Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 542: Husband at the door


Song Qingshu seemed to open his eyes at this moment, and saw the bride beside the bed. He couldn't help but exclaimed: "Rouer, come and accompany you to drink a cup of wine for your husband."

Jiao Wan'er was so scared that he quickly retracted the dagger into his sleeve. Seeing that he had not noticed any abnormality, he turned his eyes and started to think, picking up the flask on the table and pouring it into Song Qingshu’s mouth, bitterly: "Drink Okay, let you drink enough!"

"Cough, cough, cough, enough." Song Qingshu coughed and stretched out his hand to push the flask away. The two people were far apart in their skills. Even if Song Qingshu was drunk, Jiao Wan'er's hand was easily pushed away.

"I remember that I didn't drink it like this for a cup of wine?" Song Qingshu suddenly sat up with a confused look.

The momentum that Song Qingshu showed at that moment reminded Jiao Wan'er of the fear of being dominated by him that night and the kind of weak powerlessness. She was worried that it would stimulate the other party to wake up. Who knew that he was still such a foolish look.

It's best to make you drunk a little bit more, Jiao Wan'er's mouth shows a sly smile: "Our Golden Snake Camp is different from other places. We drink with a hip flask."

"Really?" Song Qingshu was dumbfounded, apparently confused by this rule, "Bring the jug over, let's continue drinking."

Jiao Wan'er was secretly proud: "Drink, drink, you won't die!" hurriedly carried the flask and sent it over.

Who knows that Song Qingshu drank a sip and then quit: "I've said it's handing over a glass of wine, so how can I drink it alone. Rou'er, come on, let's drink together."

Song Qingshu stretched out his hand, and Jiao Wan'er felt a strong force coming out of thin air, and fell into his arms involuntarily.

Jiao Wan'er opened her mouth and was about to talk, the spout of the hip flask reached into her mouth, and a choking spirit poured into her throat.

"You take a sip, I have to take a drink like this." Song Qingshu nodded in satisfaction, then let go of his hands.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Jiao Wan'er struggled to sit up. Although she was the leader of the gang, she was always incapable of drinking. She had drunk at least half a pot just now.

There was a blush on both cheeks, Jiao Wan'er felt a little dizzy on her head, and knew that she might be a little drunk too, she couldn't help but stared at Song Qingshu suspiciously, not knowing whether this **** was really drunk or fake!

As soon as his eyes rolled, Jiao Wan'er thought about it, and deliberately said softly: "Song...Big Brother Song, I just heard you did something I'm sorry for Luo... Madam Luo, is it serious?"

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Jiao Wan'er got goose bumps all over his body to call that demon, but now that he was Zeng Rou at the beginning, it would be a pity that he left like this, and just took the opportunity to inquire about some information.

"Hey, why does Rou'er your voice seem to have changed?" Song Qingshu raised his head and glanced at her, and asked with some doubts.

Jiao Wan'er was startled, and hurriedly said coquettishly: "Big Brother, you are drunk, why has people's voice changed?"

That sweet tone made Jiao Wan'er herself unable to believe that she was sending it out, and she suddenly felt cold.

"It seems that I'm really drunk, and I even heard your voice wrong," Song Qingshu held his forehead and patted it lightly, "But Rouer, you are also really, and you still call my eldest brother now."

Jiao Wan'er reacted all of a sudden, her cheeks turned red in an instant, but in order to confuse him, she had to continue to pretend: "Shang...

Although the voice seemed as slight as a mosquito, Jiao Wan'er was still ashamed. She was really shameless, and she would call other men to be fair...

"But I was just to lie to him, anyway he didn't know it was me who called..." Jiao Wan'er couldn't help comforting herself in this way.

However, Jiao Wan'er didn't even realize that when the voice came out, the gaze she looked at Song Qingshu was no longer just hatred, but also a hint of inexplicable ambiguity.

"Really good!" Song Qingshu nodded in satisfaction, and leaned over to kiss her.

Jiao Wan'er had been prepared for a long time, pressed against his body, and asked: "Xiang...gong...you haven't answered the concubine's question yet."

"What's the problem?"

Seeing Song Qingshu’s dazed expression, Jiao Wan'er was so angry that she almost pulled out her dagger and stabbed it all at once. She had to take a deep breath and repeat: "You just mentioned that you did the thing I'm sorry for Mrs. Luo, is it serious... …"

Jiao Wan'er naturally understood how serious the matter was. She asked like this only to slowly lower the other party's defensive mentality, worrying that he would not be willing to tell the truth to Zeng Rou.

"Oh, I remember," Song Qingshu's expression changed, and after a long silence, he sighed, "Of course it's serious. I'm afraid Mrs. Luo will never forgive me for the rest of her life."

As long as you know!

Jiao Wan'er bit her lip tightly, and the blood gradually oozes out: "I don't know...what exactly did Xiang Gong do to Sister Wan'er?"

Song Qingshu opened his mouth, hesitated for a while but didn't say a word, and finally all turned into a sigh: "It's about Mrs. Luo's reputation, I can't say it."

Jiao Wan'er unexpectedly loosened

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page) With a sigh of relief, he didn't even talk about his wife, and Xia Qingqing's behavior before contacting again did not look like he knew it. It seems that he still knows the severity.

Fortunately in the misfortune, at least the two of them knew about it.

Jiao Wan'er paused, and asked a question of most concern: "Then... will Xiang Gong do anything like that to Sister Wan'er in the future?"

"This..." Song Qingshu fell into contemplation immediately, which immediately affected Jiao Wan'er's heartstrings, "I don't know."

"What!" Jiao Wan'er was suddenly furious, thinking that he was really repenting, if he didn't pester himself in the future, Jiao Wan'er even planned to let this matter pass, how could he know that he heard such an answer.

"I also know that this is wrong, but Madam Luo's unique graceful and elegant temperament has always fascinated me deeply. I am afraid I will go to him again if I can't help it..."

Listening to Song Qingshu complimenting herself face to face, Jiao Wan'er suddenly felt a strange feeling. For a while, she forgot to be angry, and the two people stood there silently.

"Forget it, tonight is our great day, so I won't mention other women. A moment is worth a thousand dollars, Rouer, let's sleep." Song Qingshu suddenly broke the tranquility.

"Ah?" Jiao Wan'er was dumbfounded. She had poured him so much wine just now. She thought he would fall asleep with alcohol before long. Who knows that he didn't mean to fall asleep, so how could he get out? .

Just as Jiao Wan'er hesitated, Song Qingshu stretched out her hand and pulled her into her arms. He rolled her over and pressed her onto the bed. His mouth full of alcohol sprayed her face: "Rou'er, don't be afraid, I will cherish her. your."

"No!" Jiao Wan'er's apricot eyes widened, before he could react, Song Qingshu's soft lips were blocked, and only a voice was left.

Hearing the woman's scream, Luo Liru, who had been hiding outside listening to the corner of the wall, finally let out a sigh of relief. Just now, the two people in the room had too little voice to hear. Although Luo Liru felt that the woman’s voice was a bit familiar, he didn’t think much about it. He smiled and said to the people around him: “It’s true that the master is too long to enter the subject. Or let’s bet on how long the master can last. ?"


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(End of this chapter)


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