Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 395: Mystery man

Zhou Zhiruo, let's use you as a shield first, you have to give others a face.

Song Qingshu understands that once he refuses, no matter how euphemistic the reason is, it is likely to offend the Wangwu faction. In "The Legend of Condor Heroes", Yang Guo rejected Guo Jing’s proposal and planted a seed of hatred for Guo Fu. Cut off his right hand.

Zeng Rou looked at her character, she should not be able to do such a sturdy thing, but Song Qingshu wanted to be the Golden Snake King this time, and still needed the support of the Wangwu faction.

As the saying goes, business is not righteous. It's not that I don't want to marry your apprentice, but that I already have a wife, so everyone looks good.

Because of this force majeure, people from the Wangwu faction can't be married, and they must understand it too. If you don't recommend me, and Xia Qingqing recommends it, it should not be too difficult to agree to your qualifications.

Hearing that Song Qingshu was married, Xia Qingqing glanced at him with a complicated expression, and couldn't help sighing about his identity, and suddenly became sensitive.

Zeng Rou on the other side was originally shy, and she lowered her head anxiously to play with her clothes and feet. Hearing Song Qingshu's answer, her pretty face faded and became extremely pale.

What the three of them didn't expect at all was that Situ Burei heard Song Qingshu's words, not only was he not angry, but his expression didn't even change.

"This old man also knows that with Rou'er's identity, he naturally won't ask the son to be the wife of his wife, he just wants to be with him."

Hearing Stubbury's answer, all three people in the room were shocked.

At the same time at the Golden Snake Camp, Xia Qingqing knew how much Situ Burei loved this female apprentice. Zeng Rou is gentle and delicate, and she looks sweet and pretty. Since the Wangwu sent to the Golden Snake Camp, her reputation has spread. Several other mountain leaders came to propose marriage for their son, but Situ Burei did not agree, and everyone speculated that he wanted to keep Zeng Rou as his own son.

Now that Situ Burei gave her to Song Qingshu like a maid, how could Xia Qingqing not be shocked?

Zeng Rou didn't expect Master to say this, staying where she was for a while, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Song Qingshu was also Spartan. He thought he was carrying Zhou Zhiruo as a shield. Situ Burei would definitely retreat. He gave him a step down. He took advantage of the situation. Haha, and the two of them exposed the topic. No, I never expected Situ Burei to answer this way.

He raised his head and glanced at Zeng Rou who was not far away, with a healthy blush on her sweet face, and she stood timidly next to Situ Burei, making people give birth to three points of pity out of thin air.

It's a lovely person, but I can't take all the women in the world, right?

Feeling Xia Qingqing's gaze, Song Qingshu's waistcoat was slightly cold, and he quickly said: "Old hero Situ, Ms. Zeng is gentle and virtuous, and beautiful, and she deserves to have a husband who takes care of him wholeheartedly. Following my words, she is really wronged by Ms. Zeng. , I hope the old hero will reconsider."

"Young Master Song don't have to worry. As the saying goes, I'd rather be a heroic concubine than a mediocre wife. Rou'er would definitely be willing to marry a hero like the son." Situ Burei laughed and turned to look at Zeng Rou. "Rou'er, you said yes. Right?"

Zeng Rou was dumbfounded all of a sudden, thinking that Master was the same. How could someone's daughter answer this kind of thing?

Feeling everyone's gaze, Zeng Rou's face turned red, and her voice was as soft as a mosquito when she lowered her head: "Rou'er listens to Master's arrangements."

Song Qingshu was trying to find another reason to refuse. Xia Qingqing on the side quietly pulled his sleeves and sighed towards Zeng Rou. Song Qingshu looked at it suspiciously, and saw tears looming in the corners of Zeng Rou's eyes, and his body was slightly weak. There was a slight tremor, and the fingers were twisted together, and they looked slightly pale due to excessive force, and it was obvious that he was extremely nervous. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Song Qingshu sighed in his heart, knowing that I might hurt the heart of this innocent girl if he went on, but could this kind of thing be agreed casually?

Song Qingshu's face was uncertain, and when he was hesitating there, Xia Qingqing suddenly spoke: "Since the old hero Situ has a business circle, our son agreed."

Situ Burei gave her a strange look: "Oh? I wonder who this girl is?"

Before Song Qingshu could answer the conversation, Xia Qingqing replied: "I am the son's confidant girl. Before we went to the mountain, the son talked to me. He often mentioned Ms. Zeng and praised her for being gentle and kind. Today As soon as I saw it, it was indeed well-deserved. For the old hero's proposal, the son had already been moved by the old hero's proposal, but he was worried that he would be wronged to Zeng."

When Situ Burei heard what she said, he was happy, and laughed: "No wronged, no wronged, Zeng brother is alive in the sky, knowing that his daughter can have an aunt like Song Gongzi, I will definitely be pleased. Yes." The rest of the people in the room folded their hands to express their congratulations. Zeng softened his face and hummed "Ignore you" and hurried to the back hall.

This is the end, what can Song Qingshu say? Refusing to speak again would definitely hurt the face of the Wangwu School. A good thing would have turned into a disaster. It was hard to bury this chess piece in the Golden Snake Camp in the early days. How can one watch the chess game collapse now?

Thinking of this, Song Qingshu couldn't help but glared at Xia Qingqing.

Xia Qingqing looked complacent, thinking in her heart: What's up to me, since they are not your wife anyway, let Zhou Zhiruo trouble your family.

If Song Qingshu could read Xia Qingqing’s thoughts at the moment, she would have vomited blood for three liters of anger due to her black abdomen. However, out of politeness, she had to formally reply Situ Burei: "Thank you, seniors, for your love. Don't let her suffer any harm."

"You still call my senior," Situ Burei pretended to be displeased. "You and Rou'er...well, no, you have such a high level of martial arts, I can't be your master, so let me and Rou'er pass away. His father is a friend of Babai, the son will call my uncle in the future."

With a cold sweat, Song Qingshu had no choice but to say: "If you dare not follow your orders, don't call my son and son anymore. I can't afford it anymore."

Situ Burei laughed loudly: "In this case, Lao Futo will call you a book from now on."

"You might as well call me a good nephew..." Song Qing was slanderous, thinking of Xiang Shaolong's concubine named Shu'er in "Xun Qin Ji", but he was killed after the first round...

Song Qingshu only felt a bit of chills, and quickly chatted with Situ Burei.

"Shu'er, when do you think this wedding will be held?"

"This... don't worry, now we have internal and external troubles, not only to compete for the Golden Snake King, but also to deal with the Manchu imperial army."

"Well, that's also..."

Before Situ Burei finished speaking, Situ He suddenly said: "Father, I don't agree with this view. Now everyone is living a life of licking blood on the knife head, and no one knows what will happen tomorrow. It is better to let it be as soon as possible. If the two get married, if they can give birth to a boy and a half girl, everyone has hope."

"Giving birth?" Song Qingshu was dumbfounded. "It doesn't need to be so fast, right?" He could not help but murmur secretly. He wanted to postpone the marriage for a while, but he didn't know that the other party had put the birth of a child on the agenda now.

"Yes, Brother Song, don't underestimate this issue of heirs. Since Brother Song agreed to marry a younger sister, we are naturally a family. From now on, Wangwu sent brothers to be Song brothers and horses. Even if Song brothers died unfortunately, we can still use Song brothers. Heirs unite the hearts of the people."

"I don’t mention that if Emperor Chongzhen had an heir to escape from Beijing, and there would be no subsequent split in Nanming, I would just talk about recent events. Why did the golden snake camp, which was at its peak in the past, fall apart now? It’s not because of so many years, that Why didn’t Xia Qingqing leave a son and a half for the Golden Snake King Yuan Chengzhi? If her stomach fights and gives birth to a son, everyone will let his son be the trust of the Golden Snake King, and it won’t cause the leaders of the hills to disobey each other. , A fratricidal situation of cannibalism."

Seeing Xia Qingqing's face getting darker and darker, Song Qingshu secretly laughed, thinking that you deserved to have pushed me into the fire pit just now. Is the fire burning on you?

Although gloating with misfortune, Song Qingshu did not dare to let Situ He go on. If it really made Xia Qingqing mad, it would be difficult to end. He quickly interrupted Situ He and said: "Nowadays, the disputes in the troubled world, such an early marriage, in case Ling Ling Junior sister is a widow, how can I get away with it?"

Seeing what Situ He wanted to say, Song Qingshu quickly said: "At least I have to wait until after the Golden Snake Conference. Otherwise, if I fail in the fight for the Golden Snake King, I will have no face to face Ms. Zeng and you."

Situ Burei laughed and said: "What is the book here. If you don't become the Golden Snake King, we will leave the Golden Snake Camp together and start a new stove together. With your martial arts and talents, you will surely achieve nothing less than the Golden Snake Camp. "

Situ Burei came from the world-famous strong Guanning cavalry. Back then, he was head-on with the most elite Eight Banners cavalry. Naturally, he didn't pay attention to the group of grass bandits like the Golden Snake Camp.

Seeing Situ Burei's use of Yuan Chengzhi's efforts for nothing, Xia Qingqing suddenly felt uneasy, and was about to argue with him, but suddenly thought that he had decided to follow Song Qingshu in the future. At this time, he was still speaking for Yuan Chengzhi. Will he be right? Do you have any bad ideas?

Suffering from gains and losses, Xia Qingqing forgot to speak for a while.

Situ Burei and Song Qingshu chatted for a while, and suddenly said mysteriously: "When will the wedding be held, don't worry, now there is someone in the camp who wants to see a book."

"See me?" Song Qingshu looked surprised. Seeing Situ Burei taking the matter so solemnly, he couldn't help asking curiously, "I don't know who wants to see me?"

"This..." Situ Burei glanced at Xia Qingqing hesitantly, then shook his head and said, "You will know when you see it yourself."

Song Qingshu suddenly fell into contemplation. Who else in the Wangwu School deserves Situ Burei to be so solemn? It shouldn't be an insider... Situ Burei used to be Wu Sangui's subordinate. Could it be that Wu Sangui's messenger is also here?

Song Qingshu shook his head slightly, and quickly expelled the idea from his mind. Situ Burei had always hated Wu Sangui's traitorous behavior. How could it be possible to catch up with him? But if it wasn't Wu Sangui's, who would it be?

Xia Qingqing was obviously also surprised. She stood up and said to Song Qingshu, "I will go with you." She was obviously worried about fraud.

Situ Burei hurriedly waved his hand and said: "If you can't do it, you can't do it. That person has already made it clear that he only sees Shu'er, and he won't see others."


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