Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 543: The laughter outside the wall, the embarrassment inside the wall

"That's okay, the great master's supernatural power is amazing. It will be .00kxs until dawn." Luo Liru successfully aroused everyone's interest. A group of people hid in the corner trivially, listening to the voice inside while discussing.

"I don't think it is necessarily. Although the master is superb, his bones are a little too thin, and he may not be invincible in bed."

"Cut, you think everyone should be like you. Kongchang is full of meat. The leader is mistaken for thin body because he is too handsome. You have never seen his strong chest and clothes. Take it off, your body is full of tendons."

"Hey, have you seen the master take off his clothes?"

"Of course, you still remember the time when the master called the wind and the rain, because I was soaked in rain and stained with Tarzi's dog blood. Afterwards, I gave the master a change of clothes. Fortunately, I had a look. The man among men."

"Hey, it seems that Zeng's sister is going to suffer tonight."


A group of people look at me and I look at you, laughing very wretchedly. During this period of time, Song Qingshu became acquainted with them, and they often made these jokes on weekdays, so naturally they would not worry that Song Qingshu was really annoyed.

Suddenly there was a loud cry in the room, Luo Liru winked at the person next to him, and said excitedly: "Go in, go in~"

"Lao Luo, I'm so true to you, we bachelors are here to listen to the corner, but you have a sweet wife in your house. At this time, if you don't hold her to roll the sheets, you will come here to blow the cold wind. Isn't it possible?"

Hearing his companion joking, Luo Liru's face blushed: "Go and go, I'm not famous for failing with a golden gun."

"Just blow it." A group of people roared with laughter, obviously unbelieving, "Looking at the delicate and weak appearance of my sister-in-law, if you want to be a real golden gun, she can't stand it."

"Lao Luo, you put your sweet wife on the empty bed alone, are you afraid that she will give you a red apricot to go out of the wall?" A group of people play well on weekdays, and this kind of joke is not excessive.

Luo Liru's old face blushed: "Rolling, my family's Wan'er is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, coupled with the detached identity, who in the entire Golden Snake Camp can get into her eyes."

"Originally it didn't exist, but now that the master is here, he is so romantic and suave, and at the same time martial arts outstanding, he has always been in the eyes of my sister-in-law."

Luo Liru indifferently smiled a few times: "The great master let you enter the eyes of Wan'er, but Wan'er may not be able to enter the eyes of the great master."

The person next to him said in the same sympathy: "Yes, even though my sister-in-law is already a well-known beauty in Jinsheying, she is still inferior to Princess Changping and the head of Emei."

Another person slapped Luo Liru's shoulder even more with a slap: "According to me, if the big boss really looks at his sister-in-law, Lao Luo, you can steal it, and you can be a brother-in-law with the big boss. This was cultivated in eight lifetimes. Fortunately, when the time comes, the boss will look at his sister-in-law's face, and you will see a bright future in the future."

"Hey, you are envious and jealous. Who told your mother-in-law to look shabby? Don't be a master. You don't want to give it to me."

Hearing the people around him teasing his sweet wife, Luo Liru was not only not angry at all, but also very proud. After all, Jiao Wan'er is a well-known beauty, so he should be jealous.

Several men laughed for a while, and slowly lowered their voices. They were all focused on listening to the bursts of tenderness coming out of the room. A group of men were already full of blood, and they soon became blushing.

"I really can't see it. Ms. Zeng looks gentle and tender, but she screams so sultry." A person swallowed his saliva, and his eyes flashed green.

"This sound is so **** good. If Sister Yao at the foot of the mountain would call that way, it would be worth twice the price."

Luo Liru also listened to the surge of energy and blood, and suddenly couldn't help but yelled: "The master is working hard, everyone is listening!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he spoke, the woman's voice in the room stopped abruptly, and a group of people couldn't help complaining again and again: "Lao Luo, why are you howling, now it's okay, I don't have to listen."

"That's it, Miss Zeng is such a thin-skinned person, how dare she say anything again."

Luo Liru also regretted it, but he was scolded by his companions. He was a little bit uncomfortable, and said stiffly: "The master is a man among men. At this juncture, how can Ms. Zeng do not want to make a noise? Don't hesitate. Look, it won't be long before the bride can't help it."

As if to verify, as expected, as soon as his voice fell, the tactful sound of joy in the room rang again, and this time it seemed more indulgent and bolder than before.

"Brother Luo, since you're all like this, then I'm not welcome." Song Qingshu's slightly sullen voice came from the room.

Seeing that Song Qingshu didn't blame them, Luo Liru couldn't help but confuse his thoughts, repeating his head: "You're welcome, you're welcome, you can enjoy it if you are the boss." But in his heart, he was surprised. What did the boss use to be polite when he played with his own wife?

Luo Liru spoke, and the woman's voice in the room paused again, but this time it went on again soon. Not long after, a group of men outside the window heard it as if a cat scratched in their hearts.

"It won't work, it won't work, I have to find a woman to relieve her fire." A man with a weird face was obviously choking, and he hurriedly left a sentence and left.

"The big boss is really a man among men, and I'm leaving now." The other man had a look of admiration, bent over, clutching his crotch and left.

This group of people left one after another in this way, and finally Luo Liru was left alone. He kept hearing Yun Xiaoyuji, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he ran home with red eyes, thinking that Wan'er should sleep at this time. I'm done, but now I can't manage that much...

In the new house, Jiao Wan'er looked at the sleeping man next to her with a complicated expression. If she was forced that night, she would have been confused tonight and just obeyed.

That unprecedented sense of beauty made her tremble from body to soul. She felt very sorry for her husband, and a sense of moral guilt spontaneously arisen.

However, when he thought of Luo Liru calling out the window just now, Jiao Wan'er was so angry that he didn't know how embarrassed he was when he heard his voice just now, and he kept cheering Song Qingshu!

Jiao Wan'er tears down, glanced at the sleeping Song Qingshu, hesitated for a moment, and hugged Zeng Rou who was on the side and pushed it down in his arms.

"I hope he thought it was Zeng Rou afterwards." Jiao Wan'er's cheeks flushed, and she couldn't help stroking her face with the back of her hand. If Song Qingshu recalled her poignantly greedy shyness, she would have no face to meet people——

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