Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 411: Feeling of misery

Song Qingshu couldn't help but stunned, and finally realized that the adulterous thief in the opponent's mouth was calling himself.

"Brother hasn't been a thief for many years, okay?" Song Qingshu was very depressed, and quickly put Shui Sheng in his arms, waved his right hand, and hit the opponent's palm together.

Because he was worried that the counter-shock force would crush Shui Sheng's distressed Ai Ju, Song Qingshu didn't dare to use his full strength, because he was not enough, and his palm power was beyond the reach of ordinary masters in the rivers and lakes.

"Huh?" Song Qingshu couldn't help sighing the purity of the opponent's inner strength with a slight tingling feeling from his hand.

Song Qingshu was about to hug Shui Sheng to dismount, suddenly an anxious voice came from the girl in her arms: "Uncle Xiao, stop beating, he is his own."

"My own person?"

A middle-aged man with a felt hat on his head couldn't help but stop and looked at Shui Sheng suspiciously.

"Do you know this person?" Song Qingshu also looked at Shui Sheng curiously.

"Yeah," Shui Sheng nodded, rolled over and dismounted, and took Song Qingshu to the man, "I will introduce you to you."

"This is my Uncle Xiao, known as the'Jinyang Hero', this is my brother Song Qingshu, uh, he just rescued me from the blood knife thief."

Shui Jian and Xiao Banhe did not find any trace of the ancestor of the blood knife. They realized that they had been tricked by each other's tricks. They quickly turned around and searched. They just saw Shui Sheng being held in his arms by a man from a distance. Sheng was still crying, apparently being bullied, so he subconsciously regarded Song Qingshu as a thief.

Song Qingshu looked at the other party while pondering: "It turned out to be Jinyang hero Xiao Banhe. It is rumored that his Hun Yuan Qi has been cultivated to the highest level. When I saw it today, it was indeed well-deserved."

Looking at his thick beard on his cheeks, Song Qingshu felt a little strange: "I remember that in the original "Mandarin Duck Sword", he seemed to be an eunuch. It doesn't look like this..."

However, Song Qingshu is not very familiar with the plot of "Mandarin Duck and Sword", thinking that he might remember it wrong.

"Oh? It turned out to be the young hero who assassinated Kangxi." Xiao Banhe read Song Qingshu again, and he was immediately pleasing to his eyes. You must know that he was also lurking in the Forbidden City in his early years. He tried to assassinate the Qing emperor several times but failed. I chose to leave the palace for another important event, which coincided with the time when Song Qingshu entered the palace, so the two people never met.

"Sheng'er, where's your father and other uncles?" A middle-aged man walked out of the woods, with a handsome appearance, a bit similar to Shui Dai, with a murderous aura of fighting on the battlefield.


Hearing his questioning, Shui Sheng suddenly ran to him and threw himself in his arms and burst into tears.

Song Qingshu on the side was secretly surprised. This should be one of the twelve leaders of the Jinshe Camp, who had been the commander of the Ming Dynasty.

"Sheng'er, what happened?"

Seeing Shui Sheng's reaction, Shui Jian felt cold and asked anxiously.

Unable to bear Shui Sheng personally repeat the tragic situation at that time, Song Qingshu hurriedly avoided the seriousness and briefly explained the situation at the time.

"Blood knife dog thief! My Shuijian is not at odds with you!" Shuijian's expression was sad and angry, and finally couldn't help spouting blood.

Shui Sheng wiped his tears, and said chokedly over and over again: "Uncle, the blood knife thief has been killed by Brother Song."

Shui Jian was shocked, and immediately bowed to Song Qingshu: "Thank you Song Shaoxia for avenging my brother."

Song Qingshu couldn't make him really worship, and hurriedly stretched out his hands to support his arms: "It is the duty of the people who walk the rivers and lakes to draw the sword when the road sees injustice, not to mention the water girl and I are also friends."

Shui Jian realized that his martial arts is far from Song Qingshu, and said with emotion: "Fortunately, Shenger is okay. Fortunately, Song Shaoxia happened to pass by, and it is really unthinkable. ."

Song Qingshu smiled awkwardly: "Senior Shui, I didn't just pass by by chance, but came here to save people."

"Oh, what do you say?" Shui Jian's face suddenly showed a hint of surprise.

Song Qingshu visited him on the top of the mountain, and learned that he had gone after the blood knife ancestor, and then briefly talked to him about what he had followed.

"It turns out that Song Shaoxia is the candidate for the Golden Snake King nominated by the old hero of Situ," Shui Jian suddenly realized, "Song Shaoxia can rest assured that Shui has always admired the old hero of Situ, not to mention that you have such a great kindness to our Shui family this time, and Shui must support him. Young man."

"By the way, let me introduce you to the candidates we nominated. These are Xiao Ban and Xiao Daxia, who are known as'Jinyang Heroes.' You two are very close, and when you compete for the Golden Snake King, you can also help each other."

Xiao Banhe smiled bitterly: "Brother Shui, brother, I just fought against Song Shaoxia a few times. He pushed me back with one hand. It's really a hero."

Song Qingshu hurriedly said: "Old Xiao's Hunyuan Jin is really perfect, and the younger generations are also impressed."

Xiao Banhe smiled slightly, but he secretly sighed in his heart: ordinary young people who have achieved aspirations have an aloof and arrogant spirit. Song Qingshu is a man with high martial arts and understanding of the world. After several contacts, both the Wu Yong of the Overlord of Chu and the smoothness of Liu Bang, I really have to guard against it. Fortunately, Quan Er seems to have a very close relationship with him, and it seems that she will not become my enemy for the time being...

After greetings for a while, Shui Jian suddenly said, "I plan to pay homage to Sheng'er and her father first, and then arrange for his men to move his body. I don't know Song Shaoxia..."

Song Qing confessed in writing and replied: "I still have important things to do next, I'm afraid I can't accompany you back."

Shui Jian nodded and expressed his understanding: "In that case, let's just leave it alone. Shui-mou will definitely come to visit another day, thank you Shaoxia for his great kindness."

Song Qingshu quickly said, "Senior Shui is polite, so Song has to leave first."

"Brother Song~" Seeing that he was about to leave, Shui Sheng felt very unwilling to give up, and took Zhao Yebai and handed the rein to his hand, "Brother Song, you can use this horse to travel."

Song Qingshu shook his head: "No, with my light work, this distance doesn't matter." Seeing Shui Sheng showed a sad expression, he hurriedly leaned over and said in a low voice: "Your uncle and that Xiao Daxia have two horses in total. You gave me Zhao Yebai. What are you going to ride later? I don't want you to ride with other men."

Shui Sheng's pretty face turned red all of a sudden, and couldn't help but screamed: "They are all my elders, what are you thinking about."

"I don't care anyway." Song Qingshu tucked the rein back again.

A strange feeling rose in Shui Sheng's heart, and he couldn't help but smile: "Then...well, I've already given this horse to you anyway, I'll keep it for you for the time being."

Seeing the two people whispering, Shui Jian and Xiao Banhe not far away couldn't help but smile at each other.

When Song Qingshu rushed back to the camp, he found that Xia Qingqing had returned. Seeing the two women looked sad, he couldn't help being shocked: "What happened?"


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