Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 521: Dead (Part 2)

"Don't worry, everyone, I have my own way to deal with Sabsu's cavalry. ¢£¢£¢£¢£," Song Qingshu threw a word, and regardless of everyone’s reaction, his figure flew onto a tower in a flash. Lifting the internal force to spread the voice to the entire valley with the method of lion roar:

"My brothers listened to me. Now the situation is death, and the escape is also death. Why not fight to the end? Even if the monarchs fight to the death, the Tatar cavalry will be dealt with by someone in Song. No matter whether it succeeds or not, Song will After staying for the brothers, I will never leave before any brother!"

Song Qingshu was worried that everyone in the Golden Snake Camp would not be able to stand the pressure. Once someone started to flee, the situation would be irreversible, so he promised to stay behind.

In this world, most of the coaches let the soldiers do their best while quietly slipping away. The soldiers naturally did not have the determination to fight to the death. Such as Song Qingshu, who committed the danger and personally broke off for ordinary soldiers is unique.

Although no one in the Golden Snake Camp would think that he could stop eight thousand cavalry with his own power, Song Qingshu's prestige has risen unprecedentedly these days. Listening to him like this, he would be willing to accompany him on a gamble.

Song Qingshu's internal strength is so powerful, even though the killing sound in the valley is loud, but his voice still reaches everyone's ears, even the Sabsu and others on the mountain can hear it clearly, and there is a burst of laughter.

"I just don't know how high the sky is!" Sabsu couldn't laugh or cry. He had heard of Song Qingshu's name and knew that he was known as the number one master of the Qing Dynasty, but in front of his eight thousand cavalry charge, even the number one master in the world could only be trampled into flesh. The portion of the mud.

The few women on the other side didn't have the skill to control Song Qingshu's ability to stop the eight thousand cavalry, but they all changed their expressions from the words he just promised to stay and break.

They knew very well in their hearts that with Song Qingshu's martial arts and light skills, this battlefield came and went freely, and it was not difficult to save their lives, but after he promised to stay and break, the situation was completely different, and only death was waiting for him.

If he doesn't keep his promise and escapes halfway, his life will be saved, but his reputation will be ruined. Then there will be no place for him in the world, it can be said that life is worse than death.

"Song Lang (Young Master), are you crazy?"

As soon as Song Qingshu came down from the high platform, the surrounding women gathered around and asked anxiously.

Although Chen Jinnan and others nearby were speechless, the expressions on their faces obviously agreed with their judgment.

"Trust me, I'm a man who is good at creating miracles." Song Qingshu smiled at the girls, and came to Chen Jinnan and Mu Jiansheng:

"Master Chen, Master Mu, please lead your troops to set all the tents in the valley, as well as all the grain, grass and goslings left by the Eastern Route Army, on fire. The more the fire burns, the better, and the speed should be faster."

Chen Jinnan and Mu Jiansheng looked at each other. Although they didn't know what medicine he sold in the gourd, the calm expression of the other party made the two of them subconsciously choose to believe: "Okay, Chen (Mu) must live up to his trust."

Seeing the two leading people away, Song Qingshu came to Situ Bolei, Shui Jian, and Cheng Qingzhu again: "Please two lead people to reinforce King Xiao and Si Niangzi, and eliminate the remaining West Route Army as soon as possible."

The honor and disgrace of Situ Burei had long been tied to Song Qingshu. Seeing that he had made a decision, he naturally obeyed it subconsciously.

Although Shuijian and Cheng Qingzhu have a deep relationship with Song Qingshu, they are not as close as Situ Burei. After hesitating for a long time, they finally stopped: "Okay, we believe in the master."

Seeing a few people leave, Song Qingshu came to Xia Qingqing again: "Youyou, you lead your team and stand by at the foot of the mountain."

Xia Qingqing's face was pale, she knew that when the cavalry on the mountain rushed down, her men and horses would be the first to bear the brunt. However, after listening to Song Qingshu's words before and after the break, she clearly had her ambitions, and she sighed quietly in her heart: "Anyway, he I won’t live alone if I die. What’s the difference between dying sooner or later."

Then, without a word, he greeted the troops and rushed to the foot of the mountain.

Song Qingshu took a deep look at her back and knew her worries, but there was nothing more. He turned to look at Zhou Zhiruo who was aside: "Zhiruo, you Emei Sect has been preaching for thousands of years. You can't be broken here because of me. You lead the door first. Evacuate out of the valley."

Zhou Zhiruo flushed and said annoyed: "Why are you willing to let Qingqing accompany you, but let me leave?"

Song Qingshu was taken aback for a moment, what time is this, and the effort to eat this unprovoked vinegar, he quickly explained: "Isn't this worrying that you will become a sinner of the Emei pie?"

Zhou Zhiruo's expression slowed down, took off the iron ring of the head of the finger, turned and handed it to Master Jingxuan: "Senior Sister Jingxuan, if I encounter misfortune this time, Senior Sister will be the new head of the Emei School."

"Sister-in-chief, never do it." Jingxuan has always been kind, and when she saw Zhou Zhiruo's idea of ​​guilty, she hurriedly persuaded.

Zhou Zhiruo shook her head and said calmly: "My intention is over, the senior sister doesn't need to do it again. This time, because of the selfishness of the junior sisters, the junior sisters are in danger. It is totally wrong. How can we make mistakes again and again, let Emei Dispatch is here. I also ask Senior Sister to focus on Emei and take all the disciples to leave quickly."

Jingxuan also understands this truth. He glanced at the horrified Emei disciples behind him, gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I will take them away first, and the head teacher and sister take care."

When Emei's disciple slowly withdrew, Zhou Zhiruo turned around and looked at Song Qingshu, with a mischievous smile on his face: "Now you have nothing to say."

Song Qingshu only smiled bitterly, and when he looked at Ah Jiu, Ah Jiu preemptively said: "All my life's desires are tied to Song Lang. If Song Lang encounters misfortune, how can I live alone?"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly, stretched out his hands to hold the two female hands, everything is silent.

Seeing that the three were close, Yelu Nanxian and Huang Rong were embarrassed. Noting that Song Qingshu looked at the two, Yelu Nanxian hurriedly said, "I won't leave either."

As soon as the words were spoken, I felt a little ambiguity, Yelu Nanxian hurriedly explained: "Don't think about it, I am not for you, but King Xiao and Brother Wang are here, naturally I will not escape alone."

Ah Jiu couldn't help but smile: "We don't have any random thoughts, it's obviously your own guilty conscience."

Yelu Nanxian was embarrassed and bit his lip: "I'm going to find Brother Wang and the others first." After that, he turned on his horse and fled away.

Unlike the other women, Yelu Nanxian is half of her skills on horseback. Now that the West Route Army is defeated, everyone is not worried that she will be in danger.

Huang Rong thoughtfully, this Song Qingshu will provoke women, and even the widow of the former Golden Snake King is in his room. This Liao Kingdom princess also seems to have a good impression of him...

"Mrs. Guo, how about you?"

Song Qingshu's voice interrupted Huang Rong's thoughts, and Huang Rong raised her head and smiled: "I want to stay and see how the son is going to turn the tide."

Seeing her smiling like a flower, Song Qingshu's heart moved and couldn't help but laughed: "If his wife accompanies Song Mou to die here, Guo Daxia will feel distressed."

Huang Rong couldn't help but sipped, and turned her head away, just as if she hadn't heard his asshole.

Song Qingshu's expression also changed, and it turned out that the hands of the two women around him unanimously pinched the soft flesh on his waist.

At this time the battle in the valley was almost settled, and the West Route Army was almost wiped out. Most of them were actually killed by cannibalism. Only half of them were killed by the hands of the Golden Snake Camp. However, everyone in the Golden Snake Camp has also been killed. Exhausted, less than 30% of the strength left.

Seeing that the time had come, Sabsu showed a confident smile on his face: "The order goes on, the whole army is ready to charge!"

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