Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 409: Ghost mind

"Huh?" Hua Tiegan exclaimed. He didn't expect that the blood knife ancestor, who was like the demon god, was killed so easily, and he stood there dumbfounded.

Song Qingshu didn't bother to care about him, stretched out his hand to unlock the acupuncture points on Shui Sheng, and asked with concern: "Miss Shui, are you not injured?"

Shui Sheng bit his lip tightly and gently pulled away from his embrace. He picked up a knife from the ground and quickly walked to the corpse of the blood knife ancestor. He chopped it up with one knife after another, without saying a word during the whole process. .

"Miss Water, he is dead." Song Qingshu walked behind her and patted her lightly. Seeing her as if she was stunned, she still waved her arms mechanically, hugged her, and leaped away from the one. Flesh and **** corpse.

"Wow!" Shui Sheng seemed to recover, leaning on Song Qingshu's chest and burst into tears.

Song Qingshu didn't touch Shui Sheng's acupuncture points. In his opinion, Shui Sheng had experienced this hellish event and needed to vent thoroughly so that he would not leave any psychological shadows in the future.

After a long time, Song Qingshu, in order to distract her, said: "Miss Water, or we will bury them."

Shui Sheng finally lifted his head from his chest, wiped away his tears, and hummed, but then he was a little bit suspicious, and said timidly: "Big Brother Song, I want to take the bodies of my father and uncle back home for burial."

"Shui Daxia and the others can't be buried in this wilderness, but this place is too far away from the Golden Snake Camp. Only when we go back can we send people over to restrain them. If a wild animal passes by during this period, it is likely to harm them. The remains of several people, so we will protect them with stones first, and we will send someone to transport them back to the south of the Yangtze River. What do you think?" Song Qingshu asked.

"Everything is up to Brother Song's arrangement." Shui Sheng was crying with rain, and now his eyes are still red.

Taking a look at Hua Tiegan who was still dumbfounded, Song Qingshu coldly snorted to him: "The surname Hua, you also go find some stones and bury your righteous brothers, I can forgive you not to die."

In his opinion, Hua Tiegan seemed to be frightened. When he heard what Song Qingshu said, he was overjoyed and nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, I'm going now."

Looking at the figure of Hua Tiegan going away, Shui Sheng frowned: "Big Brother Song, how can you let this shameless person go."

Song Qingshu shook his head and said: "Hua Tie has been fighting for decades. There is no credit and hard work. There are not a few people who have received his favor. He can't be sentenced to death because of this difference. Moreover, he has not done anything angry. The matter is at best begging for mercy from the ancestor of the blood knife."

Shui Sheng nodded as if he did not understand, but the girl in the light green shirt on the side pouted and snorted, "He even ate my sheep."

Song Qingshu couldn't help but laughed. With a wave of the wooden sword in his hand, a sword aura was emitted, and a small pit was dug not far away. Then he took the roasted fragrant lamb from the fire and gently placed it on In the pit, a flick of the sleeves pushed all the soil beside it into the pit, forming a small earthen grave.

"The girl cares about this sheep so much, she must have regarded it as a friend from the bottom of her heart. Song can only do her best to bury it well."

The girl in the green shirt looked at Song Qingshu unexpectedly, showing an innocent smile, and said sweetly, "Thank you, big brother."

Song Qingshu said strangely: "You little girl is also weird. I saved you twice in a row and you didn't thank me. Instead, you thank me because of a sheep."

The girl in the green shirt smiled slightly and did not answer, she went straight to the little dirt bag, touched it gently, and said something in her mouth: "Lamb, lamb, have a good baby in the next life. Don't be a lamb again, or else again. To be slaughtered and eaten..."

"What a strange girl," Song Qingshu murmured, frowning when Huatie was sweating profusely and didn't move a few stones.

"You get out of here, let me do it."

Song Qingshu signaled Hua Tiegan to walk aside, and then swung his wooden sword against a huge boulder not far away for dozens of times. The sharp sword aura shot into the boulder.

The huge stone finally couldn't stand the erosion of sword energy, and suddenly collapsed into pieces the size of a football. Hua Tiegan on the side was so shocked that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear, and was shocked: his martial arts is simply unheard of...

The girl in the green shirt also showed a hint of surprise in her eyes, and said softly: "Big brother, martial arts is very high."

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Why, little sister, you also know martial arts?"

The girl in the green shirt shook her head: "I don't understand, I will only play with my green bamboo stick."

At the beginning, she didn't notice the existence of Zhenqi, so Song Qingshu didn't take her words to heart, and turned his head to greet Hua Tiegan to bury Shui Dai, Lu Tianshu, and Liu Chengfeng together.

"Lady Water, let's go back to the camp first. Your uncle and the others should also be very anxious about your whereabouts. After we go back, we will arrange for someone to pick up the water heroes." Song Qingshu has just learned about the water mirror and black and white from Huatie's mouth The situation where Shuangjian and others are divided into three groups.

"Yeah." Shui Sheng has already lost his own opinion at this moment, and everything is only the head of Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu nodded, and glanced at Hua Tiegan: "How about you?"

Hua Tiegan was taken aback, and quickly said: "I want to stay here to keep the spirits of a few brothers, to atone for my previous actions." He knew in his heart that he would go back with Song Qingshu and his party, and Shui Jian and others would definitely ask before. What happened, one's greed of life and fear of death, must be concealed.

It's better to stay here. The girl Shui Sheng is soft-hearted. Seeing me guarding the spirit for his father, she will definitely feel soft-hearted, and she should not deliberately mention my affairs.

Besides, seeing that girl Shui Sheng and Song Qingshu's eyebrows are frowning, they must have a leg in the dark. If I am uninterested in following and disturbing the two, Song Qingshu's demon won't be able to tear me up in anger?

Humph, Shui Dai really gave birth to a good daughter. If I had a beautiful daughter who was taken by Song Qingshu's demon, wouldn't I be able to walk sideways in the rivers and lakes for the rest of my life?

Hey, Shuidai, Shuidai, it's a pity that you have no blessing to enjoy. I will treat Shui Sheng better as an elder in the future, maybe I can still get the respect of Song Qingshu...

How did Song Qingshu and Shui Sheng know the ghost in the heart of the obedient old man? Seeing him propose to guard the spirit for his father, Shui Sheng was immediately moved, and the previous resentment suddenly disappeared: "Thank you, Uncle Hua."

Hua Tiegan was secretly proud, of course, there was still a sad expression on his face: "This is all that uncle should do. I can only hate the difference between uncle's thoughts. At that time, he didn't fight hard with the blood knife thieves..."

Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and there is nothing good.

Song Qingshu nodded slightly, and turned to look at the girl in the green shirt on the other side: "Little sister, where is your home, or should I take you back by the way?"


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