Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 386: Marry you when you grow up

"Huh?" Song Qingshu's smile froze, "Why?"

"Flying so fast, hair, clothes, etc., are all messed up, which is detrimental to her daughter's demeanor. Lan'er don't want it." Miao Ruolan grabbed her fingers solemnly, and counted the shortcomings of Tasha Wuhen.

Hearing Miao Ruolan's righteous words, Bing Xueer couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling. Song Qingshu felt that the wind was messy, and she slandered: "That fellow Miao Renfeng, how did she raise her daughter?"

"Well, let's teach you Tiyunzong." Song Qingshu was speechless, and carefully explained the formula to Miao Ruolan.

Although Miao Ruolan was young, she was very clever, and soon understood what Song Qingshu said. In addition, Song Qingshu came from later generations, and she especially pursued the understanding of various martial arts principles. The fundamental Miao Ruolan understands.

"Why can I only dance so short?" Miao Ruolan pursed her mouth, sulking. Although she had an injury on her foot, she felt that she had understood what Song Qingshu had taught her just now, but she was extremely frustrated when she knew the result.

"This is because Lan'er, you don't have the slightest inner strength in your body," Song Qingshu smiled and touched the top of her head, and explained, "You only have to learn inner strength. The higher your inner strength, the better your light skills."

Miao Ruolan's frustrated expression swept away, and said excitedly: "Okay, okay, elder brother, let's teach Lan'er the best internal strength."

Song Qingshu stretched out his hand to copy Miao Ruolan's legs, hugged her and said awkwardly as he rushed on the road, "I am afraid that the inner strength that the big brother is best at is not suitable for you to practice." It's a hell, although Huanxi Zen is the deepest tantric method. Internal strength, but the explanation is too nasty. Wouldn't it smear her ears if you said it to a little luoli like Miao Ruolan?

"Why?" Miao Ruolan blinked his big bright eyes and looked at him innocently.

Song Qingshu hesitated and didn't know how to answer, but Bing Xueer on the side blushed. She had personally learned Song Qingshu's exercises, and the whole process is now embarrassing when she thinks of it.

"Lan'er, good luck, you are not strong enough now, you still can't practice that technique, let your elder brother teach you something easy to learn first." I can't keep reading Song Qingshu, and Bing Xueer quickly relieved Song Qingshu.

"That's it," Miao Ruolan looked disappointed, but soon regained her spirits, "Then when I have enough skills, my elder brother will teach me that kind of kung fu again."

Bing Xueer's eyes turned black, and she almost fell down. Song Qingshu smiled wryly: "Let's talk about that later. The inner strength taught by my eldest brother is called "Nine Yin Zhenjing". It is the top Taoist technique. It is feminine and feminine. The characteristics are more suitable for women to practice."

"Lan'er had never learned martial arts before. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing for her to teach her this profound internal skill?" Bing Xueer said worriedly.

Song Qingshu explained: “It’s really difficult for her to understand the contents of the Jiuyin Scriptures. I didn’t plan to teach her the specific scriptures. Instead, I taught her the internal force of the Jiuyin Scriptures, as long as she remembers this route. It’s not difficult to practice diligently every day to reach the level of learning, but to achieve success, she can only realize it when she grows up."

"By the way, you can also learn it by the way. The jade female heart sutra of your tomb school is too dangerous, and you will get into trouble at every turn. It is too tasteless and you don't need to learn it."

Bing Xueer shook her head slightly, her voice was gentle but her attitude was firm: "I told you why I didn't learn this before... and the grandmother and grandmother used the jade. Female Heart Sutra to be equal to Wang Chongyang, the head of the Five Jubilees. I believe that I can do it. The depths may not be worse than the Jiuyin Zhenjing."

"That's it," Song Qingshu suddenly showed a hint of ambiguous color on her face, and said to her ear, "the last time I practiced jade. The female heart sutra was disturbed, and my work fell short. I will practice with you next time, OK."

"Not good," Bing Xueer bit her lip. "I will find a junior sister to accompany me next time. I blame you when I say it, and I'm angry with the younger sister."

A picture appeared in Song Qingshu's mind, two stunning beauties, one harming the country and the people, and the other mature and beautiful. They didn't stick to each other to practice internal skills...Wait, why is the nose a little itchy?

"Big brother, when do you start teaching me internal strength?" The two flirted and cursed, and Xiao Ruolan, who was left to the side, suddenly became a little bored.

Bing Xueer returned to her senses and couldn't help but glared at Song Qingshu: "I'll go ahead and explore the way first, so please teach Xiao Ruolan well."

Song Qingshu knew that Bing Xueer didn't want to hear the formula of the Jiuyin Scriptures, so she took the opportunity to leave, "Then you should be careful."

"Don't worry, our little sisters from the Tomb Sect can outperform the Mongolian national teacher. No matter how bad my master sister is, self-preservation will always be okay." Seeing Song Qingshu treat her as a porcelain doll, Bing Xue'er was suddenly dissatisfied.

Song Qingshu also realized that she was worrying too much. Bing Xue'er's martial arts was not bad at all. Although the martial arts of her in the original work were not much written, she used a silk ribbon to beat a group of Xiaoxiaos in Tianlongmen. Seeing the flaws in Miao Ren's Feng sword technique, even Hu Yidao didn't see this point, so it seemed that Bing Xueer's martial arts was not under Hu Yidao.

After Song Qingshu came to this world, she taught her the white python whip technique. Now Bing Xue'er is a top-notch master in the world, even if she encounters those master-level figures, with the top light skills of the Tomb Sect, self-protection should be the problem. Not big.

"Big brother, do you like aunt?"

Seeing Song Qingshu's eyes have been paying attention to Bing Xue'er's back, Miao Ruolan asked, tilting her head.

"What nonsense the child said." No matter how thick-skinned Song Qingshu is, Rao dare not admit the close relationship between the two in front of Miao Ruolan. After all, the relationship between the Hu and Miao family is somewhat special, and Bing Xueer is the survivor of the Hu family.

"I'm relieved." Miao Ruolan breathed a sigh of relief.

Song Qingshu asked strangely: "What can you worry about?"

"Nothing," Miao Rulan lowered her head, a mysterious blush flashed across her small face, and suddenly raised her head, "Big brother, will you marry you when Lan'er grows up?"

"Ah, what are you talking about?" Song Qingshu suddenly had an absurd illusion.

"It's fine if you don't hear clearly," Miao Ruolan's small and delicate face was charming and charming, "Big brother, let's start learning internal skills."

"Oh." Song Qingshu thought about how the little girl's mind is so complicated now, and how to dispel her thoughts, can't tell her that your mother and I have already slept...

Shaking his head, Song Qingshu emptied the mixed thoughts in his mind, looked straight, and said slowly: "Lan'er, because you have no foundation in martial arts and don't know how to breathe out luck, so I will give you a breath later. To penetrate into your body, and then control the movement of this zhenqi in your meridians, all you need to do is to remember the sequence of zhenqi flowing through each acupuncture point, so that you can keep learning in the future."

"Yeah." Miao Ruolan snorted.

Song Qingshu looked around. Although there were few people nearby, he still hugged Miao Ruolan and jumped onto a big tree just in case, so that even if someone passed by later, it would be difficult to disturb people in the air. Two people.

Miao Ruolan only felt the sound of the wind in her ears, and when she reacted, she was already standing on a tree branch several feet above the ground. Looking down, Miao Ruolan suddenly felt dizzy, her whole body swayed, and she was about to fall down.

"Be careful." Song Qingshu quickly supported her.

With Song Qingshu by her side, Miao Ruolan suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of security. He hummed, and replied suddenly: "Brother, Lan'er close your eyes and don't look down. Let's start."

"Okay." Song Qingshu stretched out his finger to point on Miao Ruolan's vest, and injected a ray of true energy into her body.

Originally because of the practice of the joy of Zen, the Jiuyin Zhenqi and Shenzhao Zhenqi that were cultivated before Song Qingshu were all merged with the joy of Zhenqi and disappeared. However, Song Qingshu not long ago understood the mystery of the virtual dantian, and naturally it was easy to simulate Jiuyin Zhenqi.

Feeling a cold breath penetrate into her body, Miao Ruolan couldn't help but snorted.

Song Qingshu's heart jumped when he heard it, and he quickly woke up, secretly despising himself, such a small luoli, you **** can imagine such a dirty thing when he hears the sound.

"Lan'er remember the route of Zhen Qi." Song Qingshu quickly converged and carefully controlled the flow of Zhen Qi. Miao Ruolan is still young now, and her body is delicate and weak. If she is not careful, her meridians will be injured, so Song Qingshu can't pay attention.

Miao Ruolan deliberately endured it at first, but later, the tingling sensation in her body became more and more obvious. She couldn't help it anymore and giggled and said, "Big brother, Lan'er is itchy."

Hearing her delicate and sweet breath, Song Qingshu's expression was also a little unnatural. He didn't expect Miao Ruolan's physique to be so sensitive. Now he has to send arrows on the string. If she suddenly retracts her qi, Miao Ruolan might be uncomfortable. After thinking about his internal injuries, I had to say: "I will try to slow down the movement of the infuriating energy, Lan'er will converge and focus on the memory route.

"Yeah, Lan'er will remember it well." Miao Ruolan's pretty face was red, and her body trembled slightly, but after all, she was young and simple in mind, and soon calmed down and began to work hard to memorize the acupuncture points of Zhenqiu Channel.

This caused Song Qingshu to suffer. Miao Ruolan’s soft breath from time to time made him feel uneasy. Originally, in order to make Miao Ruolan remember as much as possible, he planned to guide Zhen Qi to run through her body for three weeks, but now Just after running for a week, he hurriedly withdrew his finger and asked unnaturally, "Lan Er remember?"

"Remember only a small part." Miao Ruolan said timidly, feeling a little embarrassed, for fear that Song Qingshu would blame her, "Or the big brother will let Zhen Qi run through Lan'er again, so I should be able to remember The bottom half."

It's really life-threatening!

Of course Song Qingshu wouldn’t be as reckless as he was just now. He was caught off guard, and quickly comforted: "Lan'er don’t care, you didn’t know anything about meridians and acupuncture points before. You just listened to my hurried explanation. It’s pretty good to remember a half. After you become familiar with the acupuncture points, meridians, and collaterals of the human body, I will guide you with Zhen Qi again."


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