Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 385: Girl's Emotion

"Big brother, call me Lan'er from now on." Miao Ruolan looked up at Song Qingshu, her big shiny eyes with tears, she was a little red and swollen because of the reason she just cried.

"Lan'er, I will take good care of you in the future." Song Qingshu said softly as she knelt down and grabbed Luoli's shoulder in front of her.

Miao Ruolan's face flushed for no apparent reason, and she let out a faint hum.

Noting her shy appearance, Song Qingshu was stunned. He just treated Miao Ruolan as a child, so he didn't pay much attention to the precautions between men and women.

I don’t know that Miao Renfeng raised Miao Ruolan as a daughter from a young age. She held it in her mouth for fear of dissolving, holding it in her hand for fear of falling. Miao Ruolan had never touched other men, and she felt the warmth and calmness of Song Qingshu on her shoulders. Hand, naturally produced the shyness of the girl

"Girls in ancient times mature earlier than those in modern society." When Song Qing was slanderous, Bing Xueer slapped his hand away and said complainingly: "Little Ruolan is your daughter's house, and your body is yours. Can a big man touch it casually."

Song Qingshu grumbled unconvincedly: "She is obviously so young..."

Bing Xueer was worried that Miao Ruolan would misunderstand Song Qingshu, so she was blamed on the surface, but actually explained to Miao Ruolan that she was dumbfounded when she heard the next sentence from the other party.

"Auntie, don't blame Big Brother. Since Dad has entrusted Lan'er to Big Brother, then Big Brother is Lan'er's relatives, and Lan'er will naturally not blame him."

"Aunt? Big brother?" Bing Xue'er was stunned for a while, and these two titles kept reverberating in his head.

"Lan'er is so good~" Seeing Bing Xueer's appearance of being injured by the crit, Song Qingshu suppressed a smile, and suddenly noticed the redness and swelling on Miao Ruolan's face, and realized that she was slapped by Zhang Wuji just now, and couldn't help but feel distressed. Bring her over, "Lan'er, come here, Big Brother will remove the bruise on your face for you."

"Yeah~" Miao Ruolan moved obediently, half leaning on Song Qingshu, feeling the palm of the other person rubbing against her face, her heart beating up and down.

Song Qingshu didn't pay attention to Miao Ruolan's reaction, but fell into doubt. Although he knew that Zhang Wuji in this world was not the loyal, innocent and indecisive protagonist of the original book in his memory, he was surprised to see him bullying a little girl without pity. , What is going on with Zhang Wuji?

Seeing Song Qingshu as if lost, she kept rubbing Miao Ruolan's face. Bing Xue'er couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but cough lightly: "Lan'er's face has been swollen."

"Huh?" Song Qingshu reacted, noticing that the little girl in her arms was flushed and her expression was embarrassed.

"Let's hurry up as soon as possible. Now everyone from all walks of life is rushing to Shandong. The Golden Snake Camp will definitely gather the demons. I am a little worried about what is going on there." Song Qingshu said haha, and quickly turned the topic off.

"Yes, I am also worried that Sister Xia will not be able to cope." Bing Xueer nodded. When the two were warm some time ago, Song Qingshu had roughly told the whole plan, and she was also aware of the existence of Xia Qingqing.

"Oh~" Miao Ruolan suddenly held her ankle in pain.

"What's wrong?" Song Qingshu asked with concern.

"It seems that I twisted my ankle while escaping just now, maybe I'm sure." Miao Ruolan frowned, thinking that her father had just tried to stop the man in black and let her run away, she became sad again, her eyes flushed suddenly.

Song Qingshu squeezed a few hands on her ankle and breathed a sigh of relief: "Lan'er, don't worry, it's just a sprain. The bones are all right. Just take a good rest for a few days. Then, let me carry you on the next road. "

Miao Ruolan gave a hum, and suddenly asked softly: "Big brother, I don't want you to carry it, can you walk with me?"

"Huh?" Song Qingshu was taken aback, and Bing Xueer looked at her curiously.

Being stared at by the two people with weird eyes, Miao Ruolan quickly lowered her head and said: "Daddy used to hug me and walk like that."

Song Qingshu and Bing Xueer looked at each other, and there was a picture in their minds: Miao Renfeng with a sallow face holding a sword in his right hand, holding Miao Ruolan in his left hand, walking down the road lonely...

"She is still a child after all." Song Qingshu sighed softly, knowing that Miao Ruolan, who had just lost her father, might not be able to recover the joyful and innocent smile when she first saw her for a while.

"Okay." Song Qingshu showed a slight smile, copied Miao Ruolan's legs, and hugged her.

Noting Song Qingshu's pitiful smile, Bing Xueer was a little embarrassed: What was she thinking about just now? Uncle, he clearly regarded Ruolan as a child.

As a woman, Bing Xueer realized that Miao Ruolan seemed to have a strange affection for Song Qingshu. In addition, she had recently tasted the "dissolute" side of Song Qingshu. She was afraid that something would happen to the two of them. When Miao Ruolan grows up, she will meet Regret for life.

Now confirming that Song Qingshu is not as unbearable as imagined, Bing Xueer subconsciously stuck out her tongue, wondering if it was because of this time... forgot that his uncle is actually a gentleman?

Unlike Bing Xueer, who was full of thoughts, Miao Ruolan quietly put her face on Song Qingshu's shoulder, and suddenly asked, "Big brother, can you teach me martial arts?"

Song Qingshu paused, and smiled bitterly: "Your father's martial arts is strong, but he doesn't teach you a half way, just to keep you away from the grievances of the world."

"Lan'er only hates that she is useless. Not only can she not help daddy in the critical moment, but it also drags him down." Miao Ruolan's expression was gloomy, and she looked eager to tear.

"Do you want revenge?" Song Qingshu asked in a deep voice.

"Well," Miao Ruolan nodded, her tone firm and firm, "I don't dare not report the revenge of my father."

"Lan'er, the man in black is also the enemy of Big Brother, Big Brother will avenge you." The new hatred and the old hatred are counted together, and Song Qingshu understands that sooner or later he will have a battle with Zhang Wuji. Some people are destined to be enemies for life.

"That man is very high in martial arts. Lan'er can help her elder brother after learning martial arts." Miao Ruolan tilted her head and thought for a while, but still did not shake her determination to learn martial arts.

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Lan'er wants to learn martial arts. Big brother can teach you, but Lan'er has to promise me one condition."

Miao Ruolan looked happy and said excitedly: "Don't say it is a condition, even if it is a hundred or a thousand, I will agree."

Bing Xueer was bluffed, thinking that you, a girl, could not say such things to men casually, and Song Qingshu's non-rule and cynical temperament was clear to her, for fear of Song Qingshu's horrifying demands.

"How can there be so many conditions," Song Qingshu smiled, "There is only one condition, that is, Lan'er, you must not live in hatred in the future, otherwise your father Jiuquan will definitely be sad."

Hearing what he said, Miao Ruolan couldn't help but her heart trembled, and there was something inexplicable in her eyes. After a long period of silence, she nodded suddenly: "Well, since the big brother said that, Lan'er will definitely do it."

"Don't be so serious," Song Qingshu laughed, "Laner, what martial arts do you want to learn first?"

Miao Ruolan showed a dilemma: "Lan'er doesn't understand martial arts, and I don't know what to learn first."

"Big brother is confused," Song Qingshu thought for a while, "Why don't you teach Lan'er a set of light skills first, girls who learn this will not be murderous, but also have the ability to protect themselves."

"Okay, okay." Miao Ruolan clapped her hands excitedly.

Song Qingshu handed Miao Ruolan into Bing Xue'er's arms and sorted out her thoughts a bit: "I can learn four kinds of light gongs in total, and I will show them one by one. Lan'er sees which one you like to learn."

"Yeah." Miao Ruolan nodded, staring at him intently, for fear of missing a detail.

"The first type, gecko swimming on the wall." Song Qingshu stood between two towering trees, jumped up, tapped his toes on a tree trunk, and his whole figure was like feathers toward the other tree. Floating away, when I was about to hit, my toes were a little bit. So back and forth, the whole person flew to the top of the tree according to the zigzag trajectory.

After jumping from the tree, Song Qingshu explained to Miao Ruolan: "The essence of the gecko's ability to travel through walls is to use force. It is an indispensable weapon for flying over the walls."

Miao Ruolan wrinkled her nose and shook her head slightly: "The name is really ugly, Lan'er doesn't like this."

Bing Xueer couldn't help but sneered, Song Qingshu touched her nose awkwardly: "The name is indeed a bit inelegant, it is not suitable for her daughter's home training, so let's see, Lan'er, how about'Tizyunzong'?"

As soon as the voice fell, Song Qingshu pierced into the sky like a sharp arrow. Seeing that the cast was exhausted and about to fall, the whole person jumped up out of thin air for more than a foot.

After the fall, Song Qingshu explained: "A leap in the vertical direction, the world's light work is not as good as Wudang Tiyunzong."

"This is good-looking, Lan'er needs to learn it." Miao Ruolan could see the brilliance in her eyes.

"Good-looking?" Song Qingshu heard a black line, "There are two other light skills, you can decide which one to learn after reading it."

Miao Ruolan nodded hurriedly, and Song Qingshu quietly spread his voice into the secret, and said to Bing Xueer: "You also take a good look. I will teach you then."

Bing Xueer's cheeks warmed, but she also understood that the other party wanted to give herself more self-protection skills, and when she was moved, she nodded insignificantly.

"The snake-shaped raccoon turning technique comes from the Nine Yin Scriptures. It is very useful in fighting to dodge enemy attacks."

Seeing Song Qingshu lying on the ground and tumbling in a strange posture, Miao Ruolan hurriedly yelled: "Stop, stop, Lan'er won't learn this."

Song Qingshu shrugged, with an appearance that he had known for a long time, and continued to speak to Bing Xueer: "I know Ruolan will definitely not learn this. The reason why I want to show it is because I want you to learn it. After all, you Fighting with people often, learning this may make you avoid a fatal blow at some point in the future."

Seeing Bing Xue'er savouring his taste, Song Qingshu turned around and looked at Miao Ruolan: "The last light skill, no trace on the sand." As soon as the voice fell, the whole person was like a cannonball out of the chamber, and it shot to a dozen. On the trunk of the tree outside, the whole person came back quickly with a little tiptoe. The whole process was just a blink of an eye.

"Sprint in a straight line, the world's trivial effort is the No. 1 in Tasha Wuhen." Song Qingshu looked smug, thinking that Miao Ruolan would definitely choose to learn this.

I don't know Miao Ruolan pursed her mouth and said, "No."


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