Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 389: Guilt

"Who are you?" Whether it is from the Mu Palace or the Zheng family in Taiwan, they watched Song Qingshu and the three of them vigilantly, knowing that they are now in the sphere of influence of the Qing Dynasty, and they are talking about the major event of rebellion. They are really caught by the court. After listening, their next actions are much more dangerous.

"We are soy sauce, you go on, go on." Song Qingshu didn't care, and smiled slightly.

Zheng Keshuang withdrew his greedy gaze and wanted to show off his power in front of Bing Xue'er. While sneering, he ordered Feng Xifan: "Suspicious, maybe it is the eagle dog of the court, Master Feng, take him down and torture him."

Although Feng Xifan looked down on Zheng Keshuang a little in his heart, his glory and wealth were tied to the other party, and he was obedient to Zheng Keshuang. Now Zheng Jing favors Chen Jinnan, and Chen Jinnan is the confidant of the eldest son Zheng Kezang. Once Zheng Kezang inherits the throne, he will never have a bright future. If he wants to step on Chen Jinnan, he can only let his apprentice Zheng Keshuang become the king of Yanping County.

Seeing that Song Qingshu was about to suffer, the little princess Mu Jianping uttered an ah, with Bai Hansong's lessons learned, she was kind-hearted and didn't want to see this strange man suffer a disaster.

Fang Yi quickly took La Mu Jianping's hand and whispered: "Little princess don't have to worry, now Feng Xifan will suffer."

"Hey, how do you know, Senior Sister?" Mu Jianping looked at Fang Yi strangely, and asked without thinking.

Fang Yi's face flushed, and he muttered: "I know I know, you don't care how I know."

"Oh~" Mu Jianping said in a sweet voice, with a thoughtful expression, "Senior Sister must know this person."

Fang Yi's face turned redder, thinking more than just knowing.

Mu Jianping noticed Fang Yi’s expression, and the girl’s gossiping heart drove her to continue to ask: "Sister, you two will not..."

"Don't talk nonsense." Fang Yi's expression changed. She was still a subordinate of Prince Mu Palace in name. Without the consent of her master, how could she have a romantic relationship with other men, let alone make her life private.

"I know that Senior Sister has always disliked Xiao Bao. This person is more handsome than Xiao Bao." Mu Jianping had an understanding expression.

Mu Jianping's previous favor with Wei Xiaobao was based on the girl's worship of the strong, and it was really nothing to say about love. In addition, as soon as the relationship between the two parties warmed up, Mu Jianping was arrested to Shenlong Island. The two were on separate sides, and there had been no news of Wei Xiaobao, so the feelings in her heart slowly faded.

When Hongli sent an army to sweep Shenlong Island before, Mu Jianping was sent to other islands to perform missions, and was rescued by the people in the Muwangfu who had received the news. Later, when Fang Yi and the people of King Mu Mansion met, Mu Jianping knew that Wei Xiaobao was dead long ago. He cried heartily for a few days. With Yi from above, Mu Jianping gradually gave the budding feelings to him. Forget it, and become the carefree and happy little princess in the past.

Hearing Mu Jianping mentioned Wei Xiaobao, Fang Yi couldn't hide his disgust on his face: "Don't mention that person anymore, let's look at the surname Feng."

The innocent Mu Jianping was quickly distracted. Seeing Bai Hansong's death under Feng Xifan's sword, she was also extremely angry. Seeing the senior sister said so categorically, she was also expecting Song Qingshu to teach the other party severely.

Seeing Feng Xifan who was gradually approaching him, Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Your Excellency claims to have no blood in a sword?"

Now Song Qingshu’s martial arts has long returned to its innocence. Feng Xifan could not feel the breath of a master from him. Seeing that he was still holding a little girl doll in one hand, he didn’t put him in his eyes. Naturally, he didn’t want to take care of him. Stop him and hand it to Zheng Keshuang.

The sword light flashed, and Feng Xifan pierced Song Qingshu's body with a big hole. However, the other side's figure seemed to be slightly to one side, and his own sword actually stabbed the hole.

Seeing Feng Xifan's sword tip stopped half an inch away from Song Qingshu's chest, Zheng Keshuang was only being merciful to the master, and he was a little surprised how the master changed his **** today. Not enough. In his calculations, Feng Xifan was asked to control Song Qingshu, and then the beautiful woman had to beg for herself...

Thinking of the beauty, Zheng Keshuang said impatiently: "You don't need to be merciful, just catch him quickly."

Seeing that Zheng Keshuang had misunderstood him, Feng Xifan oozes a cold sweat from his temples. He has already understood that this person in front of him is probably a hidden master.

However, Feng Xifan has always been confident in his swordsmanship. He didn't use his full strength just now, and the opponent was too big, not only did not fight back, but also held a little girl in his hands. Feng Xifan has always pursued the principle of killing you when you are sick, and his eyes flashed. With a trace of viciousness, he wanted to take the opportunity to slay Song Qingshu under the sword.

Brushing is another three swords. Feng Xifan feels that every sword is the pinnacle of his life, regardless of speed, strength or angle. How can he know that the opponent's feet are not moving, but the upper body is trembling imperceptibly, so that every sword is bad. So much.

The rest of the people in the court thought that Feng Xifan cared about the little girl in the opponent's hands, so they always showed mercy. Although Mu Jiansheng hated Feng Xifan in her heart, she admired him a little bit in her heart.

I didn't know that after watching for a while, I realized that things weren't the case. Feng Xifan's expression was hideous, and every sword was murderous, not as if he kept his hands.

In this way, it must be that the young man holding the little girl is a hidden master, so he escaped easily and freely every time.

Mu Jiansheng had heard of Feng Xifan's name for a long time, coupled with the fact that he had seen his swordsmanship that kills people without seeing blood, and knew in his heart that even if the people from Prince Mu's Mansion rushed forward, they might not be able to keep the opponent. This young man played with Feng Xifan as a child. How high should martial arts be?

"Senior Sister, it hurts me to catch you." Mu Jianping suddenly yelled and glanced at Fang Yi complainingly.

"Little princess, I'm sorry." Fang Yi hurriedly apologized, but focused all his attention on Song Qingshu. Although he knew that the opponent's martial arts was strong, he was still frightened when he saw Feng Xifan's sword tip and Song Qingshu's body are only a few minutes apart each time.

Song Qingshu seemed indifferent and very leisurely, but the divine consciousness was monitoring the audience, and Fang Yi's expression naturally did not escape his eyes.

Seeing that Fang Yi cared about her appearance was not fake, Song Qingshu's heart moved, thinking that she would be too ruthless to her. Fang Yi in the original book of Lu Ding Ji is indeed a capricious woman who has harmed the protagonist Wei Xiaobao many times...

But with her joining, this is a different world. Apart from Wei Xiaobao, Fang Yi has other options. Why should she pay for some of the mistakes that have not yet occurred?

The haughty and arrogant Fang Yi looks down on Wei Xiaobao, who is insidious and indecent, so he betrayed him several times, but she is obviously very different from Wei Xiaobao. Don't you have the confidence to make her single-minded to herself?

As for Fang Yi’s carefulness, they are just something that a normal woman has. What a wonderful person who combined aura in Huang Rong’s teenage years, is she still not the mind of an ordinary woman after marrying?


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