Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 392: Careful Thinking Between Women

Fang Yi was taken aback, and hurriedly waved his hand and said, "I have nothing to do with him, the little princess must not mess around." Fang Yi subconsciously felt that it was better not to disclose the relationship between the two first, worrying that it would affect Song Qingshu.

"That's it?" Mu Jianping was innocent. Seeing Fang Yi's words, he thought he had misunderstood. Suddenly recalling the demeanor of Song Qingshu who killed Feng Xifan just now, he quickly fell into a thoughtful dull look. .

"Uncle, what is the relationship between you and the former Princess Changping of Ming Dynasty?"

The three of them were separated from the people in the Mu Palace, and when they could no longer see the others, Bing Xueer finally couldn't help but ask.

"There have been several fate." Song Qingshu sneered.

"Really?" Bing Xueer had an expression of obvious disbelief, and noticed that Miao Ruolan was already asleep on Song Qingshu at this time, her face suddenly reddened, and she whispered, "In the heart of the princess, the sister-in-law is an anti-thief. My family, I’m afraid I won’t be able to tolerate me in the future."

Seeing her shy expression, Song Qingshu couldn't help but shook her heart and teased: "Didn't the sister-in-law say that she won't enter the gate of my Song family in the future?"

Bing Xue'er was so angry that he pinched him: "Wow, you really want to take advantage of others."

Song Qingshu dodged and told Rao: "Sister-in-law misunderstood, I just said that."

Bing Xue'er snorted: "Don't worry, I'm not willing to be responsible for you. In the secret...it's nothing more than going with you. If the relationship is open, where will Big Brother Hu's face go, how can I face Fei'er? "

Song Qingshu smiled triumphantly: "Then I am making a lot of money by being cheap?"

Bing Xueer's face was straightened, and she stared at him blankly: "Uncle, you must promise me and never disclose our relationship. The big deal, the other me... I just depend on you."

"Any request?" Song Qingshu approached her with an ambiguous expression.

Thinking of Song Qingshu's requirements a few nights ago, Bing Xue'er couldn't help but shook her heart and gave a soft humble.

He looked up and noticed Song Qingshu's smug look, Bing Xueer was ashamed and angry, and said angrily: "It's obviously cheap. You eat for nothing. It's like you have suffered a lot."

Song Qingshu finally put away his joking expression, and said in a deep voice: "Sister-in-law, I can't let you be wronged forever. When my power is strong enough in the future, I don't need to worry about other people's words, I will definitely let you officially become me. Wife."

Bing Xueer's heart trembled, but her face smiled slightly: "Let's talk about it then... Maybe you will have too many women by then. I don't want to be jealous with them. It's better to be your only sister-in-law."

Song Qingshu was silent. He also roughly understood Bing Xue'er's thoughts. It is estimated that her status was not very attractive to her. Instead of sharing her husband with other women, she is more satisfied with this peculiar relationship now.

"I almost forgot when I was interrupted by you," Bing Xueer smiled slightly after noticing the sadness on Song Qingshu's face, deliberately looking for a topic, "what is the matter with you and that princess?"

"When you were cultivating jade and the female heart sutra went crazy, do you remember what I said?" Song Qingshu said.

Bing Xueer thought slightly, and suddenly opened her eyes: "You don't use Huanxi Zen..."

Song Qingshu nodded awkwardly: "At the beginning, she was seriously injured and dying. I had no other way to save her, so I had to do that."

Bing Xueer's face looked like a smile, "Isn't it cheap to kill you?"

"Why?" Song Qingshu's cheeks burned, "Isn't that also to save people? Speaking of which, I still lost half of my skill."

"Humph," Bing Xueer wrinkled her nose, "Compared with the virginity of your daughter's house, what is your loss of skill."

Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly, feeling that what she said was reasonable, but she was speechless.

"What happened to her later?" Bing Xueer asked.

"We didn't have feelings between us. She agreed with me... to help, just because she hadn't completed the great cause of anti-Qing and Fuming. Afterwards... afterwards, she drifted away, and I don't know the specific whereabouts." Song Qingshu After thinking for a moment, he shook his head after all.

"You have no conscience, so you have taken such a big advantage, just let your daughter leave?" Bing Xueer exclaimed.

"Uh," Song Qingshu looked speechless, "I'm not that scumbag, but people have made it clear that they want to break with me. I am not Duan Yu, so why would I bother her."

Bing Xueer said angrily: "In this case, do you still use her name to bluff the Prince Mu Mansion?"

"She doesn't see the head of the dragon all day long, and she won't know if she uses her name. Besides, I'm also contributing to the fight against the Qing Dynasty, and she won't blame it if she knows it."

Although Song Qingshu said this, he secretly thought: The last time I saw Zhu Yuxuan, she was a Mingjiao saint, so she had to find a way to dig her out of Zhang Wuji's camp.

Spreading the news through Prince Mu's Mansion created established facts in the arena. On the one hand, it shakes Ah Jiu's position, and on the other hand makes Zhang Wuji feel jealous of her, and further pushes her over, why not do it. "Anti-Qing is true, recovery may not be necessary." Bing Xueer pursed her lips and smiled.

"Hush, don't talk nonsense about this, it's terrible to be heard by some people with a stubborn muscle." Song Qingshu looked around vigilantly and said with a sneer.

"But in this way, what about the head of Zhou in Emei?" Bing Xueer asked suddenly.

"Zhou Zhiruo?" Song Qingshu was startled, and soon got a headache, "there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, let's talk about it later."

"At this time, you realize that women have more troubles afterwards," Bing Xueer's lips showed a gentle smile.

Song Qingshu nodded: "It would be great if all women were like sister-in-law."

Bing Xueer couldn't help but blush, and she stretched out her finger and poked his head gently: "You are not beautiful."

"By the way, I want to tell you something." Song Qingshu suddenly said seriously.

"What's the matter, so solemnly?" Bing Xueer noticed the change in Song Qingshu's expression, and suddenly wondered.

"My sister-in-law just said that the anti-Qing was actually inaccurate. Speaking of it, I was anti-self..." In Bing Xueer's puzzled expression, Song Qingshu assassinated her Shengjing as Kangxi, then changed her position to replace him, and a series of subsequent plans. Told her.

Following Song Qingshu's explanation, Bing Xueer's mouth became wider and wider: "It's incredible!"

The whole thing seemed to her completely like a fantasy. If she didn't know that Song Qingshu would not lie to herself, she would never believe that the dignified Man Qing emperor had already changed a person.

After finally digesting all this, Bing Xueer's expression was complicated: "Uncle, this matter is very important, you actually don't need to tell me."

Song Qingshu looked at her and said softly: "Sister-in-law, when I was the most desperate and desolate, your appearance was like the first ray of sunlight that shot into my dark life. You protected me all the way and accompanied me to find a cure... …If I don’t even believe you, who can I believe?"

Listening to him telling his feelings for her, Bing Xueer became more and more moved, and couldn't help but leaned in his arms: "When I saw your eyes for the first time, I knew that I would be entangled with your little enemy in my life. It's cleared."

With this episode, the relationship between the two people is even more clear. They talked about love along the way, and the journey became a bit faster, and soon came to the inn where Xia Qingqing had agreed to meet.

After marking the designated place, Song Qingshu returned to the room and let out a long sigh of relief: "Now when it gets dark, Qingqing will come to me."

Bing Xueer looked at him with a weird expression: "At this time, I really doubt whether you have any special hobbies, why do you like to seduce other people's wives so much."

Song Qingshu has a black line: "Don't use such ugly words to seduce, okay, it's obviously a happy relationship. You say with your conscience, did I seduce you?"

Bing Xueer reached out and pressed her left chest, nodding solemnly: "Yes!"

Song Qingshu suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, and made a vicious look: "Since you say that, then I will seduce it to you." After speaking, he rushed over and hugged her in his arms.

Feeling the big hand reaching into the skirt of her clothes to do evil, Bing Xue'er suddenly panicked: "Don't... Miss Xia is coming soon."

"It's still a while before it gets dark at this time, and we have more than enough time." Song Qingshu put the space between her nose on her cheek.

Being held in his arms, Bing Xue'er couldn't help but feel a little soft, but the woman's reservedness made her resist: "Ruolan, Ruolan is still there..."

"The child is dozing a lot, she is sleeping soundly, she won't know it." Song Qingshu glanced at Miao Ruolan who was asleep, and said with a smile.

"Last time I was known by the little junior sister. If I was seen by a junior this time, how would you make me live?" Bing Xueer was obviously also a little moved, but she has lingering fears now.

"Don't worry, I won't. With my skill, I can detect Ruolan as soon as I wake up." Song Qingshu promised, patted his chest.

"Last time you noticed that Junior Sister was awake, didn't you still tell me?" Song Qingshu didn't say it, but it made Bing Xue'er think of the last hatred.

"That situation is different," Song Qingshu looked embarrassed, "In front of a little Luoli, I'm not so perverted yet." After finishing speaking, regardless of Bing Xue'er's protest, she hugged her and walked onto the bed.

By now, Bing Xueer had no resistance to resist, buried her head in Song Qingshu's arms, and reminded herself: "Hurry up..."

Touching Bing Xue'er's soft and hydrated body, Song Qingshu shook his head and smiled: "How can this kind of thing be fast?"

When Song Qingshu had just untied her dress, Bing Xueer hurriedly held his hand and said softly: "Let's do it...otherwise, I won't have time to put on clothes later."

Song Qingshu laughed blankly: "Aren't we cheating on, are we using such a precaution?"

Bing Xueer was silent, but shook her head firmly. She heard that Xia Qingqing was also a survivor, and she felt pity for the same illness, and she had made up her mind to get along well with each other.

But in case Xia Qingqing came over early and just happened to see the two of them stumbling over here, wouldn't it mean that they would offend the other party just as they met? So Bing Xueer just begged Song Qingshu to make a quick decision.


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