Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 410: The thief died

The girl in the green shirt showed a strange look in her eyes, and she refused with a smile: "No, I want to accompany my sheep, and I will go back by myself later."

"That's it, that's okay." Song Qingshu also rushed back to the Golden Snake Camp, to prevent Zhu Yuxu and Xia Qingqing from worrying, and secondly, there are a lot of things to prepare for the election of the Golden Snake King.

"Ms. Shui, do you mind riding a horse with me?" Song Qingshu asked. The horses in the valley had all ran away one after another. Only the love horse of Shui Sheng Zhao Yebai was reluctant to bear his master. Hang around nearby.

"If I mind, would you not ride it?" Shui Sheng said angrily, recovering a trace of the cunning characteristic of a normal girl.

"If you mind, then you can only walk. You can't ride a horse. The young master should walk instead." Song Qingshu looked at her with a smile.

Seeing him mentioning the previous incident again, Shui Sheng was embarrassed and a hint of sweetness surged in his heart, and he sighed, "You know you bullied me."

"Who just said to be a cow and a horse for me, and a maid for me?" Song Qingshu said maliciously.

Shui Sheng's face flushed, but she was really grateful that the other party had embraced her for her, but she did not refute it, and admitted generously: "Being a maid is a maid, what's so great about it."

"Zhao Yebai, come here soon." Shui Sheng beckoned to Ai Ju not far away, and the white horse ran over happily as if humanely.

"Here, remember this person's appearance, he will also be your master in the future. If he wants to ride you, you are not allowed to be temperamental." Shui Sheng pulled Zhao Yebai to Song Qing's writing, in Ma Er He said.

Zhao Yebai was a gift Shui Dai gave to Shui Sheng when she was a child. She grew up together like a family member, and Shui Sheng treasured it very much.

If he knew that Shui Sheng would not even be allowed to touch her Zhao Yebai on weekdays, Song Qingshu would not be grateful.

Zhao Yebai snorted, as if he was a little unwilling, Shui Sheng smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to press on the horse's back, and turned on the horse lightly, and greeted Song Qingshu: "Are you not coming up yet?"

"Good!" As soon as the voice fell, Song Qingshu turned over and sat behind Shui Sheng.

Feeling the hand of the man behind him passing under his armpit, holding the rein naturally, a charming blush floated on Shui Sheng's face.


After Song Qingshu and the girl in Qingshan bid farewell to their legs, they rushed towards Jinsheying on Zhaoyebai.

"Take it lightly!" Seeing that Song Qingshu didn't show any pity, Shui Sheng touched Zhao Yebai's mane with distress.

"I didn't work hard?" Song Qingshu cried out innocently.


The two intermittent voices were faintly heard in the wind, and Hua Tiegan couldn't help but take a sip: "Daddy just died and is so slutty, really a watery woman."

"Are you talking bad about that sister just now?" The girl in the green shirt not far away stared at him curiously.

"So what?"

Hua Tiegan felt that he had a bad day to live today. At any rate, he was also a hero in the south of the Yangtze River. However, he was abused as a dog by the blood knife ancestor, and he had to nod and bow to a younger generation. The Nomura girl dared to yell at herself.

Thinking of this, Hua Tiegan's eyes on the girl in the green shirt suddenly felt a little unkind, and she thought: Today, I don’t know how to protect the evening festival. Shui Sheng shouldn’t reveal my secrets. If this village girl tells what happened today Now, isn’t he a place to die without burial?

Feeling the change in his expression, the girl in the green shirt wondered: "You want to kill me?" "So what, blame you for seeing things you shouldn't see." Hua Tiegan looked fiercely and grabbed it. He used his famous weapon, Zhongping Iron Spear, to force her step by step.

The girl in the green shirt couldn't help but not be afraid, but she smiled: "This is the best. I am also about to kill you to avenge my sheep."

Hua Tiegan seemed to hear the funniest joke in the world, and laughed out of breath: "You a little girl wants to kill me too? You don't want to inquire, I Hua Tiegan in the rivers and lakes' Zhongping is invincible. ''S name."

Even Song Qingshu could not see that the girl in the green shirt was able to martial arts, and Hua Tiegan naturally regarded her as an ordinary shepherd girl.

"Zhongping is invincible?" The girl in the green shirt was startled as expected, and then she showed a trace of puzzled expression, "I don't think you are good at martial arts. You can't even beat that big bald head. Can this be called invincible?"

After being stabbed in her heart's sore spot, Hua Tiegan was furious and shot the green-shirted girl with a shot: "Smelly girl, you are looking for death!"

The girl in the green shirt calmly lifted the green bamboo stick in her hand, and slid forward.

Hua Tiegan was horrified to find that there was a long green light in front of him, and then realized that the vitality in his body had been completely destroyed by this green light, and his mouth could not help but chuckle: "Sword Qi? Who are you? ?"

"Are you asking my name?" The girl in the green shirt looked at him innocently, "My name is A Qing, the more girl A Qing."

Song Qingshu rode his horse all the way and ran wildly, naturally not knowing what was happening behind him. Shui Sheng was wrapped in his arms for most of his body, with a heart like a deer bumping him, and finally recovered a little bit from the grief of losing his father.

Seeing Shui Sheng shrinking his head like a quail along the way, Song Qingshu couldn't help but lowered his head and teased: "Where is the smart girl who was arguing with me all the way in Yangzhou?"

Shui Sheng sighed faintly: "When people are in this situation, how can they be thinking about quarreling with you."

Song Qingshu caressed the Qingsi on her head with pity: "Looking at how pitiful you lost all your family members overnight, I will sacrifice and take care of you in the future."

Shui Sheng couldn't help taking a sip: "Bah, who wants you to take care of? He still has uncle, and... and cousin."

"Cousin?" Song Qingshu looked weird and deliberately sighed. "That's right. Since ancient times, cousins ​​and cousins ​​have had many sins. Since you have a cousin, I won't be passionate."

"Hey, we are not what you think!" Shui Sheng suddenly became anxious and hurriedly explained, "There is really nothing between my cousin and me."

Song Qingshu's face became cold, and her voice suddenly became cold: "As far as I know, your cousin Wang Xiaofeng has a deep affection for you, and you have grown up as childhood sweethearts. You say this is a bit too sloppy."

Song Qingshu has always admired affectionate women, even if the object of her affection is not herself. Therefore, he admires Xia Qingqing, Bing Xue'er, Shuang'er, and even Luo Bing in his heart, so he has such a high tolerance for some of their behaviors.

As for Shui Sheng, a woman who can easily change her mind and Pipa does not hold her, he subconsciously is not happy.

Shui Sheng was startled at first: "Does my cousin like me?" Noting Song Qingshu's iron-green face, Shui Sheng cried out aggrievedly: "I don't know, I just treat him like a brother."

Song Qingshu was taken aback, wondering if he had misunderstood Shui Sheng? Is it because she was so young that she ran into herself before she had time to open her love to Wang Xiaofeng?

Suddenly, there was an angry rebuke not far away: "The adulterous thief is killed!" Then a pure and incomparable qi came head-on.


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