Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 387: Epee, divine carving, loli

"Thank you, big brother." Miao Ruolan smiled, her eyes bent like crescent moons.

"As long as you remember the path of true qi movement, you can cultivate your inner strength by yourself every day, and gradually nourish and strengthen the true qi that I injected into your body, and our Xiao Lan'er can also become a martial arts master." With Miao Ruolan's innocent and innocent face, Song Qingshu's heart felt a touch of tenderness.

"Where is Lan'er young? After two or three years, Lan'er will be the age to marry." Miao Ruolan pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

"Naughty, I don't know which **** made it. It's unreasonable to allow women of your age to marry when they are so young, and their bodies are not fully mature. Moreover, once pregnant, the child is easy to die, and the mother is also easy to give birth. It is really unreasonable."

Song Qingshu suddenly felt indignant. In the previous life, a woman could not get married until she was 20 years old. Although there were reasons for family planning, she had at least fully considered a woman's physical development. In this world, you can get married at the age of twelve, and you have to have children at every turn, which is really devastating to a woman's body.

Considering that the world has been fighting for years and males are scarce, it is unrealistic to encourage childbirth. It is unrealistic to require women to be 20 years old before they can get married as in the previous life, but no matter how old women are to be 16 years old... Oh no, let's talk about 18. Right.

Miao Ruolan looked at Song Qingshu's anger there, and said: "For thousands of years, women at this age can get married."


Song Qingshu almost fell down. The values ​​of the two worlds are indeed difficult for her to turn around at once, "Forget it, let's not consider this issue, let's go to the front to find your aunt."

"Hmm." Miao Ruolan nodded obediently.

"Hold your big brother's hand tightly." Song Qingshu hugged Miao Ruolan, and he chased Bing Xueer in the direction where Bing Xue'er disappeared.

It didn't take long before Bing Xueer was hurriedly returning from the front. Song Qingshu stopped and asked, "Bing...sister-in-law, what happened before?"

In front of Miao Ruolan, Song Qingshu and Bing Xueer were naturally embarrassed to be too close, but at this time Miao Ruolan was immersed in the wonderful feeling of leaning in Song Qingshu's arms just now, and her small faces were flushed with excitement. Pay attention to the unnatural calling of the two.

Bing Xueer obviously understood what he meant, and said in a slightly virtuous but soft voice: "Uncle, there are two groups of people in front of each other. The quarrel is fierce, and they are about to fight at any time."

"Oh~ It's really a dangerous world. People who walk in the arena and yell at every turn," Song Qingshu sighed with emotion, "By the way, does my sister-in-law know who they are?"

Bing Xueer frowned and thought about it carefully: "It feels that the martial arts of both sides are ordinary, there is a middle-aged man who seems to exude a mastery, listening to them seems to be arguing about the king of Tang, it should be anti-Qing. Some righteous men of Fuming."

"Let's go and take a look." Song Qingshu said in a deep voice. If there is a great turmoil today and foreign races are raging, the Han people should unite all the forces that can be united, and they must not allow these righteous men to kill each other and do things that hurt their loved ones and their enemies.

Holding Miao Ruolan in his arms and Bing Xueer by his side, Song Qingshu had an ridiculous illusion. There is a saying in previous lives that a man who pulls the wind should carry an epee on his back, a small luoli in his arms, and a big eagle by his side.

There happened to be a small Luoli with a soft body in his arms. Although he didn't have a profound iron epee, the wooden sword also originated from the line of Dugu's defeat. As for the big eagle, Song Qingshu gave Bing Xue'er a weird look. Anyway, they are all riding pets, so the difference shouldn't be big.

Noting the weird expression in Song Qingshu's eyes, Bing Xueer touched her cheek, and asked suspiciously: "Is there anything dirty on my face, why is my uncle staring at me like this?"

"How could there be dirt on my aunt's face? It must be the elder brother who saw her aunt's beauty, and couldn't help but sneak a glance. As a result, she was caught by her aunt." Miao Ruolan giggled, fearing that the world would not be chaotic. Look like.

"Children don't talk nonsense." Bing Xueer's face flushed, but she also agreed with Miao Ruolan's guess.

Song Qingshu retracted his gaze with a guilty conscience, and smiled in a jealousy. If Bing Xueer knew what she was thinking, she would definitely turn her face, and there would be no chance to...riding it in the future.

When the three of them moved forward with great effort, it didn't take long for a pavilion to appear. The two groups of people and horses were confronting each other, and there were quarrels from time to time.

The head on the left is about twenty-five or six years old. He is tall and thin, full of vigor, and a dark face. Behind him is a dozen heroes.

Noting a beautiful woman standing behind him, Song Qingshu was shocked: Isn't this Fang Yi?

If it hadn't been for seeing her suddenly, Song Qingshu would have forgotten this woman. To be honest, due to the influence of the image of the scheming **** in the original book, Song Qingshu did not have a good impression of Fang Yi. If it was not for deceiving Su Quan on the way to Shenlong Island, plus the beauty of Yishang above, he would not be with this woman. Go to bed.

After the relationship, Song Qingshu actually regretted this dewy relationship, so when Fang Yi later asked to find the missing princess Mu Jianping, he didn't have the slightest intention to keep her and let her leave.

Noting that the girl next to Fang Yi had light eyebrows and long eyelashes, a small mouth and a straight nose, and a really beautiful face, coupled with her innocent and innocent look, Song Qingshu thought this should be Mu Jianping, the little princess of the Mu Palace. The young man headed by that should be Mu Jiansheng, the Young Master of the Mu Palace.

Song Qingshu thought about which force Mu Palace had been against. Looking to the right, the good guys were also a mighty group of people. Their faces were filled with martial arts masters, but in Song Qingshu's eyes, they were just a group. The influential thugs are just.

On the contrary, it was the middle-aged bearded man in front who seemed to have some accomplishments in internal skills. Judging from his posture, he seemed to be the guard of the young man next to him. This young man gave birth to a good skin. I don't know where it is.

The young prince said loudly: "In the future, we will kill all the Tarts. We will re-enter the Dragon Court to Fubao the descendants of Emperor Hongwu."

Mu Jiansheng replied in a deep voice: "The emperor feasted in Bintian, leaving only a little prince, but a smart and wise hero who lives in seclusion in the mountains."

The young man sneered, and said in a weird manner: "The best man is in Taiwan."

Song Qingshu suddenly realized that it turned out to be from the Zheng family in Taiwan. Looking at the appearance of this young boy, it is not surprising that in "The Deer Trip", Wei Xiaobao robbed Akke, and almost turned into the tragedy of becoming a father, Gao Shuaifu Zheng Keshuang.

Speaking of Ake, Song Qingshu suddenly remembered the last time Wu Sangui sent her to the palace and gave her to Kangxi euphemistically. Now that Kangxi is dead, Ake has become a hot potato.


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