Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 390: One life loses one life

Song Qingshu looked at Fang Yi and couldn't help feeling guilty. Fang Yi noticed his gaze. The resentment accumulated in his heart during this period of time disappeared. Suddenly he found that Feng Xifan had stabbed him with a sword and couldn't help exclaiming: "Be careful!"

It turned out that Feng Xifan was overjoyed when he saw Song Qingshu suddenly distracted. He hurriedly stabbed Miao Ruolan in his arms. He understood that Song Qingshu's martial arts was so high that he directly attacked him. Although he was caught off guard, it was not necessarily true. Can hurt him.

But if he stabbed the little girl in the arms of the other party, he would definitely help him. Saving others and saving oneself are totally different reactions. Saving oneself is instinctive, and it is difficult to have flaws in the response of moves, but saving others is different, and it is caught off guard. There will definitely be flaws in the next game, and Feng Xifan is waiting for that momentary opportunity.

When he noticed Feng Xifan's actions, Song Qingshu didn't understand his thoughts, and was furious, thinking that he had decided not to help each other, so don't blame me if you want to die by yourself.

Song Qingshu stretched out his palm to block the tip of the sword, Feng Xifan was overjoyed, thinking that this would not waste your hand? Just about to pierce the opponent's palm as much as possible, the innocent energy on the tip of the sword entered the sea like a clay cow, without any response.

Song Qingshu let out a cold snort, and gently sent his palm forward, breaking Feng Xifan's long sword like a ruin.

Feng Xifan only felt as if he was hit by a heavy hammer in his chest, his inner strength couldn't be lifted, his whole body was numb, and he stood on the spot blankly.

Song Qingshu didn't give him another chance, and silently clicked his fingers on his Tanzhong acupoint. True Qi instantly destroyed his vitality, and said coldly: "You can also taste the taste of killing without seeing blood."

Feng Xifan's face flushed red, his throat gurgled, the vitality in his eyes gradually disappeared, and finally he fell to the ground.

Seeing Feng Xifan fell to the ground, Zheng Keshuang was taken aback, but he didn't take him seriously. He directed his men to help him up. He didn't know that his men ran over and sighed, and he stammered: "Second son, Feng...Feng... ...Feng..."

"Feng, you big-headed ghost." Not only did he not show his hand in front of the beauty, but instead made a sullen face. Zheng Keshuang was already angry at first, but he was furious when he saw that his subordinates were so unconscious.

"Master Feng is dead."

As soon as these words came out, the pavilion fell into a weird tranquility, and even the people in the Mu Palace looked incredible. Feng Xifan was still here before the incense stick, so he died silently?


The tea cup in Zheng Keshuang's hand fell to the ground. He was the first to react, because he knew that his subordinates would never dare to deceive himself. He said Feng Xifan was dead, and that was really dead.

Thinking of Feng Xifan's dazzling attack on the opponent with so many swords before, and the opponent took his life as soon as the opponent raised his hand, Zheng Keshuang trembled uncontrollably. He knew that he might offend someone who shouldn't be offended.

"You...you actually killed Master Feng, do you...do you know who I am?" Zheng Keshuang said sternly.

"Why can't Feng Xifan kill? He just killed the hero Bai of the Mu Palace. It is fair to lose one life." Song Qingshu wanted to kill someone anyway. The Taiwanese Zheng family was offended and convicted. It would be better to take the opportunity to sell a favor to Mu. Palace.

In fact, in Song Qingshu's opinion, nowadays, the people of Muwangfu are dying, and it is already fading, and it is far less valuable than the Zheng family in Taiwan. However, after just a short contact, Song Qingshu realized that he and Zheng Keshuang are not the same people, and they are destined to not urinate in the same pot. go with. It's better to befriend Mu Palace, not to mention Fang Yi at Mu Palace.

Sure enough, hearing Song Qingshu say this, everyone in the Mu Palace looked grateful, especially Bai Hansong's younger brother Bai Hanfeng and Mu Jiansheng.

Naturally, Bai Hanfeng needless to say, the reason why Mu Jiansheng is so grateful is because he knows that it is difficult for him to kill Feng Xifan to avenge his subordinates.

Under his leadership, the people of the Mu Palace have been fighting for the illusory goal of anti-Qing and Ming Ming for many years, and there is no possibility of success. Everyone has already floated. If Mu Jiansheng can't avenge Bai Hansong this time, I am afraid that they will overwhelm the camel. The last straw would be a huge blow to his prestige, and Prince Mu's house might fall apart.

Now that Song Qingshu killed Feng Xifan, it really solved a potential crisis for him, could Mu Jiansheng be upset.

Fang Yi's eyes were even more charming. In her opinion, Song Qingshu's move was mostly for herself, otherwise he and Mu Wangfu had no friendship, so how could he risk offending Taiwan's Zheng family and kill Feng Xifan.

Mu Jianping's face was even full of stars, a big cherry with a small mouth, and he murmured, "Sister, your friend's martial arts is so high."

Song Qingshu did not expect to have so many good relationships this time. He just looked at Zheng Keshuang coldly and said: "I know you are the second son of the Yanping County King of Taiwan. I admire the heroic deeds of the country's surname, so it will not hurt. His children, you go."

"Who are you, dare to report your name, and the Zheng family will have a good report in the future."

Zheng Keshuang understood that with the opponent's martial arts, if he wanted to take his own life, the group of "masters" around him who usually had a higher eye than the top could not stop him. Seeing Song Qingshu said this, he was relieved, and suddenly felt that it would be very bad to walk away like this. No face, I couldn't help but put down a scene.

A sardonic smile appeared on Song Qingshu's face: "In the next Song Qingshu, I am waiting for you at any time."

Zheng Keshuang's face turned red and white. Feng Xifan was very reluctant to count the number one master in Taiwan. In the past two years, Song Qingshu has been recognized as the number one master of Manchu in the world.

Under Sang Feihong's arrangement, many sisters from Wuhumen sang and sang storytelling in the streets and alleys, and they all publicized Song Qingshu's deeds.

Song Qingshu had defeated many famous martial arts masters in the first place, and was further promoted by Wuhumen. In the minds of those who do not know the truth, Song Qingshu has the qualifications to be the best master in the world.

Zheng Keshuang belongs to this kind of people who don’t know the truth. Coupled with seeing the invincible Feng Xifan killed by him with his own eyes, he deepens the fear in his heart. I am afraid that this hatred will not be reported, and he will not take care of it. What the scene said, greeted his subordinates dingyly to leave.

Mu Jiansheng took the opportunity to salute and said, "Your Excellency is the Song Yishi who assassinated the pseudo-emperor Kangxi, and Mu Jiansheng has long admired his name." Mu Wangfu has always believed that the Manchu Dynasty had stolen the country of Ming Dynasty, so even if it was chatting on weekdays, it never Recognizing the identity of Emperor Kangxi, only called the pseudo-emperor.

Seeing that what Mu Jiansheng admired for a long time was not his own martial arts, but his reputation for "failure" in assassinating Kangxi, Song Qingshu suddenly felt full of emotion: People like Mu Wangfu are indeed benevolent and righteous men who are against the Qing Dynasty, and martial arts skills may not be high. But the spirit of knowing that it cannot be done is worthy of respect.


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