Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 395: Propose marriage

"Prince Song, the old man has never forgotten you since the last goodbye." After the group of people arrived in the hall, Situ Burei laughed loudly.

You old glass...

There was a chill in Song Qingshu's heart, but he showed a smile on his face: "I haven't seen you for many days, the old hero Situ still has the same demeanor."

As if being touched by his words, Situ Burei sighed for a long time: "What an old hero I am, I can only hide in this deep mountain and old forest, doing things for the invaders."

"Uh..." Song Qingshu didn't know how to solve him for a while, and subconsciously glanced at Xia Qingqing next to him, thinking that the spiritual civilization construction of your Golden Snake Camp is really a bit backward, so that your subordinates can't see the goal and hope.

Xia Qingqing was stared inexplicably by him, and when he was about to ask in a whisper, Situ Burei spoke again: "It's like Young Master Song. If you don't make a move, the world will be shocked. The young master's feat of assassinating Kangxi is really true. It rekindled the blood of Han people in the world."

Song Qingshu smiled wryly and said: "This assassination failed in the end. The old hero Situ must never mention it again, otherwise Song will feel a little bit embarrassed."

"Ah~" Stuart Bolei waved his hand, "Why do you have to be self-effacing? The emperor Tarzi is very cunning, not to mention the masters around him, and the final failure is excuseable. What the old man admired is the young man's knowing and uncontrollable behavior. Of course, the heroic spirit of tens of thousands of people."

Song Qingshu was embarrassed by his fierce boasting, because there was a ghost in his heart, but he felt very embarrassed, thinking that this ancient man was innocent, just like this, he reacted so enthusiastically?

In fact, this is only Song Qingshu’s misunderstanding. Although there are many assassins in this world who assassinated the emperor, they generally can’t turn a big wave. Most of them were killed by the guards without even seeing the emperor. It’s hard to leave the name of the assassin. What records.

An assassin with a high-level status and official rank like Song Qingshu is really rare. You must know that Song Qingshu was the first celebrity in the court after Wei Xiaobao at that time. It is not difficult for the future to be the prime minister, and it is not difficult for a man to be a man. It can be said that a man will live forever. He is almost reaching the glory that can be achieved.

It was in this situation that Song Qingshu chose to abandon his glory and wealth, and risked his life and death to assassinate Kangxi, only to bring such a big shock to the people of the world. The Han people all over the world asked themselves, if they had everything Song Qingshu had, it would be difficult for them to make the same decision. People have always admired things and characters they couldn't do.

In addition, Sang Feihong, the head of the Five Lakes School, received the great favor of Song Qingshu in the past, thinking that after his failure and death, he had the heart to repay his favor, so he ordered the people to publicize Song Qingshu's deeds in all corners of the world. Of course, certain artistic processing is inevitable.

For various reasons, Song Qingshu's reputation in the hearts of ordinary people is much greater than he thought.

Standing beside Situ Burei, Zeng Rou's beautiful eyes bloomed with brilliance, staring at Song Qingshu in a daze. Although she had strange feelings for Song Qingshu in the past, she thought that the other side was working in the court, and the two sides were destined to be incompatible. Therefore, she could only hide the feelings in the bottom of her heart, feeling sad and depressed all day long.

Later, when she heard the news that Song Qingshu had assassinated Kangxi, her whole person suddenly became energetic. She didn't know that Song Qingshu was ordered by Kangxi to thwart her bones and ashes. She seemed to be drained of blood all at once, and she became desperate. Wangwu sent everyone to look in their eyes and sighed, which is why Situ He knew that she admired Song Qingshu.

Later, as Song Qingshu walked southward, the news that he was still alive slowly spread to the Wangwu faction. Zeng Rou thought it was a prank by the same sect at first, but she didn't know that the dreamer was really alive until the news got more and more. . This time I saw Song Qingshu standing in front of my eyes, and my excitement was beyond words.

Situ Burei and Song Qingshu chatted for a while, and suddenly the phone bill changed: "Song Gongzi came to Shandong this time, what is the so-called?"

Song Qingshu and Xia Qingqing looked at each other, noticed the smile in each other's eyes, hurriedly coughed, and concealed: "Song heard that the Manchu army went south to encircle and suppress the Golden Snake Camp. Come here to see if he can do his best."

A trace of excitement appeared in Situ Burei's eyes, and he continued to ask: "Does the prince know that the Golden Snake Camp invites the world's heroes to re-elect the Golden Snake King?"

Song Qingshu nodded: "I heard about it."

Situ Burei asked, "Master Song is interested in participating in the competition?"

Song Qingshu was silent for a moment, and replied: "Senior sincerely asked each other, and I didn't want to conceal it. This time I really came here to fight for the Golden Snake King."

I'm afraid you accidentally...

Situ Burei let out a long sigh of relief, and smiled slightly: "Master Song knows that this time the champion of the Golden Snake King must be nominated by each mountain to be eligible?"

"Here." Xia Qingqing couldn't help but glanced at Song Qingshu, and Song Qingshu nodded: "Yes, I just got the news next time."

"I wonder if Master Song ever found Shantou's recommendation?" Situ Bolei looked at him nervously.

Song Qingshu glanced back at Xia Qingqing, thinking that Xia Qingqing's identity in the Golden Snake Camp is now sensitive, and it is always inconvenient to involve her. He hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Not yet."

There was a hint of joy in Situ Burei's eyes: "If the old man is willing to recommend the son?"

Although he had received news from Xia Qingqing in advance, Song Qingshu was still a little shocked: "This nomination is of great importance. Seniors have only one side relationship with the next, why would you recommend it?"

Situ Bolei sighed: "The last time Wangwushan was fortunate to be saved by the son, Entong recreated, this is one thing; the son assassinated the Qing emperor Kangxi, is really a member of my generation, this is the second one; the son's martial arts talent is well-known in the world. This is the third thing, but..."

Situ Burei suddenly changed his words: "Although the old man decides to recommend the son, he also hopes that the son can promise the old man a condition."

Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world!

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile, and thought to himself: I am determined to win the Golden Snake King. As long as his conditions are not excessive, I will agree to it first.

With a plan in mind, Song Qingshu asked: "I don't know what the conditions are."

"Once I recommend the son, regardless of the final success or failure, in the eyes of others, the fate of our Wangwu faction is tied to the son. In order to strengthen this alliance, the old man hopes that the son can marry me." Situ Burei suddenly pulled Zeng Rou to his side and pointed to her.




Three exclamations sounded at the same time. The first one was made by Zeng Rou. She was silently looking at Song Qingshu, when she suddenly heard the master throw this blockbuster and stayed there for a while. Her heart was joyful and terrified, joyful. It was the person who had the opportunity to marry the dream of Chaosi, but what was terrified was that this reality was too sudden, and suddenly it was a little unreal.

The second exclamation was made by Xia Qingqing. Before Situ Burei went to her camp, she secretly revealed her words. At that time, she was secretly happy, but she knew that the other party was actually qualified, and Song Qingshu must marry the Wangwu faction. A wife!

Although Xia Qingqing understands that in her own capacity, she may not be able to marry Song Qingshu and can only be secretly with him, but it is one thing to understand, and it is another thing to watch another woman marry him.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but glared at Song Qingshu fiercely, hum, and said that it has nothing to do with the younger sister, it doesn't matter if they look at you like that? Will Stuart betroth her to you?

As a woman's sensitivity, Xia Qingqing has noticed Zeng Rou's eyes looking at Song Qingshu from just now, and his eyes are full of tenderness and love.

The third exclamation came from Song Qingshu. His first reaction was whether Situ Burei knew about his molesting with Zeng Rou. In this era of ethics, I really hugged and hugged her too much. No, but because of this, it would be too **** to marry her as his wife.

But this idea was quickly forgotten by him. After thinking about it carefully, he understood the reason for Stuart's doing this. There is an ancient story of Lu Buweiqi, but now Stuart recommends himself to compete for the Golden Snake King, which is also a political investment.

Success in the future. This is a profitable business, but if you turn your face and deny you, the Wangwu faction will lose everything. As the helm of the Wangwu faction, Stuart will naturally take preventive measures. .

But understanding is one thing, and promise is another.

Although there is no shortage of heroes who succeeded by marriage in history, let’s leave aside for the time being, let’s just say that the son of the plane, Liu Xiu, is handsome and fought fiercely. He can come and go freely in the army, and there are legends that he has magical attributes. , Can summon a meteorite from the outside world... is such a perfect person. Later, in order to get the support of the King Zhending of Hebei, he had to marry his niece Guo Shengtong as his wife in exchange for the one hundred thousand army of King Zhending.

But Song Qingshu has his own pride. He is unwilling to use marriage to complete his pursuit. Liu Xiu's choice makes a perfect love such as "an official as a boss and a wife as Yin Lihua" become imperfect. In the end, he became the emperor, and he could not establish his favorite wife Yin Lihua...

Because of this, Liu Xiu hid a resentment in her heart. Later, she found someone to cure the crime of Zhending Wang's rebellion, took the opportunity to abolish Guo Shengtong's post, and finally made Yin Lihua a queen as she wished.

For this, Song Qingshu has never looked down upon Liu Xiu's approach. In his opinion, you agreed to marry someone, but in the end you broke your faith and crossed the river to tear down the bridge... Song Qingshu absolutely couldn't do it by asking yourself.

Zeng Rou is a good girl. Song Qingshu knows that there is no love between herself and her, and it is impossible to marry her as a wife, and she can't harm her for life...

Song Qingshu struggled for a long time, and finally sighed faintly, and declined: "Thanks to the old hero Situ for his love, but it's a pity that Song is already married."


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