Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 398: Former saint

She didn't know that Song Qingshu had been cleverly avoided by her several moves, and the other party could still take the opportunity to make a few attacks.

This light work is a bit familiar...

Song Qingshu was surprised, and admired the other party's depth of skill. Compared with Zhongyuan Wujue, Song Qingshu was even more surprised when he thought that the other party was still a woman: Is there such a high martial arts woman in the world?

I quickly filtered the famous female masters in the arena in my mind, Dongfang Muxue? Certainly not; Tianshan Tongmao? That old Luoli could not be so good; that old fairy Li Qiushui? Well, she is indeed a master with swords, but she and I have no grievances and no grudges, shouldn't they come to me...Could it be that I am in love with my beauty? Song Qingshu was shocked immediately.

There is also a female master who uses a sword-Lin Chaoying, who kidnapped her two by herself-oh no, she is a female apprentice for the time being, but she has no fetishism, so she shouldn't find me...

Song Qingshu quickly expelled this kind of speculation. He had just learned about the sword technique of Xiaolong Nu's Jade Girl Suxin, and the sword technique of this woman was completely different...

When Song Qingshu's brain was wide open, his figure finally stagnated for an instant. Although the time is short, it is quite enough for top masters.

The girl in the darkness was happy, she immediately deceived her, and stabbed her with a sharp sword, but I don’t know why, when the tip of the sword was about to touch Song Qingshu’s body, she suddenly became a bit cheaper, avoiding Song Qingshu’s. Vital.

Good job!

Song Qingshu smiled slightly. With this woman's light skill and cultivation, it is not easy to defeat her in a short time, let alone catch her, and worry that the other party will see the wrong situation and run away in the dark, so he decided to deliberately sell a flaw to lure the other party. Underestimate the enemy's advance.

Song Qingshu's footsteps twisted slightly, and his whole figure suddenly came to one side. The sword that the girl was sure to win in the dark pierced the air, but instead exposed the side to him.

The girl's face faded immediately, and when she was about to start Qinggong to get away from Song Qingshu, she felt her waist numb, and she fell into Song Qingshu's arms.

"It's hard to get you fooled, how can you run away like this?"

Song Qingshu smiled triumphantly, and suddenly smelled the elegant fragrance of the woman in her arms. She only felt that her body seemed to be a little weaker, and she suddenly felt her heart shaken.

"If I change to the former me, I must pretend to accidentally take the opportunity to touch you enough." Song Qingshu shook his head with a wry smile, put her on the chair by the shoulder, and then took out the fire fold and lit the oil lamp in the house.

What appeared in front of him was a pretty face with anger and shame, and Song Qingshu was taken aback: "Nine Princesses, how could it be you?"

"Hurry up and untie my acupuncture points?" Zhu Yuxuan said irritably.

"Okay..." Song Qingshu was about to relieve her acupuncture point, and suddenly took back her finger with a weird expression, "You were planning to kill me just now, why should I relieve the acupuncture point for you."

Zhu Yuxu turned his face to one side: "I just want to test how high your martial arts is. How can I kill you if your martial arts are so high."

"Really?" Song Qingshu thoughtfully, "but just now you saw the flaw I deliberately exposed, that sword did not hesitate."

"Why!" Zhu Yuxuan suddenly became anxious, "I deliberately removed the tip of the sword, isn't it afraid of hurting you?"

"Oh~" Song Qingshu showed a meaningful smile.

Zhu Yuhui blushed for no reason, and scolded: "Why are you smiling!"

"When the old people meet, shouldn't I just smile?" Song Qing said in the calligraphy.

"Who is an old friend with you?" Zhu Yu said dissatisfied.

"A couple hundred days of grace in one day, you wouldn't be so unfeeling." Song Qingshu now thinks about it, no wonder that when he entered the door just now, he said that he had taken her most precious thing. He thought it was her husband and children. ...

"I don't like you being so frivolous, you always feel like...like a quagmire." Zhu Yuhui frowned slightly.

"You meant to say that you are like a thief?" Song Qingshu laughed loudly. "Actually, it's not that I am frivolous. It's just that people in this world are too serious."

"You don't seem to be from this world." Zhu Yupa gave him a blank look.

"Of course not." Song Qingshu smiled.

"Too lazy to listen to your crazy talk here," Zhu Yuxu didn't take it seriously, but gave Song Qingshu a glance, "Are you going to keep me acupuncture like this?"

This world is like this. Often no one wants to believe what you tell the truth. It is easier to gain trust if you tell lies. Song Qingshu shook his head and smiled bitterly. When he raised his hand, a wisp of wind hit Zhu Yuxuan, unlocking her acupuncture points. .

"Nine Princesses, haven't you returned to the Western Regions, why did you appear here?" Song Qingshu asked curiously.

Zhu Yuxuan shook his head and said lightly: "I have left Mingjiao."

"Leave?" Song Qingshu didn't react at once.

"I have already resigned the post of Mingjiao Saintess to Master Zhang, and I will never go back." Zhu Yuxu explained.

"Are you free from Mingjiao?" Song Qingshu was suddenly pleasantly surprised. Before thinking that she would stay under Zhang Wuji as a errand, he was very upset, "Zhang Wuji agreed to let you go?"

"Master Zhang is a gentleman of Qianqian. We are in the nature of an alliance. Why doesn't he agree with me to leave?" Zhu Yuxu asked curiously.

"Gentleman Qianqian? He may have been before, but he hasn't been since the Lion Slaughter Conference," Song Qingshu sneered, "I just played against him not long ago."

"Have you played against each other?" Zhu Yu's beautiful eyes bloomed with brilliance, "Who won?"

"I said you weren't curious about why we were fighting?" Song Qingshu looked at her expectant eyes, suddenly speechless.

"You men fight, there is always a reason." Zhu Yuxu smiled and shook his head.

"Then do you know why I used the same technique that I used to save you last time?" Seeing her calm and calm look, Song Qingshu decided to take the next strong medicine.

Sure enough, Zhu Yu recalled the shameful scene in the camp at the time. A pretty snow-white face immediately turned red, and he couldn't help but sipped: "Although I know where you learned that kind of dirty exercise."

"This is the authentic Buddhism secret method, which is an inferior exercise method." Song Qingshu murmured dissatisfiedly, and hurriedly said when he saw Zhu Yu's eyebrows erected, "Speaking of which, the reason why I learned this method is thanks to Zhang Wuji. "

"Huh?" Zhu Yuxuan exclaimed from his birth, the expression on his face was suddenly wonderful.

"It's not what you think!" Song Qingshu glanced at him speechlessly, and told him about the Jiuyin Zhenqi that had been attacked by him on the Black Wood Cliff at the beginning.

"At that time, the true qi of my whole body was transformed by his nine-yang true qi. In order to heal the wounds on my body, there was... an expert instructed me to seek healing methods in Tubo Tantra. I don't know what kind of exercises it was originally." Song Qingshu Said depressedly.

"Jiaozhu Zhang acted so sneaky?" After hearing Song Qingshu say the future of the dragon, Zhu Yuxu showed a thoughtful expression.


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