

The little girl’s voice made her heart sore, Song Qingshu’s cold face showed a gentle smile, nodded slightly, turned to Miao Renfeng and said, “Don’t think about some messy things. I learned that Chuangwang’s treasure is Through another channel, it has nothing to do with who you think."

"Is that the wandering Taoist named Jin Yong that Uncle mentioned before?" Bing Xueer remembered that the two of them had come back from Yanziwu for medical treatment, and Song Qingshu seemed to have mentioned it.

"Do you still remember this?" Song Qingshu glanced at her unexpectedly.

Bing Xueer smiled softly, did not answer, but silently said in her heart: "I remember every word you said."

Hearing Bing Xueer said the same, Miao Renfeng no longer doubted, she sighed: "Mrs. Hu, Miao also hopes that you can bring me a sentence by the way, telling her that Miao has given her the most important things in this life. I hope she will take good care of it and give it a good family in the future."

Bing Xueer sounded strange, thinking that Nan Lan was Miao Ruolan's mother, and she still needed someone to remind her of her daughter's marriage. Song Qingshu understands that what Miao Renfeng is referring to is not Miao Ruolan, but the treasure map hidden in the phoenix hosta on the head of Nanlan.

Song Qingshu hesitated, and decided to tell the truth: "Miao Daxia, I know you are worried about the leak, so there is something in your words, but you don't have to be like that. I know all the secrets that should be known, even the hairpin. "

Miao Renfeng's face changed drastically: "You..."

Song Qingshu raised his hand to interrupt him, turned around and said to Bing Xueer and Miao Ruolan: "Sister-in-law, you take Ruolan to walk there. I have something to say to Miao Daxia."

Bing Xueer glanced at him worriedly, and still took Miao Ruolan to a few feet away.

Miao Renfeng snorted angrily, "What do you want?"

Song Qingshu replied: "I want you to send a message to Nan Lan and ask her to give Zhu Chai to me."

Seeing that he knew everything, Miao Renfeng was shocked and angry: "Wishful thinking."

Song Qingshu sneered: "I know the approximate location of the treasure of the king, and I also know that the treasure map is hidden in the pearl flowers of the lady's hairpin. Now she and Tian Guinong are living in my house in the capital, I want to get the treasure. Baotu can be said to be easy."

"The reason why I didn't try to **** it, but chose to ask you to agree to give it to me is because I admire you for being upright in your life and running around in order to fight against the Qing Dynasty. Although I don't like you, I admire you. So I don't want to wait for you to die Bullying their orphans and widows will make you jump with anger."

Miao Renfeng fell silent for a while, and asked after a long time: "What do you want to do in the King's Treasure?"

Song Qingshu looked at the sky, and a strange light flashed in his eyes: "I need it for military expenses. What you guys can't do, I will do it for you."

Miao Renfeng couldn't help but sneer when he heard this: "It's so big, I'm not afraid of my tongue flashing."

Over the years, there have been countless volunteers in the Manchu and Qing dynasties, no matter whether they are anti-Qing and Fuming or simply anti-Qing, no organization can see the hope of success. As far as Miao Renfeng knows, although Song Qingshu's martial arts is high, but he is only single, what is the use in the overall situation?

"You don't believe it?" Song Qingshu said with a smile.

Miao Renfeng snorted coldly, the meaning was already obvious.

Song Qingshu said: "In order to strengthen the persuasive power, I can tell you that the Golden Snake Camp is already in my bag, and I have already reached an agreement with the nine princesses of the Ming Dynasty to use the Golden Snake Camp as the team, plus the righteous name of the former Ming princess. It is natural to overthrow the Manchu with half the effort."

"In the past, when the Golden Snake King Yuan Chengzhi was still alive, the Golden Snake Camp was so powerful that it did not have any real impact on the Qing court. Now that the sun sets in the mountains, what use is it for you to take over?" Miao Renfeng said so. , But the tone has loosened.

"Have you heard the news that I assassinated Kangxi some time ago?" Song Qingshu asked suddenly.

Miao Renfeng nodded: "I know, although it failed, it is still worthy of admiration. If it weren't for this incident, no matter how high your martial arts you did before, how could you ever put it in the eyes of Miao."

Song Qingshu smiled faintly: "You also know my martial arts, do you think I will fail the assassination?"

Miao Renfeng was taken aback for a moment, and soon his face changed dramatically: "You mean..."

Song Qingshu stood with his hands behind: "Yes, the real Kangxi is dead."

Miao Renfeng's mouth opened slightly, shocked and speechless, and immediately a trace of ecstasy rose in his heart. Maybe the person in front of him could accomplish the careers of many people.

When Miao Ruolan was summoned to her father, she noticed an unspeakable excitement in her father's eyes, and heard the other party's instructions: "Lan'er, after you see your mother, let her give the Phoenix-headed Zhuchai to her. Brother Song, I said it personally, so remember."

Miao Ruolan said, "Lan'er understands."

Miao Renfeng suddenly put Miao Ruolan's hand into Song Qingshu's hand: "Song Shaoxia, Lan'er will be taken care of by you in the future."

As soon as this remark came out, Miao Ruolan glanced at Song Qingshu shyly, and quickly dropped her eyelids again, leaving only her long eyelashes trembling slightly.

Song Qingshu was also stunned on the spot, and Bing Xueer was even more weird, thinking that you had just asked me to take your daughter to find her mother, but now you turned around and entrusted it to a man. What is it?

And listening to Miao Renfeng's tone, Bing Xueer always felt like he had entrusted Miao Ruolan for life, and her heart was even more awkward, and she couldn't help but give Song Qingshu a fierce look.

Song Qingshu understood that Bing Xueer's misunderstanding was probably because of what she had said to Miao Renfeng just now, so she felt that it was difficult to argue, and said quickly, "Miao Daxia, this is probably not very convenient."

Miao Renfeng felt the vitality in his body gradually fade, and said weakly: "I gave you such a big gift, are you still unwilling to take care of my daughter?"

Hearing Miao Renfeng's words, Song Qingshu was at a loss for words, so he nodded and said: "In this case, Song must do his best to take care of Ling Qianjin and never let her suffer any harm."

Miao Renfeng has no alternative. Originally, he wanted to entrust his daughter to Nan Lan, but Nan Lan has already been married as another wife. What's more, he thought of Tian Guinong as a person... Miao Renfeng worried that Miao Ruolan would follow Nan Lan. , I'm afraid I will be aggrieved. Now that I learned about Song Qingshu's situation, I naturally felt that instead of entrusting her daughter to the tiger and wolf land like Tianfu, it would be more reassuring to entrust Song Qingshu.

Seeing Miao Ruolan standing there with a shy face, Bing Xueer was stunned. Hearing what Miao Renfeng said, she seemed to have given her dowry to Song Qingshu. Miao Ruolan seemed to have no objection. The heart is like a deer.

"Lan'er, Dad can't take care of you anymore. From now on, you must listen carefully to Song Shaoxia's words. With his care, you must be able to live happily in this troubled world." Miao Renfeng's eyes gradually faded, and it is obvious that Xueshen Yuchan Pills are effective. Will pass.

Song Qingshu sighed, and helped Bing Xueer walk aside, leaving the two father and daughter alone for the last time.

"What did you say to Brother Miao just now? Why, why would he give Ruolan the promise to you?" When the two came to a few feet away, Bing Xueer gently threw away Song Qingshu's arm, biting her lip and looking at him quietly. .

"Where is the marriage, don't talk nonsense." Song Qingshu was immediately bluffed, "It's just that he asked me to take care of it."

"How can there be such a care," Bing Xueer looked suspicious, "Big Brother Miao clearly looks at his son-in-law."

"You think too much," Song Qingshu couldn't laugh or cry. "He is happy because of another thing. After all, we just made a deal."

"What deal?" Bing Xueer is not a jealous woman. In fact, she knows that in her own capacity, it is impossible to get together with Song Qingshu in a fair manner, so she doesn't mind that the other party marries another woman as his wife.

But it's one thing not to mind that he marries another wife. If the other party wants to marry her niece, then the problem is big.

In the recent period, Bing Xue'er has thoroughly experienced a certain aspect of Song Qingshu’s evil. She glanced at Miao Ruolan, who was not far away, and thought that Miao Renfeng would give her daughter to Song Qingshu to take care of her. This is not about sending sheep into a tiger’s mouth. Is it?

Bing Xueer can be said to be Song Qingshu's most trusted person in the world. Song Qingshu felt that it would be okay to tell her about changing Kangxi. Before that, she had been...being addicted to her boudoir pleasure, and she hadn't had time to tell her.

I was about to relay what I just said to Miao Renfeng to Bing Xue'er. Suddenly I heard Miao Ruolan cry loudly on one side. The two looked back and saw the golden-faced Buddha who had once powerfully shaken the rivers and lakes and beaten invincible hands all over the world. It's gone forever.

Song Qingshu buried the Miao Renfeng in the nearby woods, and engraved the words "Heaven and the earth, I am the only one who is the sole honorable person; throughout the ages, the tomb of the golden-faced Buddha, the Miaoren and the phoenix".

Originally, Song Qingshu still hesitated. He was worried that someone passing by and seeing the tombstone would raise a heart of unrest and destroy the tomb. But after thinking about it, Miao Renfeng’s name was dignified in front of him. Why bother to ruin his courage after his death?

However, Song Qingshu still used sharp sword energy to engrave these words on the stone tablet in order to be safe. Normal young people would be disturbed by the sword energy on the stone tablet when they approached. If you are a real martial arts expert, you will feel the sword energy on the stone tablet. , Will naturally admire, let alone destroy it.

"Miss Miao, please keep your sorrow and change."

Standing by Miao Ruolan's side, Song Qingshu felt awkward, calling this little girl Luoli, it was a bit nonsense, but if she didn't call her girl, Song Qingshu didn't know what to call it.


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