Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 564: The shameful sister-in-law

Seeing that he was far away from the inn, Song Qingshu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and shouted at Mu Wanqing as he dodged: "Girl, if you do this, I'm going to fight back."

Mu Wanqing bit her lip while stabbing with a sword: "If you want to fight back, you will pay it back. It just killed me with a single knife."

Song Qingshu took a step back, and could not help but dodge a sword at the tip of his nose. He couldn't help feeling depressed: "You screamed one by one, confessing to the wrong person."

"Yes, you are a thief!" Mu Wanqing got more and more excited as she said, even with a sharp sword skill.

"How can a girl scold a man at every turn?" Song Qingshu was also a little annoyed when she saw her arrogantly, and couldn't help but said angrily: "Well, I want to listen to you. Who is upset? Is it to you?"

Mu Wanqing suffocated her breath and snorted, "You know it in your heart."

"If I'm clear, why should I ask you?" Song Qingshu couldn't help being speechless.

"You..." Mu Wanqing wanted to say something, but suddenly her face flushed, and she swallowed the words that came to her lips, changed her words, "You are not a thief, what are you doing for my sister? "

"Your sister?" Song Qingshu was startled, "When did you have a sister?"

"You still pretend you don't know me. If you don't know me, how can you know if I have a sister?" Mu Wanqing glared at him harshly.

"You don't really know who I am, do you?" Song Qingshu got more and more wrong when he heard it. I thought that the rhetoric in the restaurant just now had been concealed from everyone, but you can see Mu Wanqing like this...

"Hmph, you are a frivolous, scumbag, and no one will forget it after seeing it once." Mu Wanqing seemed to think of something when she said this, and there was a hint of memory on her face unknowingly.

"Uh..." Song Qingshu didn't know what to say at this moment, so he had to take off the mask on his face and looked at each other with a sullen expression, "Wanqing, I didn't intend to hide you on purpose, it's just that I'm currently acting in Tibet. Can't fall into the eyes of those with a heart."

"Don't call me like that, am I familiar with you?" Mu Wanqing's cheeks floated with a faint blush.

"We share life and death together, are we still unfamiliar? I'm really sad when you say that." Song Qingshu sighed quietly.

Mu Wanqing was anxious. She was really afraid that the other party would misunderstand her thoughts and explained her intentions. But when she thought of what he was doing, she couldn't help but snorted: "We are indeed very familiar, and we will soon become a family. ."

Song Qingshu was overjoyed: "Wanqing, you really are a hero of the female middle school. You actually express your love so actively. As a man, I can't be passive all the time. Let me choose a good day and go to Dali to propose marriage to my mother-in-law."

Mu Wanqing was blushing with her bold remarks, and she was ashamed and angry for a while: "Who expresses love to you! Who is rare to make kisses? What I meant just now... means you are all My brother-in-law is here!" After speaking, as if touching something sad, he couldn't help crying.

Song Qingshu suddenly panicked, and hurried to her side and wiped the tears on her cheeks helplessly: "This...I really don't understand what you mean, why did I become your brother-in-law?"

"Zhong Ling is my sister, you did something like that to Zhong Ling again..." Mu Wanqing's face was reddish, and she subconsciously stepped back, biting her lip, what happened next when she noticed the heat from the other's fingertips. In fact, she was very afraid that Song Qingshu asked her why Zhong Ling was her sister. The scandals of the previous generation made Mu Wanqing extremely sensitive and embarrassed about the identity of the **** daughter, and she was worried that Song Qingshu would be despised by Song Qingshu.

Fortunately, Song Qingshu was very clear about Duan Zhengchun’s file. He didn’t react for a while. He was reminded by Mu Wanqing, and suddenly remembered, he couldn’t help but say haha ​​with some guilty conscience: "Your sisters are in a good relationship. Yeah, she didn't expect that she would tell you this kind of thing."

Mu Wanqing turned her head proudly, preventing him from seeing the tears in her eyes.

It turned out that Mu Wanqing soon regretted it after being taken away by Shui Sheng in Jinling City. However, with her proud and stubborn temperament, it was impossible to look back for him, and finally returned to Dali in frustration. He lived in seclusion in the valley with his master Qin Hongmian and lived a life of isolation.

Qin Hongmian only thought of her daughter because of Duan Yu. She didn't know how to comfort her daughter during this fate. In fact, half of the reason for this incident was due to her. Under the guilt in her heart, Qin Hongmian didn't realize it. The true thoughts of the daughter.

It wasn't until one day that Zhong Ling came to look for Mu Wanqing to play, and Mu Wanqing didn't know many things. For example, Zhong Ling has been studying art with Lan Fenghuang in the Five Poison Sect during this period. He took the time to come back to visit his mother and visit her sister by the way.

The two were close to each other, and they grew up together. Even if they were not related by blood, they were still close to sisters. Zhong Ling didn't have any scheming, and couldn't help but confide in his thoughts.

Listening to Zhong Ling's description of her favorite person as being in the sky, Mu Wanqing just smiled and didn't take it seriously. Instead, the look of the man on Mount Hua appeared in her mind.

As Zhong Ling said more and more in detail, Mu Wanqing's heart became more and more strange, because she had an illusion that the image of the person Zhong Ling described and the person in her heart overlapped more and more.

Out of curiosity, she who had always been dismissive of men finally took the initiative to ask Zhong Ling's name. When Zhong Ling uttered the three words Song Qingshu, Mu Wanqing seemed to have been struck by thunder.

Zhong Ling didn’t realize Mu Wanqing’s abnormality, because he had been in good relationship with her, and later became a sister by mistake, and the relationship became even closer. Some private conversations Zhong Ling was embarrassed to say to his mother, so he couldn’t bear it. Zhu and Mu Wanqing said it.

Hearing that the two had long been privately set for life, and that they were married, Mu Wanqing couldn’t wait to kill Song Qingshu with a single sword, but in front of Zhong Ling, she couldn’t show it, so she had to force her to laugh and listen to her talk about the relationship between the two. Some of the wind and snow.

After sending off Zhong Ling, Mu Wanqing was very irritable. It happened that Qin Hongmian asked her to assassinate the woman from the Gusu Wang family, and she agreed without thinking.

However, when she came to the Central Plains, Song Qingshu led the Golden Snake Camp to break the Qing army. All sorts of deeds were revealed. Everywhere Mu Wanqing went, she would hear news about Song Qingshu. For some reason, she changed her itinerary. , She Gusu chose Shandong, looking for Song Qingshu all the way, even she herself didn't know whether it was because of her sister Zhong Ling's emergence or to find an explanation for herself.

Seeing Mu Wanqing's silence, Song Qingshu was also a little embarrassed. After all, he did this thing really badly. It was obvious that he and Mu Wanqing had a relationship first, and the two of them had no clear relationship, so he took his sister first. Get into the bed, how does this make Mu Wanqing take care of herself?

"Wanqing, Ling'er and I had something to do with it. I was seriously injured at the time and she was only trying to save me..." Song Qingshu briefly explained the relationship between the two.

"I know this." Mu Wanqing was annoyed secretly. At the beginning, Zhong Ling showed her affection in front of her with a sweet face. Now you replay it again?

"Ling'er and I are just like you. How can I say it with sorrow?" Song Qingshu asked tentatively.

"Who is in love with you!" Mu Wanqing couldn't help but sipped, "If you are not disappointed, you won't leave Ling'er in the Five Poison Sect for so long indifferent. Ling'er is a silly girl and believes in you unconditionally. , I’m not as good as her. Since entering the Central Plains, your love affairs have been circulating in the streets and alleys, such as the nine princesses, the head of the Emei school, and the girl Zeng..."

Mu Wanqing said sourly, but found that Song Qingshu was actually looking at herself with a smile on her face, and couldn't help but angrily said: "You don't need to smile in front of me if you are proud of it."

"Wan Qing, you've been asking me to raise the teacher for a thousand miles, is it for Zhong Ling or for yourself?" Song Qingshu's mouth was filled with a wistful smile.

Mu Wanqing's face was blue and white: "I ran all the way to find you, are you so despised than me? What's so good about Zhong Ling's little girl, why can you treat her with all kinds of gentleness and goodness!"

"Do you want me to treat you like Zhong Ling? This is easy to handle." Song Qingshu smiled slightly, and suddenly appeared a few inches in front of Mu Wanqing.

The two were so close that Mu Wanqing could even feel each other’s breathing, and she hurriedly backed away, but her waist was hugged tightly by a big hand, and her body suddenly fell into the other’s arms with an unstable center of gravity. in.

Mu Wanqing hadn't reacted yet. Song Qingshu's moist and bright red lips had already been kissed by Song Qingshu. Her eyes widened suddenly, and she hurriedly pushed him away, shy and annoyed: "You...you are actually frivolous." I!"

Song Qingshu smiled slightly: "Don't you want me to treat you like Zhong Ling? That's how I treat her, but she is much better than you, and responds to me obediently every time."

"Shut up!" Mu Wanqing blushed at hearing, and said angrily as she wiped her lips, "I'm not her kind of stupid girl."

"Isn't that all right?" Song Qing spread his hands, "Each of you is a unique existence, and my attitude towards each of you is naturally unique. Do you really want me to treat you like other women?"

"Strong words!" Mu Wanqing stared at him bitterly, knowing in her heart that this was just rhetoric, but I don't know why, she was very useful in her heart, and her anger had disappeared without knowing it.

"Wanqing, if you still annoy me, just shoot me with your poisonous arrow." Song Qingshu said when he noticed the looseness between the opponent's eyebrows.

"Bah!" Mu Wanqing smirked, "With your martial arts, how can my poisonous arrow hurt you!"

Song Qingshu immediately closed his eyes: "Don't worry, in order to calm you down, I will never dodge, and I won't be able to resist. If I'm poisoned to death, I will be punished by God."

Seeing Song Qingshu's stubborn appearance, Mu Wan was so angry that he raised his arm and pointed the sleeve arrow at him: "Do you really think I will not shoot you?"

Li Mochou, who had been watching the show hiding behind a big tree in the distance, suddenly became very weird: "It really is Song Qingshu, huh, I don't even want a life to pick up girls, I really want to spend money."


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