Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 388: Mu Wangfu and Yanping County Wangfu

Akko not only inherited the beauty of her mother, Chen Yuanyuan, who caused the country and the people. Compared with Chen Yuanyuan who was lost to different men several times, Akko was still a pure girl. Such a stunner who caused the country and the people was raised in the deep palace. -Song Qingshu has personally seen how many flower-like concubines are in the Forbidden City—he has been holding back not to attack her because of Wu Sangui's reputation in this world.

In order to stabilize the country, Kangxi aggressively suppressed all anti-Qing and Ming organizations on the one hand, and on the other hand issued a lot of gentle decree to win people's hearts. Seeing the results gradually came to fruition, if A Ke was accepted as a concubine, it would be chilling to the Han people in the world.

In Kangxi’s mind, compared with Jiangshan Sheji, a beauty is nothing, so not long after Akke was sent, Kangxi threw her to the Prince Kang’s mansion to raise her, first to avoid suspicion, and second to put her under house arrest. As a hostage threatening Wu Sangui.

Song Qingshu now has the same troubles as Kangxi. Ake is really not letting go, not letting go...

Soon the quarrel in the pavilion interrupted Song Qingshu's thoughts, and only heard Mu Jiansheng angrily said: "When did our little emperor go to Taiwan?"

Zheng Keshuang chuckled, "I'm talking about the little emperor of Emperor Longwu, not the descendants of King Gui."

Mu Jiansheng's face was green for a while, and after thinking about it for a while, he suddenly said, "The surname of Taiwan, expelling red-haired ghosts, and regaining Taiwan. Prince Mu has always admired him. Unexpectedly, his children and grandchildren have such poor knowledge. The emperor Zhen collapsed, and the king of Fu became self-reliant. King Fu was captured by the Qing soldiers, and the king of Tang was unfortunately martyred. I, the emperor of Yongli, was the king of the world. After the emperor of Yongli was martyred, his descendants naturally succeeded to the throne."

"I heard that your elder brother Zheng Kezang is very serious. I don't know why the country's surname sent you to attend such an important conference."

Although Mu Jiansheng did not use dirty words in his words, he pointed to Zheng Keshuang’s key points directly. You must know that the heir of the Yanping Palace in Taiwan is his elder brother Zheng Kezang. Zheng Keshuang has been dissatisfied for a long time, so he wants to be better than Zheng Kezang in everything. Go to where others say you are inferior to your eldest brother.

Hearing the sarcasm in Mu Jiansheng's tone, Zheng Keshuang was really furious.

Song Qingshu finally understood from the side that it turned out to be the long-standing dispute between the kings of Tang and Gui.

In those days, Li Chuang attacked Beijing and forced the emperor to death. Wu Sangui led the Qing soldiers into the customs and occupied the Huahua Jiangshan of the Ming Dynasty. Loyal ministers and righteous men from all over the world have promoted the descendants of Emperor Daiming Taizu as kings. First, King Fu was the emperor in Nanjing. Later, King Fu harmed Tarzi, and King Tang was promoted as the emperor. It was supported by the Zheng family of the country’s surname. At the same time, the Mu Palace and other forces promoted King Dai Gui as the emperor, and a group of people pushed King Dai Lu. Be the emperor.

These people in the arena all believe that they are the true king of life, and the other side is supporting the rebellious courtiers and thieves. No one is convinced. Even in the case of a common foreign country, they actually sent troops to attack each other. Of course, there was no accident in the end. , It was all over by Man Qing.

Nowadays, the power of King Lu has disappeared for a long time, but the heirs of King Tang and Prince Gui are still there, plus the Zheng Family and Mu King's Mansion standing behind each, so they are incompatible with each other.

Song Qingshu from later generations naturally finds it difficult to understand how people in this world value the status of ethics and do not want to understand. In his opinion, even if the two factions unite intimately, it would be difficult to shake the rule of the Manchu Dynasty. Now that the anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty is far away, the two sides are fighting here for an unnecessary throne, which is really ridiculous.

Song Qingshu felt contemptuous in his heart. Although these people were nominally anti-Qing righteous scholars, their minds might not be so pure. Who doesn't want to have the merits of being a dragon, when the time comes to seal his wife's shadow, and enjoy the glory and wealth for generations? If you finally overthrow the Manchu dynasty, but the person supported by the other side becomes the emperor, not only will you not be able to reap the benefits, but you will probably die without a place to bury... No wonder the two sides have been entangled in this issue for so many years endlessly.

The middle-aged man guarding Zheng Keshuang saw him deflated, and said, "Since Prince Mu is so capable, I don't know which faction of the army was wiped out in the Sanshui War?"

As soon as this remark came out, Mu Jiansheng's face instantly turned red. It turned out that King Gui sent envoys to ask King Tang to remove his honorary title. Of course King Tang did not do it. King Gui ordered his troops to go to the army, but was beaten to the entire army. Annihilated, this incident has always been cited as a life shame by the Mu Palace.

Suddenly being pricked at the pain point by the other party, Prince Mu immediately exploded, and one person shouted angrily: "Feng Xifan, our little father-in-law is discussing important matters with your master. What identity do you have, are you qualified to interrupt?"

"Feng Xifan... the guy who claims to be a sword without blood?" Song Qingshu was taken aback. It was reported that his martial arts were not under Chen Jinnan, the chief rudder of the Heaven and Earth Society, and Mu Palace did not have a corresponding good player. deficit.

Sure enough, Feng Xifan smiled surveyingly: "Bai Hansong, Bai Hanfeng, the name of your Bai family Shuangmu is nothing but rotten wood in the eyes of the old man, and you dare to speak out."

Bai Hansong has always been a violent temper. He couldn't help it. He slapped a teacup with one palm, and reached out to attack Feng Xifan.

Before Mu Jiansheng had time to stop, the sword light flashed, and Bai Hansong retreated palely. Bai Hanfeng hurriedly went to help his elder brother. He didn't know that holding his hand, he couldn't feel the slightest pulse, so he looked at him in shock. , My brother has died for a long time.

Mu Jiansheng was furious immediately: "The surname is Feng, you are simply deceiving people too much." The people in the Mu Palace pulled out their weapons one after another and glared at each other.

"Big brother, there is obviously no blood on that uncle, why did he die?" Miao Ruolan asked curiously.

"The nickname of the ambassador sword is'One sword without blood'. It is different from ordinary people in the world. Instead of killing people with the sword's edge, he pours his true energy on the sword's point and specifically points people's dead spots. Just now the surname was Bai Yes, he hit the Tanzhong acupoint on the chest."

As Song Qingshu explained and pondered, Feng Xifan's swordsmanship was similar to his own. He didn't use his wooden sword to kill people. It's just that the opponent can only click on the fixed dead spots on the human body, but he is attacking the key point of the enemy's constantly changing real flow, and he has a high judgement.

Hearing the conversation between the two, the tense parties turned their heads and looked at the approaching Song Qingshu trio with vigilance.

Bing Xue'er has a beautiful face and a pure temperament. In addition, because of being tossed by Song Qingshu every night, the kind of sultry and flattery exuded by her gestures, a lot of men's eyes have a fascinating look, and Zheng Keshuang is even more blazing. , I thought that the Central Plains is truly outstanding, and there are no such beautiful women in the Yanping County Palace!

Fang Yi couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on her face when she saw Song Qingshu, but when she saw Bing Xueer next to her, her expression suddenly darkened and her face sank.


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