Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 397: Revenge girl

Song Qingshu feels that Situ Burei's temperament should not harm him, not to mention that with his martial arts today, the ordinary ambush traps can not hurt him at all, just wait for the spirit to be on guard.

"If that's the case, then I'll go see it." Song Qingshu gave Xia Qingqing a look, and signaled her to stay calm.

"With my martial arts, they shouldn't be able to trap me. But you will pay attention later, and you will find something wrong to find a chance to slip away."

When Song Qingshu followed Situ Burei and left the hall, he quietly spoke to Xia Qingqing through the secret transmission.

"Well, be careful yourself." Xia Qingqing's mouth moved and said silently.

Song Qingshu followed behind Situ Burei, circling around in the cottage, and took a chance to get close to him and whispered: "Situ Shishu, you see there are no outsiders now, can you tell me who wants to see me?"

Situ Burei looked awkward: "Shu'er, it's mainly because I promised not to reveal the identity of that person. You'll see it soon anyway."

"Then at least give some hints. Uncle Shi is so solemn, he must be an important person. What if I get caught off guard, what should I do later?"

Song Qingshu said anxiously. He thought he had promised Zeng Rou's marriage, no matter how he and Situ Burei were his own, he didn't know that he was so rigid, and he didn't disclose it at all.

"This..." Situ Burei showed a hint of movement, "Shu'er, do you know why I betrothed Rou'er to you as a concubine, and didn't feel wronged for her at all?"

"Ah?" Song Qingshu was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Situ Burei to raise this matter suddenly, and he didn't know how to answer for a while. He couldn't answer that he was as famous as today, and his martial arts skills were extremely good. Zeng Rou was not a concubine wronged. It's strange that Situ Burei didn't fight with himself.

Situ Burei sighed, "Shu'er, although you are both civil and military, you are the first-class character in the world, but Rou'er is also the one I saw when I was a child, and I always loved him as my own daughter. No, I also want to fight for Rou'er as a righteous wife. But since you know that the nobleman is also yours...what kind of identity Rou'er, how dare you fight with her, but being able to work with her is not a shame to Rou'er."

What's the situation?

Song Qingshu was confused when he heard it. For half a day, your old man gave Zeng Rou to me because of that person's face? But is Zhou Zhiruo's status very honorable?

Song Qingshu quickly thought about it, and suddenly remembered a rumor that he saw on the Internet in his previous life. Zhou Zhiruo's name was elegant and refined, and it was definitely not a common fisherman to marry. Therefore, people were more willing to believe that Zhou Zhiruo was the leader of the White Lotus Rebel Army, Zhou Wang, Zhou Ziwang. Orphans.

How could the Wangwu Sect be related to the White Lotus Sect?

Song Qingshu was shocked and doubtful, Zhou Zhiruo took the initiative to see me this time, what on earth did he want to do? No, with Zhou Zhiruo's temperament, she wouldn't be looking for me like this, but who would it be if it wasn't for her?

"Shu'er, that person is in the front yard, I won't accompany you in." Situ Burei stopped suddenly and pointed to the quiet courtyard in front of him.

"Okay." Song Qingshu replied absent-mindedly, and walked forward step by step, full of guard.

Why is there no light in the room?

After entering the yard, Song Qingshu was about to turn around and ask Situ Burei, how did he know that Situ Burei was no longer where he was when he looked back, and suddenly his heart sank: Is Situ Burei really going to count me?

With a heavy snorted, Song Qingshu was too lazy to hide, and no longer cowered and approached, but instead said aloud: "Since you have invited Song to come, you still want to see you."

There was still no sound in the room.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu closed his eyes and peeked into the house, feeling that there was no ambush in the house, there was only one person.

However, this connection is long and light, and he is definitely a master of masters.

Hmph, even if the opponent's martial arts is very high, it is impossible to solve oneself alone.

"Since your Excellency won't come out, I'll come in by myself." Song Qingshu smiled suddenly and strode forward, pushing the door and walking in.

For a while, he was a little uncomfortable with the darkness in the room, Song Qingshu closed his eyes subconsciously, and suddenly a sharp sword aura stabbed at the back of the door.

Song Qingshu understood the other party's calculations, knew that the other party wanted to take the opportunity to push himself into the house, and then took advantage of his unaccustomed darkness to hit the killer.

Unfortunately, in Song Qingshu's current realm, when confronting an enemy, he is not just looking at it with his eyes. His spiritual consciousness covers the surrounding environment at any time. Even a mosquito can't escape his aura, let alone a one. Big living person?

"How about you?" Song Qingshu smiled slightly, closed his eyes and took a light step into the room.

In the eyes of the person in the darkness, Song Qingshu had only taken a small step, but the whole person moved suddenly, and a confident sword stabbed into the empty space, which was immediately extremely uncomfortable.

"You have finished the move, it's me." Song Qingshu snorted coldly, and poked the opponent with one finger.

In Song Qingshu's current realm, even though it was just an ordinary finger, it was accurate to seal the space for him to dodge up, down, left, and right when the other party's old power was dead and new power was not yet alive.


The man snorted in the dark, his waist as soft as boneless, and the whole person fell backwards in mid-air abruptly.

"Is it a woman?" Song Qingshu was startled when he heard the other party's voice. He didn't expect that the other party's flexibility would be so amazing, so she naturally avoided this finger.

"What hatred does the girl have with Song? Why is the move so deadly." Song Qingshu is really reluctant to do anything with a woman, both hands

Negatively behind, he asked while dodge the opponent's fierce attack.

"You ruined the most precious thing in people's family, so I am ashamed to ask me." The woman in the darkness obviously changed her tone on purpose and replied roughly.

"The most precious thing?" Song Qingshu's first reaction was that Zhou Zhiruo wanted to avenge herself, and then shook her head. She didn't need to deliberately hide her identity, who else would it be?

The most precious thing? Could it be that her husband or son was killed by me?

Song Qingshu filtered the characters who died in his own hands in his mind, and shook his head in distress. He has always been reluctant to kill. In this troubled world, he didn't kill a few people in total. He really couldn't think of which family member this woman would be.

Wei Xiaobao? Impossible, it won't be twins depending on the figure.

The game director of Prince Bao's Mansion? It's impossible. Compared with this woman, his martial arts are not worthy of shoes. How could it matter?

The dust-free leader of the safflower club? At his age, it is too old to be a dad of this woman.

Isn't it avenging Feng Xifan? The news can't be spread so quickly...

Song Qingshu's head was too big to think about, but she still didn't have any clues. Forget it, she would naturally understand her identity after she was captured. As soon as her thoughts turned, Song Qingshu changed her defensive posture and attacked.


Something happened a few days ago, normal update will resume tomorrow


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