Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 506: Corner

After discussing various details, before the day was bright, Song Qingshu asked everyone to go back and have a good rest. Six hours later, we gathered here in the lobby and set off together.

"Big Brother Song, it is said that if you are not secret, you will lose your officials, and if your officials are not secret, you will lose your affairs. I don't think you should tell them your plan in advance." Zhu Yuxu naturally followed Song Qingshu, seeing people leaving one after another. , She couldn't help but said anxiously.

"This is something that can't be helped," Song Qingshu wryly smiled. "They are all leaders of the party. It is difficult to convince them without revealing something. After all, they need to take risks at night."

Seeing Zhu Yuhui still looking worried, Song Qingshu reached out and held her little hand: "Ah Jiu, don't worry too much. The people in this hall are trustworthy. Firstly, I believe in their character, and secondly, they have no reason to leak secrets. After all, the failure of the Manchus is in the interest of each of them."

Song Qingshu is not a single-celled organism like Song Xianggong. Naturally, it is clear that only when the interests of both parties are the same can the foundation of trust be established.

The two of them held hands and chatted all the way, and soon returned to their own courtyard. Zhu Yuxuan suddenly said curiously: "By the way, Brother Song, I have not had time to ask, how did you win Ah Qing before? ?"

"What do you think?" Hearing Ah Jiu's question, Song Qingshu's expression suddenly became a little strange, looking at her with a smile.

"I just asked you if I didn't know." Zhu Yu pouted and couldn't help acting like a baby.

"If you just say something, it might be difficult for you to understand. Otherwise, you can imitate Ah Qing and reproduce the situation at the time. I will let you experience it for yourself, and the effect is probably better." Song Qingshu said solemnly.

Zhu Yuxuan always felt that the other party's blinking eyes were a bit malicious, but after all, it was still hard to conceal the curiosity in his heart, and subconsciously nodded in agreement: "Okay."

"I remember Ah Qing was always quite normal at the time, until he approached you," Zhu Yuxu gestured with the dagger, recalling the situation at the time, "Is that so...Huh?"

When Zhu Yuhui's sword was still a few inches away from Song Qingshu, she suddenly felt the strength of her whole body drained all of a sudden, and the flow of heat from her body made her soft and supple.

As if to feel

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Zhu Yuchao reacted to her hot skin with a slight start, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Scent of joy!"

The two have been intimate for a long time, and Zhu Yuxuan naturally knew that Song Qingshu's practice of Joyful Zen was a by-product, and it was sometimes used by Song Qingshu for boudoir pleasure.

That feeling was very, very pleasant, but Zhu Yuxuan subconsciously disliked it, because she always felt like she had been caught in the most potent love potion, waiting for a man to be favored in bed, no matter whether it was physical or mental, even the slightest resistance could not rise. .

What Zhu Yuxu likes is the feeling of intimacy that comes naturally, rather than the unilateral intimacy, although this taste seems more attractive than ordinary intimacy...

Song Qingshu hugged Zhu Yuxuan, who had already softened into a ball of cotton, and looked down at the blushing beauty in his arms, and couldn't help but smile evilly: "Dear nine princesses, this is what you offered to experience firsthand. "

Zhu Yu's eyes seemed to seep water: "You bastard, deliberately set up a sleeve to let me drill in."

"Who makes our nine princesses defenseless against you?" Song Qingshu smiled triumphantly, and sat on the couch with her arms around her, and leaned over her slightly red lips without waiting for Zhu Yuhui's answer.

"Yeah~" There was a deep hum from the room...

Huang Rong has been thinking about matching her daughter and Song Qingshu, but when she thinks that Song Qingshu already has a family, and that she and the nine princesses seem to have already settled for life, Huang Rong feels a little upset.

Therefore, not long after returning to the courtyard, Huang Rong couldn't help looking for Song Qingshu's residence. She planned to chat with Song Qingshu at random first, and listen to his tone before making a decision.

Who knew that as soon as she arrived at the door of the other courtyard, before Huang Rong had time to knock on the door, she vaguely heard a cry of female voices. Huang Rong's heart suddenly jumped. As a person who came by, she didn't know what the people inside were doing.

"This nine princesses usually look cold and cold, and I didn't expect to cry so...sultry." Huang Rong snorted secretly. The voice made her feel a little hot, and she immediately planned to turn around and leave.

"Big Brother Song, how are you... bad... you actually used such a... unsophisticated method to deal with other people... Sister Aqing."

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) Zhu Yu's laughter came.

Huang Rong couldn't help but stopped subconsciously. The most curious thing about the Golden Snake Conference was how Song Qingshu turned defeat into victory and reversal of Ah Qing, but this may involve the secrets of other people's cards. Song Qingshu asked.

But the more this happens, the more mysterious the whole thing becomes.

"Listen to them chatting, maybe you can figure out the reason." Huang Rong couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart after all, she leaned close to the door, pricked her ears and listened.

Reluctantly, Huang Rong was standing at the gate of the yard, a dozen meters away from the house. The whispers between the two of Huang Rong were really hard to hear.

There was a trace of struggle on Huang Rong's face, as if she had made a lot of determination in the end, she tiptoed towards the house holding her breath.

"I just listened for a while, and I immediately left when I heard the reason." Huang Rong couldn't help comforting herself.

Huang Rong was worried that Song Qingshu might be aware of it, but she was always good at light work, and in her opinion, men would naturally be less alert in this situation, so she still held her breath and occupied the door.

After listening for a while, Huang Rong blushed quickly, and she couldn't help regretting it, because the two in the room never mentioned the previous match with A Qing, and the voice came out of the room. It was all whispers from lovers, and the content was so bold that Huang Rong, who was already a mother, couldn't bear it.

"Song Lang, Madam Guo looked satisfied that night, every inch of her skin revealed the blush of roses after bliss, did you really give her..."

As soon as Huang Rong stepped forward, he heard Zhu Yuhui talk about the topic on himself, and his expression became extremely weird. For a moment, he was in a dilemma. On the one hand, he felt too embarrassed and planned to leave as soon as possible. On the other hand, he wanted to hear Song Qingshu. How did you answer it?

"Then what do you think about me and her or nothing?" Song Qingshu's nasty voice rang, and Huang Rong's chest rose and fell slightly, and finally decided to stay and listen.

"It depends on whether Song Lang has this thought. If Song Lang wants her, he can invite her in now to get what he wants." Zhu Yu's voice made Huang Rong's face change drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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