Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 507: Dream Butterfly

Hearing the dialogue inside, Huang Rong subconsciously wanted to run, but the door beside him suddenly opened. Song Qingshu stood at the door looking at her with a smile and a smile: "Mrs. Guo came to me at this time, is she wanting to have a deep...communication with me? "

Huang Rong's face flushed, and after a glance, she noticed that Song Qingshu was naked, and she hurriedly moved her eyes away: "Uh, I thought of a question just now. I wanted to ask the son, but it doesn't seem very convenient now. Let's talk next time. + + ,"

As soon as the voice fell, Huang Rong turned around in a panic and ran out.

"It was really shameful to be discovered by him..."

"But he looks weak and weak, and he didn't expect the satin flesh on his body to be so strong and masculine..."

"Huang Rong, Huang Rong, what are you thinking about!"


Huang Rong's heart was in a mess at this time, and all kinds of chaotic thoughts were coming in. When she was thinking about it, she suddenly found her body halted. Looking back, she saw Song Qingshu stretched out her hand and held her shoulder.

"Mrs. Guo has always been keen, and the relationship between this battle is really too big. If Mrs. really finds something wrong, you must remedy it as soon as possible. Madam please come in soon." Song Qingshu looked anxious and let her open her body in a please gesture. .

"Huh?" Huang Rong hesitated for a while. Song Qingshu and Princess Ajiu had just been making out in there. At this moment, he didn't have time to wear his clothes. The princesses must be naked too. It is really inconvenient to go in at this time.

However, who made himself slanderous just now, and now there is no reason to refuse...

When Huang Rong was in a dilemma, Song Qingshu couldn't help but drag her in.

Cang Dang!

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Huang Rong's heart jumped, and subconsciously asked: "What are you doing closing the door."

Song Qingshu shrugged with a wry smile, and pointed to the bed not far away: "It's really inconvenient for outsiders to see us like this, not to mention it will damage my wife's reputation."

Huang Rong followed his gaze and found that Ah Jiu was lying lazily on the bed, with black and shiny hair scattered on the bed, randomly pulled a piece of brocade and draped it over her body, revealing white shoulders and two well-proportioned pieces. The slender thighs, the pale face on weekdays are extremely flushed at this time, the star eyes are half open and half closed, obviously reminiscing the aftermath just now.

Huang Rong is a mature woman. She doesn't understand Ah Jiu's situation at this time. She only feels that her legs are a little weaker, and her heart is beating harder. She quickly turned her eyes away pretending to be calm, and found one for herself. The chair sat down.

"In fact, it's not a big deal. I just want to ask the son how he plans to assassinate Tuhai at night. After all, whether he can assassinate Tuhai is related to the success or failure of the whole thing."

Huang Rong was not ashamed of his quick wit, and when he was flashing and shining, he thought of a very tenable question.

After Song Qingshu's answer, she didn't want to listen at all. She didn't know what was wrong with her body. A burst of hot enthusiasm overflowed from the deepest part of her body to her whole body. She knew that she couldn't stay any longer, thinking about it. That’s how to leave this place.

Randomly dealt with a few words, Huang Rong got up and said goodbye. Who knows that he hadn't walked a few steps, a strong force came from behind him, and the whole person fell back all of a sudden.

"What are you going to do?" Feeling Song Qingshu's strong masculine aura, Huang Rong struggled to get out of his arms.

"Doesn't Madam want to know how I assassinated Tuhai?"

Huang Rong looked up and found Song Qingshu's smile a little weird.

"No... I don't want to know." Huang Rong said in a flustered manner.

"How can this work? This time the assassination was unsuccessful, and the wife's help is needed." Song Qingshu smiled even more weirdly.

"How can I help?" Huang Rong was taken aback, and her heart was full of curiosity. She even forgot that she was being held by Song Qingshu in her arms.

"In the past by chance, I learned how to disguise myself, and I can disguise myself into the appearance of others as I want. This time I intend to disguise myself as a soldier of Tuhai and sneak close to his side..."

Hearing Song Qingshu's words, Huang Rong's eyes became brighter and brighter: "If Disguise is so magical, it will indeed be much easier to assassinate Tuhai."

"It's a pity that there is a difficulty now..." Song Qingshu deliberately stopped talking.

"What's the problem?" Huang Rong asked hurriedly.

"The main reason is that I haven't used it after I learned the disguise technique. I don't know if I will be seen by someone familiar with it. So I want to ask my wife for help." Song Qingshu suddenly appeared hesitant. Madam is embarrassed."

"If it is possible to get rid of the captives and restore the Han people, it would be worthwhile for the concubine body to be broken to pieces, not to mention just embarrassment, Song Gongzi, but it does not matter, as long as the concubine body can do it, the concubine body will never refuse."

Huang Rong smiled sweetly, as smart as she naturally understood that Song Qingshu couldn't really want her to do anything to pieces. It was just a difficult thing, and with her own cleverness, she naturally had a solution.

"I have thanked Madam for the thousands of Han people in the world," Song Qingshu's expression suddenly changed, gently let go of her, and bowed respectfully to her.

Huang Rong was bluffed by his seriousness, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. She couldn't help but tentatively asked: "I don't know what the son wants me to do?"

"Although Yi Rongshu can look exactly like others in appearance, it has one of the biggest problems. I don't know if I can fool the closest person around him," Song Qingshu paused, and continued, "I'm alright. It can easily be the same as a certain soldier in Tuhai, but I am not sure if I can fool Tuhai, so I need to do a test in advance."

"What test?" Huang Rong's bad feeling in her heart grew stronger.

Song Qingshu looked at Huang Rong's mature and graceful body, and revealed a weird smile: "The closest relationship is with the person next to the pillow. If my disguise technique can lie to the person next to the pillow, it will naturally be fooled. Tuhai."

"The person next to the pillow?" Huang Rong's expression changed. At this point, she had vaguely guessed what Song Qingshu's so-called help was.

"Rong Er~"

When Huang Rong's mind was in confusion, she suddenly heard a familiar voice, looked up, and found her brother Jing standing in front of her impressively.

"Jing...Brother?" Huang Rong called out uncertainly.

"Hey, I haven't seen you these days, but I want to kill me." Guo Jing showed a simple smile and put her in his arms.

"Are you... Song Qingshu?" Although it was a familiar voice and a familiar appearance, Huang Rong always felt that something was wrong, and asked blankly.

"Song Qingshu? Rong'er, are you too tired during this time?" Guo Jing looked at her suspiciously.

"Where did Song Qingshu go? He was clearly here just now?" Huang Rong took a deep breath and calmly pushed the'Brother Jing' in front of her away from her body.

"Young Master Song saw me coming all the way to look for you, with a heart of adult beauty. He just took the nine princesses away."

Guo Jing's words shocked Huang Rong, and he subconsciously looked at the bed on which Jiu was lying. There was no shadow of Jiu.

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