Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 394: Girl's Emotion

After Xia Qingqing introduced the current forces of the Golden Snake Camp, he suddenly appeared worried: "According to your original plan, I summoned them to propose who can make the Golden Snake Camp overcome this difficult situation, who will be the new leader. I thought it would take a lot of talking, but I didn't know that they seemed to have the same intention, and they soon reached an agreement."

"This is normal," Song Qingshu smiled, "Everyone wants to take the opportunity to become the new Golden Snake King."

"Hmph, if you know the next news, I'm afraid you won't be able to laugh." Xia Qingqing rolled her eyes anger.

"What news?" Song Qingshu was taken aback.

"Gai Mengchang and Meng Bofei said that the election of the Golden Snake King is of great importance and cannot be allowed to stand for both cats and dogs. Therefore, a qualification must be set in advance." Xia Qingqing replied.

"Qualification?" Song Qingshu thoughtfully.

"Yes," Xia Qingqing said worriedly. "According to Meng Bofei, the power of the Golden Snake Camp can never be handed over to someone who does not know the basics. Therefore, it is proposed that each mountain top recommends a character, martial arts, and ability. The good candidates have saved the time of blind elections to ensure that no matter who becomes the Golden Snake King in the end, he can guarantee that he will not be disadvantageous to the Golden Snake Camp."

"As soon as Meng Bofei said this, the leaders of the other hills agreed, as if it had been agreed a long time ago."

"That's it," Song Qingshu fell into a deep voice, "Does each Shantou's candidate have any specific requirements? Personality, martial arts, and abilities are always a bit too empty."

"Yes, this is what I am most worried about," Xia Qingqing nodded. "Each mountain top nominated candidate must be approved by at least half of the other mountain tops before they are eligible to stand for election."

"That is to say, each candidate must be recognized by more than six powers, right?" Song Qingshu thought to himself that this is indeed a bit troublesome.

"Yes, so I have been waiting for you to discuss it, but I didn't know that you just arrived today." Xia Qingqing couldn't help complaining.

No wonder Xia Qingqing received her own secret signal and found it in such a hurry. Song Qingshu secretly regretted it. Before taking Zhao Min to Kaifeng for medical treatment, he was on the road with Bing Xue'er Hu Tian and Hu Di, which really wasted a lot of time.

Bing Xueer seemed to know what Song Qingshu was thinking, so she couldn't help but glared at him with a blushing face.

"It's because I'm a little bit bigger," Song Qingshu couldn't help holding Xia Qingqing's hand, "you can be sure of which hills you can support."

Because Bing Xue'er was still standing aside, Song Qingshu held her hands, Xia Qingqing subconsciously wanted to pull it back, but she knew that the other party was holding on to it, Xia Qingqing blushed and glanced at Bing Xue'er, seeing that there was no surprise on her face. , Apparently knew the relationship between the two a long time ago, and secretly stomped his feet: "This dead ghost has revealed everything about our relationship, how embarrassed people can be."

However, the question has to be answered. Xia Qingqing thought about it for a while, and her tone was a little uncertain: "The Jinlong Gang Jiao Wan'er and Mrs. Yuan have always had a good relationship with each other, although... Although Jiao Wan'er and I have some misunderstandings, it should not be a big problem to get her consent. ."

"What's the misunderstanding?" Song Qingshu was taken aback.

"Oh, don't ask anymore." Xia Qingqing's face flushed, thinking about these things that have been jealous for years, I am ashamed to tell you.

"Uh, okay, don't ask, don't ask, you can keep talking." Song Qingshu couldn't help smiling when seeing Xia Qingqing's appearance of a cat stepped on its tail.

Now it was Xia Qingqing's turn to become coy: "Uh, no more."

"Nothing?" Song Qingshu was taken aback, "Are you saying that you are not sure to fight for other mountains?"

Xia Qingqing was full of embarrassment: "Oh, it was Big Brother Yuan who was managing the Golden Snake Camp before, and they didn't intervene in specific things. They didn't have a deep friendship with those hills, so there is nothing to be surprised about."

Listening to Xia Qingqing's voice getting lower and lower, Song Qingshu was angry and funny: "It seems that you are really a polished commander now."

Xia Qingqing pouted dissatisfiedly: "That's why you need to come to discuss it. In the end, you came so late."

That's the end of the matter. It's useless to say so much. Song Qingshu thought quickly for a while, and suddenly asked, "Do you know who those hilltops are going to recommend?"

"I only know that Jiao Wan'er and the others seem to be planning to nominate Murong Fu." Xia Qingqing replied, "The other mountain forces seem to have deliberately concealed from me and have not disclosed their plans."

"The Golden Dragon Gang is from Jiangsu. It is not surprising that Murongfu, who also nominates Gusu, is nominated," Song Qingshu murmured. "It seems that the other people nominated by Shantou represent their own interests."

Xia Qingqing's eyes turned, and a sly smile suddenly appeared: "You don't have to be so pessimistic. In fact, there is a hilltop nominating you."

"Isn't it your Shantou nominated?" Song Qingshu gave her a strange look.

"Why is my hilltop not a hilltop? I think people are like a lady in the village," Xia Qingqing snorted. "I'm talking about another hilltop, that is, Wangwu sent Situ Burei."

Song Qingshu couldn't help being stunned when he heard that Situ Burei nominated himself. He wanted to go and persuade him to agree with him, but he didn't expect to nominate him directly.

"I heard that Situ Burei has a beautiful and well-behaved female apprentice. Tell me honestly, have you hooked up with someone?" Xia Qingqing bit her lower lip lightly and looked at him with a smile.

When Bing Xueer listened to it, she felt that it was very similar to Song Qingshu's behavior, and she looked at him with a smile on her face.

"No, it's just that they happened to have rescued them before." Song Qingshu couldn't bear the ambiguous gaze of the two women, and quickly explained how the leader swept the Wangwu faction and secretly let them go.

"Well, that's no wonder," Bing Xueer suddenly changed her conversation, "Is that female apprentice very beautiful?"

"It's okay, not as pretty as you, but when you speak softly and quietly, people are quite gentle..." Song Qingshu replied subconsciously, suddenly cried out badly.

Bing Xue'er and Xia Qingqing glanced at each other, seeing that each other also had such an expression, couldn't help but smile at each other, only feeling that the gap was gone.

On the side, Miao Ruolan pouted her little mouth, her face was depressed, and she wondered why there was another sister...

Song Qingshu deliberately coughed twice, and said whisperedly: "Now we need to do two things. First, strive for the recognition of more than half of the hilltops and get the candidacy; second, find out who the other hilltop candidates are. prepare in advance."

Bing Xueer nodded and said: "Yes, time is running out now, so let's go, Miss Xia, you accompany your uncle to set off immediately and visit various hills. I will stay here to take care of Ruolan and be your backup support by the way."

Xia Qingqing was stunned when she heard that, she understood that this was the chance that the other party had deliberately created for herself to be alone with Song Qingshu, but she was a little embarrassed when she was grateful, and was hesitant to pretend to postpone it, but suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Who?" Song Qingshu had actually noticed someone coming, but after listening to the other person's breathing, he knew that he was not a master, so he didn't care.

"Is Young Master Song here?"

Who will find yourself at this time? Song Qingshu glanced at Xia Qingqing.

Xia Qingqing's eyes were also uncertain, and she quickly covered her veil. Her special status made it inconvenient for the people in Jinsheying to know that she had a close relationship with Song Qingshu.

Bing Xueer also walked to Miao Ruolan's side and protected her behind her before Song Qingshu went to open the door.

"Under Situ He, I saw Master Song."

A young man stood outside the door, and he was overjoyed when he saw Song Qingshu clearly.

"It turned out to be Brother Situ." Song Qingshu had a relationship with him in Wangwushan in the past, and recognized him as Situ He, the son of Situ Bolei.

"My father heard that Song Gongzi had a battle with Mongolian and Khitan masters a few days ago, and guessed that your Excellency should pass by here. The special brother has been waiting here for a long time, and finally it will be Song Brother..."

Suddenly, Situ He found that there were two women in the room. He was stunned. One was very beautiful and young. Although the other was covered with a face, his posture was graceful, and his appearance must be the same. One farewell, I've always been in love with him, I'm afraid it's just that Luohua deliberately flows ruthlessly.

"I don't know what the senior Situ is looking for?" Although Song Qingshu heard the wind from Xia Qingqing, it was better to confirm it.

Situ He looked awkward and said, "There are so many people here, can Song Gongzi come to our cottage with the younger brother?"

Song Qingshu and Xia Qingqing looked at each other, noticed that the other party nodded secretly, and then smiled: "Since the last time we left, Song has often missed the demeanor of the old hero Situ. This time the old hero was invited, so I couldn't ask for it."

Situ He smiled with joy, turned his side and gave in, "Please!"

"Youyou, go with me." Before leaving, Song Qingshu beckoned to Xia Qingqing, noticing the hesitation on Situ He's face, and quickly explained, "She is my personal maid, her own."

Xia Qingqing couldn't help but give him a blank look, thinking somehow that I am now the nominal mistress of the Golden Snake Camp, and I was actually called as a maid in front of my subordinates. Humph, I can't take off the veil when I say anything later, otherwise. Ashamed.

When Situ He heard it, he was even more stunned, thinking that a maid is so attractive, I am afraid there is no chance for the little junior sister.

Along the way, Song Qingshu and Situ He talked about some things after the last separation, and intentionally or unconsciously asked Situ Bolei what he was looking for this time. Situ He always laughed and didn't say anything, but just answered that everything was answered by his father.

After arriving at the Wangwu faction camp, Song Qingshu nodded secretly. Situ Burei really deserved to be born in the old Guanning iron cavalry. The entire camp was tightly structured and matched the strategy of war, which was not comparable to ordinary grassroots cottages.

"Master Song, the old man is finally looking forward to you." Situ Burei had received the news a long time ago, and greeted him from a long distance with a dry confidant.

"Big Brother Song!" Zeng Rou's gentle voice was full of surprises, but she quickly noticed Xia Qingqing next to Song Qingshu, her smile couldn't help but condensed.

"Old hero Situ, Miss Zeng." Song Qingshu responded one by one.

Zeng Rou was originally suffering from gains and losses, thinking that such a famous hero, he might not remember an ordinary girl like himself, even though he was touched and hugged at the beginning...

Thinking of that time Song Qingshu rushed to Wangwu Mountain, in order to see his master, he hijacked him and threatened to take off his clothes. Zeng Rouyuanyuan's face was blushing. Although he hated him in her heart at the beginning, she later realized that it was just a misunderstanding. , Song Qingshu only made this bad move just to save the Wangwu faction.

Since then, in the dead of night, Zeng Rou found that she could never forget the original situation, even in her dream it was the scene that Song Qingshu appeared in front of her through the window.

Now that the person who heard the dream of Chaosi still remembered his name, Zeng Rou was so happy, and even the depression of Xia Qingqing was wiped out.


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