Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 575: Two women in a play

As soon as Young Master Jinyi entered the door, he only felt a flash of silver light, but before he could react, three highly poisonous silver needles had already arrived. He originally came here to ask for a crime, who knew that a poisonous needle would shoot over as soon as he opened the door.

If it is normal, there are countless master guards around Mr. Jinyi. Although he can't react to such an attack, the masters around him can definitely stop it. But this time, considering that Song Qing and Li Mochou are hiding in the room, I don't know. There will be some unsightly scenes, Young Master Jinyi didn't bring a guard to accompany him, and chose to come in alone. Who knew he would be in such a situation where his life was hanging by a thread.

At this time, Song Qing also saw the appearance of Jinyi's son, and was shocked. The whole person was like an arrow from the string. The last hair came first, and he hugged Jinyi's son. Because the ice soul silver needle is too fast, Rao Yi Song Qing's light work was almost too late. At that moment, he had to use a very awkward and embarrassing posture, holding Young Master Jinyi and rolling on the ground with a donkey before avoiding the silver needle's attack.

They hugged each other and rolled on the ground for a few laps. Only then did Young Master Jin Yi react and push away the man who was pressing on him: "I can't get up yet?" Who knows that Song Qing is on his body because of the practice of Jade Girl's Heart Sutra. Without wearing any clothes, Young Master Jinyi's white hands just pressed against his chest, as if being scalded by boiling water, he quickly withdrew his hands.

"Shameless and indecent!" Young Master Jin Yi flushed, and Junxiu's face was as beautiful as a woman.

Song Qing got up awkwardly. At this time, she didn't have the time to explain, and hurried to help Li Mochou, and pulled up a thin blanket to wrap her vented spring. Guang: "How are you?"

While talking, he stretched out his fingers and touched her veins gently, frowning involuntarily, and the process of cultivating the Jade Female Heart Sutra was inherently dangerous and abnormal, so I couldn't resist the slightest interruption in the middle. When the little dragon girl was practicing this exercise, she was just gently brushed on her face by a branch, and she almost lost her jade, not to mention that Li Mochou suddenly violently shot her hands at the most critical juncture of her exercises, causing infuriating qi in her body. Retrograde, now the Zhen Qi in her body is running around, and her injuries are a bit more serious than before.

Li Mo vomited a mouthful of blood, he didn't seem to care about his injury, instead he stared at the Jinyi boy at the door fiercely: "Just leave me alone and kill him for me!"

If the body was seen by Song Qing, Li Mochou still had several reasons to comfort him, but if the young man in Jinyi saw her, she couldn't accept it anyway. Therefore, regardless of the severity of the injury, the first reaction was to let Song Qing go. Kill each other.

Young Master Jin Yi glanced at Song Qing, who was not wearing clothes, and then at Li Mochou who was wrapped in a blanket. He became annoyed for no reason, and snorted coldly, "Is this an adulterer and a woman, is this going to kill someone?"

Song Qing was one of the first two adults. Of course he understood why Li Mochou had to kill Young Master Jin Yi regardless of his injuries. He couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said to her: "In fact, this person doesn't need to be killed."

"He insults my innocence, why don't I need to kill!" Seeing Song Qing unmoved, Li Mochou gritted his teeth, struggling to get down from the police, "Okay, you don't kill, I kill!"

"Hmph, it looks like you're going to die at any time, it doesn't matter who kills who kills." Young Master Jin Yi was already very upset that Li Mochou and Song Qing were fooling around, but he was embarrassed by her sudden attack just now. Having already held back the evil fire, seeing her struggling to get down, she pulled out the sword in her sleeve unconvinced.

"Okay!" Song Qing hurriedly stood in front of the two of them, reached out and took off Young Master Jinyi's hat, and suddenly a black and beautiful hair fell on her shoulders like a waterfall.

Song Qing turned around and said to Li Mochou, "I see, she is a woman, and it doesn't matter if she sees your body."

Li Mochou couldn't help but stared, and looked at the other person carefully, only to see that her eyes were like autumn water, her eyebrows were as wide as daisies, Qiong nose and cherry lips, she was indeed a beautiful and incomparable beauty.

But the woman in Jinyi didn't take it for granted, holding the sword and rushing towards Li Mochou, Song Qing hurriedly stopped her: "Okay, haven't you had enough trouble?"

The woman in Jinyi was furious and coldly snorted: "You obviously made an appointment with me. After the Golden Snake camp, you will accompany me to the Blackwood Cliff. I will wait for you for more than a month, and finally wait for the news of your northbound journey. I will give you the news along the way. Prepare carefully, for fear of neglecting you. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly..."

The woman in Jinyi is naturally the princess Zhao Min of the Ruyang Palace in Mongolia. She was poisoned by Ping Yizhi's Three Corpse Brain Pill. Before detoxification, she dared to go back to Mongolia, and she deliberately kept her poisoning from the people around her. In Mongolia, all forces are secretly treacherous, and she has a special identity. She is worried that the poisoning will be spread out, which will become a means of attack by political opponents, and even make her subordinates feel strange in their lives.

So Zhao Min abandoned the left and right this time and asked Song Qing, an ‘outsider’, to accompany her to Heimuya to find the antidote. With the weird poison in her body, she can be said to be anxious, but Song Qing spent a month or two in the Golden Snake Camp, and finally heard the news of his going north, and hurriedly carefully arranged everything for him on the road.

Zhao Min is a very romantic person in her bones. After all, she temporarily put Song Qing together at the Golden Snake Conference. Although it was because she was the owner, she still had a trace of apology in her heart, so she prepared to treat Song Qing with enthusiasm along the way.

Zhao Min is the top smart woman in the world. She knew that if she appeared in front of Song Qing at first, Song Qing would probably think of some unpleasant things between the two, so she planned to treat him with such kind hospitality until Song Qing finally sees. By the time she arrives, she must be gone, and she will naturally do her best to help her find the antidote.

Who knows that people are not as good as the heavens, he actually has women walking along the way, first Mu Wanqing, then Li Mochou, thinking that the room he carefully prepared has become a love nest for him and other women to have fun, Zhao Min feels it An evil fire rushed in his stomach.

Song Qing glanced at the situation in the room and couldn't help but smile. Anyone who saw the situation of himself and Li Mochou would think about it.

While putting on the clothes, Song Qing explained: "Princess, you really misunderstood. Fairy Li and I are only practicing internal skills, and there is nothing wrong with them."

"Practicing?" Zhao Min naturally didn't believe it 10,000. "What nasty internal skills need to be practiced with men and women without clothes?"

Li Mochou was furious at once: "You are not allowed to insult my Tomb Sect, which is unparalleled."

"The mouth grows on me, the princess just said, if you have the ability, come and hit me." Zhao Min saw that Li Mochou was weak at this time and deliberately irritated her.

"You!" Li Mo was so sad that another blood spurted out, and his whole body suddenly became dying.

"Alright!" Song Qing hurriedly ran to Li Mochou's side, and while breathing in her body a breath of true energy, he said in a deep voice to Zhao Min, "Princess, do you know that we are just now practicing? At the most critical juncture, you suddenly broke in, causing Daochang Li to become confused. Her current situation may be difficult to treat."

Zhao Min couldn't help but startled. Although she said she wanted to kill her, she didn't mean it in her heart. Hearing that Li Mochou might not be able to survive, Zhao Min couldn't help but apologize, but he refused to admit: "Hmph, who made her want to kill me as soon as we meet, and she deserves it! "

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