Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 574: By mistake

The two practised the Jade Girl Heart Sutra together. They didn’t realize that time passed. When they received their gongs, they realized that it had been a day and a night. However, the entry was very gratifying. The Jade Girl’s Heart Sutra has a total of nine segments, and Li Mochou has already practiced the seventh segment. , There are only the last two paragraphs, but the last two paragraphs are also the two most dangerous. If you don't pay attention to the true energy, you will go into a diversion. This is why Song Qingshu wants to stop.

"Okay..." Li Mochou could feel that his voice was almost trembling, and knew that if he continued, he had to go crazy.

Song Qingshu nodded and helped Li Mochou return his true qi to his body for three weeks before removing the palm against her: "You can rest for a while. I instruct the shop Xiaoer to bring something to eat. After eating, we continue. "

After all, the Jade Girl’s Heart Sutra is the highest martial arts school of the ancient tomb sect. It took several months to practice with Yang Guo’s Xiaolongnv’s qualifications before reaching the sixth or seventh dan. Li Mochou reached this level day and night, and most of the credit should be attributed to Song Qingshu. Of course, Song Qingshu's loss was not small, so as soon as he came back, after ordering wine and food at the door, he sat on the side and meditated to regain his anger.

Li Mochou was still naked. Seeing Song Qingshu sitting aside without any intention of avoiding it, he couldn't help being furious. He was about to ask him to go out, but he noticed the tired look on his face when he was meditating. For some reason, his heart felt soft. , I didn’t say the words to drive people.

"Anyway, the moment I get better, I will take your life. It doesn't matter if you look at it again." Li Mochou comforted himself while pulling the quilt around him.

It's not that she doesn't want to wear clothes, but that she will continue to practice later. Wouldn't it be even more embarrassing if she had to take it off again in front of a man.

Li Mochou couldn't help but think back to the situation in the exercise just now, and Li Mochou couldn't help showing a trace of doubt on his face. Why was his reaction so unbearable at that time? Is he really that kind of woman with low nature?

When she noticed the slippery part between her legs, Li Mochou's expression became even more embarrassing. At this moment, she was angry and ashamed, and also a little scared. For a while, she was really mixed.

"Don't think about it, hurry up and adjust your breath."

Song Qingshu's voice came at the right time. Li Mochou was taken aback. He looked up and found that the other party hadn't looked back at all. He could not help but sighed in secret: "Huh, he is obviously a shameless and shameless person, but at this time he just pretended to be a gentleman!"

Li Mochou's nature has always been extreme. Knowing that Song Qingshu knew more or less the secrets of his body, he suddenly had a killing intent in his heart...

Suddenly, Li Mochou's face flushed suddenly, and he glanced at Song Qingshu coyly. He wanted to speak but didn't know what to say, so he had to resist, his face flushed.

Just when Li Mochou was about to collapse, Song Qingshu suddenly stood up and walked outside, and said to himself as he walked, "Why haven't seen the restaurant deliver the food and wine for so long, I'll urge you."

Hearing Song Qingshu's closing and leaving the door, Li Mochou let out a long sigh of relief and secretly said, "It's no wonder that this stinky boy is surrounded by so many women. He is really considerate and careful."

The reason why Li Mochou was so grateful to him was originally because she practiced for a day and a night without any convenience, but now she can't hold it anymore...

The pattering sound of water came from behind the screen, Li Mochou's face was uncertain, and he secretly squeezed his fist: This time, in front of the surname Song, every face is lost. If I can't kill him by then, I won't have to live. Up!

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page.) At this time, dozens of miles away from Xueyue Town, an exquisite and expensive carriage was galloping on the post road. The light flashed, and the little white hands were squeezed tightly, and the blue blood vessels above were faintly visible: "A lone man and a widow, hiding in the room for a day and a night, and never took a half step during this period... Zhou Zhiruo, Zhou Zhiruo, I really want to see you know this. What's the expression on the message."

"Speed ​​up, you must be there before dark." An order from Young Master Jin Yi came from the carriage. The driver's eyes narrowed when he heard the words, and he raised his hand to pull out a beautiful whip, which made the horse's speed abruptly increased by 30%.

After Song Qingshu and Li Mochou used wine and vegetables, they soon began to continue cultivating the Heart Sutra of Jade Girl. With the experience of the last time, Li Mochou had to be more open this time. Perhaps he had made up his mind long ago. Cheng recovered his internal injuries and immediately got rid of Song Qingshu...

Although the eighth and ninth layers of the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra were very obscure and dangerous, with Song Qingshu on the sidelines, Li Mochou was astonishing all the way through her practice. She could even perceive that the injuries in her body were gradually recovering, and her heart was joyful and ecstatic. Uneasy: I'm finally going to do it...

There is a huge gap between the martial arts of the two. The reason why Li Mochou is so confident that she can kill Song Qingshu is because she made a seamless plan. The moment she regained her skills after training to become a Jade Girl Heart Sutra, she would deliberately disturb the body's breath, and then force a mouthful of blood, and the whole person would fall back, making the illusion that she was going to die.

When Song Qingshu was caught off guard, she would definitely come over and support herself subconsciously, because she was not covered in patches, the other party would definitely be absent on a blind date when she hugged herself, and that was her best mobile phone meeting.

Li Mochou took off her clothes, and there was no place on her body where she could put down a weapon. No one would have the slightest precaution to see her like this, but she just hid three life-saving ice souls in her hair. Silver needle.

These three poisonous needles are her last trump cards, and the poison on them is more than ten times stronger than the ordinary silver needles of the ice soul. No matter how high the enemy's martial arts, no one can escape.

Thinking that Song Qingshu was about to die in his own hands, Li Mochou suddenly felt a little sad for some reason. After all, this person had saved her life time and time again, but he was kindly avenged...

"Is my body good-looking?" Li Mochou sighed quietly as he looked at the man who was facing the blindfolded man.

Song Qingshu was startled, smiled and said, "It's a gift from heaven."

Li Mochou's face flushed, and he took a deep breath: "Then do you want to see more clearly?"

"Huh?" Song Qingshu tilted his head and said strangely, "What happened to you?"

"No," Li Mochou said lightly, "Is there something wrong with me, can't you see it yourself?"

Song Qingshu gave a wry smile: "I actually keep my eyes closed all the time."

Li Mochou sneered. Of course she didn't believe it: "Oh? So the son is still a gentleman."

Song Qingshu looked embarrassed: "Song did not dare to call himself a gentleman. In fact, he couldn't help but take a look at the beginning. Who knew that Fairy's body was a little too perfect. The true energy in my body surged uncontrollably, worried about the impact. I'll heal you and close it."

His tone was sincere and reasonable, and Li Mochou subconsciously believed him eight points. He was a little touched at first, but he suddenly thought that his body was still seen by him in the final analysis, killing him.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) when it rises again.

"One glance is to see, ten thousand eyes are also to see, you can take off the black cloth from your eyes." Li Mochou finally made a choice in his heart and said firmly.

She knew that her killing intention had been shaken, and with Song Qingshu's martial arts, once she hesitated to make a move, she would definitely not succeed. In order to make herself no retreat, she had no choice but to put her whole body in front of the other party, and then she would no longer have any reason to be soft-hearted.

"Well, I owe you kindness after all, so let you look at this innocent body before you die to make compensation." Li Mochou sighed secretly in his heart.

"Do you really want to remove the black cloth?" Song Qingshu's tone was full of unbelief.

"Take it." Li Mochou blushed and hummed.

Song Qingshu is not the kind of pedantic scholar. He has kept his eyes closed before and has done a clear conscience. Now that people actively agree to see him, he naturally has a clear conscience.

Even deep in Song Qingshu’s heart, I faintly felt that Li Mochou might have been moved by himself. After all, he was handsome and martial arts masters in the world. He saved her life several times. This time he had a relationship with her. It is normal for the skin to be secretive. How did he know that he had half-footed into the ghost gate.

Young Master Jinyi finally rushed to Xueyue Town. The spies from Xueyue Town greeted him and told all the news afterwards. I heard that Song Qingshu just went out to fetch the food and drink and hid in the room, and Li Mochou did it from beginning to end. Before coming out, Young Master Jinyi sneered again and again: "Lead the way, I want to see how happy he is."

If other women encounter this situation in this era, they will either turn around and leave, bury the matter in their hearts, pretending not to know; or wait outside, and slowly settle accounts when the man comes out...

The son of Jinyi was born with fiery and bold nature. He grew up in an environment that was not the hometown of Confucius and Mencius. He naturally didn't have too much worries. He rushed directly up, with the momentum of a modern woman after a thousand years of catching a junior.

Song Qingshu was staring at the beautiful scenery in front of him at this time, and he didn't notice for a while that Young Master Jinyi rushed straight to his room.

Li Mochou's cheeks were hot when he saw him, and he was ashamed and cruel in his heart: Look, see, you are about to die anyway, it is more convenient for me to start if you are so absent.

Realizing that the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra was about to be completed, Li Mochou was already brewing the infuriating qi of disguise and delusion and was about to launch the Ice Soul Silver Needle in his hair.

"The surname Song, you are so arrogant that you are worthy of Zhou Zhiruo, worthy of..." At a critical moment, the door of the room was kicked open, and a young man in Jinyi broke in.

Li Mochou was shocked. At this moment, he was not covered in any strands. Song Qingshu was forgiven for seeing him. The other party was kind to him, and he was about to die soon. But I never expected that another man saw his body!

Li Mochou's thoughts turned like lightning, and when he was about to take action, she temporarily changed her mind. The Ice Soul Silver Needle in her hair shot at Young Master Jin Yi mercilessly. Compared with Song Qingshu, she wanted to kill this sudden intruder at this moment. Strange man.

She was always ready to go. She was meant to deal with Song Qingshu, in order to kill with a single blow. This time she took a bitter shot, and the three Ice Soul Silver Needles went up three points faster than expected.

As soon as Young Master Jinyi entered the door, he only felt a flash of silver light, but before he could react, three highly poisonous silver needles had already arrived.

(End of this chapter)


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