Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 391: Alliance

"It turned out to be Young Master Mu," Song Qingshu replied. "Compared with the efforts of Prince Mu's Mansion to fight the Qing Dynasty and restore Ming Dynasty for many years, Song Mou's thin name is really not worth mentioning."

"Hey, Brother Song is in a high position in the Qing court, but he doesn't care about the glory and wealth. This is quite admirable." Mu Jiansheng suddenly looked guilty. "Ashamed, I used to misunderstand your Excellency for being a tiger, and he even cursed Song secretly. Brother."

"If you can assassinate Kangxi and sacrifice a little reputation, it would be nothing. It's just a pity that you've fallen short..." Song Qingshu looked regretful, but he thought in his heart: his ability to talk to people and talk to people seems to have improved a lot. .

Mu Jiansheng quickly relieved a few words, and suddenly thought of what he had just said, and hurriedly asked: "Could it be that Brother Song assassinated Kangxi for the purpose of restoring his mind?"

Song Qingshu thought: I am a person from later generations, of course I am lack of interest in Fuming, so I naturally start over and become my own boss. However, this world seems to be very appealing against the Qing Dynasty, and there is no need to show his true meaning so quickly. When Liu Bang Xiang Yu was so fierce, he still had to pull the banner of Yi Di, Zhu Yuanzhang also honored Han Lin'er as the master of the name. , I should learn from them, there is no need to be so sharp.

"I have a lot of friendship with the former Princess Changping of Ming Dynasty..." Song Qingshu deliberately lowered his voice and said an ambiguous sentence. He neither admitted that he was for the purpose of opposing the Qing Dynasty and reviving the Ming, but did not deny it. It depends on how Mu Jiansheng understands.

"Nine princesses?" Mu Jiansheng's eyes burst into surprise, and it suddenly dawned on him. He glanced at Song Qingshu unexpectedly and wondered if Song Qingshu was the son-in-law of Emperor Chongzhen, the son-in-law of Emperor Chongzhen? Mu Jiansheng's expression suddenly became respectful again.

Thinking of the fact that there will be such a general in the anti-Qing and Fuming camp in the future, Mu Jiansheng can hardly contain the joy in his heart. For many years, he has done nothing to fight the Qing and Fuming. Not to mention the other people in the Mu Palace, even he is about to lose. Confidence.

"By the way, I don't know where the nine princesses are now?"

"She went to the Western Regions some time ago to practice cultivation." Song Qingshu thought to herself to pull her tiger skin, and Zhu Yu would not be blamed for the other day. She said that she was also appeasing her father's former subordinates.

Originally, because of Song Qingshu's reputation for assassinating Kangxi, Mu Jiansheng only regarded him as a fellow man, but now because of Princess Changping, Mu Jiansheng subconsciously regards him as his own, and it becomes more pleasing to the eye.

"Brother Song, who are these two?" Turning his gaze to Bing Xue'er, Mu Jiansheng was surprised: What a beautiful woman, this is not Song Qingshu's wife, and this little girl, is it the child of two? ? What about the nine princesses?

Song Qingshu introduced: "This is the widow of the Liaodong hero Hu Yidao, and this is the orphan of the Golden Face Buddha and Miao Renfeng."

"Hu Yidao, Miao Renfeng?" Mu Jiansheng's face suddenly became a little ugly.

Song Qingshu was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly woke up and screamed awful. Originally, he thought that whether it is Hu Yidao or Miao Renfeng, they are all well-known anti-Qing righteous people in the rivers and lakes. People in the Mu Palace should treat their families differently.

Unfortunately, noticing Mu Jiansheng's expression, Song Qingshu suddenly remembered that Hu Yidao and Miao Renfeng's ancestors were all guards of Chuang Wang Li Zicheng, and Chongzhen was forced to death by Li Zicheng.

Song Qingshu gave a light cough and quickly said, "Now that the strength of the Manchu and Qing dynasties is in full swing, we can only have a chance to win if we unite all the forces that can be united and establish a united front."

"Unite all the forces that can be united to establish a united front..." Mu Jiansheng muttered to himself. Although he had never heard these two sentences before, the words were not rough, and he quickly understood the meaning. Suddenly felt like a famous saying.

Mu Jiansheng looked at Song Qingshu with a complex expression: "Brother Song is really talented. If we understood this principle back then, it would not be so easy to give up half of the remnants of Daming to Danzi."

"It's not too late to wake up." Song Qingshu smiled slightly.

"Thank you Brother Song for your guidance," Mu Jiansheng nodded, calling everyone from Prince Mu Mansion to come over, "I'll introduce you to everyone."

"This is the well-known Song Qingshu Young Master Song. He and the nine princesses... are very good friends, so they are his own."

Everyone in Prince Mu's Mansion was in an uproar, whispering in pairs, Mu Jianping glanced at Fang Yi worriedly, only to see her face pale.

Fang Yi sighed in her heart: Sure enough, only a noble woman like the Ninth Princess is worthy of him. I am destined to be only a maid...

Mu Jiansheng didn't know the thoughts of these daughters' families, so he introduced:

"This is her sister Mu Jianping."

Song Qingshu took a look at this lovely girl, then smiled slightly: "Hello, little princess."

Seeing his formal greetings to himself, Mu Jianping's face flushed, and he replied in a bewildered manner: "Song... Brother Song, you will be a brother... Lord Ma, I should salute you."

Song Qingshu was taken aback, but did not deliberately explain, but he was surprised how the cute little princess in the original book became a little stutter.

Mu Jiansheng then introduced everyone in the mansion: "This is the iron-backed blue dragon Liu Dahong Liu, this is the head shaking lion Wu Lishen Wu." "When I was still in the Qing court, I heard the reputation of the two masters of the Mu Palace. , When I saw it today, the two were really majestic." Song Qingshu laughed.

"Young Master Song laughed." Liu Dahong and Wu Li couldn't help but their faces were hot. Although they have a slight name in the arena, Wugong and Song Qingshu are like the difference between clouds and mud. However, being complimented by such a super expert, the two of them still have a lot of hearts. To be useful, the look in Song Qingshu's eyes is more pleasing to the eye.

"These are the four great generals of King Mu's'Liu Bai Fangsu'. They have been loyal from generation to generation for more than two hundred years..." Mu Jiansheng suddenly thought of the betrayal Liu Yizhou, and sighed inwardly.

"Thank you Song Gongzi for revenge for his brother. If you need to use Bai's place in the future, as long as it does not harm Prince Mu's mansion, Bai Hanfeng will never frown." Bai Hanfeng bowed excitedly on one knee.

Song Qingshu quickly helped him up: "Don't do this with Bai Erxia, Song did not expect Feng Xifan to be such a bad hand, and only hated that he didn't stop it in time."

Bai Hanfeng hurriedly said: "Young Master Song killed this dog, and my brother is alive in the sky. I must be grateful to Young Master too."

Mu Jiansheng hurriedly comforted a few words, and then went on to introduce:

"This is Su Gang, the holy hand layman."

"This is Fang Yi."

Song Qingshu and Su Gang exchanged greetings, and when they saw Fang Yi, they couldn't help but smile bitterly at Mu Jiansheng: "Brother Mu, I will meet Miss Fang below."

"Oh?" Mu Jiansheng showed a hint of surprise.

Before Song Qingshu had spoken, Fang Yi explained first: "Return to the little grandpa, when his subordinates were in the capital, Song Gongzi helped many times."

Seeing that Fang Yi didn't mention the relationship between the two, Song Qingshu couldn't help being stunned. How could he explain that he was having a headache.

This is Fang Yi's brilliance. She is obviously also aware of Song Qingshu's embarrassment. She understands that telling the relationship between the two at this time will not be of any use except making Song Qingshu difficult.

Although Fang Yi prides herself on her beauty, compared with Bing Xueer next to Song Qingshu, she has to admit that she is a bit short, not to mention that there is a distinguished Princess Changping... Fang Yi understands that she can only please Song Qingshu through other means. .

Seeing Fang Yi's cautious appearance, Song Qingshu seemed to recall the humble love described in some idol dramas in his previous life. He was full of emotions immediately, and then made up his mind. Since I asked her in the first place, I can't do anything but chaos and abandon it. In the future, she will definitely be given a destination.

Obviously Mu Jiansheng is not very sensitive to emotional matters. He could not detect the eye contact between the two, and soon asked: "Brother Song is also here to participate in the Golden Snake Conference this time?"

"Yes, this time the Manchu army was under pressure, and someone invited me to help." Although the two talked very happily, Song Qingshu was not stupid enough to confess his relationship with Xia Qingqing to outsiders.

"This time Muwangfu has also received the hero post from Jinsheying." Mu Jiansheng didn't realize the subtlety in Song Qingshu's words. He thought that the other party was the same as herself, but only received the hero post. "Although Jinsheying's philosophy is Both anti-Qing and anti-clear, but nowadays the Manchu Qing is so powerful, our Prince Mu Mansion is unwilling to watch them fall away."

Mu Jiansheng immediately laughed: "As for entering the Golden Snake Camp, Mu has self-knowledge and never thought of it, but this time I met Brother Song, Mu felt that this was an opportunity."

"What opportunity?" Song Qingshu asked calmly.

Mu Jiansheng said excitedly: "If Brother Song becomes the new Golden Snake King and introduces the Golden Snake Camp into the right way, we will unite with organizations such as the Heaven and Earth Society and the Red Flower Society. The success of the anti-Qing dynasty is just around the corner."

"Brother Mu is too overestimated, right?" Song Qingshu said with a wry smile.

Mu Jiansheng said sternly: "With Song Brother's martial arts and reputation, it is not impossible to enter the Golden Snake Camp. Although our Prince Mu Mansion does not have much skill, we also have a weak reputation in the rivers and lakes. We will definitely help Song Brother. "

Song Qingshu knew that this time it was unrealistic to want to enter the Golden Snake Camp based on martial arts alone. At the same time, he also needed a huge mass base and support. He originally had the idea of ​​wooing Muwangfu, but he did not expect that Mu Jiansheng would take the initiative to propose it. Can't ask for it.

The two hit it off and left the crowd to find a quiet place to talk for a long time before they separated.

Mu Jiansheng clasped his fists and said, "Brother Song, we have to deal with Brother Bai's funeral, so we won't be on the road with you. See you at the Golden Snake Conference."

"In that case, there will be a period later." After a lot of delay along the way, Song Qingshu understood that he should rush over as soon as possible, and Xia Qingqing should have waited a long time ago.

Seeing Song Qingshu holding Miao Ruolan and walking further and further away from Bing Xue'er, Fang Yi opened her mouth several times with an expression of hesitation, but in the end she didn't call out anything.

"Don't worry, I won't lose you."

A familiar voice suddenly came from his ear, Fang Yi understood that it was Song Qingshu who was telling herself through the sound transmission, and tears could not be restrained.

"Senior sister, don't be sad." Seeing Fang Yi crying silently, Mu Jianping quietly pulled her sleeves and comforted, "Next time I see him, even if my brother blames him, I will help you to blame him."


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