Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 563: Bold

Li Mochou was in a very complicated mood at this time. At first, she did not have the confidence. Firstly, she was too polite to use this set of swordsmanship. Secondly, she was dependent on her heart. Many of the subtleties of the swordsmanship were really difficult to use.

However, with Song Qingshu on the sidelines and supplements, coupled with the obvious effect of the Jade Girl Suxin Sword, Li Mochou's confidence suddenly increased, and his cooperation with the other party gradually became better.

But as the two cooperated more and more tacitly, Li Mochou slowly realized a kind of inexplicable emotion, as if she was shy and shy, and as if he was separated, as if the pulse was affectionate, but he was suffering from gains and losses...

This emotion evokes Li Mochou's memories of many years of dust. When he came out of the tomb at the beginning of the year and met that person, it was this feeling from the beginning...

It turned out that Lin Chaoying, the founder of the ancient tomb school, was frustrated in love and died in the ancient tomb. She is all-rounder in civil and military, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, omnipotent, but still full of illusions about love like ordinary women.

She dreamed more than once that one day she would be able to fight side by side with the lover Wang Chongyang, but it was a pity that the two were destined to have no relationship, so she had to put her emotions and thoughts in this set of swordsmanship of combining two swords.

Wang Chongyang used the Quanzhen Sword Technique, and she correspondingly modified the Jade Girl Sword Technique to match the opponent, and the combination of the two swords produced a new sword technique-the Jade Girl Suxin Sword.

It's a pity that Lin Chaoying never had the opportunity to use this set of swordsmanship in this life, but instead benefited the descendants of the Tomb Sect.

Zhang San and Li Si suddenly jumped out of the battle circle, and conceded defeat: "Today we were able to see the tomb sect's jerkiness. Our brothers admire it very tightly. We don't have to continue the comparison. We lost this time."

The two of them did not know the origin of this set of swordsmanship. Seeing that each other's strange tricks overlapped, they only killed them with great strength and yet they hadn't resorted to them. If they continue to fight, maybe their lives will be accounted for here. They quickly made a decisive decision to take advantage of the defeat. When it is not obvious, give up, the people of the Central Plains have the most reputation, and they are always embarrassed to continue.

"You are also acting on orders, eh..." Song Qingshu pondered for a moment, "You two, let's do it yourself." Of course, Song Qingshu is not afraid of Xia Ke Island, but there is no hatred in both directions. He can't kill the two envoys and offend such a hiding in the dark. Mysterious forces, not to mention he is very curious about the intelligence network of Xia Ke Island, leaving the life of the second envoy is always useful in the future.

Zhang Sanlisi glanced at each other, with rejoicing in his eyes, arched his fists and said, "Thank you, in the future, our brothers will retreat from the tomb sect person in the future."

"It doesn't need to be true. I will take the order of rewarding good and punishing evil from the Tomb Sect. I will visit the two island owners of Longmu in the South China Sea in the future." Song Qingshu secretly thought, "Little Dragon Girl, Little Dragon Girl," Brother-in-law helped you out again. Who made you my sister-in-law?

"If your Excellency comes, Xia Ke Island will definitely welcome you by sweeping the couch." Unlike the previous arrogance that left tokens of reward and punishment for evil, this time Zhang San and Li Si held the token in both hands respectfully and handed it to Song Qing's writing. The rest are envious and jealous.

Song Qingshu nodded slightly and took the token by hand, but never thought that Zhang San and Li Si were already full of stormy seas at this time. They thought that Song Qingshu meant to go to the Xia Ke Island to kick the pavilion. , But this one in front of you is also extremely mysterious... it is better to notify the two island owners as soon as possible.

Because of his unintentional remark, the Second Envoy of Rewarding and Punishing the Evil temporarily changed his schedule and immediately returned to Xia Ke Island to report the news, which Song Qingshu never expected.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) After the two envoys left, Song Qingshu turned around and looked at Li Mochou: "Without the cooperation of the fairy, I would not have won so easily."

Thinking of the nearly ordinary swordsmanship just now, Li Mochou felt embarrassed, and he hurriedly thought about other things: "I wonder what your relationship is with our Tomb Sect. Why do you know so many things about the Tomb Sect?" After all, she doesn't even know her. Knowing the existence of Jade Girl Suxin's swordsmanship, why does the man in front of him know?

Song Qingshu smiled silently and did not explain. Instead, he said, "Fairy, these things are a long story, and I will explain them to you slowly in the future. Now let me return the sword to the Huashan Swordswoman."

Li Mochou quickly handed the sword to him. Who knew that the other party gently touched the back of her hand when he took the sword, and his heart jumped: I don’t know if he was accidental or intentional... even Li Mochou didn’t realize it. If you change to another man, don't say touching her skin is just looking at her a few more times, she will draw her sword at each other, how can she think about whether the other party is intentional or unintentional.

Song Qingshu gave a secret compliment. The eyes of the disciples of the ancient tomb sect were really 10,000 praises. Each of the disciples in the sect could be worthy of the four characters of ice muscle and jade bone. Although this Li Mochou is a fierce fame, his appearance is definitely not in Xiaolongnu Next, there is even a little more delicate...

In fact, with Song Qingshu's martial arts and status today, it is only a matter of a sentence to want a woman, but Song Qingshu enjoys the process of chasing and conquering more.

Li Mochou, a woman who has been hurt by love, has long since closed her heart, and naturally it is impossible to give him an embrace. So Song Qingshu could only work harder and took the initiative to tease.

Seeing Li Mochou didn't turn his face on the spot, Song Qingshu couldn't help but smile. While thinking, Song Qingshu came to the table of the Huashan faction group: "Thank you Madam for the sword, we can defeat the two messengers of reward, good and punishment, and now we return to Zhao."

It's a pity that Song Qingshu kept thinking about the matter of teasing Li Mochou just now. When Ning Zhongze took the sword, he unexpectedly quietly grasped the opponent's white jade palm.

His martial arts is extremely high and he is covered by his sleeves. No one can see the flaw in this shot, but he can hide it from others, but he can't hide it from the person involved. Ning Zhongze never expected that he would be so bold and thin, his cheeks flushed, and he was about to get angry, but suddenly he came to his senses: The man in front of him is so powerful in martial arts, like a **** or devil. Every day, I am exhausted, how can I bring him such a great enemy out of thin air?

"The father... the son's martial arts is unfathomable. Even if he doesn't have a concubine's sword, he can easily beat the two of them." Ning Zhong tried to withdraw his hand several times, but was held tightly by the opponent, but he couldn't move half a point. ?

Song Qingshu originally regretted too abruptly, but he didn't expect that Ning Zhong didn't turn his face on the spot, but just struggled secretly. This aroused the evil taste in his heart. Not only did he not let go, but instead he intensified his finger on her hand. The skin rubbed.

Ning Zhongze didn't expect the other party to be so stubborn. When she was about to get angry, a strange feeling suddenly surged in the depths of her body, which made her feel weak and hot at the same time.

Song Qingshu's current methods are so sophisticated. The gentle fingertips plus a faint radiance of joy are enough to make Ning Zhongze's body very sensitive for a long time. He noticed that water seems to be seeping out of Ning Zhongze's eyes. Song Qingshu timely Let go of her hand, a lot of things in this world only

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) It is only interesting if it is done in the dark. If it is discovered by others, it would be boring.

Ning Zhong finally got a chance to breathe, and the sudden ups and downs of his plump chest gradually calmed down. He was about to say something to Song Qingshu. Who knew that the other party had turned to leave, leaving only a hateful back.

"Junior Sister, what's the matter with you?" Yue Buqun couldn't help wondering when he noticed Ning Zhongze's abnormality.

"No...nothing." Ning Zhong replied subconsciously, his expression instantly complicated.

The conversation between the couple did not escape Song Qingshu's eyes and ears. Seeing that Ning Zhong chose to hide it from her husband, Song Qingshu's lips couldn't help but have a meaningful smile. This kind of game seemed quite interesting.

"Girl, thank you for your sword too." Song Qingshu returned to Mu Wanqing and looked at her crystal-clear wrist. He couldn't help but secretly compare. Li Mochou's hands are extremely smooth, and Ning Zhongze's hands are soft. Bone, I don't know how Mu Wanqing's hand feels.

"Girl, girl, don't I have a name?" Mu Wanqing pouted her little mouth and took the sword back, leaving Song Qingshu no chance to eat tofu.

"Uh~" Song Qingshu had to make a full set of play, and said with a wry smile, "Have you not asked the girl's name?"

"Are you really ignorant or fake?" Mu Wanqing stared at him scorchingly.

Song Qingshu's heart jumped, and he looked away unnaturally: "Of course it's false...Oh, it's a mistake of the word, of course I don't know it."

Mu Wanqing suddenly flew into a rage, and stabbed him with a sword: "I will kill you, a thief!"

Song Qingshu hurriedly dodged backwards, worthy of avoiding this unexpected sword, and couldn't help but let out a cold sweat: "I'll go, you won't kill people anymore."

Listening to this familiar and weird mantra, Mu Wanqing bit her lip: "You are the one who killed!" Another sword stabbed in the past, completely focused on attack, and played without defense.

Li Mochou's figure moved slightly, but in the end she didn't take any steps, because she could see that the martial arts of the two were very different, and Mu Wanqing was such an undefended and desperate tactic. The mysterious man in the mask only needs a single blow. Can subdue her, but the blame is that the mysterious masked man was chased and screamed, but he didn't attack Mu Wanqing from start to finish.

Li Mochou didn't understand the strangeness. When he thought of Mu Wanqing's negative thief, the relationship between the two is self-evident. She is an outsider, so why should she intervene in it?

"Sure enough, it's difficult for only villains and women to raise them. I'll take one step first." Song Qingshu clearly continued to stay here, and the master image that had been built up with difficulty had completely turned into a teaser, and he hurriedly flew out of the restaurant.

Mu Wanqing couldn't help but stomped his feet and chased him out with the wind and fierce sword. Li Mochou hesitated for a while, and finally decided to follow him. After all, this mysterious man has a lot to do with the ancient tomb sect, and he didn't understand him. Before who it was, she couldn't let go of other things in her mind.

Seeing Song Qingshu's departure, the Qinghai sent a few people who were apprehensive were relieved. After all, his appearance was very close to Mu Wanqing and Li Mochou. If they were to make their heads for the two women for the sake of the previous event, they would have to peel off if they were not dead. , Looked at each other, and chose to escape by coincidence.

"Sure enough, he is a frivolous and invisible swinger!" Seeing Song Qingshu's disappearing back, Ning Zhong couldn't help but blush and sipped.

(End of this chapter)


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