Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 418: The truth under the mist (3)

Zhao Min opened his eyes wide, and leaned back subconsciously, but suddenly felt a numbness in his waist and immediately lost control of his body.

Song Qingshu hooked Zhao Min's smooth chin, lowered his head and kissed the rosy lips.

Feeling that a foreign object had entered the jaws, before Zhao Min had time to get angry, he heard Song Qingshu's secret voice: "They are sorry for us, why should we be worthy of them?"

Zhao Min's eyes were blank, and it seemed that something was thinking of something in his heart. When his attention was distracted, his sense of resistance immediately became less intense.

In the moonlight, Zhao Min's white cheeks glowed like a jade. Seeing her eyes blurred, Song Qingshu would naturally not be polite, and domineeringly entangled her sweet little fragrant tongue.

Feeling Song Qingshu's change, Zhao Min finally recovered, couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry. He clenched his teeth and bit down.

"Hiss!" Song Qingshu took a breath, pressed his lips, and said angrily, "Are you a dog?"

"Who made you rude to me!" Although Zhao Min was extremely angry, he was worried that Zhang Wuji would find the two of them, so he had to suppress his anger and said in a very low voice.

"When I saw your lips came over, I thought you wanted to kiss me. You also know me, I never hurt girls." Song Qingshu said nonsense seriously.

Seeing him beat him upside down, Zhao Min smiled in anger: "Your Excellency is so thick-skinned, it's really rare in the life of a young woman."

"Keep your voice down," Song Qingshu was bluffed by her, and quickly pressed her lips, "You want to be discovered by them."

Zhao Min was dumbfounded, obviously not without scruples in his heart, his lips moved, and after all, he swallowed what he wanted to say.

Putting a finger on Zhao Min's rosy lips, and feeling her lips move slightly, Song Qingshu unconsciously moved his fingers, and gently slid it over the moist red lips in front of him.

Zhao Min was also confused by his actions for a while. She really couldn't understand. At this time, Song Qingshu was still thinking about taking advantage of her. If it weren't for worrying that the movement would disturb the two people in the distance, she would have already Draw the sword and face each other.

"Have you touched enough!" Zhao Min glared at Song Qingshu fiercely.


Zhao Min was irritated by his shameless reaction. What else did he want to say, but Zhu's lips were just separated, and the other party's fingers were inserted. Zhao Min didn't know what was wrong with him. The first reaction was to stick out his tongue. Licking around.

The smooth and delicate feeling from the fingers made Song Qingshu's heart sway, and he gently pulled his fingers out, enjoying the tightness of Zhao Min's lips, and then put his fingers back in playfully.

Zhao Min was flushed with his bold and frivolous behavior, and couldn't help it anymore, gritting his teeth hard, intending to completely bite off the invading foreign body in his mouth.

The smell of blood was faintly felt in his mouth, Zhao Min was shocked to find that the hateful man had neither retracted nor had the power to protect his fingers, but looked at her gently, letting her bite like this.

"Bah, baah!" Zhao Min quickly vomited his hand out, feeling ashamed and still unable to help curiosity in his heart, "Why don't you resist?"

"If I put my innocence on my fingers, you might not be able to keep your beautiful teeth," Song Qingshu said with a smile, "not to mention that you should be punished a little bit for a beautiful lady."

Zhao Min suddenly discovered that, for some reason, his anger was dissipated by his few words. Of course, Zhao Min couldn't pull his face to greet him with a smile, so he had to deliberately warn with a straight face: "Don't do this next time."

"That's not necessarily true," Song Qingshu looked at the two people in the distance with inexplicably complicated eyes, "Your man bullied my woman, and I will naturally bully it back."

"What a mess of men and women," Zhao Min looked at the two people who were far apart, and immediately exposed Song Qingshu's lie. "They both sat so far, Zhang Wuji did nothing!"

"Really?" Song Qingshu pretended to be suddenly enlightened, "but not doing anything now doesn't mean not doing anything later, I just retaliate in advance."

"It's not necessary!" Zhao Min was itchy with hatred, thinking about why he suddenly felt so soft just now that he should just bite off his nasty finger to see if he would be so proud.

"How could the princess be so angry?" Song Qingshu looked at her puzzledly. "You think about it from another angle, is it because my woman is seduce your man now? You take back some compensation from me to avenge her, you should It’s really fun."

Zhao Min was confused by his fallacies and heresies. Although he subconsciously felt that there was something wrong, he couldn't find a reason to refute it for a while: "I'm not talking nonsense to you, listen carefully to what they are talking about."

Zhao Min and Song Qingshu were afraid of being spotted when they were chatting, so one leaned into the ear of the other party and exhaled quietly, and the other had deep skills, and responded with voice transmission. On the contrary, Zhang Wuji and Zhou Zhiruo sat in an open space and talked, and did not deliberately lower their voices. So Zhao Min and Song Qingshu could hear their conversation vaguely, but they couldn't hear the conversation between Zhao Min and Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu glanced at Zhao Min regretfully, thinking that if he knew this before, he shouldn’t deliberately show off and make some sound transmissions into secrets, otherwise he could bite Zhao Min's ears openly and take advantage of her by the way. .

At the thought of a woman who could belittle Zhang Wuji in front of him, Song Qingshu couldn't suppress certain evil thoughts that were constantly rising in his heart.

However, Song Qingshu understood that if it continues, it is impossible to guarantee that Zhao Min will not turn his face. It will not be worth the loss. Let's listen to what Zhang Wuji and Zhou Zhiruo are talking about.

"Master Zhang, you invite me over, do you just want to talk to me about these old things?" Zhou Zhiruo's cold voice came.

Zhang Wuji said sadly: "Sister Zhiruo, now there is no outsider, why do you shout so much? What about the girl who chased me behind and kept shouting brother Wuji?"

Zhou Zhiruo was in a daze, apparently reminded of the memories of the past by him, and finally sighed quietly: "The past is over. In Haozhou City, you and I are cut off, so don't mention the past."

Zhang Wuji gave her a surprised look: "In the beginning on Shaoshi Mountain, you didn't say that."

Seeing him mentioning the lion slaughter conference, Zhou Zhiruo inadvertently flashed a blush on her face, and quickly said: "I was so obsessed with my heart that I said those things to you. During this time, I thought about it carefully. , The fate of you and me is exhausted, there is no need to force it anymore."

Zhang Wuji was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked, "Is it because of Song Qingshu?"

Hearing what he said, Zhao Min couldn't help poking the flesh on the waist of the man next to him, his face couldn't hide his excitement: "Hey, it's you."

Song Qingshu gave her an angry look, thinking that she had come here with a heavy heart, but now she is so happy that the psychology of women's gossip is sure to put it all over the world.

However, Song Qingshu was also curious about how Zhou Zhiruo would answer, and quickly continued listening.

Hearing Zhang Wuji's mention of Song Qingshu, Zhou Zhiruo's face clearly flashed a blush, but her mouth denied: "It has nothing to do with him, I figured it out myself."

"Zhiruo, you don't have to lie to me," a look of pain flashed across Zhang Wuji's face, "I can see that you are no longer a virgin now. I'm afraid Song Qingshu has done a good job."

Hearing the breaking news, Zhao Min almost yelled, and quickly covered his lips tightly. She and Zhou Zhiruo had fought each other for so long, she knew that Zhang Wuji might love herself a little bit more, but he obviously had no love for Zhou Zhiruo. Years of battles seem to have come to an end now, but this is a game without a winner, and I didn't have the last laugh...

"Is it a virgin, you can tell from the outside?" Song Qingshu couldn't help turning his head to look aside Zhao Min.

Panicked by the look in his eyes, Zhao Min couldn't help but angrily said: "What do you see me doing? How do I know this kind of thing."

Song Qingshu carefully looked at her beautiful face, observed her eyebrows, and looked at the shape of her breasts. Finally, he leaned in and smelled the scent of her body. His head was already a mess: "I can't tell. , Are you still a girl?"

Zhao Min was frowned upon by his weird eyes. When he was wondering what he was looking at, he suddenly heard his question and almost exploded his lungs: "What's up with you! Get out!"

There was a crowd over there, and the pavilion was obviously the same. Hearing the old fiance talk about all this, Zhou Zhiruo's face turned red and white, and finally took a deep breath, calmed the agitated mood, and said lightly: " I was Mrs. Song, so what's weird about that."

"I know you won't commit to him," Zhang Wuji stood up and paced back and forth in the pavilion, obviously feeling extremely anxious, "It must be some despicable means he used, right?"

Thinking of the night when Song Qingshu was "bullying" after being weakened by the Ten Fragrant Soft Muscles, Zhou Zhiruo's face was a bit ugly. If it weren't mean, what could be called mean?

"If you don't speak, I will take it as your default." Zhang Wuji smashed the railing beside him with a palm, "Zhiruo, I will kill him for you."

Zhou Zhiruo frowned and said faintly, "Even if I want to kill him, I will kill him. I don't have to teach myself to take the initiative." She actually knew in her heart that even if Song Qingshu stood in front of her without resistance, she couldn't bear to do anything. It is unknown.

After the last reunion in the Forbidden City, Zhou Zhiruo had already moved to give up the idea of ​​revenge. This time she came to Shandong to think about whether she could see Song Qingshu again. Unexpectedly, he saw it, but there were other women beside him.

I knew about the existence of Xia Qingqing and Dongfang Muxue in the Forbidden City last time, but because they went to the Forbidden City to avenge Song Qingshu together, she acquiesced to the existence of the two women, but she did not know that she met other women this time.

Zhou Zhiruo once said that even if everyone in the world betrayed her, Song Qingshu would not betray her, but now she can't help but wonder, is this Song Qingshu still the person who loves her foolishly back then?

Don't cherish when you get it, and regret it when you lose it. This is Zhou Zhiruo's most true psychological portrayal nowadays.

When Zhou Zhiruo was wandering around, suddenly heard Zhang Wuji say: "Zhenruo, you believe me, I won't mind this matter, shall we start again?"


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