Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 520: Dead (Part 1)

The sudden appearance of the North Route Army made everyone in the Golden Snake Camp nervous. In one or two hours, the Golden Snake Camp would be able to eat the Manchurian West Route Army in one go. Now the North Route Army appeared but let the form In an instant reversal, the Golden Snake Camp not only couldn't eat the West Route Army, it might even turn from a hunter into prey, and was eaten by the North Route Army in one go.

Seeing the chaos in the valley, Sabsu frowned. How could he not see that the soldiers of the Golden Snake Camp wore the uniforms of the Qing soldiers and pretended to be Tuhai troops, causing the West Route Army to kill each other.

Judging from the current situation, since the Golden Snake Camp is wearing the uniform of Tuhai, the East Route Army of Tuhai is probably over. This is precisely where Sabsu is puzzled. Tuhai has experienced many battles. The famous general, sitting on an army of 30,000, how could the army be wiped out so silently?

"General, should we rush down to rescue the West Route Army?" Seeing that Sabsu had been silent, the generals beside him couldn't help it anymore and stepped forward to fight.

"Save?" There was a strange expression on Sabsu's face. "Now the Golden Snake Camp and the West Route Army wear the same clothes, how do you save it?"

For a while, he understood that he was the truth. Now the two sides are fighting together, and at the same time the enemy and the enemy are inseparable. If they rush down rashly, it will only end the West Route Army in one go.

"But you can't just wait here, can you just die like this? If the emperor will be held accountable, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to the general."

"One word, wait!" Sabsu had a grim expression.

"What are you waiting for?" The crowd around will be puzzled.

Sabu had always had the intention of cultivating these cronies, and he did not intend to hide their own personalities. He slowly explained: "Depending on the situation, I am afraid that the East Route Army is over, and the defeat of the West Route Army is determined. We rushed forward and we are likely to be in line with the West Route Army. Killing, so you have to wait until the two of them decide the victory or defeat, then even if the Golden Snake Camp wins, it will be the end of the battle."

"Although our North Route Army does not have as many troops as the East and West Two Routes, it is all elite cavalry. Everyone is equipped with three-eyed cockroaches. When the time comes, we will be able to rush down, and we will be able to defeat these chaotic officials and thieves in one fell swoop."

All the participating generals suddenly looked at the main general with admiration: "The general really did a trick!"

However, there are still some people who are worried: "The West Road Army Commander Fei Yanggu is a close friend of Yue Le, the head of the three armed forces. If we really don’t save us, let the West Road Army be slaughtered, and Yue Le will definitely play in the future. Participating in the General Book, even if we eliminate the Golden Snake Camp at that time, I am afraid that not only will it not be credited, but it will lead to disaster."

Sabsu’s face was gloomy, and he obviously had thought of this possibility a long time ago: "Waiting at this moment is the best choice. We rushed down, but we would provoke the Golden Snake Camp to fight to the death. Standing here, we can always give the Golden Snake Camp a great deal. If I expected it to be right, the Golden Snake Camp might retreat first. When that happens, we will go all the way to the north. Not only can we save the West Route Army, but we can also eliminate the main force of the Golden Snake Camp without any effort."

When the North Route Army appeared, Song Qingshu had already carried his light work to the battlefield. As expected by Sabsu, more and more soldiers of the Golden Snake Camp noticed the mountains and the gaze of the Man Qing cavalry, and their expressions became hesitant. If it hadn't been for a big victory just before, the morale was strong, according to the previous Golden Snake Camp. Uncertain urinary **** has collapsed and escaped.

"Master, or let's retreat first." Cheng Qingzhu, Situ Burei, Shui Jian and others approached Song Qingshu and persuaded them one after another.

Although Chen Jinnan, Mu Jiansheng and others did not speak, they obviously agreed to retreat.

"Retreat?" Taking a look at Xiao Feng who was still fighting, Yang Miaozhen and others, Song Qingshu said coldly, "At this moment, the Tartar cavalry dare not rush down because we are strangling with the West Route Army. When we retreat, don’t we immediately become a living target for the Tartar cavalry? How can our two-legged beasts run past four-legged beasts? Will the entire army be wiped out by then!"

"But if we don't retreat at this time, we will still be the live targets of the Tartar Cavalry when the battlefield will be determined." Mu Jiansheng's words expressed the voice of most people.

Song Qingshu categorically rejected the proposal to retreat, categorically cutting the railway line: "Fleeing at this time, ten dead and no life, wait a while and fight the Tartar cavalry to the death, there is still a ray of life."

Situ Burei hesitated for a while, still gritted his teeth and said: "Master, you have never seen these northern cavalry as powerful, each of them is equipped with a three-eyed blunderbuss, when they charge, they are launched together, which is better than the horses of Mongolian cavalry. A bit more overbearing. We have already suffered heavy losses before we even touched each other. Not to mention that they are occupying a lot of ground at the moment, and we absolutely cannot resist the power of rushing down from the hillside."

Situ Burei used to work for the Guanning cavalry in the world of Megatron. Naturally, he knew that the Man Qing cavalry was already sturdy and had absorbed the strengths of the Ming Dynasty's firearms. It was even more powerful, and in a few words, he clearly understood the opponent's advantage.

Song Qingshu didn't know this, but he knew better that once he ordered a retreat at this moment, it would be defeated like a mountain and waiting for the Golden Snake Camp. Apart from the annihilation of the entire army, there was no other ending.

But without retreating, these northern cavalry rely on their firearms and geographical advantages, waiting for the Golden Snake Camp to be annihilated. The only difference is that they can stay behind to fight hard, but what's the point?

The leaders of Jinsheying gathered around Song Qingshu, anxiously waiting for his decision. In fact, if it hadn't been for the prestige built by Song Qingshu's 30,000 army that had been incredibly easy to destroy Tuhai before, they might have retreated with their own people.

Song Qingshu was also struggling in her heart. He looked up and looked at the entire battlefield. Although the people in the Golden Snake Camp were still fighting to death, they were obviously hesitant in their actions. He knew that if he didn't make a decision, the morale of the Golden Snake Camp might collapse.

"Song son, you have done your best this time, but now the situation is beyond the manpower's ability to retreat. It is better to retreat as soon as possible. As the saying goes, keep the green hills, not afraid that there will be no firewood." At this moment, the Kung Fu girls also came down from the mountain, see you Song Qingshu looked depressed, and Huang Rong couldn't help but comforted.

"Song... Master, the Tarzi North Route Army suddenly appeared. I have found out the reason. Meng Bofei didn't delay and obstruct the North Route Army as agreed and planned, but deliberately led them here." Xia Qingqing said. It is more for others to listen to, let them understand that the upcoming failure is not Song Qingshu's problem, but because of Meng Bofei and others.

Song Qingshu glanced at Xia Qingqing gratefully, knowing that she was doing this to help himself, but he knew in his heart that failure means failure. History will only remember the ultimate victor, even if he flooded the East Route Army and led the West Route Army. No matter how exciting it is, it is useless.

Guan Yu flooded the Seventh Army in the past to shock China and lost Maicheng. Later generations suddenly doubted his commanding ability. Zhuge Liang's brilliant calculations all his life, and the Northern Expedition was in vain.欤" Evaluation...

A thought suddenly flashed in Song Qingshu's mind, and he quickly observed the terrain of the entire valley, and a bold plan soon formed in his mind.

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