Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 419: The truth under the mist (4)

Hearing Zhang Wuji's words in the distance, Zhao Min trembled and couldn't help but tighten Song Qingshu's small hands.

"Hey hey hey, your man is shameless, what are you doing pinching me?" Although Song Qingshu's mouth was making fun, his attention was still in the distant pavilion, waiting nervously for Zhou Zhiruo's answer.

Zhou Zhiruo looked at Zhang Wuji in surprise, his face was red and white, and he obviously didn't expect him to say this, and said coldly: "You are not my husband, do you mind, I don't care at all."

Zhang Wuji couldn't help but stunned, obviously he didn't expect that she would answer so heartlessly.

"Pretty!" Song Qingshu was dancing with joy, and couldn't help but pinch Zhao Min's slender and delicate waist.

"You bastard." Zhao Min's tears were almost pinched out, her beautiful eyes were watery, but now most of her attention is on Zhang Wuji, and she is not in the mood to pursue it for the time being.

"Zhiruo, I know you are irritating about Haozhou City back then..."

Before Zhang Wuji finished speaking, Zhou Zhiruo interrupted directly: "I don't want to mention the past. Master Zhang has already chosen Princess Zhao..."

Zhang Wuji suddenly said, "Zhiruo, I'm afraid you don't know. For you, I have already fallen out with Minmin."

Song Qingshu looked at the woman next to him in surprise, and asked quietly, "Really?"

Zhao Min closed her lips tightly and did not answer his words.

Zhou Zhiruo was obviously taken aback as well, and said in doubt, "For me?"

Zhang Wuji nodded and smiled bitterly: "You also know that she is very smart. I came to see you in the middle of the night on Shaoshi Mountain. I thought I was doing it secretly, but I didn't hide it from her."

Zhou Zhiruo is also very clear about Zhao Min's temperament. She definitely can't bear being deceived by Zhang Wuji. Thinking that it was her own cause that caused the two to quarrel, Zhou Zhiruo also passed a trace of apology in her heart: "You can explain it to her. ."

"At the beginning, you said that you would like to be with her...being mine..." Seeing Zhou Zhiruo's gloomy expression, Zhang Wuji swallowed the words of the two women working together as a husband, "I have been evading choices before, you, Zhao Min, Xiao Zhao , Spider... are all very affectionate for me, I have been hesitating about who to choose. But I finally figured out later, you are all very good women, why do I have to choose only one? I have lost I’ve lost the show and spider, so I don’t want to lose any of you."

"This shameless face is quite my demeanor." Song Qingshu sneered, and Zhao Min frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Fish and bear's paw can't have both. Teacher Zhang is too greedy." Zhou Zhiruo said coldly.

"Why can't you have both fish and bear paws? I like you, and you also like me, why can't you be together?" Zhang Wuji suddenly angered.

"Yes, I used to like you, but you and I have no destiny, and we are destined to be impossible to be together," Zhou Zhiruo looked at Zhang Wuji in surprise, and suddenly said hesitantly: "How do I feel that you have changed a little, not like The gentle and mellow Wuji brother before."

Song Qingshu nodded in sympathy, and asked Zhao Min on the side in a low voice, "Do you feel that way?"

Zhao Min looked frosty and didn't answer his words. Song Qingshu was boring and had to keep watching.

Zhang Wuji's face changed, but he quickly recovered: "Everyone changes every day. What's so strange. Didn't you change sister Zhiruo? You didn't like Song Qingshu at all before, but now because of him, Feeling moved..."

Zhou Zhiruo snorted coldly: "You don't need to care about my business."

Zhang Wuji didn't care, and continued: "Just talk about Song Qingshu, hasn't he changed? In the past, Kung Fu could only be said to be inflowing, and Shaoshishan also had all meridians cut off. As a result, in just one or two years, he rose to fame and became a martial artist. A great player in the middle."

Song Qingshu's expression was terrible, his soul passed through the original Song Qingshu, which was his biggest secret. I can feel that Zhang Wuji is different from the original Zhang Wuji. Why can't others feel the earth-shaking changes in him?

Zhou Zhiruo's heart moved, obviously she also had the same doubts, but subconsciously she replied: "You told me before that your Nine Suns magic arts were also found somewhere in Kunlun. You can have adventures, and of course others can also have adventures. What's more, I taught him the Jiuyin Scriptures before, and it’s not surprising that he can achieve what he has now."

"Well, even if his martial arts is due to adventures," Zhang Wuji drank the water and wine in his glass. "But what about the character? I remember Song Qingshu used to love you to the bone, and he dismissed other women. Even Zhao Min's stunning beauty can't cause him the slightest ripple, but he is now..."

Zhang Wuji sneered again and again: "The women around him have changed one after another. There is news that he is messing with flowers everywhere in the rivers and lakes. It is no different from what the prostitutes such as Yun Zhonghe and Tian Boguang have done. Song Qingshu?"

Listening to Zhang Wuji's words, Zhao Min couldn't help poking the man next to him: "Little thief, don't you dismiss me?"

"Who said you can't cause my ripples? Such a beautiful girl, a man can't help but be tempted." Song Qingshu couldn't help scratching her delicate face with his fingers. The smooth and tender fingertips made him amazed. , Secretly added: "What's more...you are Zhang Wuji's lover."

Zhao Min leaned back subconsciously, and said angrily: "If you can't come, you can use your hands. It really is a thief."

"You can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense," Song Qingshu shook his fingers and whispered, "You are a thief in one mouthful, but I can only use my hands and feet.

"Rogue." Zhao Min couldn't help rolling his eyes, too lazy to argue with him, and continued to listen.

In the pavilion, Zhou Zhiruo was obviously hit by Zhang Wuji. She had encountered other women beside Song Qingshu many times. However, in her opinion, Song Qingshu’s abnormality was more likely due to the fact that she found herself and Zhang Wuji in Shaoshishan that day. Ambiguous, an act of self-defeating and abandoning under anger and despair.

Thinking of just leaving Shaoshi Mountain, Zhou Zhiruo's pretty face turned red and white.

"Whether he is bothered or dedicated, it's all my family affairs, so I don't have to worry about Master Zhang." Zhou Zhiruo was irritated and stood up quickly, "If it is too late today, if Master Zhang has nothing else to do, I will retire first."

Zhang Wuji smiled evilly: "Zhiruo, if you don't have me in your heart, why would you come to me in the middle of the night after receiving my invitation."

Zhou Zhiruo replied faintly: "I am a married woman after all, and as the head of a group, I naturally have to worry about the influence. The reason why I came here tonight is just because you and I have met since childhood. Come and take a look. What's the matter with you. Since you are talking about these old things, you don't need to see them in the future."

Seeing Zhou Zhiruo's attitude clearly draws a line from Zhang Wuji, a smile appeared uncontrollably on Song Qingshu's face, and Zhao Min on the side couldn't help turning his head to look at the man next to him.

After arguing with Zhou Zhiruo for so long, Zhao Min naturally knew Zhou Zhiruo’s feelings for Zhang Wuji back then.

For the man in front of him, resolutely let go of his old love, does this **** have such a big charm?

"Zhiruo, are you really so cruel?" Seeing Zhou Zhiruo trying to leave, Zhang Wuji reached out to pull her subconsciously.

Song Qingshu frowned and was about to jump out. He didn't know that a small hand was gently pressing on his shoulder, only to hear Zhao Min say: "You hide here first, I will go out, and I will call you out later."

Song Qingshu changed his mind. In front of these two women, maybe Zhang Wuji would reveal any secrets, so he nodded in agreement.

Seeing Zhang Wuji reaching out, Zhou Zhiruo flashed to the side subconsciously, and said in a cold voice, "Master Zhang, please respect yourself."

A look of surprise flashed in Zhang Wuji's eyes: "Zhiruo, I didn't expect to see you for so long, you have cultivated the Jiuyin Zhenjing to such a level.

While talking, he was about to approach her, when suddenly there was a soft snort from the big tree in the distance, Zhang Wuji couldn't help but was taken aback, turned his head and glared at the direction of Song Qingshu and the two: "Who!"

Zhao Min nodded to Song Qingshu, and jumped down lightly, with a sarcasm at the corner of his mouth: "It's me."

Seeing Zhao Min’s appearance, Zhou Zhiruo was shocked, and noticed that Zhang Wuji's face was a little ugly beside him. He was suddenly surprised: "Aren't they all still in love on Shaoshi Mountain? The atmosphere of the two of them now Why is it so weird?"

A smile appeared on Zhang Wuji's face soon: "Minmin, I finally saw you again. Why did you leave without saying goodbye that day?"

Zhao Min put his hands behind his back and slowly approached the pavilion: "You should ask yourself this question."

"Myself?" Zhang Wuji smiled reluctantly, "Ask me what?"

Zhou Zhiruo felt very embarrassed and said coldly: "You two will talk slowly, I will leave first."

"Hey~" Zhao Min called to her, and said with a pun, "I'm afraid some people will be disappointed when you leave."

Zhou Zhiruo didn't know that she was actually referring to Song Qingshu. Seeing Zhao Min looking at Zhang Wuji with a smile, thinking that she was ridiculing, she could not help but snorted and turned and left.

"What we will talk about next is not unrelated to Ms. Zhou. Ms. Zhou can stay and listen." Zhao Min said lightly.

Zhou Zhiruo paused for a while, and really stopped.

Zhao Min no longer cared about her, but turned to look at Zhang Wuji, looking at the handsome face of the former lover, Zhao Min felt a pain in his heart: "Zhang Wuji, I am here this time, I have three questions to ask you."

Zhang Wuji smiled gently: "As long as you want to know, don't say three, thirty, three hundred, I will answer you one by one."

Zhao Min looked at Zhou Zhiruo blankly: "Zhou Shoumen, would Zhang Wuji speak in such a glib tone before?"


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